' Saved by the Gang Leader '

By _angelstories98_

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Sometimes life plays weird games... Meet Angela Carper, a 18yold girl who lives in California with her uncle... More

Chapter 1: ' You're weird '
Chapter 2 : Crazy girl
Chapter 3: David !!!
Chapter 4: ' What the f*ck did just happened ?!?'
Chapter 5: 'You're coming with me'
Chapter 6: ' My life my rules '
Chapter 7: Pancakes !
Chapter 8: ' This is not gonna be good...'
Chapter 10: ' What did I just said..?!'
Chapter 11: ' Don't call me goodie-goodie !'
Chapter 12: ' Fro-yo '
Chapter 13: Touch her and I'll kill you!

Chapter 9: ' Do I care more than I thought ?'

4.8K 119 13
By _angelstories98_

Welcome to chapter 9 everyone ! I'm so grateful that you like my story so far !😊 Thank you all so much and...yeah. Enjoy

P.S There's a photo of Nadia (one of Angela's best friend) on the top.


Angela's POV

I woke up due to the sunlight coming through my window . I opened my eyes only to find out that I'm not in my bedroom.
-oh yeah-
Slowly I started remembering everything that happened yesterday...
-but how did I got up here ? I don't remember getting upstairs. !-
Wait... Grayson ! Now I remember ! It wasn't a dream he actually carried me. Omg he was so sweet....And strong and omg his cologne !!! Dear Lord I was dying !

"What are you doing here ?"
" What am I doing here ? What are YOU doing here ?"

I hear voices shout from downstairs. The one is Grayson but the other one I can't recognise...well actually it sounds familiar but..

So I decided to go downstairs to see..

"Where is Angela ? What did you do to her ?"

"David !?" It was actually David ! But what is he doing here ? And how the f*ck did he found me !?!

"Angela !" He says and then James and Adam who had grabbed him, released him and he then comes and huggs me tight. I would do it too if I wasn't in complete shock . How did he find me and why he was talking to Grayson like he knew him..?

"Angela ! Are you alright did they hurt you ?" He asks in concern
"No no I'm fine David I'm fine" I say and try to calm him down but I fail
"Come on I'm getting you out of here" he says by grabbing my hand in order to go out but he gets blocked by Adam and James who close the entrance with their body's and Grayson who gets his gun and points it directly on his forehead.
" Angela is going nowhere with you" he says in a rough tone
" Grayson No " I say and try to come close to him but David doesn't let me
" or else what Henderson ? Will you kill me ?" David says. What the heck ! What are you doing David !?!
" Don't try me Morales " Grayson then says to David" how does he know Davids last name...so they know each other ?!?
"Hey that's enough " I shout and release myself from David
"David go outside...I'll meet you there in a bit " i say and I can see that Grayson is not happy with what he heard
" No I'm not leaving you in.."
"David ! I'll be fine please wait for me outside "
"You're promising me that you'll come ?" He asks
"Yes I do...now go " I tell him and he finally leaves
I then turn in order to talk to Grayson but he speaks first
" so that was the 'David' you were talking about ?" He says
" yeahh he is an old friend and his is...well a little over protective " I say
" an old friend huh...well that's not how I would describe him " he says
" What do you mean ?" I say confused
" oh you know what I mean...after all you're the one who chose to leave with him " he says
" and what did you expected me to do huh ? You two were ready to kill each other and honestly I don't know why...And after all you told that I was gonna stay here only for a night and then I could leave ! Am I right or not ?" I say and he doesn't reply
" Anyway...I just wanted to say 'thank you' for your help and...yeah that...bye' I say and grabb my bag in order to leave. I didn't know what else to say to him anyways...

"It was nice to have you here crazy girl " Adam says before I exit the door and I just give him a smile

I see David waiting outside his car and when I get there I see him exchange a weird look with Grayson before he closes the door.

I then got into the car and he speeded away.

"What the f*ck Angela what were you doing on that guys house ?" David says as soon as he starts the car .

" David...ahh I'm...Well it's complicated "
" then explain it to me I have time "
" well..." I had to tell him the truth besides I didn't have an excuse...

"Grayson was trying just to help" I finally say
" help ! Help !? I remind you that he is the reason that all of this happened . But I don't understand !!! How did you trusted him ? Grayson Henderson is dangerous and...."
"Wait how do you know his name ? And honestly..do you know him ? Cause at the house it seemed like you two knew each other."
I say and he doesn't talk..
"David !"
" yeah I know him.. My dad is Alan Henderson's biggest compete. I first met Grayson when we were little and since then we hated each others guts. Grayson and his stupid gang have destroyed my dad's plans many times . That son of a b*tch hasn't paid for what he has done to my family ."
" David I...I didn't know " i had no idea of it. Well I remember David telling me about someone who hates, someone who is destroying his family but I didn't know he was talking about him..

" that's why I don't want you near him. If he ever trys to contact you again just call me and I'll be there to help you"
I didn't know what to say I was confused. Those things that David just told me created a different view of Grayson to me. But...I don't know, is it true ? Is Grayson a cruel , dangerous gang leader ? I mean he is dangerous I have seen it I have felt it...But I have also felt a, lets say ,a little less harsh side.

"Please Angela promise me you'll never meet him again " he asks and I don't know what to answer. I'm so freaking confused !!!!
" Angela !!"
"Ok ok fine I promise "
"Great and now let's take you home"
"Uhm David ?"
"How did you know where I was ?" I ask him and I can see him tense..he surely didn't expect my question. Seriously..?
"Uhm I went from your house and your aunt told me you were at Nadias house so I decided to come and greet also Nadia. But when I got there she froze and told me that you told her that you were with me."
"Omg did you told her that you weren't with me ?"
"No..well I tried to cover it as much as I could but I don't know if she bought it"
Great now I have to worry about her too..But wait he didn't answer my question !
I was going to ask him again but his phone started ringing..

"Like now ?"
"I'm with Angela"
"Ok fine I'm coming"

He says and closes the phone.
"Who was it ?" I ask
"My father. You have greetings by the way"
"He wants me to meet him at the company something like a meeting.."

After a while we arrived at my house.
I tried to leave David's car but he stopped me
"Remember you promised me" he says
" yeah I know " i say in an 'annoyed ' tone honestly I was just wanted him to see that I'm fine. He then leaned closer to me, he wanted to kiss me...But as soon as his lips were an inch from mine I pulled away..

"Uhm thanks again David I see you later" I say and leave his car
" send my greetings to your dad too" I say before he speeds away

What did I just do !? Why didn't I Iet him kiss me ? Why I pulled myself away..!? What is wrong with me !?!

I opened the door to my house only to get attacked by my aunt.

"Angela !! Where the hell have you been ? I'm calling you since yesterday why haven't you answered my calls ?" She says and I then remember not only that my phone shutted down but that I also have left it at Graysons house. Great..

" I..I lost it " I finally managed to say
"You lost it ? How ? And again why couldn't you give me a call from Nadias phone ?"
"Uhm I didn't think about it...I'm sorry aunt Carol. Did unce Bil said anything ?"
" no, he didn't understood a thing. And I know that your sorry honey but you have no idea how much you scared me" only if she knew...
"That's why you're grounded for this week now go to your room"
"I'm grounded but why ? I.."
"To your room I said" she says and at this point I know I won't win the conversation so I just got upstairs in my room.

I threw myself in my bed and stayed there for I don't even remember how long. Until I hear a knock at my door..

"Come on in" I say without looking at who's coming "
"Angela Carper you better get up and tell me what happened last night !" I hear Nadias voice telling me and I jump on top of her in order to shut her mouth
"Shhh" I tell her
"Don't shhh me " she says
"Shh Nadia please ! I'll tell you"
"And don't you try to assure me about you being with David because I know you weren't " she says
"What ? How...did David told you that we weren't together ?" I say In panic
"No, you did right now "
"F*ck" I just realised I did the stupidest thing ever
"And by the way how did you pass my aunt since she knows that we were together until some hours ago ?" I ask her
" I told her that you forgot your jacket at my house and I brought it back to you " she says.
"Now will you tell me what really happened yesterday ?" She says and at this point I don't think I have another choice. Plus I need my best friends opinion so..
"Ok here's the thing.."
I started telling her everything that had happened between me and Grayson. She already knew something about the first time we met but she didn't know the whole story. When I ended up she wasn't looking shocked I would describe her more like focused...like she was trying to understand what is happening. Good luck with that ..!

" so ?" I say trying to hear her opinion
" well honestly I don't know what to say . Those things that had happened to you are pretty crazy Angela..But if you want my opinion on Grayson I would say that he seems a good guy. I mean don't get me wrong I know he is in a gang and he is dangerous but from what I heard it seems like he cares about you " honestly listening to those things from Nadia is so relaxing.

Nadia is much more experienced with 'boy situations' than me and most of the times when she says something she is 99% correct. You see Nadia is your usual 'bitch' in a good way always. She is 5'10 with long dark hair, dark green eyes and a sassy attitude, I guess you undertand why we are friends now... She has changed a lot of 'boyfriend's ' if I can even call them boyfriend's since her longest 'relationship ' lasted 2 months. That was until she found true love into Alex. I couldn't be happier for her, but as I said she is the master here not me so her opinion matters a lot to me.

" I don't know...since I heard what David told me I'm soo confused.." I say and then she gives me a warm hugg.

"There's also another thing" I say
" What ?" She asks
"Uhm. .today when David brought me back home. ..."
"He tried to kiss me...And I backed up. I have no idea why I did this. I mean after all those years my crush finally kisses me and shows me that he likes me and when he trys to kiss me again I back up ?! What is wrong with me? " I say with watery eyes. I have lost the control that's for sure.
" Hey hey relax " she says while She huggs me again
" can I ask you something ?" She says
"Yeah "
"When he kissed you the first time, how did that felt ?"
"It was...great i guess " I say
" And it brought back feelings ?" She adds
"Yeah...I think "
"Aha. And today when he tried to kiss you how did you felt ? Did you felt the same way?"
"Well...actually no" I admit. Where is she going with this ?
" And how did you felt ?"
" I.. I don't know . It just felt wrong ! I don't know why ! It almost felt like I was betraying..."
"Grayson !?" She finishes my sentence
" What ?" I say
" have you thought that your feelings about David changed after Grayson got into your life ?"
That actually put me into thoughts . Do I care about Grayson more than I thought .
" do you think that I like Grayson..?" I then ask her
"I don't know if you like him...I mean really like him. It might also be just an enthousiasm of the moment. Besides it's your first 'bad boy' experience. Trust me I know how that feels ." She says and I honestly don't know how to feel right now
"but don't worry your bff Nadia Is going to be here for you " she says and I hugg her

She stayed with me the whole day. She made me feel so much better , I love her so much.

The next day since it was Sunday I decided to stay in and don't do anything. I needed some rest after all that, and since i didn't have a phone anymore I took my laptop and was using it the whole day. I'm an internet addict yeah I know...
I talked a bit with Nadia, Alex and Jenna. David tried to call me sometimes but I wasn't feeling ready to talk to him yet so I just texted him that I wasn't feeling well.
And that's pretty much how my day went..


Monday mornings are the best aren't they ?....Hahaha Ahhh I'm so funny sometimes don't I ..? Oh well I have to get ready for my day though.

I took a quick shower and did my makeup. I was too bored to do anything with my hair so I just put on a grey beany . I wore a pair of dark red jeans , a grey warm long sleeved shirt ,cause it was kinda chilly outside today ,and i paired with my dark blue vans.

I got downstairs and checked my watch..

"I'm late !" What a surprise
"Goodmorning and goodbye " I say to my aunt and uncle who were having their breakfast
" Wait Angela won't you get breakfast ?" I hear my uncle say to me
" I'm late uncle Bil " I say
" I'll just eat this cereal bar, see you later " i said and tried to leave
" you'll come right here after school right Angie dear ?" I hear my aunt say. Yeah aunt Carol I'm grounded i got that . It might look stupid for a 18 yold to get grounded but that's just how my aunt/uncle work and as long as I'm under the same rough with them I have to follow their rules.

I met with Jenna outside who by the way I haven't seen since Friday. She told me she wasn't feeling well that's why she left that day without saying anything. Well who knows how things would end up if she hadn't left. Oh well...


Honestly I think that Monday's are as disgusting for us as they are for teachers. I thought that with school I might made myself forget all those things that bother me but teachers made lessons so freaking boring today that made my situation even worse .

Finally we're over !!! I got outside to breath some fresh air until the others come and as it seems their teacher is keeping them inside . Why?
-Oh well I'll just wait for them-
I got at the parking lot to wait them at Jennas car when I saw the only thing I wasn't expecting to see..

" Grayson..?"


Well hello there ! New chapter everyone ! What do you think ? Do you like it ? Please tell me your opinion !
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