Old School Love - z.m

By meykemalik

53.7K 1.4K 366

*COMPLETED* Old school love... is that too much to ask? Just two kids being in love with each other, dreamin... More

Old School Love [1D & 5SOS fanfic]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven

Chapter Twelve

1.1K 37 19
By meykemalik



Australia, Australiaaaaaaa. Be prepared you huge island, because this clumsy girl is on her way to be… uhm… clumsy in Australia?

“Flight 705 to Hong Kong, China is ready to board. Flight 705 to Hong Kong, China is ready to board” some female voice sounds through the speakers.

Yes I’m flying to Hong Kong, it’s just to make some kind of pit stop, they just don’t fly straight to Sydney.

I hand the really happy looking, cough cough, women my ticket and passport. She looks at in for like 0.67 seconds and roughly hands it back to me.

Let’s see, seat 24A, a window seat, NICE. I LOVE looking out of the window, see the world get smaller and smaller each second. But when were above the clouds it gets bored, and I don’t care anymore. Oh well, I just hope we get some good food.

“No Ashton, poo face. That’s my seat” I hear an Australian boy say, as I turn towards him. I see a couple of boys standing there. Two weird ones, and two pretty cute ones. The Asian one, and pink haired one are the two weird ones, but then we have a blonde one and the one with the cute little curls. Yeah, they’re cute.

“Hello there” the blonde one says to, I guess, me, while he sits down next to me.


“I’m Luke” he says with his cute Australian accent.

“I’m Emily”

“Well, I guess we’re stuck to each other the upcoming hours”

“I guess we are”

Good conversation little Australian boy.


So this Luke boy is seventeen, and has his own band? How cool is that? He just went to London to record their debut album. When I was seventeen I was just being a horrible teen, busy with school, friends… and yes, boys, they’re still interesting. Oh well, I was just being a normal teen, but nope, not this boy.

“So you fly all the way to Australia to study?” Luke asks me.

“Yup, I’m going to take a look at the way of teaching, teach, study, and enjoy Australia”

“Cool, maybe you get to teach Ashton’s little brother”

Oh for those who didn’t know, Ashton is the curly one. Michael is the pink haired one. And Calum the Asian one who isn’t Asian but just looks Asian. Pretty weird if you’d ask me.



Urgh, she's pretty. So, I've said it! Gosh, I'm so happy I got this seat. Thanks boys.

"Psssst Lukey" Ashton whispers when Emily got up and went to the toilet.



"Oh no. No. NO! Don't start it Ashton. You guys wanted me to get this seat so hands off my perfect seat. We are not switching"

"I didn't want to switch"

"Believe me, you want to, you really want to"

"I just said she's-..."

"Shut it Fletcher"

"Fine... Alexander"


"Guys... Can I get to my seat?" Emily asks standing next to Ashton.

"Sure" Ashton says being a good boy.

I don't mind him calling her cute, but it's just everything that will happen. Before we left the boys started nagging about who wanted to sit next to a stranger, turned out no one wanted that. But yeah, we had one stranger seat. So we decided to fight it out like real man... With rock paper scissors. And we can conclude that that game isn't really my game...  So I lost, but now I'm sitting next to Emily, who happens to be super cute, sweet funny and just as weird as us. So I also kind of won. Pee on you boys.



Gosh Luke, you are a hell of a cute boy. I mean look at him, his blue eyes and blonde hair, his cute little smile. He's not a certain someone I haven’t thought of in a long time, but he's cute.

But now I'm thinking of that someone I haven't seen or spoken with in five fucking months... I still don't know what that weird feeling was, and even a bit is, when I think about him. I know I'm not in love with him, because I know how that feels, but I do have a certain feeling for him. I just don’t know what, and why. Life sucks. Boys suck.

I still wonder why he didn't called me or texted me. He kissed me back, you don't just do that to a random person, I guess. Oh well, let's just not think about him, and focus on Luke, Australia and my study, that'd be a smart idea.



Hi Emily,

Have you ever seen that chick flick about that couple who only talked by mail? He wrote a letter to a girl he liked but messed up with the address, it ended up with another girl. She wrote him back, and after loads of letters and a couple of years they decided to meet each other, and just felt in love right away...


I tear my eighth letter into pieces and throw the pencil across the room. 

I'm such a fucking loser. I write all these letters, and she doesn't even get them. I AM SO STUPID. URGH. I hate that fucking movie, and this fucking tour, and Emily...

We haven't spoken to each other for over five months, I should just accept that I'm stupid and that this isn't going to work like that stupid movie. I should've known the first time I send her a letter, and got it send back.

"Dude, Zayn, what's up man" Liam asks me walking into the tour bus.

"Nothing" I lie.

"Zayn, common. It's obvious there is something bothering you. Look at all the paper on the ground"

I know I should just tell him, but I'm the kind of person who shows his feelings to everyone. It was easy with Emily. Why? I have no clue.


"Remember that girl from the O2?"

"Yeah, Emily, am I right?"


"My boy Zayn likes a girl?"



"URGH, LIAM I DON'T KNOW. I mean I think about her a lot, but I don't think in in love with her. I haven't seen her or spoke to her in five months, she probably already forgot about me"

"Then call her, make sure she doesn't forget you"

"Liam I can't do that, I just can't..."

"Fine then keep writing letters, and just never send them, but make sure you clean all this mess" Liam, being the stupid dad, says and walks away.

Liam just doesn't get it. Neither do I, but that's just different.



Meeeeh this flight is taking way to long. The fact that I have to go back to England someday and have another way to long flights kills me, and makes me want stay in Australia.

"Emily, want something to drink?" Luke asks me while a flight attendant is walking by with a little drink car thing.

"No, I'm fine, thanks" I say looking at Luke.

"Really? We don't want you to die"

"I'm fine, Luke"

This boy has such an... interesting face. I don't know why, but it's just interesting, and fascinating.

"Luke, can I make a picture of you?" I ask while he gets his drink.

"You what?"

"Take a picture of you?"


"I'm just going to do it" I say snapping a picture of him with a serious look on his face, with my phone.

"Emily, it would mean so much to me if you told me why you just did that"

"I'm going to make a drawing of you. Your face is fascinating and pretty interesting"

"Thank you" he says blushing.

Ah cutie, don't blush because I say your face is fascinating, because weird, or ugly looking people can also have a fascinating face. It's good you're not weird or ugly looking, because you're cute.

I put my earphones in, play some Passenger music, and start drawing.

This kind of music always makes me relaxed. I don't know if its passengers voice, the lyrics, or the melodies, but it just relaxes me.


"Wow, Emily, that's beautiful" Luke says pulling on of my earphones out.

"Meh, you're hard to draw"

"It looks really much alike"

"No, look, your eyes are more open, and your ear is different"

"Yeah, but a non-artistic person doesn't see that, and now you've said it... I still don't see it"

"I've done better than this"

"So? I love it, and I am going to snap a picture of it"

"Here, it's yours" I hand him the paper letting out a yawn.

"You should go to sleep"

"Not tired"

Lie Emily, you are fucking tired, but you just don't like it when people can look at you while you sleep.

"Sush and go take a nap, I won't look at you, promise"

"Urgh, fine"



"Urgh, fine" Emily says, sits different and closes her eyes.

I can't believe she said that her drawing wasn't perfect, because it is. I think if I'd hold it in front of my 'fascinating' and 'interesting' face, the boys wouldn't even notice.

Oh well, I'm going to keep this, I don't care what Emily says, it's beautiful.

It doesn't take her long to fall asleep. Her head end up on my shoulder, as she smiles weakly. Yup, she's cute.


meh i'm cold, and i should study, but I'm tired, and cold and lazy. I just want to write, sleep, eat, listen to music and annoy my cat meh..... 

oh well, lets just study and drink tea, good idea, i know thank you BYE<3

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