Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of...

By Wingerz17

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"Everyone has scars, just not all of them can be seen" 12 months is only a short period of time to heal. A sh... More

Chapter 1: Sector One
Chapter 2: Aired Voices
Chapter 3: Judgement
Chapter 4: Flirtatious
Chapter 5: Flew The Nest
Chapter 6: Fools Gold
Chapter 7: Red Paint
Chapter 8: England
Chapter 9: Model Me
Chapter 10: Felling The Forrest
Chapter 11: Mirage Intoxication
Chapter 12: Night Drama
Chapter 13: Beneath The Stars
Chapter 14: Cool
Chapter 15: Crying Skies
Chapter 16: I'm An Animal
Chapter 17: Feeding the Giants
Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 19: Down Below
Chapter 20: Back Again
Chapter 22: Fried Chicken
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Lock Down
Chapter 25: New Faces
Chapter 26: Little Digs
Chapter 27: Unrecognisable
Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains
Chapter 29: Pumping Veins
Chapter 30: Lap Of Luxury
Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas
Chapter 32: False Looks
Chapter 33: Flat Tyres
Chapter 34: Night Wonders
Chapter 35: Take A Breath
Chapter 36: Days Like This
Chapter 37: Say Goodbye
Chapter 38: Skyline
Chapter 39: Blown
Chapter 40: Last Breath
Chapter 41: Mended Tears
Chapter 42: Broken Wings
Chapter 43: Complications

Chapter 21: Cold Turkey

35 1 0
By Wingerz17

Olly Murs - Grow Up (Song for Chapter)

So let's just all pretend it's Friday today and not Sunday.

So sorry I didn't update on Friday!

This chapter will hopefully make up for it!

Dedicated to: My little Gibbo Xhaka aka Sarah Irwin. I love you so much honey, stay beautiful, stay amazing! Mwah xxx


Chapter 21: Cold Turkey

"Are you two lazy bones up yet?" Noah shouted,

"No, 5 more minutes" We called back, he then came storming into the room,

"Get up now" we glared at him, "Get up now please" he then tried and we laughed.

"Why do we have to get up?" Tayte asked,

"We're going to the carvery for Sunday lunch"

"Okay, but it's only midday" I said,

"Mum booked the table for 1pm so yeah, hurry up" I groaned and pulled the duvet over my head, "If you're not downstairs in half hour, Mum will be up, so I've given you the warning" he said and ran off.

"I don't feel like dealing with Rhina. So I think we should get up" Tayte said,

"2 more minutes" I whispered, pulling him under the covers.


"Can I say something constructive" I said, we were in the car on our way to The Carvery Brothers,

"Of course" Dad said,

"Next time you plan on taking us somewhere, wherever that may be, or whatever it may be for. Do you think you can pre warn us?"

"I think we can manage that" Mum laughed.

"Because Keane and Tayte love their sleep so much" Noah said, "I don't think you were doing much sleeping last night"

"If you say anymore I am going to throw you out of this car, whilst it's still moving"

"Your only getting tetchy because you know it's true"

"Noah, you may be my brother and I love you very much, but that won't stop me from severely injuring you to the point of death"

"Mummy are you listening to what he's saying to me?" Noah gasped,

"You bought it on yourself" She said,

"Excuse me, your meant to side with the youngest, not the oldest"

"You're not the youngest" Tayte said,

"I am the youngest person here right now" He said, I just smiled, "Angelo do something, don't let him talk to me like that"

"Sorry bubs, but you're not fully in my good books yet either," Noah huffed at that response, crossing his arms,

"You guys are so mean to me" he said smiling. The journey continued in silence until we pulled up in the car park,

"The last time I went to this carvery was for Wendall's 14th Birthday" Tayte said,

"Oh my God" I laughed, "It so was, I still can't believe he wanted to go for a carvery for his birthday party"

"That was 10 years ago" Noah said, "Wow, you are so old"

"For someone who is walking a thin wire, you aren't behaving like it" he grinned,

"Sorry" He said winking, we all got out and headed in, "So has it changed much you oldies?" I lunged for him and he squealed, as I got him in a headlock he couldn't get out of, "KEANE"

"Table for 6?" the women asked looking at Noah and I,

"Yes please" Mum said, she nodded curtly and told us to follow her, we did just that, I was pulling Noah along with me, "Keane I think you should let go now" Dad just laughed,

"I will be back in a minute to take your drinks order" she said, looking at Noah and I again strangely before walking off. I let Noah go, he shoved me away playfully,

"Bitch" he said,

"Jerk" I replied grinning. Our parents just rolled their eyes at us. Tayte and Angelo were laughing. True to her word she came back a few minutes later,

"We're good now" Noah said, she nodded not sure what to say,

"Um...can I take your drinks order?"

"Two strawberry and lime ciders please" Tayte said,

"Ice lemon tea and pear cider please" Angelo said,

"Keane we have them so well trained" Noah said, I shook my head smiling,

"You just can't help yourself can you?" I said,

"Not one bit"

"Can I have a glass of prosecco please" Mum said,

"A pint of your finest" Dad then finished,

"Of course and you may go up and help yourself whenever you are ready" and then she darted off in a hurry,

"I bet she wished she didn't have to deal with us" Noah said, "I wonder why that was?"

"Don't ever change peach" Mum told Noah, "Don't ever change"


The waitress who we found to be called Mila had bought our drinks over and we had all left the table to get our carvery,

"Turkey, gammon, beef or pork, decisions, decisions" Noah said,

"Babe, if you get two I'll get the other two and we can share" Tayte said,

"I like your way of thinking" I replied,

"Angelo, we're doing that too" Noah said,

"Yes boss"

Our plates were stacked full and Noah's was drowned in gravy, more so because he said his turkey was cold, but really it was because he loved gravy so much he'd drink it as juice if he was allowed.

"I can see why your friend Wendall wanted his birthday here" Noah said,

"I wonder what he's doing right now" I asked,

"We've got our 10 year reunion in 2 years, so I guess we'll find out then" Tayte answered,

"I told you I wasn't going to that" I said,

"Well tough, you are going, even if I have to drag you there screaming"

"You are all so violent today" Mum said,

"It's a daily thing Mum" Noah said in a 'duh' voice,

The rest of the lunch was lovely, the chat ever constant and laughter filled the intervals, basically we were the life and soul of the place and it definitely needed livening up. It had just gone 3.30pm when we'd left all at bursting point,

"I feel like I either need a sleep or a walk" Angelo said,

"I like the sleep part" I said,

"You would," Noah teased,

"Maybe we can go for a short walk?" Mum said, we all, apart from Dad, glared at Angelo, who made the 'oops' face,

"Honey I don't think they want too" Dad said,

"No, it's okay, as long as it's only short and doesn't turn out to be 3 hours long" Tayte said, I laughed,

"We'll do the 2 mile trail, the one that takes you around the abandoned church" Mum offered,

"Yeah, that church is cool" Noah said,

So it was agreed.

Noah's POV

"Can I go and explore?" I asked, "I'll be careful"

"We'll go with him" Keane said,

"Watch yourself in there, we'll be sat on the bench in the clearing okay"

"Yes, we won't be too long" I said running off, only to be shouted at by none other than my big brother,

"Noah wait. Jeez, you really are a little kid"

"And you really are an old man" I called laughing.

The church was incredible, most of the infrastructure was still there, it was just overgrown, eerie and abandoned. The best part was still the stained glass window, even though it was partly smashed,

"It's actually kind of sad that this is here abandoned" Tayte said,

"It really is, something of this beauty and worth just left" Keane agree,

"Who owns it?" I asked,

"Probably the government if it's just been left like this" Angelo said,

"Stupid government" I said, everyone smiled, "I want to do it up and get married here"

"What are you saying bubs?" Angelo teased, I grinned and didn't respond,

"It would be an amazing spot to get married" Keane said,

"One day" Tayte answered,


We got home at 5.30pm, the walk was definitely good for us,

"I have a plan" I announced to everyone sat on the sofas, "Family movie night"

"As long as you aren't choosing then fine" Keane said,

"Meanie, but deal"

"I think it's a wonderful idea" Mum beamed,

"If we can all decide on a film" Dad added,

"How about we say everyone seated and ready in here for 7.30pm?" Mum said, "Then we will decide"

We all agreed and then went about to do our own thing. I lounged on Keane and Tayte's bed, chatting to them whilst Angelo was on the phone to someone who wasn't his Mum or sister, I didn't want to intrude,

"Who's he talking too?" Tayte asked,

"No clue..." I replied,

"Are you curious?" Keane asked,

"No" I lied,

"Don't lie to me" he said,

"When I left he seemed really deep in conversation,"

"Bub, he had a life before he met us you know. He's probably got loads of friends and what not he could be talking too"

"I know, I know..." I then flicked the TV on to end the conversation. So we sat in silence until Keane got up, "What's wrong?" I asked,

"Just a banging headache that won't go away" he replied leaving the room, I looked at Tayte,

"Is that all it is?" I asked once I heard him head down the stairs,

"Keane is doing okay" he said,

"What about yesterday?"

"He was just feeling faint"

"You two can't protect me forever" I said,

"We're not protecting you"

"It's all you do. You protect me from everything"

"Because we love you and it's my job" Keane said coming into the room,

"And I love you both very much. But your job isn't to protect me"

"I'm afraid it is" Keane replied, sitting on the bed, before I could say any more Angelo knocked and came in,

"Sorry I took so long. Tommy could talk the hind legs off a donkey" Angelo said, Keane and Tayte looked at me, I didn't meet their gaze, "Tommy is my cousin" Angelo then said, as if he could feel the tense atmosphere,

"Is everything okay?" I asked,

"You were jealous weren't you? You thought Tommy was..."

"I wasn't and I'm not jealous" I said,

"Do you smell that Tayte?" Keane said,

"Fuck off Keane" I smiled,

"Baby, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I have eyes for you and you only" Angelo told me.


Tayte's POV

I was watching Keane and thinking that this so called 'headache' was more than what met the eye,

"If it's really bad we won't go down, we'll just stay and chill in bed" I said,

"It'll go" he told me as he was led on his stomach, arms wrapped under and around the pillow,

"Well from where I am you aren't looking too good"

"Well move to a better angle then" he retorted,

"Don't get sassy with me" I told him,

"Who's getting sassy? I think I gave you a fair response" he muttered,

"If you're going to be like this I'm not letting you go downstairs and spoil the evening" I said,

"Be like what? I'm going to get some air" he answered,

"I think that's a good idea, hopefully it'll clear your head," he made a face at me,

"Are you coming?" he asked,

"Of course, with you in this mood who knows what you'll do"

"Oh you are just hilarious" he responded getting up, I followed him out of the room,

"We're going for a walk, be back shortly" I told Noah who met us at the bottom of the stairs, he looked at us carefully,

"Quit staring, you aren't going to suddenly realise something" Keane said walking off,

"Ignore him, he's not in the best mood" I said.

Arlo's POV

"He doesn't look very happy"

"I think he's in pain" I answered,

"And you can tell that just by looking at him"

"He's my brother, I can tell"

"Why don't you go and say hi?"

"Oh and say what exactly! I'm not allowed to approach, I just have to watch and observe"

"So what if something happens to him or Noah, or even Tayte? If they get attacked or kidnapped, would you step in then?"

"Of course, I wouldn't let anything happen to them" I replied,

"Okay then," my best friend and partner opened the car door,

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Making you save them" he winked and ran off. Oh I was going to kill him, I ripped open my door and tore after.

Keane's POV

"Is the fresh air working?" Tayte asked,

"Let me get back to you on that one" I answered and then suddenly before Tayte or I could react, I was bowled to the ground and punched in the face, whoever was on top of me was suddenly dragged off,

"Keane" Tayte said, there was anger in his voice, "Are you okay?" he pulled me up and I wiped a bit of blood from my mouth,

"What the actual fuck" I snapped,

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" this guy said to me, he looked familiar somehow and I looked somewhat like him, he was restraining the guy who'd just punched me,

"Do I know you?" I asked, his eyes flicked away from mine for a second before he said,

"No, maybe you've got the wrong person"

"Let me at him, I want to hit him again" restrained guy said,

"You can try, you won't catch me off guard again" I snapped,

"I suggest you leave," Tayte said, "Before I let Keane beat the shit out of you"

"My apologies, I'll sort him out" the guy who I recognised said, dragging him off,

"What's your name?" I asked looking at him, " look so familiar," he looked at me and then pulled his guy away,

"Nice meeting you" the guy who punched me shouted,

"That was karma, but if I ever see him again I will kick his ass" Tayte said,

"He was guy who gave me the envelope at the Ritz" I said, we both turned around, but they'd gone.

Arlo's POV

"So that went well"

"What the hell?" I snapped, "Seriously, that was idiotic"

"You got to talk to him didn't you?"

"That doesn't matter. You hit him" I said,

"Well I knew you'd stop me and get to talk to him"

"He recognised me though and not just from the Ritz"

"You say that like it's a bad thing. Why doesn't your Mum just tell them? Why don't you just join them instead of being their guardian Angel in the shadows?"

"She can't right now and there's too much at stake, things are about to blow up so..."

"Arlo you're my best friend and I hate seeing you like this"

"Things will turn out in the end and if they don't, then it isn't the end"

Tayte's POV

"He hit you good didn't he" I said,

"What was he doing here?" Keane replied as we headed indoors, he was taking things surprisingly well.

"I don't know" I answered truthfully,

"What happened to your face?" Mum asked as we entered the sitting room,

"Someone hit me and then this guy pulled him off. He was from...never mind. He just looked familiar"

"Go and sit down, I'll get you an ice pack" she told him, but I could sense just as he did, that there was something on her mind as she disappeared out of the room,

"Who hurt you?" Noah asked running into the room and jumping next to Keane on the sofa,

"No one we know. It was a set up anyway" Keane said,

"What do you mean a set up?" Noah asked,

"Yes, what do you mean?" I added,

"The one who tackled and punched me, did it in order for his friend to pull him off and speak to me"

"And why would he do that?" Noah asked,

"I don't know, I'm not a detective"

"Has your headache gone?" I asked, not wanting to press him any further,

"It went round about the time I was punched in the face" he said, Noah hid a smile as Rhina came back in 5 minutes later,

"Here you are" she said handing Keane an ice pack,

"Did you go and speak to him?" Keane said, Rhina looked at him,

"Speak with who?"

"Don't play dumb, you had slippers on when you said you were going to get me an icepack, now you have your shoes on and raindrops on your jumper because it's drizzling outside,"

"And you said you weren't a detective" Noah and I mumbled, he just glared at us,

"I went outside to see if he was still there, but he wasn't"

"When you stop lying to me, I'll stop lying to you" Keane said as Joey walked in,

"What's going on?" he asked,

"Ask Mum" Keane told him flicking the TV on,

"I'm choosing the film Keane,"

"No way in hell are you," he told Noah, as Rhina and Joey left the room,

"Ya huh, I am" Noah retorted back. I watched Keane, as much as he wanted to pretend he was fine, I could see straight through him.


So there you are. Mysterious Arlo reappears, Rhina acting suspicious and Noah being his usual self!

Unedited: Will get on that ASAP

Next Update: Lets go for next Thursday or Friday

Big Love


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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