Alpha's Redemption

By NaughtyRosie

1.7M 40.5K 4.9K

*Mature* "I crave your submission." he said eyes moving down to my parted lips as my breathing deepened. "Whe... More

Alpha's Redemption(Edited)
2: Surprises and Encounters (Edited)
3. First Day(Edited)
4. Guilty Pleasures(edited)
5. Because I Said So
6. Demons of the past
7. Tempting Him
8. Punishment
9. Her Lady Parts
Private Chapter Nine
10. Complications
12. Dominant Jerk
13. Death Wish
14. Max
15. Say What?!
16: Testosterone Overload
17. Old Acquaintances
18. Lost and Found Memories
19. Uncertainties

11. Confrontations

67.3K 1.7K 166
By NaughtyRosie

Updated!! Slightly later than I thought but

       *°*°*DID NOT EDIT, SORRY.*°*°*

"He has a wife. He even has a fµckin kid!" I scream slamming the closest stall door with my fist.

I slowly look up to have my eyes collide with a pair of baby blue and fiery red hair. The same silicon blonde I'd seen in the elevator on my way up yesterday. And judging from the widely placed smile on her stuffed cheeks that rivaled the Grinch, I was going to regret whatever was coming from her lips next.

"Screwing your new boss on the second day are you? And don't bother denying it, any woman with eyes can tell when your parading around from his office with your clothes half falling off." She didn't disappoint.

                Chapter Eleven

     She was practically beaming with joy as she watched my stunned expression. I try to compose my raging thoughts as she wrapped her hands under her giant tïts making them bulge up even more than before.  She shifted her weight towards the right, balancing on her six inch black stilettos, eyes trained and watching me like a hawk. The first survival instinct that runs through my recovering brain other than a ton of profanities was-
Don't let her see you squirm.

Because if there's anything I've learned from all the animal planet shows I was subjected to watch while in the hospital. Its never, make the predator think they have you cornered, even if they do. Cause that just leads to a messy case where you end up dinner with no hope of escape.

I close my eyes, and take a slow deep breath, calming my racing heart and thoughts. At least trying to. I pull myself up, adjusting my dress before slowly making my way to the sink, effectively ignoring her.

  "Well?" She asked, as I looked up just as oversized and glossed red lips slowly grow into a million dollar smirk in the mirror.

"Well, what?" I sigh, lazily shifting and adjusting my clothes and hair, all the while keeping a nonchalant look. Inside on the other hand, I was going insane with panic.

"Don't play dumb Desiree. We both know your future in this company and anywhere else outside these walls is trash if I let loose what I know." She said, eyes narrowing to slits.

"Don't!" I blurt eyes colliding with hers in the mirror. The second the words left my lips I regretted them. I'd just given her leverage over me. Given her power and control by admitting she could ruin me by choice if she dared.

I spin around to face her, intending to cover up my blunder. "I-I mean, if you do that Max won't forgive you. And I'd loose my job not to mention given a bad name by the media. So...don't.?" My voice squeaked in the end making it come out as a question. Aaaand that my friends is why I am not a lawyer.

-Way to cover up Desiree. You just gave her more ammunition to fry your asš you dumbass!
-Shut up brain! I can't think!

  If I thought the grin on her face was big before, it was humongous now. She let out a light laugh, moving in soft circles around me. A look of disgust crossed her features as her eyes roamed my frame like a lionness observing it's meal before pounding in for the kill.

"Oh Maxwell would forgive me sweetheart. My family holds almost a quarter of the stocks in this company. You do know how big this company is right? At least I would assume your tiny brain has done some research. Now, a quarter of that is allot to loose. He wouldn't risk it."

"But doing that would ruin his reputation with the-"

"Oh please. The man is as wild and changes taste among his women faster than his checking account rises per day. It's only a matter of time before the tabloids snatch onto that." She said waving it off like it was common news everyone was sure of.

I obviously was not part of everyone because I couldn't help my eyes widening and the gasp that left my lips at her words. This of course doesn't cross her prying eyes.

"You didn't know, did you?" She paused in front of me. I shrank back against the sink, mind reeling still trying to affiliate her words and their meaning.

"I...But Max said..." I stutter a hand resting on the sink behind me and one going up to my hair as my vision darts all over not seeing anything specific.

   "Already on first name basis ate we? But wait. So you actually thought you were special? Ohhh pooh. I crushed little Dessies heart." She crackled with laughter her high pitched tone torturing my ear drums.

"You won't let this out." I say eyes moving to her as my fist clench by my sides and anger fills my tone.

I'm usually not a violent person but at this moment, I can't help thinking this bïtch deserved to be finger fücked by Edward Scissorhands.

"Oh Desiree, that's what really gets me going-" She signed wiping off a nonexistent tear from her eye. "the fact you think I would hold such valuable information against you, and not make use it." by the end of that sentence all the 'humor' from before was gone, replaced by pure hostility mirroring mine.

    Shït. Not only would the job I'd just optained be at risk if Bimbo here decides to run her mouth, but Maxwell would probably be in some hot water with the board of directors over his private life aswell.

For some reason, the last part made me scared to shït of me causing such a scandal on the tabloids towards him. Which just made me more worried at the fact I'd somehow come to care more about the man and his well being than my nonexistent future getting a job anywhere with that on my name. Despite the fact I just unraveled about Max also being a player. Yet I still cared, after meeting the guy-what- two days ago? How the hell does that make any sense!?

I barely knew him and apparently I'm more worried about the periodic stutter in his career if this were to come out than my future position at McDonalds, asking 'Would you like a drink with those fries?'. Because your dämn right as hëll a man like Maxwell Knight would not let his empire be brought to it's knees by a stupid scandal between him and his secretary. Me on the other hand, lets just say I'm fücked if this comes out.

My pulse raced faster and faster with each thought until each individual beat is almost melting and blending into another. I can't stop the slight quivering of my hands and knees which had me clenching my hands tighter into fist to keep myself upright and stop my quivering hands.

"It's quite entertaining watching you process all this. Especially your reaction towards Maxwell's sëx life." She sighed, brooding with self satisfaction.

"But...but how could he be a player? He was so-and we...he said I was his mate" the last part was barely audible. But her jolt and her widened eyes told me she heard the word.

"What!? Your his mate!?" She hissed looking like she was seconds away from either clawing my eyes out or having a heart attack.

I take a frightened mostly confused step back as her eyes suddenly grew slightly darker with fury. She notices my jolt and turns away, her back towards me.

"Your-your eyes just-"

"Shut up!" She growled, her back still turned towards me.

I officially dislike this bïtch. Which is quite nasty considering it, takes allot to make me hate you. I pride myself in being a very patient person....most of the time.

Not to mention the fact I truly hate only three people right now. Which consist of Raphael's step wife, which is probably as mutual as a relationship can get.

I'm glaring at her back when she wiped around, looking much more calm and in tone. "And don't you get your hopes up. I will let this go for now and save your asš. Because who is to say Max won't deny the whole thing to keep his business rising? I need to make a call." She  sent me one last glare before turning towards the door.

I'm periodically stunned by her sudden change of mind and departure. But apparently the mates thing had her losing her perfectly composed calm. I don't completely understand what that all means but it had made her furious. And in the process she'd let loose one valuable piece of information she didn't notice would bite her in the asš.

Max could deny all this. She didn't have any proof to back up all her claims about his affair with his secretary. So her threat was a hopeless claim with nothing backing it up. It would be her word against his and she might hold a quarter of the companies stocks but he owned the freaking thing.

That still didn't make her less of a threat. But it did give me some much needed calm and had my brain taking in other things.

Like the fact I'm in an affair with my boss who has a wife and child and still loved his women on the side. Is that even what we had? An affair? The thought of him having other women on the side. Of him using me as a mere pawn in whatever was going on here, had a sharp pain slamming into my chest. It was do sharp and happened so suddenly that it had me jolting back as a gasp left my lips. Almost like someone just blasted a bullet to rip through straight into my heart.

I double over, clunching my chest as I tried to take deep, continues breaths. The pain had been instantaneous, leaving mere moments after it came. But the lasting effects rolled through my body like everything in me, down to my soul had felt it.

I couldn't stop the clenching in my chest or the ringing on my head. My muscles kept clenching and unclenching in a rhythmic madness that had the strong, acidic taste of bile rising up my throat.

I stayed in that position for a while, feeling like I was half way between gorging up a lung and collapsing onto the bathroom floor.

After what felt like hours but was no more than mere minutes, it slowly subsided and faded away. I was back to normal like nothing had ever happened, the only prove of whatever breakdown I'd currently experienced being the crease of sweat on my forehead and my harsh breathing. I pull up to my feet half dragging myself up on the sink on shaking hands and feet.

What on earth just happened? 

It took another ten or so minutes before I felt better enough to leave the bathroom. I head towards my office hoping and praying Max was nowhere in sight. Got once, faith was actually on my side of today and I didn't find him. The beeping mail box on my computer however explained.

       "I don't know where you ran off to or what happened but I don't like it. Do not run away from me again or ignore me or you will regret it. I am currently on the plane by the time you read this. Call me as soon as you get this. Not a minute later because I do get informed when this mail was opened.

    Along with this is an attachment of my schedule until I return. I need you to sort out the files and call the various people posted with it. I will be back in three days so whatever phase it is you are going through currently needs to be gone. Clear out my schedule for Saturday.
                 From: Knight Maxwell

On my desk was my purse and a paper with what looked like his private number scrambled onto it in rushed writing.

So he goes off to go meet his wife and tells me to get over my phase? Phase?! Like a fµcking tantrum three year olds have?

    I let out a growl, snatching the paper with the number on it and scrunching it up, shredding some bits of in the process.  I turn chunking it towards the trash with all my force only to have it bounce on the wall and fall back on the floor by the trash.

                Freakin great. Even the trash is against me today.

I let out a groan falling onto my desk chair. Now I'm acting like a jealous brat. Not to mention my little rage shot didn't I exactly disapprove his childish 'phase' comment.

And I couldn't really get jealous or anything considering he wasn't mine to begin with. He was never mine and how I'd somehow gotten myself into this was still beyond me.

My elbows settle on the table as my palms came up to cradle my face in exhaustion.

I need to freakin sort out what the hëll is going on with my feeling. And my life. And my job, because so far I haven't done shït today.

"Wow. That must have been some document for you to go all ninja on it" A voice said making me jolt up suddenly. I looked up to find Carley standing right over my desk holding a Starbucks coffee cup in one hand and a papercliped file in the other. Next to her was Jared-interrupt-a-lot. I couldn't help the blush that rise to my cheeks when I remember him from thus morning.

"Carley. Hey, that was uh...ah. How long have you guys been standing there?"

"Since around the time you made your legendary shot and missed." She shrugged.

"Oh. About that..." I look to the trash nervously laughing as I try to come up with an explanation to what just happened. Jared's scrutinizing gaze didn't help either. I don't know why the guy didn't like me considering he barely knew me. But he seamed to be close with Max and seams to know what was going on between him and me.

"Its okay sweety." Carley's voice snapped my gaze away from Jared's. "Everyone here could only imagine what sort of hëll he's putting you through." She said placing the coffee on my desk.

"Yeah, we can only imagine all the things you have to put in from him" Jared spoke making blood rush to my cheeks as I shot him a 'shut up' look. He replies by a stoic look and a lifted eyebrow faring innocence.

"Especially since you barely got an orientation to know how anything works in this hëll hole." She said moving around to lean against my desk, oblivious to the silent conversation we were having.

"That's okay. I'll figure it out along the way." I say before taking a sip of my coffee to hide my flushed cheeks. The taste of fresh, hot coffee flowed through my mouth, capturing my senses and instantly relaxing my tense muscles.

Oh yes, that hit the spot.

"Thank you so much. I really needed this." I moan breathing out a breath of relief as I felt the warmth from the coffee move down, heating me from the inside out.

Lost in my caffeine daze, I didn't notice it had grown silent until Carley burst out laughing. I look up to find two pairs of eyes trained on me. Carley was beaming and looked like she hit the jackpot. Jared had his hands in his pockets and eyes trained on me deep in thought.

"Yes! Another for team caffeine." Carley laughed. "But seriously, you totally just had the Big O face when you tasted that." She winked.

"What? No I didn't-" I was quickly cut of by the sounds of my desk phone ringing away. "One sec. Let me get this." I say turning towards the phone.

"Its okay, I'm actually suppose to be dragging J-Grump here with me to the conference room for the presentation."

"J-Grump?" I ask confused turning to Jared.

"Grumpy pants. I've yet to see the man smile in my years of knowing him."

"I'm going back to my office." he declared turning down the hall.

"Oh no you don't." Carley snatched his wrist giving him a knowing look. "Todays the update for how section two is doing on the new lable and we need someone down there who at least knows what is going on." She says already leading him down the hall. I can't help but smile at the pair as Jared frowned with displeasure while Carley went on lecturing him.

"Mr.Knights office how can I help you?" I answer the phone just before it stopped ringing, sighing with contempt.

"Oh thank God.-I got her, she's at her office, I'm talking to her right now- Desiree you need to come now." A familiar voice cried into the phone.

"Lorean, what's wrong? What's going on?" I demand sitting up alert atty the panic in my best friends voice.

"I don't know what's going on but the doctors say its bad and-" She startled sobbing on the last word. "Oh God Dez, we just got here and I was trying to call your phone but it kept going to message and he's....he's....he is so pale...he wasn't breathing when I found him. I called his name over and over. He didn't answer Desiree, he didn't answer me. He wasn't breathing-"she was sobbing harder now, to the point I couldn't make out the words she mumbled after that. I was already half way between grabbing my coat and whatever files I'd need for later.

"Lorri. Sweety stay with me, I'll be there as soon as I can okay? Where are you, where are you guys?"

"H-hospita-" she was crying harder.

"Lorri? Lorean, I need to know which one. Where are you?" I demand shoving stuff in my work case. More teary muffled words left her but I picked up on the key words to help give away her location.

Within minutes, I was rushing out towards the elevator after letting the required people know the main cause of my sudden departure for the day.

As I sped off into the busy traffic of New York, I went through my brain sorting out the mess it had become.

First, I didn't know who was in the hospital or why. Only that it was someone close and my best friend was there and currently falling apart with no one there with her.

That had dread filling my stomach as my hands tightened on the steering wheel.

Second, I had till this Friday night to figure out how to deal with the "M" issue and what the hëll was going on between us.

Lets not forget Red-silicon-hood and her sworn vengeance upon me. I don't know who she ran of to call but I had a bad feeling about it.

And all these arised two days after I became officially independent on my own. Holy, fµck how'd I manage to screw things up so badly already?

Independence my asš.

I've never felt so lost and void of any type of control over my life.


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