I will be loved! (BWWM)

By Storylover2016

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Sequel to I will never be loved! Danielle's life has changes dramatically in less then a year. She found the... More

Chapter One!
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Please read!
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Twenty Four

1.7K 114 43
By Storylover2016

Danielle's Prov:

How do you decide who the prefect guy for you is? How do you make a decision like that? I thought I had made the right choice when I choose to be with Ben. Thinking that moving on from my first love and starting a new chapter in my life was exactly what I needed to do. But when it came down to it, that was the only reason I had picked Ben over Luke, because he was new. He was different and he helped me stop thinking about Luke. But when I eliminated that part, they were both the same to me. Not like they are the same person. But the way the stack up is equal to one another. And it is beyond frustrating.

I mean I have done list after list, online test, and even flipped a coin a few times. But nothing worked. And deep down I knew why none of it worked. It didn't work because what I was doing wasn't coming from my heart, it was coming from my head. Everything I did was just pointless unless I used my heart. And right now my heart was torn into two pieces. Did I stay with Ben, and leave Luke behind completely. Or did I leave Ben, and go back to Luke. Both seemed like something I didn't want to do.

I zipped up my suit case and sat down on the bed that I have been using for the last two weeks. I came here to try and help me understand who I should be with. But all I really got out of these past two weeks was a great time with my best friends. Memories that we would have never gotten if we weren't here. Being here gave me the distraction that I needed though. Because until right now I hadn't really thought about Ben or Luke that much.  I mean don't get me wrong they did cross my mind every once in a while. But Tabby and Penelope made sure that my mind quickly was on to a new subject. So I really didn't have time to think of what I wanted. And now here I was about to go home and I still had no idea what to do. 

"Danielle I hope your ready to go, because Tabby is getting really antsy and hungry." Penelope said to me as she opened the door and walked in.  I nodded my head at her words and got up from the bed. "Are you okay hun?" She questioned me as she walked further into the room. 

"Yeah I am okay. I just still don't know what I want to do Pen. I mean these past two weeks have been amazing. I honestly am so happy we came, but all this did was run away from my problems. And now I am on my way back to them, more confused then I was when I left." I explained to her. She gave me a sad small smile. 

"Can I give you my honest opinion?" She asked me as she walked closer to where I was. 

"Of course you can. You know your opinion means a lot to me." I said to her causing her to smile. 

"You can't pick between them, because that isn't what you should be doing. In my opinion, I think you should let them both go."

"So I shouldn't be with Ben or Luke is what your saying?" I questioned her. 

"What I am saying is that you have been with Luke before and it didn't work out. You have been with Ben and that didn't work out. You tried being with them both and that really didn't work out. So I think the best thing for you to do is to let them both go. It doesn't matter how much time you have to think about it, your never going to be able to pick between them. Because you really don't know who you are fully. You don't know anything about your past Danielle, you don't know what you want to do with your future, because you don't know who are are. I think that you need to let them both go." 

Her words caught my breath. It literally felt like it was beyond hard to breath. I moved back until I was back sitting on the bed. Penelope followed me as I did so. 

"Danielle, are you okay?" She asked me. But I still hadn't been able to caught my breath. I held up my hand to let her know I needed a minute. I had never thought of leaving them both. Never once did that thought cross my mind, because the whole time I thought that I needed to pick one of them. That I just couldn't let them both go. But the fact of the matter was I could let them both go. No one needed to get hurt, I didn't need to choose one guy over the other. I didn't need to pick, I could let them both go. 

Suddenly it was like I could breath again. I felt like I could finally breath without all this weight on my shoulder. I grabbed my chest and smiled at Penelope. 

"Danielle, are you okay?" I nodded my head at her. 

"I am more then okay, Pen. I haven't felt this good  in such a long time." I explained to her as I started to smile more. 

"So your happy about letting them both go?" She questioned me. I shock my head at her words, and felt my eyes start to water. 

"I am not happy about letting them both go. Because I honestly do love them both. But this is the best way for all of us. This is the only way that no one gets to hurt. And your right Pen, I don't really know who I am. I think, no I know this is the best decision." I said to her with a smile. She smiled back at me and grabbed my hands to pull me up. 

"Listen I am so happy that you have finally figured out what you should be doing. I think that is amazing, but I am way to young to die. And our pregnant best friend is outside right now, hungry and impatient...."

"So we should probably get out there, like now." I said finishing her sentence. She quickly nodded her head. I laughed at her antics and picked up my last bag from the bed. We walked out to my car to find a very angry Tabby. Lucky she wasn't mad at us. 

"Greg we are on our way home right now, you can calm down." I heard her yell as I put my last bag in the car. "Oh my god are have got to be kidding me. You didn't need to know where we would be. That is the whole point of getting away so no one can bug you." I heard her yell again. I may not be an expert on babies and what not, but I do know that it isn't okay for a pregnant women to get this upset. 

I walked over to where Tabby was standing out side the car and took the phone from her hands. 

"Greg, Tabby is pregnant. And the last thing a pregnant women should be doing is yelling and getting angry, don't you agree?" I asked him. I heard him sigh from the other side of the phone. 

"Yes I agree." 

"Great! We should be home without four to five house. Six tops, since your fiance has to go pee every five minutes." I explained to him causing him to laugh. I turned away from the girls some so they couldn't hear me as well. "How has Luke been?" I asked him. Again he sighed at my words. 

"He's been okay. Dan and I kept him busy and what not. But he missed you, and he hated not knowing where you all were, especially you though. But I think the suspense of not knowing where you guys 'stand is what hurt him most." I let out a sigh at his words. I know I shouldn't have asked. Especially if I was suppose to be letting them both go. But I just couldn't not ask. Something deep inside me just needed me to know.

"Thanks for telling me Greg. And thanks for keeping him busy. We should be home soon." I was about to hang up, but Greg stopped me.

"Danielle wait."


"Luke loves you." I found myself sighing at his words. "But so does Ben. I can see it in the way they both look at your. And I mean how couldn't they your amazing. But the thing about love is you can only give it to one person. You can only truly be in love with one person at a time. So they may be in love with you, but there isn't any way that you are in love with them both. Just keep that in mind." I found myself nodding my head at his words.

"Thanks for the advice Greg. I know this isn't easy, especially since we are all close."

"Danielle you should know that no mater what your always gonna be family to me, and I am always gonna be here for you." I felt my eyes water just a little at his words.

"Greg that means the world to me. I love you, we should be home soon." I said to him as I turned back to look at the girls who were in my car impatiently waiting for me.

"I love you too. Now bring home my girl, my baby, and my two sisters before me and the rest of the guys go crazy." I found myself laughing at his words.

"Will do." Was the last thing I said before I hung up. I walked back to my car and got into the back seat and buckled up.

"About time, what in the world were you guys talking about how to fucking end world hunger?" Tabby angrily asked me once I was settle. Penelope looked back at me as if she was if to say I told you she was bitchy. I nodded my head at her, agreeing with her. Penelope smiled at me, then turned back around started to car to take off.

"I am so not in the mood for one of Grams holiday parties tonight." Tabby angrily said as she looked out the window.

"Well I am." Penelope said gleefully.

"I am to." I admitted agreeing with her. This would be my first Christmas with my family, and I honestly was beyond excited for it.

"I am not looking forward for everyone to ask about the baby and the engagement. God all the questions I am going to be asked. I am not ready for any of it." Tabby angrily said. I knew being pregnant could make you more hormonal and what not, but Tabby was acting more bitchier then she has ever been. But I just let it go, because who knows maybe I will be just as bad when I am pregnant or worse.

I looked out the window as Penelope drove and thought about what I was going to, and how I was going to go about doing it. I mean how was I suppose to leave both of them behind. How was I suppose to just not be with either one of them. It hurt my heart thinking about it, but I knew it was what I had to do. I already caused them both so much pain, it was time for this all to end.


Danielle's Prov:

"Omg Gram is going to kill us." I said to Tabby and Penelope as we finally reached the house. Penelope had taken a road thinking that it was going to be a short cut, but instead it actually added an hour to our trip. Which meant we only had an hour or so to get ready before the party started.

"I knew we shouldn't have taken that road." Tabby said as she got out of the car.

"Well excuse me, I don't believe I was the one who needed to stop every twenty minutes because she had to pee." Penelope responded.

Before anyone else could say anything we heard Gram's voice coming from the house.

"We in the world have you guys been. You were suppose to be here over an hour ago." Gram said to us as she walked up to where we were.

"Penelope over here tried taking a short cut and it didn't work." I explained to my grandmother as I walked over to where she was and gave her a hug.

"Well you girls have less then an hour to get ready for the party." She said to me as she let me go.

"Trust me we know, Tabby is freaking out about it." I whispered to her, causing her to smile.

"Where are the boys?" Tabby asked as she walked over to where we were and hugged gram herself.

" I was missing a few things that I needed for today, so I sent them to a few stores." Gram responded as she hugged Penelope. "Now the three of you run along and get ready. Your not going to be late for this Christmas party." My grandmother said as she shushed us along. I walked into the house, and was amazed at what I saw. The house looked like something straight out of a movie. It was beyond beautiful.

"Wow." Was all I could say at the moment. I was beyond amazed at what I was seeing. I knew Gram was into holidays and what not, but I didn't know she was this into it.

"Wow is right, this is amazing." Penelope said as she followed Tabby and I into the house.

"Yeah I must say Gram always does great, but this is like a winter wonderland. Beyond beautiful." Tabby agreed.

"Come one guys we don't have much time left, and I could honestly use a nice shower." I said to them as I practically ran up the stairs. I could hear them laughing but I didn't care. Penelope's parents cabin was great, but the hot water ran out a lot. So I was going to take a nice warm shower. I walked down the hall and into my room. I went over to where my night stand was and plugged my phone in. I had let it die out when I was away with the girls. I didn't want to know what the boys were saying to me. I didn't want to have any communication with them at all. I was suppose to get away from it all. So I made sure there was no way they could get ahold of me. I finished plugging in my phone, and then quickly got into the shower.

It didn't take me long to shower, because I knew that I had less then an hour to get ready for the party. Having a shower where the s shower is constantly warm is amazing. I got out of the shower and walked into my room. When I did so I heard my phone going off constantly. I went and sat down on my bed, and picked up my phone. I had over a hundred text messages, and over forty voice calls. As I looked at them I noticed that only a few were from my gram and aunt. There was a good amount of txt messages Ben, but most of the messages and voicemails were from Luke. Most of Ben's messages were him telling me that he missed me, and that he really needed to talk to me. It was basically the same thing for Luke. But not knowing what he said to me threw voicemail was killing me. I had to listen to the voice messages, but I couldn't just not listen to them.

"Hey Danielle, it's me Luke. Of course you know that because my name would come up when I call. I just wanted to say that I get why you left. I get why you needed to get away. I just hate not knowing where we stand. I hate not knowing what's going to happen. I hate that your so far away from me. I hate so many things right now. I just hope your okay, were you are right now."

"Hey Danielle I was just laying in your bed thinking about the night we stayed up thinking about our future with one another. How we would have a beautiful home, or live here. How we would have a bunch of kids, and they would be as beautiful as you are. And how we would be happily married for the rest of our lives. What happened to that? How did we get from there to here? Were did all those good memories go?"

"So I know your not gonna answer, but I am drunk and in your room. Your everywhere in here, that is why this is my favorite place to be. Even when your just at your house, I like to come in here and just let you engulf me. Because you everywhere in here. I feel like you are right here with me when I stay in here. I feel like I am at home, because you are my home. I just miss you and wish you were here right now."

"It's me again. I was thinking about the time I first met you, how beautiful you were. I could tell by the way you carried yourself that you didn't know how beautiful you were. That you didn't see what I could see. There was so much pain in your heart, I was so happy to take all that pain away from you. I was so happy to be the one to make you happy. I new from the start that we could be so amazing."

"Danielle, I just want you to know that I will always be apart of your life. In your letter you warned me that you may choose Ben, and it will kill me. Trust me it will rip me apart. But if that is truly what you want then I would learn to live with it. Because deep down I know that I would rather have you in my life, then not in my at all. Your always be the love of my life. I love you!"

I could feel my eyes starting to water. I had to stop listening to the messages, it broke my heart just thinking about him sitting in my bed, drunk, thinking about us. I quickly put my phone down, I knew I shouldn't have listened to the voicemails. Damn me and my stupid curiosity. Because now I was having thoughts that I shouldn't be having. I knew that letting both guys go was the best choice for me. I knew that it was the best choice for everyone. But hearing and seeing both of their message to me made me realize why I fell for them in the  first place.

I tried to push those thoughts aside, I needed to or I wasn't going to get ready in time for the party. I quickly dried and put on my dress. I was wearing a beautiful blue Christmas dress I had found while away at the cabin. When I saw the dress I knew I just needed to have it, and that it was perfect for me. It was a dark blue dress, that had white trimming on the ends, and sparkles all over the dress. I was my longer dress, it reached about my knees, and was about the length of my elbows. To me It was the best dress I could have possibly found. I paired the dress with some sparkly white heels. I had my hair up in a rose form, with a few strains falling from the braid. I didn't want to put to much make up. Some light lip gloss and mascara. With a matching pair of silver earrings and necklace. I felt amazing, like I was a character out of a Christmas.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror, and gave myself an approving nod. "Knock, knock." I turned to see Penelope entering my room. I smiled as I turned to look at her. She looked great in her green dress.

"Looking hot Pen, Dan is one lucky guy." I said to her as I walked over to where she was.

"Thanks babe, but I must say you look fucking gorgeous. Your going to be the talk of the party." I waved my hand at her dismissing her words playfully. "Hey do you think I could borrow those emerald green earrings you have?" She asked me as she walked over to my make up and jewelry desk.

"Of course hun, you know you don't have to ask." I told her as I walked over to the desk as well.

" I know, I know." She said to me as she put the earrings on.

"So is anyone here yet." She stiffened at my words. "Pen what is wrong?" I asked her as I walked around so I was facing her.

"Well the boys are back, and Ben's family just arrived." I stiffened at her words. I had totally forgotten about Ben's family being invited to the party. And the fact that they were here, and so were the boys wasn't good at all.

"I should probably get down there then." I said to her.

"Yeah lets go." She said to me as she got up and laced her arm with mine. We walked out of my room, down the hall, and then the stairs. When we reached down stairs I realized how many people there was here already. I guess it is because my gram is someone who likes for people to be on time, and no one was willing to mess with her. I heard a knock at the door, so I walked  over to where the door was and answered it. When I opened it I saw my aunt Diana and Uncle Mason standing at the door.

"Hello aunt Diana, Uncle Mason, how are you guys?" I asked them politely as I opened the door more to welcome them in.

"We are doing great hunny. You look so gorgeous!" My aunt Diana said to me as she stepped forward to hug me. I hugged her back and smiled.

"Thank you. I saw it and just knew that I had to have it." I told her as I stepped back some.

"Well as my wife has said, you do look amazing." My uncle Mason said to me as he hugged me as well. " Where is Gram? She asked me to pick up some more wine. Something about her being afraid that there wouldn't be enough for tonight." He said to me with a laugh. I shock my head at his words. My grandmother was always overly worried about everything.

"I am not a hundred percent sure, but I think she is in the kitchen." I said to him. He smiled at my words and grabbed his wife's hands.

"Wish us luck on finding her." He said to me as he started to leave.

"Good Luck." I called out to him as I shut the door. After shutting the door I decided to go and mingle with people. As I walked into the living room space I immediately saw Ben and his parents. I quickly turned and moved around people so I didn't have to face them at the moment. I mean if it was just Ben then it wouldn't be that bad, but it was Ben and his parents. The parents who liked me a lot. The ones who told me not to break their son's heart. And that was what I was going to be doing. I walked further away and started to talk with some family friends. All I needed to do was make sure Luke and Ben didn't come into contact tonight, it shouldn't be that hard.


I had spent the last hour or so avoiding both Luke and Ben. While making sure that they didn't come into contact with one another. Trust me when I say it wasn't easy at all, but it seemed to be working so far. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some egg nog from off one of the stands.

"So how is avoiding me going so far." I heard Luke say from behind me. My whole body tingled when I felt him this close to me. It was almost hard to breath when he was this close. I slowly turned around so I was facing him.

"I don't know what your talking about." I lied to him. Trying to act natural, I smiled at him and took a sip of my egg nog. He just shock his head at me.

"Danielle I know you better then probably better then I know anyone else, which means I know when you are trying to avoid being around someone." He said to me as he reached over me to grab some egg nog of his own. I was about to respond when I heard Ben's voice.

"Danielle I have been looking for you all night." Ben said to me as he walked over to where I was with his parents. I smiled at his words.

"Yeah I have been making my rounds, I just haven't reached you yet." I said to him as I half hugged him. I smiled at his parents. "How are you guys doing tonight?" I asked them with a smile.

"We're doing lovely. This home is amazing!" Ben's mom said to me as she gestured around. I nodded my head agreeing with her words.

"Yeah you could say my grandmother likes to go overboard when it comes to the holidays, and the parties she throws for them." I said to her with a laugh. Which caused her to laugh as well.

"You can definitely tell. Where is your grandmother, I have been dying to meet her." I looked around at her words and surprisingly spotted my grandmother and my aunt right in the other room.

"Gram, aunt Lisa!" I yelled gesturing for her and my aunt to come over to where I was. They politely said goodbye to who they were talking to and walked over to where we were.

"Danielle darling you look absolutely stunning. " My grandmother said to me as she reached where we were hugging me.

"Thank you gram. I wanted to introduce you to Ben's parents." I said to her.

"Oh it's so nice to meet the parents of Ben. He is such an amazing young man." My grandmother said causing Luke to snort some." I secretly elbowed him in the stomach, silently telling him to not go there.

"Well thank you. I can say the same about Danielle, she is such a delight!" Ben's mom said with a smile.

"A delight? That isn't how I would describe her." I heard someone say. We all turned to see Wendy standing there smiling. To say I was surprised to see her would be a lie. Nothing Wendy would do now would surprise me at all.

"Wendy it has been a long time, how are you?" My grandmother said to Wendy, pretending that she actually cared.  We all knew how much my grandmother didn't like Wendy. She always made it known.

"Oh I have been great, really busy. Nice to see you again Luke." Wendy said to Luke as she look him up and down. I rolled my eyes as she did so.  

"I wish I could say the same to you Wendy. But fortunately I don't have to lie and act like I like you, because I don't." Luke gruffly said to her. She shock her head at his words.

"Wait so your Luke?" Ben's mom asked as she looked at Luke.

"Oh yes he is. He is the man who is constantly trying to take Danielle away from your son." Wendy answered. I swear I stopped breathing for a moment when she said this.

"Oh." Was all Ben's mom said. This situation honestly couldn't get any more awkward.

"Yeah oh. Oh and I hope you don't mind but I invited a couple of friends of mine. Olivia, Gabby why don't you two come on in. " After she spoke in walked Olivia and Gabby hand and hand. To say I was curious as to what was going on would be an understatement.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" I heard Luke say behind me, like he was reading my mind.

"Oh Luke baby don't you see. I came here to give you and Danielle a Christmas surprise. And I am not going to leave until you get it." She said in a fake sweet voice. I could feel my temperature rising at her words. I was so sick of this shit.

"Okay I am so sick of your stupid fucking games. Give us what ever you have to give, and get the fuck out." I yelled at her. But she was unfazed by my words. She only smirked at me and shock her head.

"Oh this is going to be so much more enjoyable. How about we start with you Luke, and then go to Danielle." Wendy said as she walked closer to him.

"Wendy this is enough."Luke said to her.

"Oh no Luke we are only just getting started." She responded to him. "So like I was saying, you know Olivia over here don't you." Luke nodded his head at her words. "Well she pretended to just pop up into your life. When really she was doing recon for me." Wendy said as she looked over at Olivia who had a slightly sad look upon her face.

"Olivia is this true?" Luke asked her with a sad expression on his face. I could feel Luke's heart break some. He really did care about Olivia, and their friendship, so I know this wasn't easy to hear. "Olivia!" Luke yelled at her. She flinched a little and nodded her head at his words.

"Maybe this isn't the right time or place for this." Gram said trying to calm everyone down. But even I knew that it was way to late for that.

"No Gram I need to here what she has to say to me." Luke responded as her. He then turned to look at Wendy.

"Well Olivia was the one who told me about how you desperately needed to get over Danielle over her. So I had her girlfriend Gabby pretended that she was interested in you. She was suppose to get you over Danielle, but I guess your love for her runs to deep. How sweet." I just wanted to punch her in the face at the moment. I honestly couldn't believe what she was saying.

"So wait your saying that you had Olivia pretend to be Luke's best friend. And then you had Gabby pretend to be into his girlfriend?" She nodded her head at my words. "And all for what purpose. Because he didn't want to be with you any more?" I questioned her.

"I did it because I wanted to show Luke boy over here that you weren't worth being upset over. Only Gabby didn't get him to fall in love with her. So it didn't go as planned, sadly." I shock my head at her words. I honestly didn't know she was this fucked up. That she would do something like this to Luke.

"Wow." Luke said from behind me. I could feel the anger rolling off of him. It was like his anger was feeding my own. "Olivia, Gabby, why would you do this? I mean Gabby I could see this coming from you. But Olivia, you! Why?"

"Because Olivia and Gabby owed me one. You see I use to be with Gabby, nothing to serious, but we were still together. And Olivia my dear sister over here decided she needed to have her. So Gabby cheated on me with Olivia. And all thought this was a long time ago, I still hold a grudge, they owed me one. " Wendy said with a smirk.

"Ummm I think ewe should be going." Ben's mom said as she tried to push her husband out of the room.

"Oh no, please stay we are just getting to the best part." Wendy said to her with a smile.

"Wendy that's enough. Not here, not now." Ben said to her. I quickly turned to look at him.

"Wait you to know each other?" I questioned Ben. He stayed silent at my words. "Ben do you know her?" I said loudly, but he still didn't answer. "BEN!" I yelled at him.

"Yes, okay. Yes, I know her." Ben finally said.

"How?" I questioned him. Which made Wendy laugh.

"Oh Danielle like I said, I saved the best for last. You see Ben over here is cheating on you. Or well your the one who he is cheating on with someone else. Like your the mistress in this situation." Wendy said with a smile, causing my gram to move into action.

"Okay anyone who isn't apart of this conversation needs to get out of the room now." My gram said as he and my aunt moved everyone out of the room and closed the doors behind them. My aunt went out to entertain everyone. But I mean with a performance like what they were just getting, I don't think there is much she could do to entertain them. So it was just me, my gram, Ben, Luke, Ben's parents, Wendy , Olivia and Gabby left in the room.

"I'm what?" I yelled at Ben. He flinched at me. " You have another girlfriend?" I asked him. He sighed at my words.

"Oh no Danielle, he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Wendy enough!" Ben yelled at her.

"It's not enough until I tell her you have a boyfriend." I was beyond shocked at her words. Ben? Gay? I mean I have nothing against gays. I support them fully. Just not when they happen to be my boyfriend.

"Ben what is she talking about? This isn't true son, is it?" Ben's dad asked.

"I mean somewhat yeah." Ben answered.

"So your gay?" I asked him.

"No. I mean yes. No. I'm bi." He said to him causing me to shack my head.

"I can not fucking believe this. I can not believe this bullshit. So since I am not stupid I guess she put you up to this didn't she. I mean I have no idea why you would go along with this. Why would you help her?" I asked him. I could feel the tears falling down my face as I spoke.

"She knew about Jessie. Him and I kinda took a break when he left for college. I didn't want my portents to know, so she said she would keep it quiet if I just dated this girl. You just happened to be that girl." He said to me.

"I can't believe this. Everything between us has been a fucking lie." I yelled at him.

"No, no, no baby it wasn't. I mean when I first got into this yeah, I was doing it because I owed Wendy. But then I got to know you, and your life. At only a week you had me hooked. I knew that we were going to be something amazing. " He said to me as he tried to grab my hands.

"No you fucking ass hole. I want nothing to do with you." I screamed at him as I pushed him away. Before Ben could do anything Luke stepped in between Ben and I and punched Ben in the face. Ben's mom screamed as Ben stumbled back.

"You fucking asshole. I knew you were a scumbag when I met you." Luke said as he punched Ben in the face over and over again. It was like I was in shock at the moment, but I quickly got out of it. I walked over to where Luke was, and grabbed his arm.

"Luke stop. " I whispered to him. He immediately stopped at my words. But still had Ben in a tight hold. "Luke he isn't worth it. Let him go, let this scumbag asshole go." I said to him. He let go of Ben, and got off of him. Ben's parents immediately walked over to where he was.

"Ben hun are you okay?" His mom asked him. He nodded his head and shrugged her off of him.

"Danielle I know you don't want to hear this right now, but I do love you. I called Jessie over a month ago and ended it with him. And how is this really any different from you and Luke?" I spun away from Luke to look at Ben.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You knew about Luke. I never had any obligations to you. I told you that I was confused when I as dating you both. Which means you fucking knew about him. And I didn't start dating you because some psycho bitch had something on me. I did it because I really liked you. You only started to date me because you didn't want Wendy to tell your parents that you had a boyfriend. So you can go fuck yourself and get out of my home." I yelled at him.

He only shock his head at my words. "You know what fuck you, and fuck you to Luke." Ben said as he wiped some blood off of his nose.

"Ben we should go. We have a lot to discuss." Ben's dad said to him as he tried to grab him. But Ben side stepped him.

"No I now have something to say. You know I am an asshole. I shouldn't have helped Wendy and I should have just manned up about Jessie. I should have done a lot of things, but I didn't. And you know what I wish I would have because then I would have never falling in love with you." He said with laugh. " I fell in love with you. Everything about you made me love you. I went threw having to deal with you wanting Luke as well because I loved you." I laughed at his words sadly.

"You dealt with it because you didn't want the truth to come out. You dealt with it because you didn't want everyone to know about your boyfriend. So can you please stop acting like you stayed with me because you loved me. You stayed because you were an asshole who didn't have enough guts to just  be truthful. Just fucking leave Ben, I never want to see you again." I said to him as I made my way over to the door. But stopped when I reached where Wendy was. She had this proud smile on her face. Like she had accomplished something amazing. Before I could even stop myself I found myself bring my fist all the way back and punching her in the face. She screamed as I did so and stumbled back.

"You stupid bitch, you broke my nose." She said as tried to stop it from bleeding.

"Let's see three to four broken hearts because of you, and only one broken nose. I would say you got the good end of the deal. Stay the hell away from me and my family Wendy, or next time it won't only be your nose that I break." I warned her as I opened the door. 

"Well I guess now she is all yours. Which is what you wanted all along isn't it?" Ben said with a soft/sad tone in his voice. I shock my head and left the room shutting the door behind me. As I did everyone turned to look at me. I contemplated staying and acting like what just happened didn't effect me. But I just couldn't do that at the moment. I needed to be alone to think about everything that had just happened. So I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of Hennessey and Captain Morgan's, then walked straight up to my room.

Because all I wanted to do was forget that this night even happened. I wanted to forget about Ben, Wendy, Olivia, Gabby, just about everything and everyone at the moment. I didn't want to feel the pain I was feeling at the moment. I want just escape, and that is exactly what I planned on doing.


So I know guys I am horrible. Life is just really hectic at the moment. But I am still always going to write on here. It just may take a few weeks to upload. But hey this was an amazing chapter, right? So please comment and vote to let me know what you thought!

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