Chapter Twenty One

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Luke's Prov:

I am only a person. Which means I make mistakes. Mistakes in which I wish I could take back, but I can't. And I am more then man enough to admit that I made a horrible mistake. But that what it was, it was just a mistake. Something I learned from. But the problem was I have made this mistake before when it came to Danielle. It's not the first time that I have trusted someone else over her. That I had not believed her, when I should have. I can understand why she was upset with me. I just wished that she would give me a chance to explain myself. To explain why I took Gabby's side. Even if it wasn't a good reason.

I don't think anyone besides me will ever understand how hard it is to get over someone who you thought you would be with for the rest of your life. Danielle is that person to me, she means the world to me in more ways then I can explain. And I hate that about me, I hate that I care about her so much. That I would pick her over anyone or everyone else. But I couldn't do that anymore. I couldn't continue to make it so she was my everything. Especially since she wasn't mine to be that way with. And that is why I was on Gabby's side. That is why even when deep down I knew Danielle wasn't lying, I chose to believe Gabby. Gabby had already doubted the relationship between her and I. I had to prove to her that I could be on her side, especially when it came to her going against Danielle. So she would believe I was in it for the long hall.

Because Gabby was the first women who I had thought I could have a future with besides Danielle. She was the first women to make me feel like it was okay for me to move on. That Danielle wasn't my only fish in the sea. That is why I wanted so badly to be there for Gabby when her and Danielle fought. Because I wanted Gabby to believe that I would be there for her if she needed it. But the problem was I knew that Gabby was wrong. That Danielle would never do something like that. Especially when she told me she wanted Gabby and I to be together. It was just to much happening at once, but I definitely choose the wrong side to be on. Because even if I wanted Gabby to believe I was all in, I went about it the wrong way. I should have never thought me acting that way would have been the best choice for me, or anyone. Because in the end of it all Danielle didn't want to talk to me. Gabby basically said she wanted nothing to do with me ever again. And my family wasn't very happy with me as well.

My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked down hoping that it was Danielle who was calling. Even thought deep down I knew she wasn't the one calling me. I was surprised when I looked down and saw Gabby's name there though. I mean after today I never thought I would see or hear from her again. Especially since she said I would never see or hear from her again. I contemplated what I should do at the moment. I almost didn't answer,  because I honestly didn't think me being with her was a good idea in any way, shape, or form. But something told me I had to answer the call. That I needed to hear what she had to say at the moment. Even if I didn't like it.

"Hello?" I answered.  At first I didn't hear anything. So I decided I would try again. "Hello Gabby are you there?" I asked her. I heard a sigh from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah Luke I am here." She answered. I heard her sigh again. "Luke I want to apologize for how things went down today. I wish I could take back what I did. But I can't, I do owe you and your family and apology though." She explained to me. I couldn't help but nod my head at her words. 

"Yeah why did you do those things Gabby? I mean Danielle honestly does want us to be together. She told me she did herself, and even if she didn't, there was no reason for you to freak out like that." I said to her as I sat up some.

"Trust me I know Luke." She answered back to me.

"So why would you freak out like you did then?"

"Luke I think you should know something." She paused for a moment. I almost thought she had hung up. But then I heard her breathing, which is how I knew she was still there.

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