Over Again

By Writer--reader

487 3 2

Nicole Barnes just lost her best friend Shannon Ross she died in a car crash she spent months locked in her r... More

I Just Want To Be Happy Again
Our not so perfect first date
Redos and back to old habits
Monty Ramon
Who is Monty Ramon?
The Almighty Jax Starling
The Black Dress
Bittersweet memories
Trouble in Paradise
The Big Game
The Break Up
It Was All My Fault
Back to School
Double Date
Happy But Sad Times
Sad Goodbyes
We All Miss You Vince
Axel The Asshole
Another Unforgettable Party
Her White Dress
My Love?
Lucky Charms
Hotel Mistakes?
Room 32
Griffin Wilmer

A Party To Remember

12 0 0
By Writer--reader

Jax could be an Ass sometimes but he can also be really sweet. I really wanted to invite Griffin but I know he probably didn't wanna go. Vanessa was probably gonna be there anyways.
It's weird Vanessa and Brooks are brother and sister but there nothing alike. Brooks is kinda shy and doesn't really like parties and alcohol and stuff like that. But Vanessa is all about going to parties and getting drunk and smoking.

I miss Brooks.

It feels like I haven't seen him in ages. I wonder if he will be at the party tonight.
Oh snap out of it Nicole! Your with Jax now. Well I think we are together like I would assume we are although Jax has barely even had any girlfriends just girls who he sleeps with.

It was time for the party so I had Emily pick me up and we drove to jaxs house.
"You know I can't believe your with the player of our school." She said as we got out of the car.
"I'm not really with him well... yeah I guess we are."
"You guys have been together or whatever you want to call yourselves for 2 weeks that's probably the longest he's ever had a girlfriend."
I laughed then we opened up the door the music was 20 times louder In here. I looked around and his house was huge. There was a bunch of couples do bad bad stuff with each other just out in the open. Then I saw the sign. There was a sign that said "Bedrooms this way enjoy yourselves!"
Me and Emily laughed at this. I looked around for Jax but I didn't see him.

Then I saw Will. I thought to myself what is he doing at a high school party?

"Will?" I said walking up to him.
"Oh uh Nicky what are you doing here?" He asked then stopped dancing with some girl. "I was gonna ask the same thing about you... this is a high school party will."
"I know but uh it looked fun so I thought I would go I haven't been to a party in a while."
"Um ok well have fun." I said then awkwardly walked away. I looked for Emily but she had disappeared to I guess I was all alone now. I looked around to see if there was anyone I knew and there was.
I really really wanted to talk to him. He was sitting in a chair alone texting on his phone next to him was a red cup with alcohol in it untouched. So I walked over to him. Then I realized I didn't know what I was doing so I should probably just turn around. But it was to late he saw me.
"Oh hey Nicole." He said.
"Hey Brooks." I said awkwardly then sat down into the chair next to him.
"How have you been." He asked taking probably the first sip from his cup. He looked nervous.
"Good what about you."
"Good... Hey I don't want things to be awkward between us I still want us to be friends."
"Yeah so do I." I said smiling.

"You know I still don't know you're middle name." He said raising his eyebrow.
"Remember that day I asked you but you said I'm not telling you."
He said.
"I'm still not telling you." I said smiling.
"Oh come on please." He said giving puppy dog eyes. Oh god he was so cute and perfect.
"Fine you first."
"I'm Brooks Lee Martin." He said sticking out his hand.
"Nice to meet you Brooks I'm Nicole Katherine Barnes."

"See you have a cute middle name mines dumb." He said.
"No mines dumb yours is perfect."
He smiled at this showing his perfect white teeth.

"I'll be right back I gotta go to the bathroom."

Curse my bladder. I then walked down the hall looking for the bathroom I opened the door to what seemed to give off a bathroom vibe. But it wasn't a bathroom it was a bedroom. There were two people in the bed you know "doing it"
I was about to just walk out before the girl and guy noticed me when I saw who it was.


Of course I should have expected this I should have expected this from him. But I didn't. I fell for Jax I liked him and I thought he liked me. But no he probably has slept with many girls while he has been with me. I have just been to clueless. Tears started to pour down my eyes and then Jax noticed me and stopped his dirty routine he was doing with the girl.

"Nicole." He said getting out of the bed putting the covers over his lower half of his body.

"Don't talk to me ever again Jax." I said as more tears spilled from my eyes as I ran out of the room.

"No Nicole wait!" He yelled but I ran out of that house so fast he wouldn't be able to catch me I pasted by Brooks causing him to look up from his phone.

"Nicole?" He asked. But I ignored him and ran out to Emily's car that she gave me the keys to in case I needed to leave early cause she said she was gonna stay late.

I drove to my house so fast passing red lights I was being so careless.

Until all I saw was black.

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