Born Lucky

By Shayde1

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Dylan Walker is a restaurant owner in Seattle, Washington who meets an unsuspecting Devon McKenna when her mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2

Chapter 10

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By Shayde1

Knowing she couldn't make love to Devon all night, and that Devon wasn't going to let her family situation go, she decided to just tell her the truth after they had made love again.

It wasn't that she was trying to keep that part of her life from Devon, she just honestly didn't want her involved...because of Max. Well, Max and her family. Anyone with Dylan would automatically be associated with Dylan's name, and Dylan was honestly just trying to protect when Devon suggested that she send the money to her Aunt Katie with her own funds and Dylan pay her back in small amounts, Dylan almost had a heart attack.

"Absolutely not, that's ridiculous." Dylan stated, "Have you lost your mind"?

Throwing the covers back, Devon stepped out of bed and reached for her robe as if remembering what Dylan had told her earlier about having a serious conversation.

"Why, you just said you can't do it because of the way Max is watching you," she returned, "He isn't watching me, so why can't I help"?

"Because I don't want you involved." Dylan stated adamantly as she sat up.

Tying the sash on her robe, Devon smiled gently and came over to sit on the edge of the bed, "Dylan, I love you and you love your brother..." she started and took Dylan's hand in hers, "your hands are tied, but mine aren't...let me help you."

Sighing deeply as she looked in Devon's eyes, she told her, "I don't even know if Aidan is telling me the truth."

Raising her hand to her lips, Devon kissed it and said, "I think you believe he is and I know you want to save's only twenty five hundred Dylan, don't you think it's worth a try"?

"Do you know what twenty five hundred can buy in the IRA"? Dylan asked seriously looking into her deep green pools.

Putting her hand to the side of Dylan's face, "He's your brother honey, you have to try." She said gently.

Shaking her head, Dylan leaned back and ran a hand through her hair, she knew Devon was right, but she didn't want to admit it.

"I'll think about it." Dylan replied knowing she only had a few hours left to do so.

Laying down beside her, Devon put her hand on her chest and kissed her cheek softly, "Everything will work out darling."

As if knowing she needed some time, Devon went downstairs for a while. Dylan told her she would be down shortly, but after only a few minutes she got up and began to dress. Dylan knew she needed to talk to Mark, after all, he was inadvertently a part of this and she also needed to talk to her Aunt Katie on a secure phone to make sure this was all on the up and up.

Devon was sitting on the couch with her long legs curled up beside her when Dylan came down fully dressed.

Looking up in alarm, Devon jumped up, "Dylan"?

Stepping up to her, Dylan put her arms around her and smiled, "it's okay baby..." she assured her, "I just need to talk to Mark and go buy a phone so that it can't be traced back to me when I talk with my Aunt."

"But I thought you were going to spend the night"? She said frowning a little.

"Its early babe, we have options."

"What are they"? She asked curiously.

"I can come back here but it will probably be after midnight, or you can meet me at my place around eleven...or we can see each other tomorrow."

"I'll meet you at your place." She stated without even thinking about it.

"But your already dressed for bed and there's work tomorrow." Dylan stated slipping her hands inside the robe to feel her soft, smooth skin.

"Mm, don't do this to me." Devon replied huskily pleading with Dylan's eyes.

"Do what"? Dylan asked sliding her hands upwards to cup her splendid breasts.

Closing her eyes, Devon breathed in deeply, "That." She whispered.

Surprised by her own want again, Dylan knew she'd better stop, so leaning down she kissed her tenderly and stepped back, "You're right, just stay here and I'll be back to finish this." She told her.

"You can't leave me this way," Devon begged stepping back into Dylan's arms, "Please, won't you just talk to him tomorrow." She replied huskily as she reached up and pushed her silky white robe off her shoulders.

Feeling her heart hammer in her chest, Dylan swallowed as Devon took her hand and pulled her to the sofa where she lay down on it and parted her legs seductively and ran her own hands along the insides of her thighs.

"Damn, that backfired." Dylan muttered as she crawled in between the soft warm flesh of Devon's thighs.

With no more words, Dylan dove in driving her tongue inside of Devon, savoring every drop she could take from her. Devon clung to her as if this might be their last time together and with every wave of ecstasy she pulled Dylan in even deeper, riding her as if she just couldn't get enough. Devon moaned softly at times and then at other times she would shout in pleasure until finally with a jolt, she could ride no more.

"Oh my...God," She said breathlessly, "I almost climbed the walls."

Scooting back up to lay on top of her and look in her eyes, Dylan kissed her softly, "Well, you certainly had me trying to get you there."

Running a hand through Dylan's hair, she sighed, "It's like a fever, it just washes over me and I literally cannot control myself."

"Yeah, well that time it washed over me too." Dylan returned truthfully.

Slipping her arms around Dylan's neck to pull her closer, "I love you." She said softly.

Feeling her heart swell at hearing those words, Dylan wanted to say it back, but instead told her, "And I will be back before you know it."

"You're still going..."? Devon asked in surprise, her arms holding Dylan tight against her.

"I need to take care of this babe." Dylan told her gently as she looked into her eyes.

"I know you do," She admitted, "Will I see you tomorrow"?

"Spend the night with me." Dylan suggested.

"Tonight"? She asked teased kissing her quickly, "or tomorrow"?

"I'm thinking tomorrow." Dylan replied with a soft smile.

Tracing Dylan's lips with her nail, Devon asked, "How does six sound"?

"Close to perfect." Dylan responded sucking on her finger gently.

"What would be perfect"? Devon asked curiously raising her eyebrows.

Using her tongue to work her finger, Dylan searched her eyes for a moment before answering, "Me, not leaving at all."

Catching her breath, Devon closed her eyes and replied, "Such a charmer."

Laughing lightly, Dylan kissed her nose before extricating herself from Devon's body.

"Oh, not yet..." She groaned trying to pull Dylan back down.

"As much as I want to stay...I have to go." Dylan returned with a smile as she stood up and then handed Devon her robe.

"Fine," Devon pouted, pulling on the robe as she stood up, "Then, I guess I'll walk you out." She frowned cutely.

Stopping at Wal-Mart, Dylan bought two trac phones and then headed back to the restaurant. Once there, Dylan took Mark outside to talk to him, she didn't think her apartment was bugged, but who knew how far Max would go, and Dylan wasn't about to tip her hand especially if Devon was involved.

"So, what do you think"? Dylan asked after explaining what she and Devon had talked about.

"I think it's good in theory, I mean it could definitely work as long as Max isn't privy to Devon's money." He stated rubbing his whiskered stubbled chin.

"She says he's not." Dylan shrugged.

"Well, you should definitely call your aunt." He sighed.

"I'm going to, in fact, I bought a non-traceable phone to do it on." Dylan told him.

Putting his hand on Dylan's shoulder, he smiled and said, "I hope this works, I know how badly you want him out of all that."

Nodding her head in agreement, Dylan said, "Thanks Mark" and then waited until he went back inside to make the call to her aunt.

It had been at least a year since Dylan had even talked to her aunt, and she didn't even know why, after all, that's who she had come to the states with nearly seventeen years ago. Dylan had stayed with her Aunt Katie and Uncle Ian for about a year afterward, Ian was her father's brother and the two of them had never gotten along or agreed on the family business so when Ian decided to take his wife and start over in the States, Dylan packed a bag at eighteen and went with them and her father had never forgiven either one of them...not even when Uncle Ian had died three years ago.

After initial hello's and how are you's, Dylan was relieved to hear the Aidan was telling the truth and Conner did want to come and live with their Aunt. She was also relieved to hear that her mother had planned most of his escape and was behind his coming to the states 100%. Dylan knew it would be hard to get him out since he was only seventeen and Clancy could drag him back if he so choose to do, but somehow her mother and her Aunt had it all worked out if they could come up with the money.

After promising to call again tomorrow with the details, Dylan hung up and went inside. For some reason, she had thought this would all take much longer, but as she looked at her watch and saw it was only ten-thirty she toyed with the idea of going back to Devon's, but the truth was, she just didn't feel like driving the forty minutes it took to get there, so she went upstairs to help Mark with some paperwork, and then decided to cruise through the club and make sure things were running smoothly there as well.

After Dylan had talked to Steve, the club manager, for all intent and purposes, she decided to do a walk through. Just as Dylan was making her way back to the office upstairs, Faith, one of the regulars, came off the stage to stop her.

"Hey sexy, I haven't seen you lately..." She smiled as she slid her arms around Dylan's neck, "rumor has it, you're off the market, please tell me that isn't true." She pouted cutely.

Faith was definitely one of the more attractive dancers that came here on a regular basis, she had a very feminine short blond cut, and a dancer's lithe body, and Dylan and her had hooked up a couple of times.

"I'm afraid it is." Dylan smiled looking into her blue eyes.

Sticking her lower lip out in a pout, Faith slid her arms around Dylan's neck and stepped in close, "Well, then how about one last go at it"? She asked with a seductive smile.

Laughing lightly as the music thrummed through her body, Dylan shook her head but could feel the hypnotic beat of the music working as she reached up and removed Faith's arms from around her neck, "No, my dear, I'm afraid you'll just have to make due with all the other women you've got in your life." She told her with a wink and a smile.

"You're the only one that really mattered," She teased back.

"I hardly believe that..." Dylan stated with a smile as she turned to walk away.

"You're gonna miss me, you'll see." She sang out with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sure I will." Dylan stated before heading up the stairs to the office where she hopped on the elevator to go up to her place.

Dylan hadn't even realized how tired she was until her head hit the pillow at twelve-thirty and by then it was lights out.

Friday morning Dylan woke up to the phone ringing in her ear, glancing at the clock she rubbed her eyes and grimaced seeing it was only eight o'clock in the morning.

"Hello"? She answered sleepily.

"Good morning my love." The angelic voice on the other end purred.

"Well, it is now anyway." Dylan smiled, lying back again.

"I'm sorry if I woke you but I just needed to hear your voice before I left for work." She told her.

"That's okay, I'm glad you did...I need to get up anyway, I've got a lot to do today." Dylan replied wishing she were there laying in her arms.

"Did everything go okay last night?

"Yeah, everything's gonna work out but I'll talk to you about it later tonight when you come see me"? Dylan replied hopefully.

"Mm, you've got that all planned out already I see." She smiled.

Laughing lightly, Dylan nodded, "Yeah, I guess I missed you last night."

"I missed you too." She stated softly.

"Why don't you bring an extra set of clothes for tomorrow as well and we can spend the day down at Pike's market." She suggested.

"Sounds wonderful, I get a whole day"? Devon asked approvingly.

"I left the code to the parking garage on your night stand last night, did you find it"?

"I was wondering what that was." Devon said.

"Well, now you know...just come up through the kitchen, someone will know where I'm at."

"Sounds good darling, I will see you soon."

"I'll be looking for you."

After hanging up with Devon, Dylan hopped in the shower, then after dressing in a pair of black slacks and a black button down, she headed to her kitchen to make a cup of coffee but was side tracked when Lisa called her on her cell at nine.

"Dylan, you better come down here, Max is here with a warrant to check over our books." She said sounding distressed.

Feeling her heart drop, Dylan sighed, "Damn, this guy just won't give up, have you called Mark"? She asked.

"I will as soon as I hang up with you, but Max is on his way up."

"I'll be right there." Dylan stated and then promptly hung up and headed for the elevator.

By the time Mark and Bill, Dylan's attorney got there, it was close to eleven, so Max and his IRS agent began going through the books.

Dylan helped Lisa open the restaurant as usual and by five it was business as usual, except for the fact that Max and his lackey were pouring through every receipt and every transaction that the restaurant had made since it opened.

After telling Lisa that she was going upstairs to check on things as she had done periodically throughout the day, Dylan headed up tiredly. No actually, she was more than tired, she was mentally exhausted. Just having Max here was enough to exhaust anyone.

"Well, how's it going"? Dylan asked stepping up to Mark.

"He's almost done and not a cent off," Mark stated rolling his eyes, "I could have told him that."

"I know, what a dick." Dylan said sitting down on the sofa next to him.

"I'm not sure what he'd thought he'd find, but it's obvious there's nothing in the books."

As if on cue, Max looked up at Dylan and smiled, "Where's the receipt for a cash withdrawal for five hundred and fifty dollars on the 9th of June"?

"What's it say in the ledger notes"? Dylan asked sarcastically but feeling a nervous knot in her stomach.

Looking down at the ledger, the IRS agent said, "Dan McCafee."

Turning to look at Dylan with a confused look on his face, Mark lifted his hands as if saying, "What the hell?"

"I forgot my checkbook," Dylan nodded remembering, and then turned to look at Max, "Dan is my Harley mechanic."

"I'll need to see the receipt as proof to what was bought." The agent stated.

"I'm sure Dan can produce it." Dylan replied, knowing that Dan was a stickler for keeping the books.

"He better, and he better get it to me by opening time tomorrow or you won't be." Max snarled.

Standing up, Dylan opened her cell phone and dialed Dan's number, then walked to the back room and waited until he answered before explaining the situation.

"Man, this guy is a real douche...but truthfully, I'd be a little pissed if you were dating my ex." Dan said with laugh.

"You have to have a girlfriend in order to have an ex," Dylan retorted with a laugh, "so can you swing the receipt by tonight"?

"Not with that attitude." He said laughing back, but Dylan knew he would.

"I'll give you a free meal and a couple drinks." Dylan said sealing the deal.

"I'll be there." He stated just as Mark peeked in with a worried look and whispered that Devon was downstairs.

Looking at her watch and seeing it was five-thirty, she told Dan, "Gotta go, see you later."

Hanging up her phone, Dylan walked towards Mark, "I'll go down and cut her off."

"They shouldn't see each other." Mark said stating the obvious.

"I know, I'll take her up to my place." Dylan told him as they walked out to see Max and his agent standing at the elevator.

"Well, Ms. McKay, things are in order except for the five-fifty, so if you can show me proof by nine in the morning, your fine to carry on with business tomorrow." The agent told her.

"I'll have it faxed over first thing in the morning." Dylan stated looking smugly at Max.

Hoping that Devon wasn't by the elevator, they all stepped in and rode it down quietly. Max was biting his tongue, disappointed by the day's events, Dylan guessed, but when the elevator doors opened and he saw Devon standing there looking like a goddess in a tight grey skirt and matching blouse, with heels to match, his eyes almost looked like he was in pain.

"Devon," Max said in surprise, "What're you..." he started but stopped himself as he glanced over at Dylan in disgust before looking back at Devon.

"Are you here chasing ghosts that don't exist"? Devon asked Max with a sly smile.

"Don't be so naïve Devon, it's in her blood..."Max stated, "Once a terrorist, always a terrorist."

Noticing the small over-night case she carried, Dylan winked at her before reaching out to take it with a happy but exhausted smile.

"Nine O'clock sharp McKay." Max seethed as he walked away.

"Always a pleasure Maxwell," Dylan called after him, and then turned toward Mark and Bill, "Thanks for being here Bill, I appreciate you coming so quickly."

"No problem, I always like to see that smug son of bitch get his." He laughed.

Nodding in agreement, she looked over toward Devon to see her smiling as well, "Well, I'll let Mark walk you out, but thanks again." Dylan said looking back at the guys.

"Okay, let me know if you need me to do anything else." Bill replied, then looking at Devon he nodded his head and smiled as he walked away.

"What was that about"? Devon asked curiously as Dylan took her hand and pulled her inside the elevator.

"Oh, just Max trying to flex his muscles." Dylan shrugged as Devon slid her arms around Dylan's neck when the doors shut.

"I'm sorry he's putting you through this darling." Devon told her sympathetically.

"He's got nothing on me, because there is nothing to get." Dylan stated just before she felt Devon's wonderfully soft lips on hers.

"He may not have anything on you, but I'm certainly going to in about ten minutes." Devon responded as she stepped even closer.

"Ten minutes, huh"?

"Unless you want to start now..." She replied reaching up to unbutton Dylan's shirt, "I've never done it in an elevator before."

"I can definitely remedy that, but not at this moment." Dylan said giving her a kiss but stopping her from unbuttoning any more buttons, "I still need to call my brother, I didn't have time earlier with all that was going on...I hope he's still here and can get to his phone."

"I hope so too," Devon replied stepping back as the elevator doors opened and Dylan removed her key, "Maybe you better try him right now."

"I will but I wanted to get you situated first." Dylan admitted stepping inside.

"Well, thank you but I'm here now, just make your call." She said giving Dylan a light push.

Stopping to look in her gorgeous green eyes, Dylan felt her heart swell. Devon was so loving and caring, how did she get so damn lucky?

"Thank you babe, you are way too good to me." She said truthfully.

Putting her hand to the side of Dylan's face, Devon looked in her eyes deeply and sighed, "No Dylan, I just love you."

Feeling her chest tighten, she leaned forward and kissed her lips tenderly before saying, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be out in a few."

Dylan did catch her brother but she only had a few seconds to tell him that she would help and that she'd be going through their Aunt to do it. She could hear her father barking orders in the background to some poor soul so Dylan made it short and sweet and then hung up.

Her heart felt heavy with sadness talking with her brother, she missed her family and it wasn't fair that she had to separate herself from them, but she knew it was for the best, at least she could help one of her brothers...she hoped.

Devon had poured herself a glass of wine and made Dylan a bourbon and coke before stepping out onto the terrace to drink in the beauty of the Puget Sound and sighed contentedly at how beautiful it was from this view and how wonderful it felt to have Dylan in her life. More than that even was the fact, that she was actually letting Devon into hers.

Devon knew how hard it must be to trust anyone with matters of her family, but here she was, trusting her. Could Dylan actually be falling in love with her too? After all, who would lay all their dirty secrets on the table if they weren't feeling something pretty strong, but was it love? The way Dylan looked at her told her it was; in fact, she was looking at her right now, and even though Devon's back was toward the door, she could feel Dylan's eyes on her...and the warmth that spread through her made her whole body tingle.

"I don't know which is more beautiful..." Dylan started, coming up behind Devon to slide her arms around her waist, "That view, or this one."

Tilting her head a little as Dylan's lips brushed her neck, she sighed, "Mm, such a'd it go with your brother, that was fast." She added turning in her arms.

"It went fine, I told him I would help and then said goodbye." Dylan shrugged.

Devon could feel the sadness in her, so she smiled gently and told her, "Well, I went to the bank today, I didn't know how you wanted it so I just brought cash."

"Are you sure you want to do this Devon"? Dylan asked, searching her eyes for regret or hesitation.

"I'm very sure," She responded leaning up to kiss Dylan's lip softly, "now, where's that drink I made you"? Devon said winking as she took her hand to lead her back inside.

Once inside with their drinks in hand they sat down on the sofa, and as Devon leaned against her, Dylan asked, "So what do you want to do tonight"?

"I kind of like this...just being in your arms." She replied snuggling even closer and curling her legs up beside her.

"But you're in Seattle woman and we have the rest of the night." Dylan stated.

Turning her face up to Dylan, she smiled lightly, "You might not like this darling but I'm a bit of a home body, I did all that night life stuff when I was in my twenties...besides that, I thought we were going to Pike's Place market tomorrow"?

"We are..." she began a little surprised and then added, "So, I've got myself a domesticated woman, Huh"?

Tracing Dylan's lips with a white tipped fingernail, Devon bit her lower lip and nodded with a hint of a sexy smile.

"You do realize you're dating a nightclub owner, don't you"?

Sighing, Devon nodded, "Yes, but the key word here is owner."

Laughing out loud, Dylan nodded, "Oh, so as long as we're in my nightclub and I can come up at your beck and call, it's okay"?

"Now you're getting the picture," Devon replied lifting a perfect eyebrow, "Besides that, look around...since when have you ever had this much privacy in a nightclub"? She added leaning in to capture Dylan's lips seductively.

"Mm, good point," Dylan agreed laying back and pulling Devon on top of her as she deepened the kiss by sliding her tongue inside of her mouth.

Reaching up Devon began once more to unbutton Dylan's shirt, her lips never leaving the soft warmth of her mouth, and this time she actually made it down four buttons before Dylan's cell phone rang.

"You've got to be kidding me." Dylan stated with a frown.

Bringing her darker green eyes up to meet Dylan's, she shook her head, "Please don't answer that." She pleaded.

Reaching into her pocket, "Just let me make sure it isn't Mark or Lisa." Dylan stated, and then sighed when she saw Lisa's name on the caller id, "sorry babe, just hang on a second." She said bringing the phone up to her ear.

Devon groaned and put her lips against Dylan's chest where she had unbuttoned her shirt. She had no intention of hanging on! She had been waiting patiently since last night and just as she finished unbuttoning the rest of Dylan's shirt and untucking it, she heard Dylan say, "Send him up."

"I'm sorry baby, but it's Dan," She said as Dylan sat up frustratedly, "He brought the receipt I need to fax Max's IRS guy so I can open tomorrow."

"Can I least have you after he leaves"? Devon asked sticking out her lower lip to pout.

Standing up, Dylan laughed lightly as she began to re-button her shirt once again, "Definitely, I promise I'll be all yours." Dylan told her reaching down to take hold of her hand.

Nodding but still pouting, Devon stood up in front of her and looked in Dylan's eyes, "You left so abruptly last night, I just feel empty today." She told her dejectedly.

Kissing her nose softly, Dylan smiled, "I guarantee you sweetheart that very soon you will not be feeling empty when I'm inside of you." She added with a knowing wink, just as the elevator bell chimed.

Letting go of her hand, Dylan turned around with a secret smile of her own, leaving Devon speechless while she headed toward the elevator to open the doors.

"That was so unfair." Devon pouted as Dylan put the key in the elevator.

"What"? She asked with an innocent shrug looking back at her as the doors slid open and Dan walked through and immediately looked from Dylan to Devon.

"Uh oh, what did I just walk into"? He asked as Dylan reached out laughing to give him a quick hug.

"Nothing," Dylan smiled, and then turned to Devon who was shaking her dark mane slowly and said, "You remember Devon, right"?

"Of course, I never forget a beautiful face," Dan stated stepping up to meet her outstretched hand, "I see you haven't come to your senses yet." He added referring to their conversation on the phone the other night.

Smiling warmly, Devon shook his hand, "No, I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment." She added shrugging her slender shoulders.

"Hey now." Dylan interjected as Dan laughed.

"I guess sometimes we just have to take what life deals us." He added and Devon laughed that wonderful melodious laugh as she stepped up to drape her arm around Dylan playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, you two are did you bring me the receipt or just a bunch of unfunny insults"? Dylan asked looking at Dan.

"Can't I even have a beer first"? He asked shaking his head but digging in his pocket to retrieve the paper.

"As If I'd give you one after those jibes." Dylan returned taking the paper he offered.

"I'll get you one Dan." Devon told him with a wink as she started off toward the kitchen.

Reaching out to grab her arm gently, "No you won't traitor," Dylan said with a smile and then when she had both their attention, she added, "I thought we'd have dinner and drinks downstairs."

With an almost pained look on her face, Devon shot me an "But, I want to be alone with you look", and then immediately replaced it with a smile as Dan clapped his hands together and said,

"Now that's more like it partner."

Giving Dan a knuckle bump, Dylan turned toward Devon and whispered in her ear, "That's for playing along with him." And then with a smile turned and headed toward the elevator knowing how much Devon had wanted to just stay in and play house.

Devon could feel the tingle run through her body when Dylan whispered in her ear. All she wanted to do was lay naked in her arms and have Dylan's mouth on hers. God, this was torture and Dylan knew it! She was starting to think that perhaps Dylan enjoyed this power she had over her...Well, maybe she would start flexing her womanly muscles too! No, she knew she would never be able to stop once she got things heated up...Sighing, as they all stepped into the elevator, she was powerless over her own sexuality when it came to Dylan and she may as well just accept it now.

After giving Mark the receipt so he could fax it to Max's office, the three of them sat down and after a bottle of wine with appetizers, they decided to order dinner.

Dylan had always laughed and enjoyed Dan's company and even though tonight was no exception, she really did want some alone time with the beautiful woman sitting next to her. So when dinner was finished and Dan suggested another bottle of wine, she immediately felt Devon's hand give her thigh a little squeeze before moving up to cup Dylan's crotch.

Catching her breath, Dylan swallowed and then cleared her throat before saying, "You know Dan as much as I'd like to, it's been such a long day dealing with the audit and all."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot Maxwell Smart was here all day..." He said and then immediately looked over at Devon, "Sorry, no offense."

Devon laughed and looked at Dylan, "Is that what you call him...Maxwell Smart"?

"Yeah, most of the time." She acknowledged with a shrug and a smile.

"That's hilarious." Devon replied laughing again.

"Well, we have to find something to laugh about while he methodically harasses us." Dylan added while waving down Alexandra, their server.

"I would love to tell him." Devon stated as Alexandra walked up.

"Alex, I'll be taking care of this and if Dan would like to sit in the bar, I'll take care of that as well." Dylan told her matter of factly, in which Dan immediately objected to.

"No Dylan, I'm good..." He started, "I'm actually pretty tired myself, we'll hang another night." Dan said pulling out his wallet.

"That's fine, I'll get tonight though," Dylan stated, "You really came through for me today, it's my thank you."

After a few minutes of thank you's and goodnights, Dan headed out the main entrance, and Dylan whisked Devon upstairs but only after letting Mark know she was in for the night and to only call if there was an emergency.

Once in the elevator, Dylan turned to Devon and backed her against the wall with a small smile on her face.

"Looks like you've finally got me all to yourself Ms. McKenna, now what are you going to do"? Dylan asked curiously, but knowing the truth deep down.

Watching her eyes grow darker, Devon smiled seductively and purred, "This," as she began to unbutton her own blouse. "I thought I might go in a different direction this time as I've tried to unbutton yours twice already tonight."

Taking in every sultry move she made, Dylan felt her heart speed up and her mouth literally start to water as the elevator stopped at her apartment, and when Devon reached to turn the key to open the doors, Dylan stopped her.

Lifting an eyebrow, Devon smiled sexily and then continued undressing slowly, never letting her eyes leave Dylan's.

Dylan watched patiently, yet hungrily as she removed her silky blouse and then let her skirt slip from her slender hips to the ground before she could take no more and stepped forward as if in some sort of a sexual trance. Covering Devon's mouth with her own as she slipped her hand inside Devon's silk panties she found her warm already wet lips awaiting her fingers.

Moaning in surprise against Dylan's mouth, Devon wrapped one leg around her waist allowing her to slip a finger inside perfectly. Just being inside of Devon was a tortured pleasure that sent waves of ecstasy through Dylan and made her body ache just from the sheer desire of it.

"Darling," Devon breathed out shakily, "please,"

Burying her face in Devon's soft neck as she held her against the elevator wall, Dylan began sliding her fingers in and out of her, slowly at first, but then as Devon's breathing quickened, she increased the speed and within moments, Devon was begging her to stop as her leg gave away and she collapsed in Dylan's arms.

In a precarious position and still inside of her, Dylan tried to pull out of her gently without hurting her, but Devon literally had no strength to help her, so kissing her forehead, Dylan said, "I need you to grab my neck baby, I don't want to hurt you."

"I'll try." She whispered hoarsely, her eyes still shut and her body still trembling.

Extricating her hand from Devon's panties, she turned the key to open the doors and then scooped her up in her arms to carry her inside to her bed, where she lay her down gently then slipped off her heels.

"Let me go close the elevator doors, I'll be right back okay," Dylan told her as she pulled the covers up over her perfect body, clad only in her peach colored silk panties and matching brassier.

"My clothes..."? She asked exhaustedly as though about to fall asleep.

"Yes, I'm going to get them now." Dylan assured her before leaning down to kiss her softly as she closed her eyes once again.

Smiling to herself as she gathered up Devon's discarded clothes from the elevator, Dylan sent the elevator back down and then headed back into the bedroom.

Laying her clothes over the back of a chair, and setting her heels next to them, Dylan leaned against her dresser to watch her sleep, and then, feeling a warmth spread through her as quick as a wild fire, Dylan wondered what it was that made Devon think she was in love with her? How did an Irish Mobster's daughter get so lucky? Devon was everything that was sweet and nice, and Dylan...well, she was just a girl trying to escape a family with a bad name.

Turning to head for the kitchen, Devon called after her, "Dylan"?


"Come lay with me, I need to feel your body next to mine." She replied huskily.

Knowing she couldn't resist, Dylan headed over to the bed unbuttoning her shirt as she went, "I thought you were sleeping."

"Mm, I just needed to rest a minute..." She began sitting up a little to watch as Dylan undressed, "You have no idea how much you take out of me sometimes."

Smiling a little, Dylan removed her pants before sliding in between the sheets, "Maybe not at that moment but I certainly do afterwards, that's why I was letting you sleep." Dylan replied honestly.

Reaching up to stroke Dylan's face, she smiled warmly, "I love you so much."

Leaning forward to kiss her lips lightly, Dylan gathered her in her arms, "I know baby, now don't you think you're a little over dressed"? She replied softly, and then lifted her hand to play with the thin strap of Devon's bra.

With her eyes glazing over, Devon bit her lower lip sexily as she leaned forward slightly, "Yes, I what are you going to do about it"?

Laughing lightly, Dylan pulled the strap down and let her lips touch the soft satiny shoulder, "How about this."

Devon knew that making love to Dylan was the most complete experience she had ever known, she also knew how one passion filled session could drain her physically as well as emotionally...yet, all Dylan had to do was touch her, look at her, or hell, even be in the same room with her and she was putty. She knew that she loved this woman, but she also knew they had to start doing things other than just eating dinner and making love...but feeling Dylan's lips on her shoulder sent shivers of excitement down her spine...and they were going to spend the day together tomorrow after all...Taking in a deep breath as her body shuddered underneath Dylan's touch, she reached up and ran a hand through her silver hair just as Dylan's mouth encircled her ripening nipple.

_Knowing she couldn't make love to Devon all night, and that Devon wasn't going to let her family situation go, she decided to just tell her the truth after they had made love again.

It wasn't that she was trying to keep that part of her life from Devon, she just honestly didn't want her involved...because of Max. Well, Max and her family. Anyone with Dylan would automatically be associated with Dylan's name, and Dylan was honestly just trying to protect when Devon suggested that she send the money to her Aunt Katie with her own funds and Dylan pay her back in small amounts, Dylan almost had a heart attack.

"Absolutely not, that's ridiculous." Dylan stated, "Have you lost your mind"?

Throwing the covers back, Devon stepped out of bed and reached for her robe as if remembering what Dylan had told her earlier about having a serious conversation.

"Why, you just said you can't do it because of the way Max is watching you," she returned, "He isn't watching me, so why can't I help"?

"Because I don't want you involved." Dylan stated adamantly as she sat up.

Tying the sash on her robe, Devon smiled gently and came over to sit on the edge of the bed, "Dylan, I love you and you love your brother..." she started and took Dylan's hand in hers, "your hands are tied, but mine aren't...let me help you."

Sighing deeply as she looked in Devon's eyes, she told her, "I don't even know if Aidan is telling me the truth."

Raising her hand to her lips, Devon kissed it and said, "I think you believe he is and I know you want to save's only twenty five hundred Dylan, don't you think it's worth a try"?

"Do you know what twenty five hundred can buy in the IRA"? Dylan asked seriously looking into her deep green pools.

Putting her hand to the side of Dylan's face, "He's your brother honey, you have to try." She said gently.

Shaking her head, Dylan leaned back and ran a hand through her hair, she knew Devon was right, but she didn't want to admit it.

"I'll think about it." Dylan replied knowing she only had a few hours left to do so.

Laying down beside her, Devon put her hand on her chest and kissed her cheek softly, "Everything will work out darling."

As if knowing she needed some time, Devon went downstairs for a while. Dylan told her she would be down shortly, but after only a few minutes she got up and began to dress. Dylan knew she needed to talk to Mark, after all, he was inadvertently a part of this and she also needed to talk to her Aunt Katie on a secure phone to make sure this was all on the up and up.

Devon was sitting on the couch with her long legs curled up beside her when Dylan came down fully dressed.

Looking up in alarm, Devon jumped up, "Dylan"?

Stepping up to her, Dylan put her arms around her and smiled, "it's okay baby..." she assured her, "I just need to talk to Mark and go buy a phone so that it can't be traced back to me when I talk with my Aunt."

"But I thought you were going to spend the night"? She said frowning a little.

"Its early babe, we have options."

"What are they"? She asked curiously.

"I can come back here but it will probably be after midnight, or you can meet me at my place around eleven...or we can see each other tomorrow."

"I'll meet you at your place." She stated without even thinking about it.

"But your already dressed for bed and there's work tomorrow." Dylan stated slipping her hands inside the robe to feel her soft, smooth skin.

"Mm, don't do this to me." Devon replied huskily pleading with Dylan's eyes.

"Do what"? Dylan asked sliding her hands upwards to cup her splendid breasts.

Closing her eyes, Devon breathed in deeply, "That." She whispered.

Surprised by her own want again, Dylan knew she'd better stop, so leaning down she kissed her tenderly and stepped back, "You're right, just stay here and I'll be back to finish this." She told her.

"You can't leave me this way," Devon begged stepping back into Dylan's arms, "Please, won't you just talk to him tomorrow." She replied huskily as she reached up and pushed her silky white robe off her shoulders.

Feeling her heart hammer in her chest, Dylan swallowed as Devon took her hand and pulled her to the sofa where she lay down on it and parted her legs seductively and ran her own hands along the insides of her thighs.

"Damn, that backfired." Dylan muttered as she crawled in between the soft warm flesh of Devon's thighs.

With no more words, Dylan dove in driving her tongue inside of Devon, savoring every drop she could take from her. Devon clung to her as if this might be their last time together and with every wave of ecstasy she pulled Dylan in even deeper, riding her as if she just couldn't get enough. Devon moaned softly at times and then at other times she would shout in pleasure until finally with a jolt, she could ride no more.

"Oh my...God," She said breathlessly, "I almost climbed the walls."

Scooting back up to lay on top of her and look in her eyes, Dylan kissed her softly, "Well, you certainly had me trying to get you there."

Running a hand through Dylan's hair, she sighed, "It's like a fever, it just washes over me and I literally cannot control myself."

"Yeah, well that time it washed over me too." Dylan returned truthfully.

Slipping her arms around Dylan's neck to pull her closer, "I love you." She said softly.

Feeling her heart swell at hearing those words, Dylan wanted to say it back, but instead told her, "And I will be back before you know it."

"You're still going..."? Devon asked in surprise, her arms holding Dylan tight against her.

"I need to take care of this babe." Dylan told her gently as she looked into her eyes.

"I know you do," She admitted, "Will I see you tomorrow"?

"Spend the night with me." Dylan suggested.

"Tonight"? She asked teased kissing her quickly, "or tomorrow"?

"I'm thinking tomorrow." Dylan replied with a soft smile.

Tracing Dylan's lips with her nail, Devon asked, "How does six sound"?

"Close to perfect." Dylan responded sucking on her finger gently.

"What would be perfect"? Devon asked curiously raising her eyebrows.

Using her tongue to work her finger, Dylan searched her eyes for a moment before answering, "Me, not leaving at all."

Catching her breath, Devon closed her eyes and replied, "Such a charmer."

Laughing lightly, Dylan kissed her nose before extricating herself from Devon's body.

"Oh, not yet..." She groaned trying to pull Dylan back down.

"As much as I want to stay...I have to go." Dylan returned with a smile as she stood up and then handed Devon her robe.

"Fine," Devon pouted, pulling on the robe as she stood up, "Then, I guess I'll walk you out." She frowned cutely.

Stopping at Wal-Mart, Dylan bought two trac phones and then headed back to the restaurant. Once there, Dylan took Mark outside to talk to him, she didn't think her apartment was bugged, but who knew how far Max would go, and Dylan wasn't about to tip her hand especially if Devon was involved.

"So, what do you think"? Dylan asked after explaining what she and Devon had talked about.

"I think it's good in theory, I mean it could definitely work as long as Max isn't privy to Devon's money." He stated rubbing his whiskered stubbled chin.

"She says he's not." Dylan shrugged.

"Well, you should definitely call your aunt." He sighed.

"I'm going to, in fact, I bought a non-traceable phone to do it on." Dylan told him.

Putting his hand on Dylan's shoulder, he smiled and said, "I hope this works, I know how badly you want him out of all that."

Nodding her head in agreement, Dylan said, "Thanks Mark" and then waited until he went back inside to make the call to her aunt.

It had been at least a year since Dylan had even talked to her aunt, and she didn't even know why, after all, that's who she had come to the states with nearly seventeen years ago. Dylan had stayed with her Aunt Katie and Uncle Ian for about a year afterward, Ian was her father's brother and the two of them had never gotten along or agreed on the family business so when Ian decided to take his wife and start over in the States, Dylan packed a bag at eighteen and went with them and her father had never forgiven either one of them...not even when Uncle Ian had died three years ago.

After initial hello's and how are you's, Dylan was relieved to hear the Aidan was telling the truth and Conner did want to come and live with their Aunt. She was also relieved to hear that her mother had planned most of his escape and was behind his coming to the states 100%. Dylan knew it would be hard to get him out since he was only seventeen and Clancy could drag him back if he so choose to do, but somehow her mother and her Aunt had it all worked out if they could come up with the money.

After promising to call again tomorrow with the details, Dylan hung up and went inside. For some reason, she had thought this would all take much longer, but as she looked at her watch and saw it was only ten-thirty she toyed with the idea of going back to Devon's, but the truth was, she just didn't feel like driving the forty minutes it took to get there, so she went upstairs to help Mark with some paperwork, and then decided to cruise through the club and make sure things were running smoothly there as well.

After Dylan had talked to Steve, the club manager, for all intent and purposes, she decided to do a walk through. Just as Dylan was making her way back to the office upstairs, Faith, one of the regulars, came off the stage to stop her.

"Hey sexy, I haven't seen you lately..." She smiled as she slid her arms around Dylan's neck, "rumor has it, you're off the market, please tell me that isn't true." She pouted cutely.

Faith was definitely one of the more attractive dancers that came here on a regular basis, she had a very feminine short blond cut, and a dancer's lithe body, and Dylan and her had hooked up a couple of times.

"I'm afraid it is." Dylan smiled looking into her blue eyes.

Sticking her lower lip out in a pout, Faith slid her arms around Dylan's neck and stepped in close, "Well, then how about one last go at it"? She asked with a seductive smile.

Laughing lightly as the music thrummed through her body, Dylan shook her head but could feel the hypnotic beat of the music working as she reached up and removed Faith's arms from around her neck, "No, my dear, I'm afraid you'll just have to make due with all the other women you've got in your life." She told her with a wink and a smile.

"You're the only one that really mattered," She teased back.

"I hardly believe that..." Dylan stated with a smile as she turned to walk away.

"You're gonna miss me, you'll see." She sang out with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sure I will." Dylan stated before heading up the stairs to the office where she hopped on the elevator to go up to her place.

Dylan hadn't even realized how tired she was until her head hit the pillow at twelve-thirty and by then it was lights out.

Friday morning Dylan woke up to the phone ringing in her ear, glancing at the clock she rubbed her eyes and grimaced seeing it was only eight o'clock in the morning.

"Hello"? She answered sleepily.

"Good morning my love." The angelic voice on the other end purred.

"Well, it is now anyway." Dylan smiled, lying back again.

"I'm sorry if I woke you but I just needed to hear your voice before I left for work." She told her.

"That's okay, I'm glad you did...I need to get up anyway, I've got a lot to do today." Dylan replied wishing she were there laying in her arms.

"Did everything go okay last night?

"Yeah, everything's gonna work out but I'll talk to you about it later tonight when you come see me"? Dylan replied hopefully.

"Mm, you've got that all planned out already I see." She smiled.

Laughing lightly, Dylan nodded, "Yeah, I guess I missed you last night."

"I missed you too." She stated softly.

"Why don't you bring an extra set of clothes for tomorrow as well and we can spend the day down at Pike's market." She suggested.

"Sounds wonderful, I get a whole day"? Devon asked approvingly.

"I left the code to the parking garage on your night stand last night, did you find it"?

"I was wondering what that was." Devon said.

"Well, now you know...just come up through the kitchen, someone will know where I'm at."

"Sounds good darling, I will see you soon."

"I'll be looking for you."

After hanging up with Devon, Dylan hopped in the shower, then after dressing in a pair of black slacks and a black button down, she headed to her kitchen to make a cup of coffee but was side tracked when Lisa called her on her cell at nine.

"Dylan, you better come down here, Max is here with a warrant to check over our books." She said sounding distressed.

Feeling her heart drop, Dylan sighed, "Damn, this guy just won't give up, have you called Mark"? She asked.

"I will as soon as I hang up with you, but Max is on his way up."

"I'll be right there." Dylan stated and then promptly hung up and headed for the elevator.

By the time Mark and Bill, Dylan's attorney got there, it was close to eleven, so Max and his IRS agent began going through the books.

Dylan helped Lisa open the restaurant as usual and by five it was business as usual, except for the fact that Max and his lackey were pouring through every receipt and every transaction that the restaurant had made since it opened.

After telling Lisa that she was going upstairs to check on things as she had done periodically throughout the day, Dylan headed up tiredly. No actually, she was more than tired, she was mentally exhausted. Just having Max here was enough to exhaust anyone.

"Well, how's it going"? Dylan asked stepping up to Mark.

"He's almost done and not a cent off," Mark stated rolling his eyes, "I could have told him that."

"I know, what a dick." Dylan said sitting down on the sofa next to him.

"I'm not sure what he'd thought he'd find, but it's obvious there's nothing in the books."

As if on cue, Max looked up at Dylan and smiled, "Where's the receipt for a cash withdrawal for five hundred and fifty dollars on the 9th of June"?

"What's it say in the ledger notes"? Dylan asked sarcastically but feeling a nervous knot in her stomach.

Looking down at the ledger, the IRS agent said, "Dan McCafee."

Turning to look at Dylan with a confused look on his face, Mark lifted his hands as if saying, "What the hell?"

"I forgot my checkbook," Dylan nodded remembering, and then turned to look at Max, "Dan is my Harley mechanic."

"I'll need to see the receipt as proof to what was bought." The agent stated.

"I'm sure Dan can produce it." Dylan replied, knowing that Dan was a stickler for keeping the books.

"He better, and he better get it to me by opening time tomorrow or you won't be." Max snarled.

Standing up, Dylan opened her cell phone and dialed Dan's number, then walked to the back room and waited until he answered before explaining the situation.

"Man, this guy is a real douche...but truthfully, I'd be a little pissed if you were dating my ex." Dan said with laugh.

"You have to have a girlfriend in order to have an ex," Dylan retorted with a laugh, "so can you swing the receipt by tonight"?

"Not with that attitude." He said laughing back, but Dylan knew he would.

"I'll give you a free meal and a couple drinks." Dylan said sealing the deal.

"I'll be there." He stated just as Mark peeked in with a worried look and whispered that Devon was downstairs.

Looking at her watch and seeing it was five-thirty, she told Dan, "Gotta go, see you later."

Hanging up her phone, Dylan walked towards Mark, "I'll go down and cut her off."

"They shouldn't see each other." Mark said stating the obvious.

"I know, I'll take her up to my place." Dylan told him as they walked out to see Max and his agent standing at the elevator.

"Well, Ms. McKay, things are in order except for the five-fifty, so if you can show me proof by nine in the morning, your fine to carry on with business tomorrow." The agent told her.

"I'll have it faxed over first thing in the morning." Dylan stated looking smugly at Max.

Hoping that Devon wasn't by the elevator, they all stepped in and rode it down quietly. Max was biting his tongue, disappointed by the day's events, Dylan guessed, but when the elevator doors opened and he saw Devon standing there looking like a goddess in a tight grey skirt and matching blouse, with heels to match, his eyes almost looked like he was in pain.

"Devon," Max said in surprise, "What're you..." he started but stopped himself as he glanced over at Dylan in disgust before looking back at Devon.

"Are you here chasing ghosts that don't exist"? Devon asked Max with a sly smile.

"Don't be so naïve Devon, it's in her blood..."Max stated, "Once a terrorist, always a terrorist."

Noticing the small over-night case she carried, Dylan winked at her before reaching out to take it with a happy but exhausted smile.

"Nine O'clock sharp McKay." Max seethed as he walked away.

"Always a pleasure Maxwell," Dylan called after him, and then turned toward Mark and Bill, "Thanks for being here Bill, I appreciate you coming so quickly."

"No problem, I always like to see that smug son of bitch get his." He laughed.

Nodding in agreement, she looked over toward Devon to see her smiling as well, "Well, I'll let Mark walk you out, but thanks again." Dylan said looking back at the guys.

"Okay, let me know if you need me to do anything else." Bill replied, then looking at Devon he nodded his head and smiled as he walked away.

"What was that about"? Devon asked curiously as Dylan took her hand and pulled her inside the elevator.

"Oh, just Max trying to flex his muscles." Dylan shrugged as Devon slid her arms around Dylan's neck when the doors shut.

"I'm sorry he's putting you through this darling." Devon told her sympathetically.

"He's got nothing on me, because there is nothing to get." Dylan stated just before she felt Devon's wonderfully soft lips on hers.

"He may not have anything on you, but I'm certainly going to in about ten minutes." Devon responded as she stepped even closer.

"Ten minutes, huh"?

"Unless you want to start now..." She replied reaching up to unbutton Dylan's shirt, "I've never done it in an elevator before."

"I can definitely remedy that, but not at this moment." Dylan said giving her a kiss but stopping her from unbuttoning any more buttons, "I still need to call my brother, I didn't have time earlier with all that was going on...I hope he's still here and can get to his phone."

"I hope so too," Devon replied stepping back as the elevator doors opened and Dylan removed her key, "Maybe you better try him right now."

"I will but I wanted to get you situated first." Dylan admitted stepping inside.

"Well, thank you but I'm here now, just make your call." She said giving Dylan a light push.

Stopping to look in her gorgeous green eyes, Dylan felt her heart swell. Devon was so loving and caring, how did she get so damn lucky?

"Thank you babe, you are way too good to me." She said truthfully.

Putting her hand to the side of Dylan's face, Devon looked in her eyes deeply and sighed, "No Dylan, I just love you."

Feeling her chest tighten, she leaned forward and kissed her lips tenderly before saying, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be out in a few."

Dylan did catch her brother but she only had a few seconds to tell him that she would help and that she'd be going through their Aunt to do it. She could hear her father barking orders in the background to some poor soul so Dylan made it short and sweet and then hung up.

Her heart felt heavy with sadness talking with her brother, she missed her family and it wasn't fair that she had to separate herself from them, but she knew it was for the best, at least she could help one of her brothers...she hoped.

Devon had poured herself a glass of wine and made Dylan a bourbon and coke before stepping out onto the terrace to drink in the beauty of the Puget Sound and sighed contentedly at how beautiful it was from this view and how wonderful it felt to have Dylan in her life. More than that even was the fact, that she was actually letting Devon into hers.

Devon knew how hard it must be to trust anyone with matters of her family, but here she was, trusting her. Could Dylan actually be falling in love with her too? After all, who would lay all their dirty secrets on the table if they weren't feeling something pretty strong, but was it love? The way Dylan looked at her told her it was; in fact, she was looking at her right now, and even though Devon's back was toward the door, she could feel Dylan's eyes on her...and the warmth that spread through her made her whole body tingle.

"I don't know which is more beautiful..." Dylan started, coming up behind Devon to slide her arms around her waist, "That view, or this one."

Tilting her head a little as Dylan's lips brushed her neck, she sighed, "Mm, such a'd it go with your brother, that was fast." She added turning in her arms.

"It went fine, I told him I would help and then said goodbye." Dylan shrugged.

Devon could feel the sadness in her, so she smiled gently and told her, "Well, I went to the bank today, I didn't know how you wanted it so I just brought cash."

"Are you sure you want to do this Devon"? Dylan asked, searching her eyes for regret or hesitation.

"I'm very sure," She responded leaning up to kiss Dylan's lip softly, "now, where's that drink I made you"? Devon said winking as she took her hand to lead her back inside.

Once inside with their drinks in hand they sat down on the sofa, and as Devon leaned against her, Dylan asked, "So what do you want to do tonight"?

"I kind of like this...just being in your arms." She replied snuggling even closer and curling her legs up beside her.

"But you're in Seattle woman and we have the rest of the night." Dylan stated.

Turning her face up to Dylan, she smiled lightly, "You might not like this darling but I'm a bit of a home body, I did all that night life stuff when I was in my twenties...besides that, I thought we were going to Pike's Place market tomorrow"?

"We are..." she began a little surprised and then added, "So, I've got myself a domesticated woman, Huh"?

Tracing Dylan's lips with a white tipped fingernail, Devon bit her lower lip and nodded with a hint of a sexy smile.

"You do realize you're dating a nightclub owner, don't you"?

Sighing, Devon nodded, "Yes, but the key word here is owner."

Laughing out loud, Dylan nodded, "Oh, so as long as we're in my nightclub and I can come up at your beck and call, it's okay"?

"Now you're getting the picture," Devon replied lifting a perfect eyebrow, "Besides that, look around...since when have you ever had this much privacy in a nightclub"? She added leaning in to capture Dylan's lips seductively.

"Mm, good point," Dylan agreed laying back and pulling Devon on top of her as she deepened the kiss by sliding her tongue inside of her mouth.

Reaching up Devon began once more to unbutton Dylan's shirt, her lips never leaving the soft warmth of her mouth, and this time she actually made it down four buttons before Dylan's cell phone rang.

"You've got to be kidding me." Dylan stated with a frown.

Bringing her darker green eyes up to meet Dylan's, she shook her head, "Please don't answer that." She pleaded.

Reaching into her pocket, "Just let me make sure it isn't Mark or Lisa." Dylan stated, and then sighed when she saw Lisa's name on the caller id, "sorry babe, just hang on a second." She said bringing the phone up to her ear.

Devon groaned and put her lips against Dylan's chest where she had unbuttoned her shirt. She had no intention of hanging on! She had been waiting patiently since last night and just as she finished unbuttoning the rest of Dylan's shirt and untucking it, she heard Dylan say, "Send him up."

"I'm sorry baby, but it's Dan," She said as Dylan sat up frustratedly, "He brought the receipt I need to fax Max's IRS guy so I can open tomorrow."

"Can I least have you after he leaves"? Devon asked sticking out her lower lip to pout.

Standing up, Dylan laughed lightly as she began to re-button her shirt once again, "Definitely, I promise I'll be all yours." Dylan told her reaching down to take hold of her hand.

Nodding but still pouting, Devon stood up in front of her and looked in Dylan's eyes, "You left so abruptly last night, I just feel empty today." She told her dejectedly.

Kissing her nose softly, Dylan smiled, "I guarantee you sweetheart that very soon you will not be feeling empty when I'm inside of you." She added with a knowing wink, just as the elevator bell chimed.

Letting go of her hand, Dylan turned around with a secret smile of her own, leaving Devon speechless while she headed toward the elevator to open the doors.

"That was so unfair." Devon pouted as Dylan put the key in the elevator.

"What"? She asked with an innocent shrug looking back at her as the doors slid open and Dan walked through and immediately looked from Dylan to Devon.

"Uh oh, what did I just walk into"? He asked as Dylan reached out laughing to give him a quick hug.

"Nothing," Dylan smiled, and then turned to Devon who was shaking her dark mane slowly and said, "You remember Devon, right"?

"Of course, I never forget a beautiful face," Dan stated stepping up to meet her outstretched hand, "I see you haven't come to your senses yet." He added referring to their conversation on the phone the other night.

Smiling warmly, Devon shook his hand, "No, I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment." She added shrugging her slender shoulders.

"Hey now." Dylan interjected as Dan laughed.

"I guess sometimes we just have to take what life deals us." He added and Devon laughed that wonderful melodious laugh as she stepped up to drape her arm around Dylan playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, you two are did you bring me the receipt or just a bunch of unfunny insults"? Dylan asked looking at Dan.

"Can't I even have a beer first"? He asked shaking his head but digging in his pocket to retrieve the paper.

"As If I'd give you one after those jibes." Dylan returned taking the paper he offered.

"I'll get you one Dan." Devon told him with a wink as she started off toward the kitchen.

Reaching out to grab her arm gently, "No you won't traitor," Dylan said with a smile and then when she had both their attention, she added, "I thought we'd have dinner and drinks downstairs."

With an almost pained look on her face, Devon shot me an "But, I want to be alone with you look", and then immediately replaced it with a smile as Dan clapped his hands together and said,

"Now that's more like it partner."

Giving Dan a knuckle bump, Dylan turned toward Devon and whispered in her ear, "That's for playing along with him." And then with a smile turned and headed toward the elevator knowing how much Devon had wanted to just stay in and play house.

Devon could feel the tingle run through her body when Dylan whispered in her ear. All she wanted to do was lay naked in her arms and have Dylan's mouth on hers. God, this was torture and Dylan knew it! She was starting to think that perhaps Dylan enjoyed this power she had over her...Well, maybe she would start flexing her womanly muscles too! No, she knew she would never be able to stop once she got things heated up...Sighing, as they all stepped into the elevator, she was powerless over her own sexuality when it came to Dylan and she may as well just accept it now.

After giving Mark the receipt so he could fax it to Max's office, the three of them sat down and after a bottle of wine with appetizers, they decided to order dinner.

Dylan had always laughed and enjoyed Dan's company and even though tonight was no exception, she really did want some alone time with the beautiful woman sitting next to her. So when dinner was finished and Dan suggested another bottle of wine, she immediately felt Devon's hand give her thigh a little squeeze before moving up to cup Dylan's crotch.

Catching her breath, Dylan swallowed and then cleared her throat before saying, "You know Dan as much as I'd like to, it's been such a long day dealing with the audit and all."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot Maxwell Smart was here all day..." He said and then immediately looked over at Devon, "Sorry, no offense."

Devon laughed and looked at Dylan, "Is that what you call him...Maxwell Smart"?

"Yeah, most of the time." She acknowledged with a shrug and a smile.

"That's hilarious." Devon replied laughing again.

"Well, we have to find something to laugh about while he methodically harasses us." Dylan added while waving down Alexandra, their server.

"I would love to tell him." Devon stated as Alexandra walked up.

"Alex, I'll be taking care of this and if Dan would like to sit in the bar, I'll take care of that as well." Dylan told her matter of factly, in which Dan immediately objected to.

"No Dylan, I'm good..." He started, "I'm actually pretty tired myself, we'll hang another night." Dan said pulling out his wallet.

"That's fine, I'll get tonight though," Dylan stated, "You really came through for me today, it's my thank you."

After a few minutes of thank you's and goodnights, Dan headed out the main entrance, and Dylan whisked Devon upstairs but only after letting Mark know she was in for the night and to only call if there was an emergency.

Once in the elevator, Dylan turned to Devon and backed her against the wall with a small smile on her face.

"Looks like you've finally got me all to yourself Ms. McKenna, now what are you going to do"? Dylan asked curiously, but knowing the truth deep down.

Watching her eyes grow darker, Devon smiled seductively and purred, "This," as she began to unbutton her own blouse. "I thought I might go in a different direction this time as I've tried to unbutton yours twice already tonight."

Taking in every sultry move she made, Dylan felt her heart speed up and her mouth literally start to water as the elevator stopped at her apartment, and when Devon reached to turn the key to open the doors, Dylan stopped her.

Lifting an eyebrow, Devon smiled sexily and then continued undressing slowly, never letting her eyes leave Dylan's.

Dylan watched patiently, yet hungrily as she removed her silky blouse and then let her skirt slip from her slender hips to the ground before she could take no more and stepped forward as if in some sort of a sexual trance. Covering Devon's mouth with her own as she slipped her hand inside Devon's silk panties she found her warm already wet lips awaiting her fingers.

Moaning in surprise against Dylan's mouth, Devon wrapped one leg around her waist allowing her to slip a finger inside perfectly. Just being inside of Devon was a tortured pleasure that sent waves of ecstasy through Dylan and made her body ache just from the sheer desire of it.

"Darling," Devon breathed out shakily, "please,"

Burying her face in Devon's soft neck as she held her against the elevator wall, Dylan began sliding her fingers in and out of her, slowly at first, but then as Devon's breathing quickened, she increased the speed and within moments, Devon was begging her to stop as her leg gave away and she collapsed in Dylan's arms.

In a precarious position and still inside of her, Dylan tried to pull out of her gently without hurting her, but Devon literally had no strength to help her, so kissing her forehead, Dylan said, "I need you to grab my neck baby, I don't want to hurt you."

"I'll try." She whispered hoarsely, her eyes still shut and her body still trembling.

Extricating her hand from Devon's panties, she turned the key to open the doors and then scooped her up in her arms to carry her inside to her bed, where she lay her down gently then slipped off her heels.

"Let me go close the elevator doors, I'll be right back okay," Dylan told her as she pulled the covers up over her perfect body, clad only in her peach colored silk panties and matching brassier.

"My clothes..."? She asked exhaustedly as though about to fall asleep.

"Yes, I'm going to get them now." Dylan assured her before leaning down to kiss her softly as she closed her eyes once again.

Smiling to herself as she gathered up Devon's discarded clothes from the elevator, Dylan sent the elevator back down and then headed back into the bedroom.

Laying her clothes over the back of a chair, and setting her heels next to them, Dylan leaned against her dresser to watch her sleep, and then, feeling a warmth spread through her as quick as a wild fire, Dylan wondered what it was that made Devon think she was in love with her? How did an Irish Mobster's daughter get so lucky? Devon was everything that was sweet and nice, and Dylan...well, she was just a girl trying to escape a family with a bad name.

Turning to head for the kitchen, Devon called after her, "Dylan"?


"Come lay with me, I need to feel your body next to mine." She replied huskily.

Knowing she couldn't resist, Dylan headed over to the bed unbuttoning her shirt as she went, "I thought you were sleeping."

"Mm, I just needed to rest a minute..." She began sitting up a little to watch as Dylan undressed, "You have no idea how much you take out of me sometimes."

Smiling a little, Dylan removed her pants before sliding in between the sheets, "Maybe not at that moment but I certainly do afterwards, that's why I was letting you sleep." Dylan replied honestly.

Reaching up to stroke Dylan's face, she smiled warmly, "I love you so much."

Leaning forward to kiss her lips lightly, Dylan gathered her in her arms, "I know baby, now don't you think you're a little over dressed"? She replied softly, and then lifted her hand to play with the thin strap of Devon's bra.

With her eyes glazing over, Devon bit her lower lip sexily as she leaned forward slightly, "Yes, I what are you going to do about it"?

Laughing lightly, Dylan pulled the strap down and let her lips touch the soft satiny shoulder, "How about this."

Devon knew that making love to Dylan was the most complete experience she had ever known, she also knew how one passion filled session could drain her physically as well as emotionally...yet, all Dylan had to do was touch her, look at her, or hell, even be in the same room with her and she was putty. She knew that she loved this woman, but she also knew they had to start doing things other than just eating dinner and making love...but feeling Dylan's lips on her shoulder sent shivers of excitement down her spine...and they were going to spend the day together tomorrow after all...Taking in a deep breath as her body shuddered underneath Dylan's touch, she reached up and ran a hand through her silver hair just as Dylan's mouth encircled her ripening nipple.


Sorry this chapter is so long but I had no where to split it.


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