' Saved by the Gang Leader '

By _angelstories98_

88.8K 2K 379

Sometimes life plays weird games... Meet Angela Carper, a 18yold girl who lives in California with her uncle... More

Chapter 1: ' You're weird '
Chapter 2 : Crazy girl
Chapter 3: David !!!
Chapter 4: ' What the f*ck did just happened ?!?'
Chapter 5: 'You're coming with me'
Chapter 6: ' My life my rules '
Chapter 7: Pancakes !
Chapter 9: ' Do I care more than I thought ?'
Chapter 10: ' What did I just said..?!'
Chapter 11: ' Don't call me goodie-goodie !'
Chapter 12: ' Fro-yo '
Chapter 13: Touch her and I'll kill you!

Chapter 8: ' This is not gonna be good...'

4.8K 139 12
By _angelstories98_

Grayson's POV

Damn these pancakes are good...I could honestly get used to this.

I felt my phone ringing..it was my dad. So I got up in order to talk to him

" yes "
" So I heard that you had a little discussion with Eric's gang members am i right ?" Of course he would find out, nothing stays hidden from Alan Henderson !
My dad. The man who runs the biggest company on the state. The powerful man with the cold heart and the secret owner of the biggest gang in state.
" yeah. actually..."
" And I also learned that you now host a girl in your house don't you ?"
" yeah ! Eric tried to hurt her so I brought her in here in order..."
" And why it is your responsibility to take care whoever Eric wants to hurt ?"
" Well it is kinda my fault he is after her so.."
"So it is your fault " god damn it man will you let me finish a sentence !?
" Look she is just going to stay here for tonight until I finish of with Eric"
" what are your plans ?"
" Well he has been a pain in my ass for a while now so I think it is about time to end up this problem "
" I agree ! Do whatever you want with him...and as for the girl ... make sure She won't open her mouth anywhere. ..she already knows too much"
" yeah don't worry "

And after that the line goes dead.
As you can see we don't have that loving father-son relationship going on. My dad is a business man and he was always considering our relation as a deal...something he was forced to do, especially after my mother's death. I was practically raised all by myself self since I didn't let any babysitter or maid or literally anyone near me. I have learned to stand up for myself and I don't need anyone's help and trust me when i say that I don't help anyone either so helping this girl right now is very weird for me. And to be honest I don't know if it right or wrong...I just know that I have to do it !

"ok ok I've had enough " I hear Adam saying . What happened ?
" oh come on don't leave ! I just won you 7 out 10 times it's not a big deal !" Angela says. Are they seriously playing PS4 !?
" oh no no don't do like this to me. I'm done I'm not playing with you again and that's it "
" Yo James do you wanna go for a drink? "
"Yeah sure "
" Grayson are you coming ?" Adam then asks me.
" no I'm good " i say. I honestly wasn't in much of a mood and I also saw Angela's worried look...I wasn't gonna let her here all by herself.
" ok see you later " Adam says
" don't go too far I need you to be near " i say.

I was going to go to my office but Angela stopped me.
"Will you play with me ?" She asked doing a puppy face. Seriously ..?!
" what game is it ?" I ask
" Mortal Kombat " she says and I'm quit in shock ! Does she seriously wants to play Mortal Kombat ?
" yeah yeah I know I'm a girl and I play mortal kombat get over it" She says while she passes me the remote. Alright then .

-Finish him-

And I won again. Damn I forgot how fun this was. I won Angela 4 times in a row and I can tell that she wasn't very happy about it. Plus she is very competitive which makes it worse...just like me.

She finally managed to win the next round.

"yess ! I told you " she says while doing I guess the victory dance ?!
" don't be so happy we still are 4-1 " i tell her
" hmm then how about a bet " she says. A bet ? Seriously ? This girl never stops surprising me.
" a bet ?" I say
" yeah since you are so sure about your abillities would you like to spice  it up a bit ?" She says with a smirk on her face coming closer to me. Oh baby if we just were under different circumstances. ..
" And what would I win ?" I ask
" uhm I'll make you more pancakes " Well I'm ok with that
" deal "
" And what would I win ?" She asks
" We'll think of it later " I say and I then get off my jacket
" ok then so..."
" Will you ever start the game ?" Hah she looks cute when she stares. .
" huh ? Oh yeah "

I don't know how but she managed to win the next three rounds.

"You're going down Grayson " she says. I don't think so baby I never loose !

" Nooo"
" I guess you lost your chance on being first angel " i say and I see her frown

Last round. Either we're gonna be
tie or I would win. I think you all know what I want.

" no ! Grayason stop ! No !" She was telling me while I was pushing her . What can I say I'm very competitive too...

'Finish him ' And I won !

" Noooo" she says
" Game over sweetheart " i say while i get to leave but she follows me.
" You pig !" Damn she looks hot when she is angry
"Oh come on don't be so pissed ." I say
" I can't wait to taste my delicious pancakes " I continue
" oh so you think that I'm still gonna make you pancakes even after you cheated in order to win ?"
" No ! You made me loose ! If you weren't pushing me I would have won not you !" She says while she is hitting me on my chest. Damn girl relax .
" Hey, hey stop" I'm not kidding I start to feel really angry !
" why ? What you are gonna do huh huh?" What am I gonna do ? Are you serious ? Alright!

I then grabbed her from her wrists and brought her very close to me . She has to understand who she is messing with... I had to be angry, I wanted to be angry But I couldn't. And the weird thing Is I don't know why ! Is like that just by looking into her eyes she was capable of manipulate me, and she doesn't even understand it.

She is so damn beautiful...

I want to make those lips mine... I


I heard her phone ring and I instantly released her. .
What did I just do ? I almost ...I almost kissed her ?

"Look who is it ?" I tell her
" uhm David " she says. Here we go again with that David !
" Well will you answer him or not ?!"
" he hang up " she says
After 2 sec her phone started ringing again.
" ha he seems very worried doesn't he? Answer him and make sure he doesn't understand a thing " i then tell her . Why am I so angry ? The f*ck ? She affects me so freaking much ! I don't like this...
" what now !!?"
" I can't answer the call cause my phone is broken !" She shouted at me.


For a while we weren't talking . I went to my office to do some work while she stayed in the living room.

Ahhh I can't take this anymore. Why she has to be so weird ? So unique ! So...her !? Grr !
I got up in order to go to the bathroom . Maybe the cold water will relax me !


"What are you doing here ?" I say to Angela whom I found snooping into my office
" I...I was looking for you " she says...and i then spot a picture on her hands...it was a picture of my 'family'
" I never told you that you are allowed to get in here and touch my stuff !" I say while I take the picture from her hands
" ok I'm sorry . " she says
" what do you want ?" I say in a serious tone
" I'm..I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me . I'm very bored !" She says with a puppy face... I guess she does that a lot
" fine pick up the movie and I'll be there in a bit"  I say to her. I can't even remember the last time I stayed inside to see a movie..
" ok " she says happily .

" Take the remote and don't press play until I come " she says..
" why ?"
" you'll see " she answers . Wtf ?

After a while she came back and gave me a chocolate cookie ice cream while she took a banana split one . Ice cream of course..!

" I thought that when you see a movie you're supposed to eat popcorn. !?" I tell her
" Well we're being smarter and eat ice cream instaid " she says while she takes a big spoon of her ice cream.

The movie was ok, I've seen better but I guess Angela liked it more...
" You're still eating your ice cream ?"She asks me
" Hey I'm not as fast as you " I say. She had literally finished hers after the first 10 minutes of the movie.
" then here let me help you" she says  while she takes the ice cream from my hands and starts eating it.
" Hey that was mine "
" yeah ! Was...!" She says and she finishes it .

After one hour I was kinda getting bored, Angela on the other side was looking sleepy and tired yet she wasn't closing her eyes. She was so interested on that movie..!?

" what did you said to your parents ?" I finally ask her .
" I mean they haven't called you even once today ?" I say trying to brake the silence
She wasn't answering at first and I thought maybe I said something wrong
" my parents are dead" she says while doesn't taking her eyes from the screen.  Yeah I definitely said something wrong. .
" it was a car accident when I was 9..." she says and turns her sight on me. Her gaze was blank . It didn't show any pain or sadness she was empty...I knew that feeling too well...
" I live with my aunt and uncle ever since and they work at night that's why they haven't called.." she says
" Angela I'm sorry...I I didn't..."
" it's ok . How could you know .."
" ...trust me I understand how you feel. ." Why am I saying this ?
" no Grayson you don't ! You can't say that you do. You have no idea how it is to loose your parents !"
" actually, I know " i can't believe that I'm saying this . I haven't talked about this to anyone except Adam and James. But I somehow feel that I want to tell her ...
" I lost my mom when I was 12..." I finally say and I can see her freeze.
" She fell from the stairs in our house...when my dad found her after hours it was already too late.."
I hadn't talk about it In a very long time...bringing back those memories made me always feel so much pain so i decided to never speak about it again. And although I have to admit that speaking to her about all this makes me feel so reliefed ...I hate the feeling of pain that comes with it.

She doesn't say anything, she knows that In situations like this you must not say anything.. She just looks at me with a warm look of concern . She understands me..

" I don't know what to say...and honestly in situations like this I don't know if it is anything that you can say but...at least I can also say...I know how you feel. .!" We both exchanged a laugh at this . But decided to just leave this subject behind...it was too painful for both of us so we just leaned back and continue to watch the movie.


The movie was almost in the end there were 15 minutes left when I felt Angela's head on my shoulder .

" I think your bed time has passed " i say
" no I'm fine I'm not sleepy is just that you are really comfortable" she says in between yawns .
" Well if you fall asleep I'm not carring you upstairs you will have to sleep here " I say
" yeah yeah" she responds. I don't know if I have to trust her or not...

Movies end titles started showing...the movie was officially over .

"Come on the movie is over time for bed" I tell to a completely sleepy Angela
" Angela wake up "
" Look either you're gonna stand up and go to your room or you're gonna stay here! either way I'm not going to carry you if thats what you are thinking !" I say but I don't think she cares much
" fine your choice " i say and try to leave

Ahh what am I doing I can't let her here with James and Adam and all this dudes outside our house..!

" yay" she says
"Don't get used to it " i say while I grabb her bridal style and take her to her room.

I try to lay her on the bed when she grabbes my hand..
" thank you " she says and I don't know if she is dreaming or she is awake...either way though she looks beautiful..! I was trying to come close to her when she turned the other side. What is going on with me !?! I stand up in order to leave when I spotted something on her waist..

Is that a tattoo ? She has a tattoo of two Angel wings on her waist. Hmm I guess she is not as a goodie goodie as I thought...

I closed the door of her room when James appeared.

"Is Everything ready ?" I say
" we are ready we are just waiting for you " he says .
" Great let's go" it's about time to show that son of a b*tch whose the leader! "


" is Damond with the others already there ?" I ask Adam
" we have the whole warehouse under our control " he says
" excellent "


"What's going on ? What are you doing ? Let me go or else..."
" or else what Eric ?!" I say while I enter the room where Eric is tied up on a chair surrounding by his bleeding followers.
" I told you that you were gonna pay for what you did. You've been a problem for a very long time Eric ...and it's time to finally put an end on it.." I say while I load my gun and point it at him
" no please don't do it don't "


"We are done here " I say
" And as for you, Eric's little followers I'm giving you the Chance to join and follow me. If you don't then they will show you what you take for messing with Grayson Henderson " i say and I turn in order to leave.
"Take care of them " i say to Damond before I leave

Me Adam and James left the warehouse and turned back to our house.

" it was about time to finally get rid of him " James says while we enter the house
" did you saw his face ?! Omg he was so pathetic haha I'm glad we are done with him " Adam says while he throws himself on the couch

" Hey be quiet " i say
" why ? Who is...oh your little princess is sleeping !" Adam says
" don't push it too far Adam ! Now go " i say
" ok damn chill dude "
" goodnight...I'll go and give her a good night kiss" Adam says and runs upstairs when he sees me boil
" Don't you even.." I would chase him if it wasn't for James who grabbed me.
" what now James ?" I say
" I want to ask you something " he says and I cross my arms while standing straight . James knows that he must not piss me...
" do you feel anything about her ? And I'm not talking about physical attraction ! I mean do you really feel something about her ?" I was honestly didn't expect that. And to be honest.. I don't know! I mean...I sure feel something, something that I've never felt before but I don't know what this is.
" that's not your business James !" I say and he just gives me a look and leaves...what was that ?


10am and I don't think I slept for a single minute last night. ..After James and Adam went to sleep I took a beer and my laptop and sat on the couch doing some work . I had to do  something to keep my mind from thinking about her ...what is even wrong with me why can't I take her out of my mind !?!.... I don't even know how time flew but I surely didn't understand a thing..

~knock- knock~

I heard someone knocking the door. I wasn't expecting anyone and neither James or Adam or else they would have told me.

" open the door " I hear a man's voice which makes me pull of my gun
" open the damn door Angela I know youre in there " he says. So he came here for Angela ? But how did he found her ? And who the f*ck is he ?! At this moment Adam and James came downstairs both with their guns on their hands.
" what the f*ck ?" Adam says
" who is he ?" James asks
" Well will find out " i say and I open the door pointing my gun on the man
When I saw who was standing in front of me i honestly couldn't believe my eyes !

" You !?"
" You !?"

This is not gonna be good...


Yay ! Chapter 8 ready to go ! What do you think guys ? Come on I want to hear your thoughts !!!😉
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