
By kobealcala

2.1M 104K 78.8K

Arielle Tesfaye is now on her way to Amphitrite State University. 2 months after the events of Wet, Arielle a... More

1. Another Impending Storm
2. Return of The TigerSharks Pt. 1
3. Return of The TigerSharks Pt. 2
4. Plunging into Another Beginning
5. Depths of Deception
6. Gut her like a Fish
7. Tides of Unforgotten Memories
8. A Flash Flood of Problems Pt. 1
9. A Flash Flood of Problems Pt. 2
10. Maelstrom in a Form of Malice
11. Uncovering Secrets From the Deep
12. Drowning her Once and for All
13. Swimming into Murky Waters
14. When the Tsunami Hits
15. The Truth Finally Emerges
16. Cry me a River
17. A Fishy Family Reunion
18. Return of the Stingrays Pt. 1
19. Return of The Stingrays Pt. 2
20. When a Shark Bites Back
21. Bathing in a Pool of Hope
22. Diving the Unfathomable
23. Visiting the Kraken
24. Message in a Bottle Pt. 1
25. Message in a Bottle Pt. 2
26. Thunderstorm of Events
27. Circled by Sharks
28. Into the Coral Reef
29. Waves of Incoming Problems
30. Caught in a Fishing Net
31. The Fire Corals Pt. 1
32. The Fire Corals Pt. 2
33. Diving into a New World
34. Fishing for a New Love Interest?
36. Going with the Flow
37. Water Under the Bridge Pt. 1
38. Water Under the Bridge Pt. 2
39. A Downpour of Depression
40. Floating on Dangerous Thoughts
41. Submerged into Confusion
42. Confusion into Submerged
43. Drinking from the Devil's Chalice Pt. 1
44. Drinking from the Devil's Chalice Pt. 2
45. Another Night to Remember
46. The Aqueduct to Being an Adult
47. Fountain of Tears
48. When Hurricanes Collide
49. Surviving an Armada Pt. 1
50. Surviving an Armada Pt. 2
51. Waves of Nostalgia
52. Whirlpool of Reality
53. A Large Ripple for a Small Ocean
BONUS: The Conversation
BONUS 2: The Road Trip

35. H 2 Hoe

36.5K 1.8K 1.7K
By kobealcala

"I really don't wanna do this." I spoke under my breath as she continued to pull me, why the hell is Savannah so strong?

"It's for the better! I swear." She finally let me go as we reached her car. "Now who's that tattooed bad boy you told me about?"

I threw her a 'are you freaking serious' look as I crossed my arms at her, causing her to laugh out loud. "What are you planning now." I sighed as she got in her car.

"Chill! I just wanna see how he looks. He sounds fine." She snickered, starting up the engine of her black G-Wagon. "Is you gonna get in or nah?"

I visibly rolled my eyes at her as I opened the car door, sluggishly getting myself In "Okay, I'll tell you where to go.."

"This it?" Savannah parked her car across the street of the neighbor's house.

"Y-yea." I sighed, leaning in forward to look for any signs of activity.

Savanah then popped her tongue. "Hey, I don't know. That house be looking hella empty."

I kept looking, but she was right. It literally looked like an abandoned house, just until of course my eyes landed on a familiar person walking across the street.

"Oh god, that's him." I lunged down as I prayed for him not to catch me. He might think I'm a stalker or something!

"Oooohh." Savannah laughed with her tongue out as she teased me. "He's cute! He's rocking dem headphones too!" I glanced at her anxiously as she looked at him without any care in the world.

"What is he doing?" I whispered sharply, carefully keeping my head down.

Savannah sighed as she spoke. "Walking inside his lame ass house." She laughed as she look down at me. "You need to relax! So what if he sees you?"

After a long moment of Savannah talking, a quick silence all of a sudden broke out, Savannah surprisingly remained quiet as if she just saw a ghost.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "What are you seeing?"

She ignored me, her eyes looking up at something. "Savannah!" I gently shook her arm.

She then blinked a few times. "Girl you need to see this shit." She spoke under her breath as she gestured for me to get back up, my face visibly confused.

I tried to follow what her eyes were looking at, but it was pretty easy since it was the only thing that caught my attention.

We got a clear view of Azazel's room since it was the only room that was brightly lit up. We watched him walk around his room as he grabbed a bunch of clothes from his drawer, then quickly taking off his headphones.

He slowly took off his black printed hoodie, raising the shirt underneath it which quickly gave Savannah and I a chance to see a clear view of his enticingly snowy complexion, shadows caused by the dim lighting helped compliment his pale chiseled body.

"U-um I don't think we're supposed to do th-" Savannah quickly interrupted me with her hand on my mouth.

I couldn't help but remain quiet as Azazel slowly took off his shirt, his tattoos visibly eye catching even from the car. I tried everything in my power to tear away my stalkerish glance, but his somewhat perfect build made it hard.

Savannah remained quiet and so did I. I wanted to leave before he catches us. "Savannah please let's go."

"Ugh fine." She playfully rolled her eyes as she started the engine.

Oh fuck.

I stupidly decided to take one last glance, but it seemed as if he already beat me to it. There he was, his shirtless self, leaning out of his window to look at us with his piercingly blue eyes.

His devilishly handsome face went from being expressionless, to a dirty smirk, which didn't fail to make my heart burn for some reason.

I remained quiet as Savannah continued to drive off. Azazel's smirk was quickly embedded into my mind. It wasn't a creepy smirk at all, it was insanely attractive and I couldn't help but feel something. This isn't good.

Savannah's voice quickly broke the silence. "Listen. Xavier needs to cut the baby act, cus damn Azazel is fine!" She laughed. "And you guys are neighbors, how great is that?"

My breathing finally calmed down. "I should go home."

Savannah glanced at me sympathetically. "You sure?"

I tried to smile at her. "Yea, I'll be fine. I promise." I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. "I just kinda need to collect my thoughts."

"Alright." She quickly replied, proceeding to make a U turn. "You know I'm always here for you right? Even though we barely talked through the Butterflies team, I'm really glad we became close, real talk." She half-laughed as that made me genuinely smile.

I softly responded. "Thank you Savannah." My eyes landing back to my house, Azazel's window was closed by curtains, but I could still see the light peeking through. "I really appreciate you being so kind."

I yawned as I kept my eyes closed, stretching around my bed as I got ready to get up.

The second my eyes opened, everything around me felt insanely unusual.

I thought it was morning, but it clearly wasn't since my clock read 3:00 a.m sharp.

Just before I could've went back to sleep, an unknown voice quickly sent shivers down my spine, my surroundings almost seemed vivid and I felt like I didn't have anything in control.

"Up so early?" The deep masculine voice spoke softly.

For some reason I didn't feel scared, I almost felt serene, which completely confused me. Maybe its because it's 3:00 a.m and I honestly just want to go back to sleep.

I slowly laid back against my bed's headboard, hoping the voice I heard was just my head playing jokes on me.

"H-hello?" I couldn't help but speak, god I feel like a cliché girly girl who always asks if anyone's there.

Small and audibly quiet footsteps made it's way towards my bed. If it's a murderer plotting to kill me I'll honestly even hand them the knife, I just have so much shit on me and I'm really over everything to be quiet honest.

My eyes couldn't believe it as a pair of blue eyes slashed through mine, the perfect outline of a familiarly muscular guy made its way before me, moonlight paving its way inside my window and onto the snowy white body.

It was Azazel..

I felt a sharp exhale leave my mouth as our eyes didn't break each other's gaze. He then rapidly laid his hands down on the end of my bed, subtly making me tense.

Azazel deeply spoke again, this time almost seductively. "I saw you." His hands taking turn in moving towards me. "Looking at me." The moonlight gave me a clear view of one side of his angelic face while the other half looked like a dark silhouette, his eyes almost looked like its own galaxy as it continued to pierce through mine.

I felt every part of my body freeze as he continued to move towards me, like a wolf caging a white rabbit. A fat, white rabbit.

Why am I not doing anything? I'm so confused!

After a quick second, his half naked body was now hovered over me, his face only an inch away from mine, our eyes glancing at each other's lips as I felt myself start to feel heated.

He spoke again. "The first time I saw you.." he spoke softly into me. "I already knew I wanted you all for myself." His mouth all of sudden brushed down to my neck, both of his arms caging me against the bed's headboard.

My cheeks couldn't help but burn as everything felt so wrong, that it felt right.

I felt his soft lips land sensual kisses against my neck and then to my earlobe, one of his warm hands gently rubbing against my cheek as his enticingly heightened breathing hit against my ear. "He can't fuck you like I can.." He whispered lustfully, quickly moving back towards my face.

Before I knew it, his lips had already met mine, his tongue visibly catching me off guard. I couldn't help but let out a sharp moan as his body laid on top of me, strands of his black hair rubbing against my face.

I felt his hands slowly slip under my shirt as my face looked up, my hand caressing his soft black hair.

Why wasn't I stopping this? What the hell is going on?

He began to let out deep groans as he aggressively kissed me. "I wanna make you scream my name.." His tongue quickly left my mouth as he spoke, only to plunge it back in.

My hands held on to his cold shirtless body as If I was finally trying to pull him away.

My eyes widened as I felt like I was gonna throw up for some reason.

He all of a sudden let out a deep chuckle as what he did next completely threw me off guard.

Azazel's hands rapidly wrapped around my neck as I felt myself struggle, my arms hitting against his body as he sinisterly spoke. "He doesn't love you.."

His blue eyes all of a sudden became pitch black. "No one will ever love you.." My mind felt like it was gonna shut off. "He thinks you live up to your Amphitrite Whore title pretty well." Azazel's grip around my neck tightened as I heard my self choke.

Azazel's facial structure all of a sudden started to become more exaggerated and terrifying, his teeth looked sharper than normal, the white part of his eyes were both engulfed by what looked like black tar, moving it's way down to his cheeks as if he were crying out black ink.

A true monster.

I continued to choke as my room looked like it was melting, Azazel's skull tattoo on his arm also looked like it came to life, it's shadows being defined as the boldly colored eye began to move.

There's no way this is real. I was completely terrified and I felt like I can just die any moment. Azazel's distorted laugh filled my room as my tears and screams were silenced by his hands.

He then prepared to whisper something into my ear, his voice almost sounding demonic. "You should've just killed yourself!"

Then all of a sudden, I felt everything about me turn black.

Just for a second I felt like I was being transported to a different dimension, to a place where I felt I was more aware.

I gasped loudly as I felt myself wake up with a bunch of tears on my face, my neck felt tense and soar, as if someone had actually strangled me to death.

Oh god..

I quickly got up off my bed I as my screams turned to crying, somewhat finding a way to mix in together, my hands quickly checked my neck as my face was covered in tears and sweat.

I let out a bunch of coughs and then proceeded back to crying loudly.

I felt scarred, I felt humiliated, I haven't had a nightmare like that since my times dealing with me being the Amphitrite Whore, and everything that was said in my nightmare felt like a bunch of needles sticking into my organs.

What if Xavier really thinks that Im a slut? What if he actually doesn't love me anymore?

My door loudly busted open, Tanner and Alec both looking at me worried.

Tanner quickly ran towards the bed as Alec walked towards me. "Oh my god, what happened?" His mouth widened in shock.

Tanner quickly sat on my bed as he wrapped his arms around me. "Shh." He whispered as I cried onto his shirt. I felt like everything around me felt pointless. "It was just a dream."

Alec quickly spoke over my loud crying. "I'm gonna go get some water." He quickly ran out of my room.

Tanner continued to gently rock me like a baby as his arms stayed wrapped around me. "Everything is gonna be okay." He whispered, although my sobbing weren't gonna calm down any sooner.

Everything around me felt like it was leading back to those 3 years in hell. I was honestly over it.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm done.



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