The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)

By iamderekhale

143K 8.7K 12.4K

"Man." Justin sighs after a moment of silence. "I'd be an extremely depressed person if I were you. Y'know, b... More

KING (Zustin)
touch [zustin]
give you all that's left of me [zustin]


2.9K 221 253
By iamderekhale

Who actually still likes this book? I feel like I've been lacking. ://///


My calculations say that this story is exactly 8 chapters from ending, maybe 9. I'm very much ready for it.

Warning: Slight tension ahead.

I like his eyes in this gif.

Zayn woke up trapped in a cage, a rather pleasant one if he could say so himself, but a cage nonetheless.

He was confused, opening his eyes to soft gray fabric, but as they trailed upwards everything clicked.

It was Justin who had taken to cuddling into Zayn at some point during the night. They were in a cooped up position with Zayn's head cradled close to his chest with one of Justin's arms draped over him.

They were under one comforter which was odd since when Zayn fell asleep last night, they were using two different coverings.

He could feel the light exhalation of air escaping Justin's nose feathering over his forehead. And maybe he was hallucinating, but being this close, he could feel Justin's heartbeat, slow and steady, just like his own.

Zayn couldn't exactly argue with their current position. He felt comfy, and he felt safe. As a matter of fact, he wouldn't have a problem staying like that for the rest of the day, or maybe forever. He probably would've if the doorbell hadn't sounded throughout the entire house.

Zayn released a low groan, finding that he was extremely irritated by the disturbance.

Despite this, he still had to check who it was. Zayn wiggled his way out of Justin's grip as subtly as he could. Justin was a heavy sleeper so it wasn't that hard, but just to make sure, Zayn replaced his body with a fluffy pillow.

Afterwards, he tip toed his way out of the room, and slowly shut the door behind him so there wasn't much noise. Once outside, his socked feet tapped their way down the stairs and towards the front door.

Zayn doesn't usually check who's at the door through the glass during the day time. It's rare that bad things happen in such a small town, so the chances of anything happening to him while it was this bright.

It probably would've been the smartest idea to still look though, so he could've been a little more prepared and a little less panicky when he opened the door to be met by Lucky who looked bright and happy in Star Wars pajama pants, a white V neck and a bomber with some fuzzy slippers. Oh, and food, Zayn guessed since he held a McDonalds bag in his hand.

"Lucky!" Zayn greeted. He tried to go for excited but his voice did this weird thing where it kind of squeaked and everything was just a fail. "What are you doing here this early?"

Lucky blinked at him. "It's one in the afternoon."


Zayn has never slept in that late. Even if he was tired, he simply couldn't. It was impossible. Or at least he thought it was.

"But to answer the other part of that question, I was coming in to check on you. I sent you a few texts last night and you still have yet to respond. I wanted to see if you were okay. And on the way, I brought food." Lucky grinned as he shook the bag of McDonalds lightly.

Zayn realized that he could not not let Lucky in. The most he could do was step aside to welcome the blonde into his home and silently pray that Justin would somehow stay asleep until Lucky left, so that's exactly what he did.

He led Lucky into his kitchen where they took seats beside one another by the kitchen island, unpacked their breakfast meals and dug in.

Zayn moaned around a mouthful of his Egg McMuffin. He hadn't realized it before, but he was actually starving. "You're my hero."

Lucky chuckled at the same time that Zayn swooped up his boyfriend's caramel frappe and took a large gulp from it while he still had good in his mouth.

The blonde scrunched up his nose in disgust. "Dude, gross."

The British teenager shrugged carelessly. "They're all going to the same place."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Lucky then suddenly leaned forward and stole a kiss from Zayn who couldn't help but smile. It's been a while since they've kissed, and the other male's lips still feel as wonderful as always.

"I'm about to sound awfully cliche, so be warned, but sometimes I can't seem to wrap my head around how I got so lucky... being able to be with you and all."

It was a random statement, and honestly the last thing Zayn needed because if Lucky kept being this sweet, he was going to explode due to guilt.

"Trust me, I'm the lucky one." Zayn stated, because it was true. Lucky was an amazing guy who was far too good for him.

"Not really, not compared to how lucky I am at least."

Zayn scoffed, because it sounded ridiculous. Lucky, possibly being one of the best guys in the world, was here praising Zayn for being some God that he wasn't.

"I'm being serious, Zayn. You're wonderful. I don't get why you don't believe that."

"Because I don't bring you food after noon." He said as a joke, trying to ease the shake he felt building up inside of him.

"Because I'm not a hungry hungry hippo such as yourself." The sentence was followed by a playful smile as Lucky nudged Zayn's side. "I could care less about food and gifts and stuff. I like you for your heart, you have a beautiful personality. You're pretty much perfect."

"Okay, now you're just buttering me up." Zayn accused.

"Am not."

"Are to!"

"Can't I just talk about how much you mean to me?"

"No actually, no you cannot." Zayn answered.

"Well why not?"

"Because it makes me blush like a child. And it makes me want to tell you how much I like you. It makes me want to hold you close forever, and may or may not make me want to kiss you to death."

"Maybe you should just do it."

"Which part?"

Lucky smirked. "All of it."

"I can't really argue with that."

Zayn got up from his seat to move in closer to Lucky who turned his body ninety degrees so he was now facing Zayn completely. Zayn circled his arms around Lucky's neck and leaned in, only a little just for the sake of being a tease.

He released a startled yelp when Lucky yanked him in. Both of his arms had at some point circled Zayn's thin waist.

"Sneaky." Zayn purred then ducked down to give Lucky his first kiss.

Lucky hummed in agreement and began trailing feather light kisses along Zayn's jawline.

"Now, why don't you tell me what you like about me?" Lucky whispered then went right back to pressing those same light kisses against Zayn's skin.

"Kind of hard to— fuck," Zayn gasped when Lucky sucked at the area right below the edge his jaw, "focus when you're doing that."

"Try harder." Lucky responded cooly, not doing a thing to halt or slow his actions. "What do you like about me, Zayn?"

"Your face." It was a lame response because everyone liked Lucky's face but he honestly couldn't come up with something better.

"I suddenly feel very used."

Zayn released a quiet laugh as he sunk his fingers into the pale hair on top of Lucky's head. "I like your smile even though you hate it because of the two large teeth in the front."

"Oh God, please don't."

"You asked, I'm only answering," said the brunette. "I like your laugh, partially because it's when you smile the most. I like the way you play the guitar with so much passion and focus. I love your name. It's so pretty. Lucky Blue Smith. You hear how pretty that sounds? I love the fact that you're actually really smart even though the whole school thinks you're not."

"You lowkey thought I wasn't too."

"Maybe. I'll never tell."

"I'm okay with that as long as you keep on talking."

Zayn rolled his eyes dramatically. "As if you need anything else to boost your ego."

"I don't have an ego."


"Maybe a little ego." Lucky agreed and proceeded to press a light kiss to the corner of Zayn's mouth.

Zayn turned his head only slightly so their lips met again. It was easy to get lose in the pleasure of having Lucky this close to him, of being so intimate.

Just about all his cares flew away due to all this attention he was giving and receiving. He was certain that if it weren't for the fact that he was a virgin, he and Lucky would've probably already been stripped naked and fucking over the island.

"You are absolutely irresistible, did you know that?" Lucky murmured with Zayn's lips still pressed firmly against his.


Lucky laughed into the kiss, pulling back for what seemed like it was going to be a moment, but something caught his eyes.

Rather someone, Zayn realized after turning around to see Justin standing by the entrance of the kitchen.

Lucky didn't move to pull away or let go of Zayn. If anything, his grip tightened rather possessively.

Zayn watched as Justin's eyes followed the movement which was possibly the cause of his Adam's apple bobbing. His face flashed from upset to angry in a matter of seconds, and Zayn's honestly never seen a switch of emotion that fast.

Zayn wanted to step away from Lucky, to explain himself even though he had no reason to do so. But he couldn't. Because the fact of the matter was that he didn't belong to Justin, he belonged to Lucky.

Lucky was his boyfriend. He had to stand by the guy he was with.

Therefore, he stayed put and kept direct eye contact with Justin. He tried to give Justin an apologetic look but it obviously wasn't registering. Either that or Justin was too angry to give a shit about Zayn's apologies. Knowing Justin, it was probably the latter.

"I was just leaving." Justin croaked out right before walking, more like stomping, away.

Zayn released a breathe he didn't even know he was holding in seconds later after hearing the door close.

As expected, when he turned back to look at Lucky, Lucky was already looking at him.

Zayn wasn't sure what to say, so he waited until Lucky said something.

"Wanna tell me what that was about?"

Zayn answered right away, filling in all the details to make sure he wasn't feeding Lucky another lie. "Justin was incredibly upset yesterday, he needed a shoulder to lean on and he came to me. I cheered him up because he's one of the closest people to me, and I know that if it were me, he'd do the same." He explained. "I know I probably should have told you why I wasn't responding and I'm sorry for not doing so but—"

"It's okay." Lucky said softly. "I think it's nice that you were there for him. I can't be mad at you for that."


"Really." The blonde assured.

"Oh... okay."

That easy. Zayn just told the truth about why he was knowingly ignoring Lucky the night before and it was that easy.

It had him wondering how easy it would be to talk about all the other things he hasn't told Lucky.


Zayn was five hundred percent sure that he was the last person Justin wanted to see that night, but did that stop him from going over to Justin's house anyways? Of course not.

After he rung the doorbell once, the door swung open revealing a properly dressed Ariana. Her hair was a little messy and she was surprisingly bare faced but she still unsurprisingly looked great. If Zayn didn't hate her so much and if he actually went for females, he would definitely go for her.

Ariana grimaced at the sight of him. "What are you doing here?"

Zayn, completely unbothered and all smiles, responds, "oh, isn't it obvious? I'm here to have sweet sweet gay sex with your man."

"Ha ha ha." Ariana voiced, not looking even slightly impressed. "I don't have time for this. I actually have things to do with my life."

"Things that involve making everyone's life a living hell right before strutting all over their grave with your thousand dollar stilettos?"

She tapped a perfectly manicured index finger against her chin as if in thought before offering a broad smile, "yes actually, pretty much! Now out of my way."

Zayn moved willingly, wanting nothing more than to end the encounter.

Ariana walked off without a single look back and Zayn invited himself into the home.

He made his way upstairs, because he guessed that's where Justin would be. Apparently, he was right. The sound of the shower running inside of Justin's made that clear enough.

Zayn got inside and hopped onto the overly large King size bed and proceeded to make himself comfortable as he waited for Justin to come out.

About twenty minutes later, Justin emerged from the bathroom. He paused, rose a brow and gave Zayn one look before making his way over to his dresser.

Justin couldn't exactly tell him to leave. Well, he could, but it wasn't like Zayn would actually do so so it would be a lost cause.

"So, I know you may be— woah woah woah." Zayn covered his eyes with both hands to hide the image of Justin's bare butt and the possible sight of his penis too since Justin was standing in front of a mirror.

"Dude! Virgin eyes here, please." Zayn whined.

He heard a distant scoff. "Nothing you haven't seen before."

"I actually haven't seen anything before and I would like to keep it that way, thank you." It was a lie. They both knew Zayn wanted to see it all, but Justin didn't call him out on it.

Zayn heard the snapping of a band before Justin uttered, "you can look now."

He peeked, just to make sure, and saw that Justin was now only half naked, dressed in a pair of comfy looking grey sweats.

"Thank you."

"Whatever man. What brings you here," asked the Canadian as he leaned up against a wall.

"I wanted to—"

"If you're here to apologize, don't even. I swear that we're cool."

Zayn, definitely not convinced, rose both his brows. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. I mean he's your boyfriend, isn't he? What do I look like getting mad over you making out with him?"

Yup, totally not convincing, Zayn thought, but he didn't comment on that because Justin was nice enough to not comment on his lie earlier.

"I've been working on my part of the song. It's short but I've got something."

Justin perked up at this. He nodded his head and pulled his laptop off the desk located right below the large flat screen tv that was hung up on the wall.

After taking a seat beside Zayn on the bed, Justin opened his laptop which had been put on sleep mode. It made the process quicker since all he had to do was launch to his little DJ set up program thingamajig.

Justin did the same thing they've been doing every time they met up for the project. He started the music, sing along to it and paused so Zayn would be able to conjure up what he wanted to say.

The only difference from those times and this time was that Zayn actually had something to say.

So when Justin was getting ready to pause the music, Zayn rested a hand over his wrist to stop him.

Three beats later, when the time came, Zayn began singing the short part that he had memorized that afternoon.

"Don't fall asleep / At the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us / Miles ahead of us / All that we need / Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough / Know we're good enough"

It flowed together well. Better than Zayn had expected. So well in fact that he decided to keep going with the pre-chorus.

"Say go through the darkest of days / Heaven's a heartbreak away / Never let you go, never let me down / Oh, it's been a hell of a ride / Driving the edge of a knife / Never let you go, never let me down"

Zayn stopped upon noticing the gaze Justin held on him.

It was odd, a mix between fascination and shock.

He wasn't sure how to take it so he didn't try to analyze anything.

Instead, Zayn took to asking, "so, how was that?"

Justin took longer than expected to answer. Zayn waited at least ten seconds to hear a calm and dazed, "amazing. It was amazing."


"So, do you like her?" Zayn questioned randomly that night. It was thirty minutes past midnight and they were talking, seated face to face as they ate Macaroni and Cheese with hot dogs in it.

"Yeah... I do." Justin nodded with his response, already knowing who he's referring to. "Ariana's not the person that everyone thinks she is. She's actually good, and intelligent, and she's kind. She only puts up the front because that's what works, that's what earns her her title and respect. But she's better than that. It's upsets me that she thinks that she needs to act like... like—"

"Like a brat."

"Yeah, like that, to make sure people don't look down on her but I guess it works for her. She's actually great though."

Zayn nodded, head falling in an attempt to hide whatever negative emotion his face must've been displaying.

"So yeah, I do like her, but not in that way." Justin finished. "Maybe I could've... but someone else came along."

Zayn narrowed his eyes at Justin, an impressed smile playing on his face. "So you do like me," as if it wasn't established already.

Justin cocked a brow. "Whoever said I was talking about you?" He asked, tone serious, but the grin that cracked his face gave him away.

"Asshole." Zayn muttered.

And only because it was fair, Justin asked, "do you like him?"

Zayn nodded. "I do. He's a great guy. He's sweet and understanding and he makes me happy. But I don't like him as much as I thought I did."


"Yeah, I've spent three years believing that Lucky was it for me..." Zayn trailed off, "but then someone else came along."

Justin dimpled at him. "Is that so?"


"Wanna tell me who that someone may be?"

"Nah, not now. But sometime in the future. Okay?"

Justin's features softened. It was a pure look, one that gave Zayn butterflies.







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