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This chapter is dedicated to kneebiters for making me laugh with every comment. Much love babe. 💜

'nother dedication to foolforyouzustin because she's my new bud, Candy Flower. 🍭💐 (your dedication was actually supposed to be in the chapter that related to the part of The DUFF you sent me but oh whale. 😂)

A third dedication (because why not) to malikmezain just because I love you and your pro pic. 😊💛


FINALLY, a chapter with some Zucky/Layn. Which means all of this is finally picking up like BLESS UP OKAY BLESSS TF UP.

GUYS, IN THIS STORY THE JENNERS AND KARDASHIANS ARE REGULAR PEOPLE, they're just really rich like they are now. But that doesn't really matter, only two characters are mentioned.

But dudes, he reminds me of Harry here. Look at his eyes, and that cute smile omg ❤️

 Look at his eyes, and that cute smile omg ❤️

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Justin: i like boobs.

Justin: i need boobs.

Justin: i live for boobs.

Justin: i breathe boobs.

Justin: i want boobs.

Justin: why can't i have boobs? :(

Zayn attempted to keep his chuckles low, but found that he was failing the same way he has been seen the week began. This is bad news because Mr.Winchester was saying something that's probably very important but he's too distracted. On the bright side, apparently, they're at that point in their friendship where they can text endlessly without it seeming like an issue. It does, admittedly, feel weird because it's been so long since they've been on good terms but Zayn's learning to deal with it. He's honestly just happy that Justin's presence doesn't make him feel more bothered than welcomed anymore.

Zayn: I didn't need to know that.

Justin: you asked

Zayn: Unfortunately.

Justin: ooh, you jelly?

Zayn: Oh please.

Justin: y'know

Justin: you could just ask. there's enough of jerry to go around for everyone. im game if you are.

Zayn's fingers froze, not sure how to respond to that. Justin made jokes like that all the time, but they're never directed at Zayn. Plus, this was over the screen or a device so Zayn can't tell if he's lying or not. He hates the fact that he has time to overthink things like he usually does. It shouldn't even be that big of a deal because Justin has sex with everyone, so even if it were to happen with Zayn, it would all just be casual. That meant Zayn shouldn't be as worried as he was right now.

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