Over Again

By Writer--reader

544 3 2

Nicole Barnes just lost her best friend Shannon Ross she died in a car crash she spent months locked in her r... More

I Just Want To Be Happy Again
Our not so perfect first date
Redos and back to old habits
Monty Ramon
Who is Monty Ramon?
The Almighty Jax Starling
The Black Dress
Bittersweet memories
Trouble in Paradise
The Big Game
The Break Up
A Party To Remember
It Was All My Fault
Back to School
Double Date
Happy But Sad Times
Sad Goodbyes
We All Miss You Vince
Axel The Asshole
Another Unforgettable Party
Her White Dress
My Love?
Lucky Charms
Hotel Mistakes?
Room 32
Griffin Wilmer


13 0 0
By Writer--reader


Griffin had then got up and walked himself over to the door. He then scratched the back of his neck. He was probably confused on why Jax was here. I then noticed that griffins shirt was off.
Oh great I thought to myself I couldn't imagine what Jax was thinking right now.

"Wow Nicole you got a lot of boys sleeping in the same bed as you don't you?" Jax said once he spotted Griffin.
"Shut up Jax what do you want?" I said.
"I came to apologize about you know the whole kiss I shouldn't have kissed you knowing that you had a boyfriend."
Wow I was shocked that Jax even cared.
"Well that's very kind of you so you can leave now." I said almost shutting the door on his face until his hand stopped me.
"Just cause I'm saying sorry doesn't mean that I won't do it again... I don't regret doing it." He said as he then walked back to his expensive car.
"I hate that guy." Griffin mumbled under his breath but I still heard him. 
Griffin had just left when I heard phone ring. Woah it's already Saturday I thought to myself. It was Brooks he was calling me. I quickly answered it.
"Hello?" I said after a few seconds cause he wasn't speaking.
"Hey...I wanted to talk to you."
"Oh do you wanna meet up somewhere?" I asked
"No this will be quick....I think we should take some time... sometime alone and you can spend time with Jax now." He said.
Tears started running down my eyes.
"I don't wanna spend time with him.... I want you." I said.
"I want you to you don't known how hard it was for me to do this."
"No please Brooks don't go." I said with me completely full on crying now.

"I'm sorry Nicole goodbye." He said and then hung up.

The next day

I was debating on whether to go to school or not. I was heartbroken once again. I decided to go because I hate missing school cause of all the work you have to make up. About a 2 months have past bye since Brooks had moved to this school. Which also mean that the Northwood vs. Southshore big game is tonight.
It's the biggest high school football game around here. I've decided to go cause this is my last year of high school and I haven't went any of the other years cause it's always to crowded.
I arrived at school walking through the halls seeing all the posters hung up around the school saying "let's go Northwood" and stuff like that. Everyone was wearing are school colors green and white. I had a dark green t-shirt on and light jeans and white shoes. I thought that was pretty school spirty.  Southshores colors were Blue and Grey.
I was at my locker when Monty walked up to me. "Hey Nicole." He said.
"Hey Monty."
"Do you mind if I sit at your lunch table today? Most of my friends are on the field trip to New York."
"No not at all." We did have an empty sit anyways since I'm guessing brooks isn't gonna sit there.

Later at lunch I walked up to are table and saw that Brooks was standing there talking to Vanessa. Then I think he noticed me and walked over to an all boys table and sat down. I sat down and everyone was already there cause I was late and then I spotted Monty who has just gotten his lunch. He walked over to our table.
"Hey guys is it cool if Monty sits with us today?" I asked
They all just kinda stared for a while and finally Griffin said
"Yeah um that's fine."
Monty then awkwardly sat down.
"So do you want us to call you Seth or Monty?" Vanessa said kinda rudely.
"Uh Monty I guess."
"Ok cool so did you hit Griffin or not just tell us the truth." Vanessa asked.
"No I didn't." He said raising his tone.

After that awkward lunch. I went to my next class and Jax was in it. "Hey Sweetheart."He said. I rolled my eyes. But on the inside I thought that nickname was kinda cute he always called me sweetheart.
"You look beautiful today." He said.
I think I blushed but then I looked up and saw

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