In Case Of Emergency, Call Ab...

By writergirl47_

6.6K 138 16

Abby Sciuto is living two lives-one at NCIS, and one outside it that nobody else knows about, and she is happ... More

The Beginning
Abby Finds Out
In Abby's Lab
Changing Lanes
Revelations Again
Abby's Terrors
A Breakthrough
One Month Later
The Sciutos


303 6 0
By writergirl47_

Abby woke with a start to find that she was in a hospital. The last thing she remembered was fainting in McGee's arms, but she noticed that at some point between that and waking, she'd been bathed, put into a clean hospital gown and then hooked up to various wires and monitors that were monitoring hers and the baby's health. She also saw that she was in a private room, and she was glad, because she wasn't sure if she'd be able to let out all of her emotion the way she wanted to, had she been sharing the room with a stranger.

Looking around, she saw McGee sitting in a chair beside her bed. When he saw that she was awake, he helped her to sit up and have a drink of water. After she had as much as she could handle, McGee put her glass on the bedside table and then sat on the bed with her.

"How are you, Abby?" he asked.

"Exhausted and hungry."

"That's understandable." McGee sympathized as he pointed to the IV needle and line that she was hooked up to. "The doctor said no food or water until that's done. If you're desperate, ice chips are an option."

Abby glanced at the fluid bag and blew a raspberry. "The last time I had ice chips, I was eight, and I'd broken my leg when I was playing in the junkyard. The pain was so unbearable that I couldn't even focus on eating. It was also the hottest summer Jefferson Parish had seen in ten years, and the heat actually gave me heat exhaustion."

"Okay, so no ice chips." McGee said with a laugh. "What the hell were you doing in a junkyard when you were eight?"

Abby shrugged. "I was a weird kid, but not as weird as the kid in Sapphire End that did taxidermy for fun..."


"You'll have to come to New Orleans with us for Christmas, and then I can show you." Abby looked again at the IV equipment. "How much longer do I have left?"

"An hour."

"I guess I can work with that."

Abby moved her gaze from the medical instruments to her baby belly, which was exposed and hooked up to a few of the monitors at her bedside. Careful of all of the wires and paper patches, she gave the fleshy mound a few gentle rubs.

"How's the baby?" she finally asked McGee. "Nothing bad to report?"

McGee smiled. "The little guy or girl is as happy as a clam, and very healthy. I saw on the ultrasound they performed on you during the ride over on the ambulance—I rode along because you fainted in my arms."

"I remember that, but how did you get them to let you come?"

McGee kissed Abby's forehead. "I told them that we're engaged."

Abby felt her stomach flip-flop as she pictured, just for a moment, actually being engaged to Special Agent Timothy McGee. She kept her mind from going too far by taking McGee's hands into hers, kissing his palms, and then holding them against her baby bump.

"Thank you for sticking with me." she told him.

McGee kissed Abby's forehead a second time. "I'd do anything for you, Abby. I love you."

In truth, Abby had always had a feeling that McGee loved her—her heart would always belong to him—and even after they ended things during their brief relationship, she hadn't been able to fully let go because of how deep her love for him ran.

So she replied, "I love you, too, and I could never stop."

From that moment on, they both knew that they were back in a relationship, and that they were it for each other forever.

"Who has Rubyjane right now?" she asked.

"The director or Ziva—they've been tag-teaming in taking care of her since we found her."

"I want to see everybody, and I really want to hold Rubyjane."

"Are you sure that seeing them all at once is a good idea?"

Abby raised an eyebrow, almost threateningly. "How else am I supposed to kill an hour?"

"Touché." McGee stood. "I'll be right back."

Much to Abby's relief, McGee wasn't long in collecting the rest of the team and Rubyjane. They'd set up camp in the waiting room and had made a pact to not leave until at least one of them besides McGee had seen Abby.

Leading the way, Ziva approached the bed first.

"I think someone wants to say hello."

Very carefully, she lowered the half-awake Rubyjane down onto the bed and laid her next to Abby.

The goth's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Rubyjane and gave her hugs and kisses, just wanting to make sure that she was really there.

"Hi, sweetheart." Abby whispered. "I'm so happy to see you."

Rubyjane sat up and looked at Abby. When her fog-filled brain registered who she was looking at, she lit up and the fog lifted.

"Mommy! You're safe!"

Abby undid Rubyjane's hairstyle and ran her fingers through the dark locks, making her hair fall to her shoulders. Rubyjane then laid with her head on Abby's chest, wanting to feel her heartbeat.

"How are you?" Abby asked her.

"Way tired."

"Then just rest."

Eyes already closed, Rubyjane just nodded and fisted the fabric of Abby's gown in one hand, her own way of making sure that she was there.

Ziva stepped forward and spread Rubyjane's blanket over the toddler. Grateful, Rubyjane sank into a deeper sleep immediately.

"She has been using that blanket all night." Ziva explained. "The director collected it, and a few other things while we were minding Ruby."

"Thanks for looking after my girl. I don't know what I would do without her."

Abby looked over to Jenny.

"Thank you, too, director. For everything."

"Of course, Abby."

Jenny stepped forward and gave her a motherly kiss on the forehead.

"Family takes care of family."

"Always." added Gibbs.

Abby looked to the others. "And thank you to the rest of you for everything you did in helping to find me."

Tony replied, "The director and Gibbs are correct—family takes care of family. I'd do anything for you because you're the closest to a sister I've ever had."

Next to him, Palmer gave a nod of agreement. "I don't have any siblings, either, but I totally agree with what Tony said."

Abby grinned. "Thanks, Jimmy. That's really sweet."

Palmer just blushed.

Chuckling at him, Ducky said his piece. "Everything I've been think has already been said, Abigail, but I am extremely relieved that you are safe, and that your children are, as well. Get plenty of rest, my dear."

"Thanks, Ducky. I will."

Abby surveyed everyone in the room, feeling a sudden rush of affection towards all of them.
"I don't know yet what I'm going to do about a funeral for Onyx, but will you all come when I have something figured out?"

Everyone gave words of agreement, with Gibbs adding on, "I'll take care of the arrangements for you, Abby."

"I'll help him." Jenny added. "You won't have to worry about a thing."

Though tired, Abby was thankful, but still overwhelmed by the generosity, and perhaps it showed on her face because McGee spoke up in a very pointed tone.

"Maybe everyone should say goodbye to Abby."

The others realized what she was getting at, but as they all said their goodbyes, Abby called out.
"Ziva, will you stay?"

Surprised, Abby had a brief exchange with Tony and then sat in the chair beside her friend's bed.

When they were alone, Abby spoke first. "I'm sorry, Ziva."

"For what?" she asked, taken aback.

"You had to face one of your demons because of me."

"Had I not faced him and kept him talking for long enough for Tony and McGee to shoot him, he would have probably hurt you like his men had hurt the director in Afghanistan... or worse. I did it because your smile always makes me happy, because I value your friendship, because you remind me so much of my sister, and most of all, because you are my family, Abigail."


"If anything, I should be the one apologizing: you were taken by a terrorist as bait to draw me out. Enduring such a thing is no stroll in the park." Ziva continued. "I must say, though, that I do admire you for standing up to a terrorist. That takes an extra special kind of bravery."

Abby gave Rubyjane another cuddle and started giving her a gentle back rub. "Things change when you become a mom."

Ziva nodded. "They do. You think you will not be able to love someone so much, but then you meet them and it becomes clear immediately that loving your child, no matter how they came to be yours is what you were meant to do."

"Rubyjane fell asleep in my arms the first time I held her, and I've loved her like she was mine ever since. I love the baby like that, too," Abby said thoughtfully. "But I've still never known love like this before."

"It is a wonderful feeling. Being Sarai's mother showed me that."

Abby looked at Ziva curiously. "I know a lot happened tonight, but are you okay? Are you pregnant?"

"I am not pregnant, no, but thoughts of being that way have crossed my mind often since I found Rubyjane."

"Does she remind you of Sarai?"

Ziva nodded. "She does. My daughter was happy, full of joy and peace, and so smart. Even when she was ill, she was always loving us and finding ways to make us all smile."

"Did you tell Rubyjane about her?"

"I told her that she reminded me of her, and that Sarai would have loved her."

Abby cracked a smile. "What did Rubyjane say to that?"

"She was flattered and told me that since Sarai is in heaven, that she would be my baby here."

Abby looked down at her daughter and kissed her on the top of her head. "I love that she knows how to love others like that, and that it comes so naturally for her. It makes me so proud."

Even asleep, Rubyjane felt the kiss and she actually hugged Abby.

Ziva watched them and was filled even more for the desire of a little one of her own. Perhaps it was already time to have that chat with Tony.

"Are you okay?"

Ziva jumped when she realized that Abby was watching her again.

"What was that?"

"Now you're just spaced out."

"I am fine, Abigail."

"And that's the second time you've called me by my real name. Are you sure that you're okay?"

"No," Ziva admitted. "But do not worry about me. You just rest with your babies."

Now Abby could tell that there was definitely something that Ziva had to work out of her system, so she decided not to pry any further.

"Okay, Ziva. I will."

The officer stood. "Will you need a ride, or anything tomorrow?"

"Tim is looking after me, so don't worry. Thanks, though."

"You are quite welcome."

Ziva leaned forward and kissed Rubyjane's forehead.

"Sleep well, dear little friend. See you tomorrow."

Ziva then caressed Abby's cheek affectionately.

"Be well, Abby."

"Thank you, Ziva."

With one final wave after she gathered her things, the officer left Abby's room, and after seeing McGee at the end of the hallway and sending him back to Abby's room, she continued on to look for Tony.
She found him in the waiting room, which was empty... except for the two of them.

"How are you doing, sweet cheeks?" Tony asked, getting to his feet.

Ziva smiled, as she always did when Tony called her by that pet name. "I am a mixed bag of emotions, and I cannot be alone—will you come home with me tonight?"

Tony's heart jumped, but he kept his cool and offered her his hand. "Of course I will, Ziva."

She giggled when Tony held her fingers to his lips and kissed them.

"Thank you, Tony." she said. "I love you."

He kissed her cheek this time. "I love you, too."

When they were almost to the hospital parking lot, Tony pulled Ziva aside.

"What's up with you?" he asked gently. "Be real with me."

Ziva absently straightened Tony's collar and looked up at him. "Remember our chat about Sarai, and what I confided in you?"

"You want a baby."


Tony put his hands in the small of Ziva's back, rubbing it. "I also remembered my promise to you. What exactly are you asking right now? I really will do anything to help."

Ziva stood on his tiptoes and gave Tony a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Anything?" she purred.

"Anything—just ask, and I am with you."

Ziva kissed Tony again. "Then can we go try for a baby?"

Tony answered without hesitation. "Yes."

By the time the pair got back to Ziva's apartment, they could barely keep their hands off each other. Tony had always prided himself on being dominant and confident in bed until he met Ziva, and challenged his ways of thinking about women and flirted with him at every turn.

Then had come the assignment awhile back  where they'd been made to go undercover as married assassins. They'd both excelled, but she threw herself into the part, more than he had, especially when it had come to bamboozling the pair of FBI agents that had been spying on them, actually believing their covers. To do that, Tony and Ziva faked having sex. Multiple times.

Even though it had been awhile since then, Tony still thought about it and how real it had felt.

If that had Ziva's definition of 'faking it,' what would the real thing be like?

He found out when they got back to her apartment and she had him pinned against the back of the front door almost immediately. At least they'd put their guns away first.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Ziva peppered his neck with a trail of hot kisses before answering him.

"I am having fun."

She moved from his throat to his collarbone and with deft fingers, she had Tony shirtless in what felt like the blink of an eye.

"Are you having fun?"

"Ye—oh, God..."

Ziva had kissed her way down Tony's torso and was now planting a fine line of hot kisses just above his pants line, but she was taking her time and putting a lot of lust into the effort.

Immdiatley, Tony felt his pants tighten a considerable amount, and when Ziva slipped her tongue just under his boxes and gave it a quick lick, Tony let out a guttural groan.

"Ziva, come on..." he gasped.

"We have all night, but fair enough."

Ziva rose to her full height and took off her shirt. She followed that by removing her pants, shoes and socks, and doing the same with Tony.

"Is this leveling the playing field? Hey—eyes up here!"

Tony's eyes had gone straight to Ziva's chest, but he snapped back to her eyes when she called him out.

"Sorry, Z." he laughed nervously. "Yes, this does level the playing field."

"Wonderful." she praised. "Before we go any further, I have to know—when you said that you are with me, does that mean helping me parent the child we could make tonight? Does that include loving it?"

Tony moved Ziva around so that she was the one against the door. Next moment, he was on his knees and had his hands on her flat stomach. He even kissed it as he looked up at her again.

"Ziva, you are my partner and my best friend. I will do anything for you, but this—us—is something I want with you. I always have." Tony kissed her middle a few more times. "I love you, Ziva, and if you want, I'll marry you."

Tears brimming in her eyes because of how incredibly loved Tony had just made her feel, Ziva motioned for him to stand. As he did, he wiped Ziva's tears for her, but said nothing.

Ziva caught her lover's hand and held it lovingly against her cheek. "Thank you. And Tony?"

Completely under her spell, Tony had to focus very hard to keep his mind in the conversation.

"Hm? What?"

Ziva patted him on the cheek. "Ask me another time when we are not half-naked and horny to be your wife, and I will say yes."

Words failed Tony at that, so he let Ziva lead him across her apartment to her bedroom.

In contrast with her everyday personality, the furniture in Ziva's room was made of polished black cherry oak, but everything else was bathed in different shades of blue. (Even the underwear and bra set she had on were dark blue) A door against the far wall was open to what Tony presumed was a bathroom, and the space of wall next to that was occupied by a large white-and-blue Israeli flag that was hanging up, in pride of place, tying everything together.
Those were only a few of the details that Tony noticed before Ziva guided him onto the bed and instructed him to lean against the upholstered headrest on the wall, just above the bed.

"What should I do first, my love? Or do you want to watch?"

"I-I just want to watch." he stuttered, hardly daring to believe that this was really happening. "Please."

"Alright, then."

Ziva unhooked her bra, and then in a very teasing way, she lowered her underpants and stepped out of them, so that she was in not a stitch.
After that, Ziva climbed onto the bed and straddled Tony's lap, moving up and down, slowly gently. She didn't take her eyes off him.

"Do you like this?" she asked.

"Yes." he put his hands on her waist, guiding her pace, making her go a little faster. "I do."

"Very good."

She leaned forward and kissed him resoundingly on the lips.

"I love you, Tony."

As she said this, she kissed her way down his body to his boxers. It was very clear that Tony was aroused by his pulse alone, but Ziva knew that the bulge in her partner's pants was because he already had an erection—she'd felt it when she'd been straddling him.

"What have we here, hm?"

Ziva cupped Tony's bulge in one hand hand, squeezing gently. Tony immediately thrust into her hold.

"Ziva, please..."

"We have all night, my love. We have all right."

Ziva pulled down Tony's boxers a fraction of an inch, revealing the head of his cock, and kissed it. Tony let out another loud groan. He wouldn't lie—he was no virgin, and sex had always been a very enjoyable activity for him, but it had been an incredibly long time since he'd met a mix. Five minutes on the bed, and he was already close to coming undone; this was a new record.

"Come on!" he begged. "I'm dying, here!"

"Oh, alright."

Her eyes flickered towards his boxers where there was a very obvious tentpole.

"Shall I help you out?" Ziva cooed.

"Yes." Tony confirmed, although his voice was a rasp.

Still teasing him, Ziva took her time in sliding Tony's cock out of his boxers. Before she could say anything she could in admiration of it, Tony took her by surprise.

In a sudden burst of movement, he grabbed her around the waist and physically flipped her over so that he was on top, and she was on the bottom.

Ziva said, "I did not see that c—ooo..."

Tony ran his cock over Ziva's entrance, just grazing it with the tip. He did this for a few moments, although it felt like forever, a forever that neither one of them wanted to end. Tony's gentleness took Ziva's breath away. When he finally entered her, she let out a soft moan of contentment.

"What about that?" Tony asked.

Ziva went slack and smiled at him. "I am yours. Do not stop."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and spread her legs. "Yes."

Tony began moving gently inside her, up and down, with gentle strokes.

"How's this?"

He moved closer, so that their bodies were touching completely, and without breaking rhythm, he cradled her head in his hands.

"Perfect." Ziva sighed. "Perfect."

Tony kissed her and continued moving inside her.

"I love you, Ziva." he whispered in her ear. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

She kissed him, although she moaned into it before falling back on the bed as Tony gave a thrust as he picked up the pace.

"I love you, too." she sighed happily. "Always have, always will."

Nothing was said for a long time, and all that could be heard in the bedroom wereTony's and Ziva's sighs and the sounds of their bodies as they made love and gave their souls to each other.

At one point—

"Ziva, I won't be able to control myself much longer!"

"Then do not hesitate."

Almost immediately, Tony erupted inside Ziva, and he shot rope after rope of his hot seed into her.

When he was done, he fell beside her on the bed, panting.

"I love you, Ziva David." he pulled her close, spooning with her. "You are my soulmate."

She relaxed into his hold, smiling and sighing softly when she felt him slip his cock between her legs, pumping it gently. The sweet friction the sensation created made her feel very alive, even though she was completely spent.

She draped his arm over her body, resting it on her middle.

"And you are mine, Tony. You are the love of my life."

Later, after two more rounds of extremely satisfying sex, they fell asleep listening to the sound of each other breathing.

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