Locking up my heart (boyxboy)...

By myparadise15

142K 4.7K 333

The sequel to I hart you too starring Zac and Alex. Alex is in his first year of university Amelia. Alex's... More

Author's Notes
1. Orientation Day
2. First Look
4. Date Day
5. Disappeared
6. Lost Spark
7. Boy of his Dreams
8. The Photo
9. A Glimpse of Mystery
10. Next to you
11. I remember you...
12. This isn't real
13. Reading all the answers
14. A possible confrontation
15. Bonfire Night
16. Punch time
17. Distracted from the truth
18. Thoughts...
19. It was inevitable
20. A long time coming
21. I figured it out
22. Good News
23. Road Trip
24. You mean so much to me
Update: Smut!

3. The Coffee Cup

6.3K 199 22
By myparadise15

Hii wattpad

i apologise for the long wait for this chapter, i was lazy and had birthdays going on. I am on holiday now so i will update again very soon. I always break my update promises >>

I watched Mortal Instruments it was amazing, i loved it :)

Hope you can vote and comment :)

Enjoy this, i worked four days on this chapter lol, sorry if it sucks. 


Chapter 3

The Coffee Cup

Alex’s POV

After a week, the dreams finally stopped. I didn’t sleep a wink all week, it was tiring. I barely made it to class on time and I was half asleep through all my classes. Then one night the dreams just suddenly stopped, I had the best sleep and I woke up energised and refreshed.

I haven’t seen that guy again, I don’t even know his name.

I had a lot of uncompleted homework and tests to study for. After a week of doing nothing productive I was really behind and it was just the first week of school. So now that they were gone I had to knuckle down and work hard to get it all done. It was due really soon and I hadn’t even made a dent in it.

I really did love my classes though. It was so much better than high school since I can focus on what I love. Photography has always been a passion of mine, it started off as just a hobby. But during my senior year, it felt like so much more. It envisioned my future, it’s something I would want to spend my life doing.

The thought of capturing lifes moments in an instant was very likeable.

I woke up pretty early this morning, I got dressed in the dawn light and slipped out of my room. I was careful not to wake up Leigh, I had kept him up some nights after my restless nights.  I felt really bad but he told me it was ok and that it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t tell him what I was dreaming about though, I just told him it was someone I used to know. He looked unconvinced but went with it.

I daydreamed a bit as I walked around the campus, giving myself a short tour. A small coffee shop caught my eye, it drew me in. I felt myself walk towards it, inspecting it. I ran my fingertips  along the windowsill. It had a simple name, ‘The Coffee Cup’ which had a nice ring to it.

My hand slipped past a sheet of paper, it was advertising a part time job. I needed a job so might as well give it a go. I removed the sheet from the window and attempted to open the door. I rattled it for a few seconds and looked inside but it was dark and quiet. The sign said it opens at 7, I checked my phone and it was only a little past 6. I guess I’m going to have to wait a bit.

I sat on a bench and looked around the area. It was still very peaceful, it being a Sunday morning. There were a few people out and about, exercising and getting breakfast. I cast my eyes away from them and looked at the sheet of paper I held.

It read, “Part Time Job Available at The Coffee Shop, must be flexible and able to work in a fast paced environment, if interested please speak to the manager of the store, training is provided and an interview will follow an expression of interest”.

It sounded like the perfect job, I didn’t really have any commitments so I had a lot of time aside my classes and study. This is exactly what I needed. I unlocked my phone and played a bit of candy crush. Before I knew it, time had flown and I could smell coffee brewing.

I lifted my eyes off my screen and looked across at the shop. It just opened and the place was getting a little more busy with everyone gradually waking up. I got up on my feet and went over to the shop. I peered inside and smiled. It looked like a great environment to work in. I approached the register and gave the girl working there a friendly smile.

“Hey, I’m here asking about a potential job here” I told her, I showed her the paper and she nodded calling someone named Aria. I waited patiently and a women soon appeared from the door. She gave me a warm smile and ushered me into the back room. I followed her waving a goodbye to the girl behind the register.

I sat down on the seat and folded my legs into a comfortable position.

“Hi, my name is Aria and I’m the manager for the coffee cup, I’m just going to ask a few questions so can you start of by introducing yourself?”

“Sure, my name is Alex Paris, 18 and I’m a first year at Metro University” I started as I watched her gather up paperwork and nod whilst I talked.

“Ok, do you have any experience?” she looked up at me, I thought about it and I actually hadn’t had a real job before.

“This is actually my first potential job but I’ve done some volunteer work” I admitted, hopefully it wouldn’t affect her decision.

“That’s ok, what’s your timetable like?” I sighed in relief, thankful I had a lot of time to spare.

“I’m free after school and on weekends” She wrote it down on a piece of paper.

“Perfect, are you able to start training today?” She asked getting out a few things with timetable and rules sheet , spare keys and a few other sheets of paper.

 “Yup, I’m free, so do I get the job?” I asked hopefully eyeing all the sheets and items she had brought out.

“Yes you do, congratulations now follow me I’ll get you a uniform” I grinned and followed her out of the room.

My first job. I stood near the doorway as she brought out my uniform to me.

“What size are you?” she asked whilst sifting through the boxes.

“Medium should be good” I felt someone’s eyes on me, I turned my head to see the girl from before staring at me. I gave her a confused look and she just looked away. Aria handed me my new uniform and directed me into a small room to get changed in.

I looked over my uniform, black fitted pants, a shirt with the logo and a small apron. I stripped off my clothing and slipped on the uniform. There wasn’t a mirror in the room but looking down at myself I think I looked alright. I put my wallet and phone in my back pocket. I left the items she gave me in the room with my clothes.

I walked out of the room and walked over to the register. Aria wasn’t here, she was probably in her office. I stood next to the girl, I turned to her, “Hi, I’m Alex what’s your name?” I asked smiling at her.

“Hello, I’m Swathi, you got the job?” she asked politely.

“Yeah I did, so what can I do?” She walked over to the coffee machine and I listened to her carefully as she taught me how to use the machine. She gave me a sheet of paper with all the drink recipes that I had to learn. I looked over it briefly and gave myself a reminder to revise over it when I was free.

“Come here and give it a go” she moved out of the way and I tried to work the machine. It worked perfectly until I removed the cup from the machine and the lid fell off. Like the domino effect, the cup slipped out of my hands. There was a puddle on the ground and I shuffled sheepishly. “It’s alright I’ll go get the mop” she said to me and went through the door.

She left and I stood there awkwardly, thankfully there weren’t any customers around when this happened. Would definitely rank high in my top embarrassing moments.

She came back and handed me the mop and I cleaned it up as she served the customers that had come in. I quickly finished the job and organised a few things on the shelf as I waited for her to be able to teach me a few more things.

The customers went to their tables to drink their coffee and I walked up to her and she showed me how to use the register. That I could work without fail, when more customers came in I worked the register as she made the coffee. We worked great as a team. At lunch time I was exhausted I had my break and I brought a coffee then went outside into the courtyard and laid down on the grass.

I put my coffee and stared up at the clouds, falling into a peaceful state. I thought about what I could do with the extra money, I could buy my friend’s birthday presents and take Amelia out on dates. Thinking about that I took out my phone and composed a text to her.

“I miss you Amelia, will you go on a date with me this weekend?”

I pressed send and laid back down on the grass. I checked my phone for the time, it read 1:00. I sat up and scanned the area. Just as I was about to close my eyes someone sat down next to me. I jumped a little startled. I turned to face the girl from the party and class.

“It’s you again, What’s your name by the way I haven’t caught it?” I said to her.

“It’s Milly, how about you?” she stuck out her hand.

“Alex, nice to meet you officially” I said shaking her hand.

She smiled and started eating her lunch and I sipped at my drink. As she played some music from her phone and lent me an earphone. She was comfortable to be around, I have a feeling she was going to be a pretty good friend.

After my break ended I said a quick goodbye to her giving her a hug. I went back into the shop and went behind the register. This time I swapped with Swathi and I made the  coffee with only a few spills and mishaps.

After I finished work I got a message from Leigh to meet him and Peyton in her room. I changed out of my uniform and put my it in a bag. I said bye to Aria and Swathi and left to the housing blocks.

I found the room after a wrong turn or two and knocked on it. It opened to reveal Peyton, she hugged me and I smiled. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the nearest chair. Leigh was on a laptop and Peyton was sitting on her bed reading a magazine.

Leigh looked up from the laptop, “You made it” he said beaming. I grinned back and went over to him. He was playing a game, “Want to play together?” I nodded and he set up two player mode. We versed each other furiously but he still ended up winning in the end. Not that it was very surprising I was terrible at video games.

I sat down on the bed next to Peyton and grabbed a magazine. I flipped through it quickly, nothing catching my attention. I threw it back into the pile and sided up next to her. She pushed me away and glared playfully at me. “Personal space Alex” she stated and resumed to reading.

I chuckled and picked up a pillow and hit her with it. She fell off the bed in surprise and I ran to hide behind Leigh as she got up off the floor. She picked up the pillow and stalked over to me. “Help me Leigh!” I cried as she pushed him out of the way to reach me. I rolled away from her first hit and jumped up off the floor. I crawled into the bathroom and locked the door.

“Get out of there Alex!” she shouted from behind the door, she stopped after a few minutes. I remained silent and splashed some water on my face. I walked out of the bathroom as if nothing happened. I laughed when I saw Peyton’s hair, it looked like a right mess. I could see Leigh smiling mischievously.

I mouthed a thank you to him and Peyton just stomped over to the dvd player and put a movie on. “Sorry Peyton” I apologised. She sighed and hugged me to her. “You’re forgiven, but we’re having a rematch” she threatened poking my cheek. I rubbed at it when she stopped.

The starting credits began for Mortal Instruments and I smiled to myself, I’ve got myself a bunch of good friends. I watched the movie intensely, I’ve read the books and I had yet to watch the movie. I didn’t get to see it whilst it was playing in the cinemas since I was studying.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I slipped it out and read the message I received from Amelia.

“Miss you too Alex, I’d love to, see you this weekend xx”

I smiled and put it back. The movie finished soon after and Peyton told us we could stay in her room. I took the spare bed and Leigh went onto the couch.

I used my phone light to read the recipes that I had a goal to memorise preferably sooner rather than later. I fell asleep on that sheet and slept soundly .

That morning I woke up on the floor and when I opened my eyes I saw Peyton standing there with a pillow in her hand. I glared at her tiredly and closed my eyes again. “Come on Alex, we have to get back to our room then to class!” I heard Leigh tell me.

I pushed myself up off the floor and rubbed at my eyes. I walked out of the room saying a goodbye to her before following Leigh to our own room. I changed out of last night’s clothes and picked up my satchel. I walked with him to class and then walked to my own.

I sat with Milly in class and handed in my homework. I listened through class and kept focus for the rest of the week. I worked hard to make up for last week. I went to work and improved from my first day, making less mistakes and actually helping out.

I texted with Amelia all week planning our date, we decided to go to the music festival and around noon so we could also get lunch together.

I can’t believe I was going to see her tomorrow.

I fell asleep thinking about her.

My beautiful girlfriend.


Hopefully that was worth the wait. Vote and Comment for some rainbow cake

Got some new characters in this chapter but they will just be casual characters, they aren't part of the main cast. 

Next update i assume maybe friday at the earliest.

myparadise15 xx

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