
By MJsGirl1987

63K 2.6K 3.4K

Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... More

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Tell me
Don't go
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Lisa's trial
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on

Time's up

562 24 20
By MJsGirl1987

Lisa's POV

I still can't believe Michael didn't help me that night and I'm still pissed he just walked away from me the way that he did, but I know deep down it wasn't his fault. It's that little bitch Leanne who's to blame for all of this. Michael even told me himself that night, if he hadn't met Leanne then he would have taken me back by now. And now because of her clearly brainwashing him and making him feel guilty for things that aren't his fault and even convinced him to go into rehab for a drug addiction he doesn't even have and if he does, Leanne obviously was the one who gave them to him and got him hooked and now he's stuck with her and  I'm stuck in this place while she's out their probably spending all his money and have a great time while Michael is away.

That little brat and gotten between me and Michael since day one and I'm not gonna let her get away with it. The only reason Michael is with her is because he feels guilty, like he owes her something and I could see the look in his eyes when he told me if it wasn't for Leanne he would have taken me back. I'm not sure how exactly yet, but I'm gonna get rid of that little bitch and once I do Michael can finally be free from her and me and him can be together again.

Leanne's POV

It's been a few days now since Michael left for rehab and I'm already missing him like crazy and cry myself to sleep every night feeling all alone without him here with me. His family has been really nice and tried to make me feel welcome and at home and I do appreciate what they've done, but I don't feel right being here.

She hasn't actually said anything, but I'm sure Michael's mother feels the same way. I notice her look at me suspiciously every now and then and I'm not sure why, but I haven't asked her about it because it's her house and I don't want to cause any arguments, especially in somebody else's home.

After getting dressed, I make my way downstairs and Kathrine is serving up breakfast. "What time do you need to be at school? I'll give you a ride on my way to the office" Joesph asks and I shake my head politely. "I'm ok thanks. I take the bus"

"Michael doesn't drive you to school?" Kathrine frowns confused. "Sometimes, but I like getting on the bus with my friends" I shrug. "Speaking of Michael, have you spoken to your social worker recently?" Kathrine asks and I look at her confused. "The ones that deal with Michael fostering you and stuff. Don't you have one?" She looks confused. "Yeah, I have one" I lie. Even though Joesph, Michael and his brothers know about the past. Joesph told Kathrine and Michael's sisters that I'm living with Michael because he fostered me from a care home, so I wouldn't have to talk about what happened or explain how Michael and I really met. It feels weird having to lie and say Michael fostered me, but it's way better than the truth in this situation.

"Don't we need to speak to her?" Kathrine asks bringing me from my thoughts. "About what?"

"About you staying here while Michael's in rehab. What's the number? I'll call and..."

"You can't call them" Joesph quickly cuts in and she turns to him confused. "If her social worker finds out Michael's in rehab it's not gonna look good for him is it?" He points out "I didn't think of that" she sighs "what do we tell them then?"

"We don't have to say anything" I cut in "Michael's only gonna be gone for a month... max! So there's no need to"


"If you call them then their just gonna come over here and put me back in a home" I cut her off "Please don't send me back"

"Of course I won't" she says softly, feeling bad about what she said. Even though it stopped her from calling anybody, I feel kind of guilty seeing the look on her face when I said I'd be put in a home. Which I most likely will if social services ever found out wants been going on.

"Why don't we all just forgot all this talk an enjoy breakfast" Joesph smiles changing the topic and Kathrine and I both nod and agree.

After breakfast, I say my goodbyes and make my way to the bus stop and Randy is parked close by waiting for me.

"About time" he says as I get into the car. "Sorry. Your mother wouldn't let me leave the house untill my whole plate was empty"

"Was it a big plate?"

"Huge, why?" I ask confused and he chuckles slightly. "My mother never lets people leave the house until she knows their well fed... your probably gonna be fat by the time Mike gets back" he chuckles making me do the same thing.

After a few more minutes of driving we finally get to Michael's house and wait for my private tutor to arrive. "How come you have a private tutor now?" Randy asks. "We already told you. I got kicked out for fighting"

"And they won't let you back?" He frowns. "They would but they wanna see all these medical forms and stuff like that, which Michael doesn't have so rather that risk them asking anymore questions and looking into it, Michael thought it would be better to get me a private tutor" I explain. "What were you fighting about?"

"Nothing important" I shrug. "It must have been something for you to get kicked out of school"

"Can we not talk about it please?" I ask and he looks at me for a moment then nods seeing my uneasiness about the situation and shortly after my tutor arrives and Randy stays with me the whole times she's here. I can see that she doesn't like that Randy is here, just like she doesn't like it when Michael is, but after what happened, Michael doesn't feel comfortable with me being left alone in a room with anyone he doesn't know, male or female.

Lisa's POV

I've really started to gain alot of trust from Mary lately and she has even trusted me to take out one of the new girls today. I know if I try and run she'll just find me again, which is why I haven't tried to and I have to be smart about this and when Michael gets back I know he'll help me like he promised and I'm gonna do what I can to help get rid of Leanne while he's gone so there's distinctions for him when he gets back.

"Can you believe how much tips I made yesterday!?" Stacy smiles excitedly as we make are way out of the brothel. "I know it's great" I fake a smile "I can't believe Mary gave me a job here. This place is amazing! Way better than when I was walking the streets and the rooms are so classy and not dirty ally ways or back seats of cars!" She continues and I fake another smile at her pretending to share her enuthiasm. Most of the girls at the brothel hate being there and are forced to do what they do, me being one of them and I seriously don't get why some of the girls actually enjoy what they do and are happy about being in that hell whole and Stacy the girl I'm going out with today is one of them.

We get to the mall and Stacy is keen to get straight into shopping. "Where do you wanna go first?" She smiles. "I actually promised Mary I'd run some errands for her first" I lie

"Are you serious?" She sighs disappointed and sigh then smile like I've had a great idea. "How about you go do your shopping while I go and do all the boring stuff then we can meet up later?"

"Are you sure? Because Mary said we always have to stay together while we're out. I don't wanna get in trouble or kicked out" she says nervously. "Relax. It'll be fine. She knows we're both gonna be out all day and we can just meet up here later and pretend we've been together all day" I smile. "Are you sure?" She bites her lower lip nervously. "Of course" I smile reasurrigly at her and she smiles back.


After arranging where and when to meet back up with Stacy, I make my way out of the mall and go to find Leanne. Since it's morning, I'm assuming she will be at school. There's three high schools in Michael's area and knowing Michael I know for a fact he would have sent her to the private and most expensive school.

After awhile of walking around and keeping a look out I find the school office. "May I help you?" The woman at the desk asks. "I'm looking for one of your students"

"And you are?"

"I'm her mother. She has a dentist appointment" I lie then glance over to see people walking through the hallway, hoping to see Leanne, which I don't.

"Well?" The woman behind the desk says and I look at her confused. "What's your daughters name?" She says looking a little irritated. "it's Leanne" I smile and she shrugs "Leanne, what?"

"Excuse me?"

"What's your daughters last name?" She asks and I don't say anything for a moment, realising I have no idea what Leanne's last name is. "It's... um.."

"You don't know your daughters name?" She raises and eyebrow with and attitude. "Jackson... it's Leanne Jackson" I smile hoping that Michael has used his last name and she goes through her records. "I'm sorry, but there's no student by Leanne Jackson that goes here" the woman says and she looks at me suspiciously. "You know what... I've just realised I'm at the wrong school" I chuckle slightly under my breath, pretending to act dumb and she rolls her eyes at me and goes back to doing whatever it was she was doing before I walked in and I start making my way out of the office and I notice some nerdy kid standing in the way.

"Move" I shrug confused why she's still standing there. "Your not Leanne's mom" she looks at me suspiciously, folding her arms "And how would you know who I am?" I frown. "Because if you was her mom. Then you'd know Jackson is her guardian's last name not hers AND if you were her mom then you'd know that YOU and her father died" she says sarcastically and I pull her over to one side away from everybody. "Ok, so I'm not her mom, but do you know where she is?" I ask in a hushed tone. "Why?" She shrugs "because... fine... I'm her aunt and I just wanted to surprise her. She doesn't know I'm in town and.."

"Yeah right" she chuckles cutting me off. "Why do you wanna talk to that psycho anyway?" She shrugs. "You don't like her?" I ask softly and she shrugs. "We we're best friends until she went all psycho and attacked me in class"

"She did!?" I gasp pretending to be interested "yup, she just flupped and attacked a whole bunch of teachers too"

"Is she here now?" I ask and she shakes her head. "She got kicked out after that and I haven't spoken to her since. "I'm so sorry she did that to you" I say softly and she shrugs. "It's ok. It was nice having a friend while it lasted" she mumbles. "I know how that feels. I never had any friends in school either" I sigh, pretending to look sad "I bet you get bullied alot too, huh?" I say softly and she nods. "I did too" I lie and sigh heavily, putting my arm around her "What's your name?"

"Amy" she mumbles. "I'm Lisa" I smile "How about me and you sneak out and go get some coffee?"

"I'd really like that!" She smiles.

Leanne's POV

When I get back from 'school' I get back to Michael's parents and go straight to the guest room I've been staying in and lay down on the bed cuddling the teddy bear Michael gave me and begin  sobbing and looking through my phone at the photos of me and him. It's only been a few days and I already feel lost without him and even though it was me that convinced him to go into rehab, apart off me wishes I hadn't and would have listened when he was asking me not to make him leave.

My thoughts are broken when there's a light tap on the door and I quickly put my phone back in my pocket and wipe the tears from my face.

"It's only me" Janet says softly walking into the room. "I didn't know anybody else was home" I fake a smile and she smiles at me through pursed lips and comes over and sits at the edge of the bed with me.

"It's ok to miss him and I know he'll be missing you too" she smiles slightly. "I just feel weird not having him around is all" I shrug. "Well he'll be back soon and he won't want you sitting in your room crying the whole time he's gone" she says softly giving me a hug then breaks away. "Michael told me about the two of you"

"W-What did he tell you?" I ask nervously. "That you and him have been see if each other. It's ok I haven't told anybody" she reasures me and I nod, not saying anything. "Why what did you think he told me?" She asks confused by my reaction and I fake a smile through pursed lips and shake my head. "Nothing"

"Well, you know you can always come to me anytime right?" She smiles and gives me a hug and I break away. "What's wrong?" She asks and I don't say anything for a moment then sigh heavily. "What if he doesn't wanna be with me anymore when he comes back?" I mumble "What!? Why would you think that?" She gasps. "Michael lov..." She pauses "I shouldn't be the one to tell you this, but Michael loves you"

"And I love him too" I mutter "have you told him that?" She asks and I nod. "He told me he loves me but.."

"But what?" She asks and I sigh heavily. "What if he doesn't feel the same way when he gets back? What if while he's away he decides he doesn't wanna be with me anymore or..."

"That's not gonna happen" she cuts me off. "How can you be so sure? Because it's my fault he's not here right now. When we were in the car, he practically begged me not to make him go to rehab and I didn't listen to him and..." I sob and she wipes away my tears. "Michael's crazy about you and he loves you. He's not gonna just change his mind while he's away. What you did you did for him and Michael knows that and he's doing this for you. When he told me about the two of you. He said nobody has ever made him as happy as you do and that since you came into his life things have changed for the better and that's why he wants to get help. So he can be a better man for you. You mean everything to him" she smiles. "Michael's already amazing the way he is and he means everything to me too" I smile back slightly. "Well... when he gets back your gonna have the perfect man then" she giggles making me do the same.

Lisa's POV

I can't believe I was so stupid to forget to find out what Leanne's last name was. I felt like such an idiot just standing there while the woman at the desk was asking me questions, but luckily for me that little nerd Amy over heard and was standing there.

After taking her out for coffee, I can see why Leanne wanted punch the annoying little geek and I even felt like doing it myself after listening to her go on and on about how sad and depressing her life is. I didn't get much information from her about Leanne other than she's a spoilt brat and her guardian always buys her stuff, but after a few more little girlie chats with her new best friend  (me) i'll be able to get everything I need and pretty soon Leanne will be gone for good and Michael will be all mine once again.

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