The Light Queen

By c-jjjj

32.9K 932 164

A lot has happened since Elise visited the castle for her birthday. King Braxton and her are married, and she... More

The Light Queen (characters)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

3.9K 133 14
By c-jjjj

Elise's POV

"Let me explain," Dominic said looking a little worried. He took my hand and lead us to a much privater room. No one else came with us, we were alone.

"What's going on? Why is Braxton's younger brother here?" I heard him make a growling noise as I said that. I didn't understand why.

"I'll explain that in just a second, Elise, please just listen to me," he took a deep breath and squeezed my hand. "You know how Braxton is a really bad guy?"

Although I've never seen him do anything to bad in particular, he did have his knight kill my younger brother-- and apparently he's done much worse. I shivered at the memory and nodded.

"Well, I have something huge to tell you, but I don't want you to freak out or look at us any differently," he started. Him saying that had me nervous. What was he going to say? "My family and I, have a secret that you can't tell anyone outside of this place," he said with full seriousness.

"We've always hated the royal family, for generations. Each king is worse than the last. Hundreds of years ago, my family started a resistance. Back then, it was just my family. But as the years gone by, and the royals got worse, more people started joining. We needed a private place to meet after an accident with knights almost got them all killed. That's when this place was discovered.

"Things started serious and more dangerous for everyone involved, so the men part of the resistance moved their families here for safety. After years and years, people had children and they had children... you get the idea." he said avoiding eye contact with me. I blinked taking that all in. I also had to think about how Dominic and Damien were brothers. Although, it does make sense when you think about it.

I looked up at Dominic with warm eyes. "Well, that's not that bad I suppose."

Dominic groaned. "I'm not finished. About seven years ago our father, and several other men in this rebellion, had a plan to kill Braxton's father," I gasped loudly. "It worked obviously, but they accidentally killed his mother too and right in front of Braxton and his siblings.

They all seriously thought that if they killed the previous king, than Braxton would be a better one, but they were so wrong." he muttered the last part under his breathe.

"But where does Prince Brent come into all of this?"

Dominic scratches the back of his head awkwardly before responding. "He sort of followed me here a few months ago, and has been trying to find ways to taken Braxton down ever since..."

My eyes widened. "That doesn't make sense though. Braxton and Brent are brothers, why would he want to take him down?" I asked.

"Brent knows that the way Braxton rules is wrong. And with him out of the way Brent could be king. Or Brenden could but either is much better than him." he shrugged "We honestly don't care as long as someone sane is in power and signs something that guarantees it."

So this whole place, this whole society, was created on trying to take down the royal family? So much time and effort into destroying someone, I just don't see the point. As I was contemplating everything he just said, I felt Dominic pull me into a hug.

His touched warmed me and made me feel at home. His hand rested on my head and stared stroking my hair, I grinned. "So you aren't scared of me, Damien or any of the people living here?" he asked softly in my ear.

"The idea kind of freaks me out," I admitted. "But you aren't hurting anyone, right?" I asked him quietly.

He pulled away from the hug and stared intensely into my eyes. Almost as if her was looking, searching, for something."I just realized you haven't eaten anything. You must be hungry."

And with that, Dominic took my hand and lead me to where this society prepares their food.

Fay's POV

I yelped in pain as Braxton twisted my wrist with a rough grip. With my free hand i tried to pull off his hand but it was no use. "Stop!" I screamed.

Through my teary eyes, I saw Braxton's completely furious face. "Fay, you are such an infuriating child!" he barked in my face. "I'm so close to fuking snapping your precious neck right now."

I should probably explain.

Earlier today, Braxton and Elise got married and she was crowned queen, unfortunately. But something happened which I wasn't there for and now Elise is missing. I hadn't really seen him since so I thought it would be a good idea to surprise him in his room. I was wrong.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled out hoping he would calm down and let me go.

It only made him grip my wrist more. "Brent would be so angry if I killed you though," I heard him mumble.

This made me sigh in relief and I thought he was going to let me go. Instead, he twisted my wrist in ways that I didn't think possible. I screamed the highest, ear-piercing scream I've ever done in my life. Tears clouded my vision as Braxton picked me up and threw me across his shoulder. I wasn't even paying attention to what he was doing.

He walked out of the room, closed the door, and continued carrying me somewhere. Eventually, I felt my body being dropped in front of somewhere and a loud knock. It was my parents room.

When they opened the door I could almost feel their shock.

"Oh my goodness, Fay! What in the heavens happened to you?" My mother exclaimed in fear and confusion.

"Your daughter was being exceptionally annoying today, which I cannot handle considering everything that has happened. The only reason I didn't kill her is because she's going to be family soon. However, next time family might not be enough to stop me." He announced to all three of us and stomped away.

Once he walked away, I looked at my parents with the saddest look. "Mama, it hurts so bad," I whispered. She nodded and brought me inside their room.

"I'll bring someone to look at it, darling. I'll be right back." She quickly left, leaving me and my father in the room.

My father sat beside the bed I was placed in and looked at me. "Fay, what were you thinking!" he yelled angrily at me. He's always been telling me how I shouldn't interact with Braxton, especially without him or mama around. It's not like I've ever listen to him.

"Father, I didn't think he would react like that! Why is he so upset anyways?" father arched an eyebrow and looked incredulously at. "Okay, Elise is missing, but he barely knows her."

"Fay, he loves her."

I didn't respond, just held onto my wrist quietly. I don't know why, but I would just prefer that Braxton wasn't married. That he didn't have a woman in his life. A voice was telling me that I was in love with Braxton but that wasn't even it. I liked seeing Braxton alone, desperate for interaction. Before that harlot came, I could talk to Braxton, even tease him. He was guarded, but at least he would put up with me because he had too.

Now he's saying that he could kill me and wouldn't care.

My father sighed and hugged my head. "Fay, just give him space. For your safety," he whispered. I nodded my head once, just so he would leave me alone.

"Can you bring Brent in here?"

Right then, my mom entered the room, along with a nurse. and they started attending to my wrist.

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Thank you for reading, excited to write this book

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