Against All Odds (Vampire X W...

By VicSerranoao3

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The life of the Werewolf Princess has its perks; being the strongest one in the pack, even stronger than the... More

Chapter 1: Werewolf Life
Chapter 2: Love?
Chapter 3: School
Chapter 4: Weekend Planning
Chapter 5: Odd Feelings
Chapter 6: Uh-oh
Chapter 7: Admit
Chapter 8: Secrets
Chapter 9: He Likes Me
Chapter 11: Be Careful
Chapter 12: Hiding
Chapter 13: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter 14: In Andy's Eyes
Chapter 15: Winter Time
Chapter 16: Happy Holidays
Chapter 17: Girl Problems
Chapter 18: Vic's Head
Chapter 19: Walking
Chapter 20: The Absence
Chapter 21: V-Day
Chapter 22: Many Surprises
Chapter 23: Beauty, Grace, and a Punch in the Face
Chapter 24: Working On It
Chapter 25: Craziness
Chapter 26: WERK IT
Chapter 27: Famous
Chapter 28: It Has To End
Chapter 29: Fight To Win
Chapter 30: Coming Soon
Chapter 31: As the World Falls Down
Chapter 32: Behind Bars
Chapter 33: Don't You Dare (Part 1)
Chapter 34: Don't You Dare (Part 2)
Chapter 35: Don't Blame Yourself
Chapter 36: Out with the Old, in with the New
Chapter 37: Finally
Chapter 38: You are my Sun, You are my Moon
Chapter 39: I am a Vision of Loveliness...
Chapter 40: Return Things to their Rightful State
Chapter 41: Back in the Game
Chapter 42: Who Are You?
Chapter 43: Slurpee
Chapter 44: I am (Y/n) (L/n)
Chapter 45: If You want Me to
Chapter 46: Angel
Chapter 47: Whatever Happens in Paris...
Chapter 48: Jessica & Jaime
Chapter 49: Anything You Want
Chapter 50: Creation
Chapter 51: Two Hearts
Chapter 52: Poke
Chapter 53: Changes
Chapter 54: One Year Anniversary
Chapter 55: Blood Streaked Cheek
Chapter 56: Eventful
Chapter 57: Missing Him
Chapter 58: After Him
Chapter 59: I'll Be Damned...
Chapter 60: The Last Fight
Chapter 61: Drink Up
Chapter 62: Against All Odds
A/n: please read
A/n: Hi Again!

Chapter 10: Future Thoughts

851 29 8
By VicSerranoao3

Your POV

The more I think about Andy, the more I wanna bend some major rules. He's so funny, charming, sweet, loving, caring...aside from that, he's fucking hot, sexy, Jesus. I have no idea how I got him to fall for me...he didn't even have to try for me to fall in love with him.

If...if we're caught together...we'll be killed. I mean...I guess that's the price for love. My real fear is that my parents will literally kill me or disown me. I will have completely humiliated, cursed, and embarrassed the (L/n) Royal name. So many many horrible consequences.

My phone buzzed, startling me at first. Just a text from Andy. I told my pack I'd be in the bathroom and that I'll be on time to science. They all nodded and continued walking while I went to the bathroom.

Andy: Hey! I wanna hang out tomorrow night. Is that ok for you?

You: Yea, that's ok. It's not a full moon, I'm not doing anything tomorrow night. We'll meet where?

Andy: Um...I was thinking we could meet late night at the boundary.

You: Why at the boundary?

Andy: I just wanted you to experience something special.

You: Haha...ok! What will I experience?

Andy: Just meet me and you'll find out.

You: Ok. Tomorrow, midnight, boundary.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and ran to science. Once my feet were in the room, the bell rang. Made it right on time. I took my seat, Mike on my right, Jessica on my left. "Ok, class, we'll start with notes. Take out your spiral notebooks." Mrs. Cosgrove instructed us. My pack and I, perfect angels, took out our notebooks and waited intently for notes to pop up on the board.


I pulled on the sleeves of my sweater as my crew and I walked outside. It's like the middle of November, our extra body warmth still hasn't kicked in. Watch us walk around in tank tops and booty shorts in the winter since our bodies will be so heated.

"(Y/n), you cold?" Vic asked, walking by my side as always. Since he's always by me, he notices everything. "Yea, just a little chilly." I shivered.

"Here, put my sweatshirt on." Vic took his backpack off and pulled his sweatshirt off as well, handing it to me. "Thanks, Vic." I smiled. "Anytime." He put his backpack on. I snuggled into Vic's rainbow sweatshirt, ooohhh, so warm. I feel bad now since Vic doesn't have much warmth. He offered though, he must not mind that much.

"Let's go home, I'm beat." Mike said, first one on his motorcycle. "Same." I yawned.

"You're almost always tired, (y/n). You have your random bursts of energy at times, but still." Jaime laughed.

"I'm just weird like that." I laughed with him. "Let's go before (y/n) passes out on the way there." Kaytlynn revved her engine.

As I was backing out of my parking space, I looked up to see Andy and his vamps crowded around his car, just talking. His eyes locked with mine for a solid 5 seconds and he winked at me, giving me a smirk too.

"(Y/n), let's go." Vic caught my attention. I continued backing out and then I sped away from school, getting to the head of my pack, leading them home.

When we got home, I was sent to do the laundry. Doing the laundry isn't the best chore to be many people...much clothes. So I folded everything neatly, sorted out everyone's clothes, and went to their rooms to drop their clothes off.

After going to everyone's rooms, Vic's clothes and my clothes remained. I took our clothes up to our room and set them on Vic's bed. I'm gonna need help finding matching socks.

"Vic, can you please help me find socks?....and get down from my bed, tis my property. (Yes, tis, not it's...TIS.)" I ordered.

"Ok, I'll help. Make it rAIN SOCKS."

"MAKIN IT RAAINNN." I threw the socks all over him as he danced. "(Y/n), Vic, stop fooling around with the socks and get them folded!" My mother scolded us.

"Mkay." I pouted. Vic and I picked up the socks, trying to find matches. "So is your tattoo healed?" Vic asked.

"Yep, pretty much. And yours?"

"Just a tiny bit of red left, it'll heal soon. Oh, I have that sock, gimme." Vic motioned to the sock in my hand. It matches the sock he was looking for. I gave him the sock and he put them together, throwing them into a corner of the room to form a pile.

After putting most of the socks together, there was a sock pile and a couple socks left on the floor. "Well, these ones don't have matches. We should just keep them in a box in case their matches show up." I suggested.

Vic and I started picking socks up and putting them in a little box. I saw one last sock and went to pick it up. I didn't know Vic was going after it too until our hands crashed into each other.

Vic took my hand and intertwined his finger with mine...what is he doing? I looked at him, a confused expression on my face. I couldn't look at him for long though...his face came closer to me. I put my free hand on his chest, but before I could push him away, he hooked his other arm around my neck, closing the distance between us.


I spit in his mouth and wriggled out of his grasp. "Vic, what the hell?" I questioned him. "Don't think I couldn't see the way you looked at me. You were drooling, your face was red, your eyes grew wide. You like me more than a friend now. That's what's up, isn't it?"

"What?! No! Vic, I don't like you. I love you, but as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I've told you that I don't see you as a boyfriend or a husband."

"Then why would you look at me with such desire? So lovey dovey?"

"I...I can't...I don't know."

"The only reasonable explanation is that you like me. You're just in denial."

"I'm not in denial of anything. I don't like you like that and that's it."

"(Y/n)...just say that you like me so you don't have to fight with yourself anymore."

"But I don't like you."

He walked up to me and tried to touch me. He tried to pull me into another kiss. Yea...NO THANKS.

"Vic, stop! You think I like you?! Look at what I'm doing right now! You're trying to kiss me and I don't want you to! I don't want boyfriend love from you. I want best friend love from you cuz that's what you are to me. A best friend." I told him.

He backed up and sat down on his bed. "Ok...god, you're so confusing. One day you look at me like you want me, the next day, you don't want anything to do with me." He sighed. "All I will ever want from you, Vic, is a friendship." I said, sitting down in front of him. "Ok, I'll get that through my thick skull. Just friends." He frowned.


My mom entered the room a few minutes later. "(Y/n), your father and I would like a word with you." She informed me.

"Coming." I got up and followed her to the basement. I don't know what this is about, but I'm scared to find out. What if Kaytlynn told them about Andy? What if someone else in the pack found out and told my parents? Oh god.

She led me down to the basement where my father was waiting for me. "(Y/n), take a seat. We need to discuss a serious matter." He said. Oh jeez. I sat down in front of him and my mom sat beside me. "You know you're going to be leader of this pack when I step down, right?" He asked.

"Yes, I know."

"And you know Vic is your'll need to have kids or one kid so they rule in the future after you."

"Yes...I know."

"Ok, well my time is coming soon, my natural born future leader. Will you be ready?"

"Yes, dad."

"I will step down next summer...are you sure you'll be ready?" He asked. summer?! The summer I graduate?! Jesus, this is all happening so fast. This day was going to come someday. I knew it would be here. "Uh...yes, I'll be ready."

"Just for making sure you'll be ready, I will give you leadership classes. Sessions will be short since I believe you have this in the bag. I will teach you how to deal with certain situations, rule a pack properly, how to raise your young to become future leaders, and other things as well." He informed me. I nodded in agreement. Even though that's more work for me, I'm gonna need it in the future.

"You...(y/n) will be a great leader. I believe in you. I see great potential in you. I am proud of you." He praised me.

"And Jaime?" I included him.

"Yes, we're proud of him too. But since you're the oldest, you will rule first. If you can't have any kids or if you die all of a sudden, Jaime will take the throne." My dad explained.

"I don't think it'll ever come to that. Don't worry, honey, you'll be amazing." My mom rubbed my back. "Thanks that all you wanted to talk about? Informing me that I'll be ruler very soon?" I asked.

"Yes, that's all. You may go now." She released me.

The first thing I went to do was go up to my room and lay down. I need a moment to take all of this in. "Hey, what'd your mom say?" Vic asked. "She and my dad told me I'd be leader next summer when my dad steps down. Dude...this is gonna be big. We're gonna get married and coronated next summer. My dad even said we'd need to have a kid." I said.

"A...a kid?"


"If we're gonna have a kid...we should...practice-"


"NOTHING, NOPE, NEVER MIND, YOU'RE NOT IN THE MOOD." He took his words and shoved them back down his throat. Good, cuz seriously. I just learned that I'll be pack leader soon and he wants to practice?! No thanks.

I just need to absorb everything I was just told. I'll be ruler next summer, my dad will teach me all the ropes, I'll be marrying Vic, Vic and I are recommended to have kids, and...Andy was never a part of my future. Out of the things I just listed...Andy isn't there.

This...this is terrible! Oh, what will I do with Andy?! I like him, he likes me, but we can never be together! I...BUT I LOVE HIM!

I felt my eyes well up with tears. We'll never be together. A tear trickled down my cheek, hitting my pillow once it dropped. Andy was my dream...I'll just have to find another. I sniffled, trying so hard to keep my whimpers to myself. Ugh...forget finding a new dream, that's impossible.

"(Y/n)'re crying. What's wrong?" Vic asked, getting out of his bunk. I couldn't speak, I really don't want to release my pain and despair. "Come here, do you need a hug?" He offered. I shook my head, declining his offer. "I just want to be left alone." I barely managed to get my words out, but Vic understood. So he left me to cry in the dark, under my covers, and my soon-to-be soaking wet pillow.


I woke up the next morning, my eyes couldn't really open from crying so much. Something felt off...I felt the bottoms of my eyes and they're...swollen. I cried so much that now my tear ducts are swollen. Something else didn't feel right...there's sunlight pouring in through my bedroom window. Am I late for school?! SHIT! I checked the clock and its...10:30AM. Aw jeez. Why didn't the pack wake me up?! I threw myself off of my bunk and went to my closet to throw something on.

After brushing my teeth and brushing my hair, I ate a small breakfast and ran outside. My motorcycle was the only one here. I got on and got to school as quick as I could.

When I got to school, I signed myself in, got a pass, and went to my third class of the day. It just started. Third class for today is math. Lord have mercy.

I trudged down the hallway, dilly dallying, of course. As I turned around a corner, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I apologized, without really looking at who I bumped into. "It's ok...(y/n)!" He grabbed my hand and hugged me. Once I breathed in, I knew who he was. Andy, who now always smelled fresh. "Hey!" I greeted him. "Where were you this morning? I saw Vic leading your looked weird." He asked. "I overslept, I don't know why no one woke me up. Heck, I don't even know how I slept past my alarm." I laughed.

" feeling ok?" Andy stepped closer to me, examining my face. "Are your tear ducts swollen? Were you crying?" He questioned.

"No, no. I'm fine." I lied.

"We still have plans tonight, right? At the boundary?" He whispered to me.

"Yes, I'll be there. Midnight." I whispered back. He nodded in agreement. "Andy...what are you going to make me experience?" I asked, super curious. "You'll find out later. You better get to class. See ya tonight." He waved goodbye and left me wondering about what he'd do.

I continued walking to math at a more quickened speed. Andy was right, I really do need to get to class. I entered my math class and gave Mrs. Brown my pass.

"Welcome, (y/n), take out your notes we were taking last class. We're continuing them today." She instructed me. I took my seat next to Jaime and Tony.

"Sis, are you ok?" Jaime whispered.

"Yea, I'm good." I assured him. We filled out our notes and talked more during class work.

"Vic said you were look like you've been crying too. What's wrong?" Jaime kept asking. "I'm just a little overwhelmed with how soon I'm going to become the queen. Dad said next summer." I told him.

"Oh shit...yea. Being queen is a big responsibility. Sister, I believe you can do it. And if you die, I'll try my best to be king."

"Dad said if I die or if I can't have kids, you'll be king. And by "can't have kids", he means if I seriously can't have kids. Like if I cannot produce a baby with Vic. If that's the and Jessica will have to make babies and be king and queen." I explained.

"Oh god...I honestly think I'd have a hard time with that. God, I'd be a crappy king." Jaime pouted. "Hey...don't doubt yourself. In my opinion, I think you'd be a good king and Jessica would be the best queen." I smiled. "Thanks, sis. Anyways...I know you'll be a great queen. Don't be scared. You can do it." Jaime patted my back. He's the most comforting little brother ever. Anyone would be lucky to have Jaime as a part of their family. Him and I have the same blood in our veins...I love my brother so much.


The day dragged on and I wanted midnight to strike already. What does Andy want to show me??? I have such impatience. Uuugghhh.

Once the last bell of the day released us, I sprinted out of the front doors. The sunlight touched my skin, I feel so warm. Fresh is basically a prison.

"LETS GO HOOMMEEEE!!!!" I leaped onto my motorcycle. Everyone followed after me and got on their motorcycles too. I sped away from school before anyone else could. I really just wanna go home. "Slow down, (y/n)!" Vic laughed.

"Why should I?"

"Because I wanna be the first one home."

"Oh please. I'm always first. And if I'm not first, Jaime will be."

"Wanna race?"

"Oh, don't know what you just got yourself into." I accelerated. Vic and I are head to head for now.

We soon hit the dirt road the leads to our house. We have to make a sharp turn to get into our property. Since I know this turn very well, I knew how to handle it. But Vic didn't.

I went easy on the turn while Vic was still going high speed. I made the turn easy, but Vic almost fell off of his motorcycle. ALMOST. He sort of skidded to the side and that delayed him. So I made it home first XD as always. No one beats me or Jaime.

"(Y/n)? Jaime?" My mom called.

"I'm here, mom, Jaime's on his way."

"Ok, well once Jaime gets home, go to the basement. Your father wants to start those leader lessons today." She instructed. I nodded and waited for Jaime. I need to sit down, I'm still tired from school. I laid myself out on the front porch. "What was your mom talking about?" Kaytlynn asked.

"I'm gonna be pack leader next summer. My dad is going to give me lessons on how to be a great leader. I guess he wants Jaime to know these things too since now the both of us need to go see him." I explained.

"Oh wow! Pack alpha! Congrats!" She cheered.

"Thanks Kayt...but that also means Vic and I will get married, coronated, and we have to have a child, so that child can rule when I step down."

"*gasps* oh man...what about you know who?" She whispered.

"I don't know what I'm going to do about him yet." I whispered back. I saw Jaime come into my field of vision. "I gotta go, we'll talk later, " I got up, "Jaime, dad wants us in the basement now." I told him. He said goodbye to Jessica and followed me downstairs.

"Dad, we're here." Jaime called. We found our dad writing on a dry erase board. "Welcome to Leader Lessons. Sit on the couch, my children." He motioned towards the couch. Oh my can be so old sometimes. He's only 38, but he's acting like he's 60. Jaime and I sat down.

"Ok, today you guys are going to learn about being good leaders. Who knows how we keep the peace around here?" Dad asked us.

"We stay on our property and go over the peace treaty once every year." I answered. "Absolutely right. We go over the peace treaty. Now here's some paper and pencils. I want you both to write down your peace treaty speech that you will give." He told us.

"Why me? (Y/n)'s going to be ruler, not me." Jaime whined. "Jaime, if your sister dies or cannot have children, you will take over. You are her back up plan. And since you're her brother, you will act as an assistant to her. You need to know these things, son. To help (y/n)." Dad explained. Jaime nodded, taking paper and a pencil. This isn't's just boring.

When we finished our speeches, we gave them to our dad and he set them aside for later. "Now, what happens to rule breakers?" My dad asked us. "...they die." Jaime answered. I remembered the night when Andy saved me...he really could've killed me...but he didn't. "That's right, they die. How do we kill vampires?"

"We tear them to shreds and set every bit of them on fire. If we don't burn every part, they will reincarnate." I answered.

"Yes. And we only kill them when...?"

"When they violate our peace treaty." Jaime and I answered in unison. "YES! I like that! I like you both answering at the same time. Anyway, when are we ever allowed to cross the boundary?"

"When accompanied by a vampire, but us werewolves stay in human form." I answered.

"And when are vampires ever allowed to come over here?"

"Only when accompanied by a werewolf, they stay in human form." Jaime answered.

"Right, and if we are in werewolf form going over the boundary?"

"That is breaking the treaty and we will die. Same thing the other way around. Vampires in vampire form come over here? They'll die." I answered.

These questions kept coming and I even learned a couple things I didn't know already. Like werewolf coronations are only in summer because summer is our season. Vampire coronations are only in winter because winter is their season. And like once I'm coronated, my faithful pack will vow the pledge of a new ruler. I didn't know that would happen...THATS GONNA BE SO COOL! I just imagine everyone, their right hands raised, pledging to me about how they will remain forever faithful.

Since this is the modern age, we won't be wearing crowns. Instead...we will have our Royal mark burned onto our chests. I didn't know that either. Hm...I hope it doesn't hurt that much. And another dad is still kinda young. He said that as we age, our senses and powers start leaving us and going into our kids. That's why Jaime and I keep getting drugged by the moon. It's mom and dads powers going into our bodies, thus, making us stronger and more powerful, but leaving them weaker everyday. That's why he's stepping down from the throne so soon.

I went up to my room, that lesson was 3 hours long and I'm exhausted. What time is it? I checked the alarm clock on my nightstand. 6:15PM. I meet with Andy in six hours. I'm sure I can take a little nap.


I woke up and it was dark outside. Oh no, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I MISSED ANDY. I looked at my clock and its 10:48PM. Ok, I have about an hour and ten minutes left. As I got down from my bunk, I saw that Vic wasn't in his bed. We have school tomorrow and we usually go to bed at 10:00PM...where is he?

I left my room, looking around for Vic. I heard the TV on downstairs, so I went to check it out. The sight I found at the bottom of the stairs was just...adorable. The whole pack was watching a movie and they all fell asleep on the couch. Tony was hugging Erin's waist, Jaime had his arm around Jessica, Kaytlynn leaned on Vic, and Vic had his head on the arm of the couch. As for Mike...he was laid out on top of everyone. Now...I need to be super quiet, so I don't wake anyone. When I leave, I'll have to go out my window cuz the front door is too close to the pack and they'd definitely hear me.

After an hour, the numbers on my clock changed to 12:00AM and I pretty much threw myself out of my window, but landed on my feet gracefully. I stood there and listened for any shuffling going on inside, but the house stayed silent.

So I descended into the forest, scurrying to the boundary. As the cherry trees came into view, I looked around for Andy. He stood, leaning against a cherry tree, waiting. I got closer to the boundary and he could hear me now, so he turned around, smiling at me.

"Hey!" He greeted me.

"Hi!" I greeted him back. When I was close enough, we hugged and smiled at each other. God, I'm so happy to see him. "So what am I gonna experience?" I asked.

"In order to experience this...I'll have to turn into vampire form...are you ok with that? If you want, you can turn into werewolf form."

"Yea, turn at the same time?"

"Ok." He agreed. I'm only wearing my pajamas, nothing important. I don't need to take my clothes off. So I let my wild side take over, we all know the process by now. Fur, eyes, claws, teeth, tail, pointed ears, yep.

Andy was watching the whole time though, he didn't change. I guess my transformation is definitely entertaining.

He closed his eyes, I could hear a faint sizzling sound. When his eyes opened, they were red, no longer blue. "Check it out," Andy opened his mouth, his fangs went in and out of his gums, "retractable fangs."

"Those are so cool!" I clapped.

"Not as cool as you! Just look at yourself! I wish I looked that badass." He complimented.

"Well, thank you. Not easy being a werewolf, but I still like it." I giggled.

"Haha...ok, it's time. Give me your hand." He said. I'm a bit hesitant...what is he gonna do? "Why?" I asked.

"Just trust me. I won't bite." He winked. I gave him my hand and he gripped onto me tightly. He then started hovering. "Other hand too." He said. I gave him my other hand as he kept rising. "And up we go!" He flew up into the sky, but kept his tight grip.

I, on the other hand, freaked the fuck out and climbed onto him. I ended up with my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "It's ok. I won't let you fall. And if you fall, I'll be sure to catch you." Andy smiled. I looked down and we were flying over the woods along the boundary line. This isn't breaking the rules...I mean, we're on the boundary, not on anyone's side.

Andy started flying with his back towards the ground and his face looking up to the sky. I held onto him, laying on him as he flew slowly. "So...why were you crying?" He asked. I sighed and answered, "I'm going to become Werewolf Queen next summer."

"Why is that a bad thing?" He wondered.

"It's bad because Vic and I will get married, coronated, and then we gotta have a kid, so that kid can rule when I step down from the throne." I explained.

"Oh...oh no. You don't like Vic that way."

"I really don't like him that way. Not only will it be uncomfortable for me, it'll be sad. Now that I really think about it, I don't want to marry Vic. But I have to for the good of the pack."

"I know how you feel. I'm becoming Vampire King next winter. I have to do the same as you. Get married to Danielle, get coronated, and have a kid with her. Ugh, I don't want that." He sighed. I rested my head on his chest. "This is relaxing though. I like flying." I smiled.

"I like flying too...but it's better with you." Andy wrapped an arm around me. "Awww, your fur is so soft." He stroked my fur, making me melt into him. "(Y/n)...I need to ask you something." Andy said, still stroking my back. "What is it?" I asked.

Then, he asked the question that made my heart stop. The question that would kill us. The question that would ruin us. The question that I've been wanting to hear, but I also dreaded it.

"I can't hold this back anymore and I need to get it out to you...

You're so beautiful, smart, adorable, funny, and so much more...

You mean a lot to me...

(Y/n)...I love you...

Will you be my girlfriend?"

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