Stay with Me #Wattys2017

By whiteflags330

837 98 10

The girl is Eliza Kelman, she's a music producer in Los Angeles and takes pride in her job. She loves to part... More

Prolouge//Cover Cred
Spin Offs


8 1 0
By whiteflags330

We eventually walked in. Haynes and I went to the front desk where the secretary was. She told us to wait in the waiting room. So, we took a seat. It was quiet between us. Haynes could tell I was nervous. He knew anything he would say good and or bad would make things worse. I wish this wasn't so hard. Eventually the lawyer called for us. 

Haynes and I went into his office and took a seat. The office was small with bookshelves covering the walls. This place was filled with paperwork and a ton of books. The lawyer seemed to be really busy. He's tall blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked really young. 

"I'm Andy, What could I do for you?" He asked.

"I'm here for my dad's will. He died and I have to plan his funeral all on my own." I replied

Haynes cleared his throat. 

"With help from my boyfriend and friends."

"Okay, who was your father?"

"Richard Kelman. I'm his daughter, Eliza Kelman." I added.

Andy looked a little shock by that. I couldn't really explain it. 

"You okay?" Haynes asked.

"Ah, yeah. Richard and I were really close. Just kind of shocked I didn't hear about it."

"Can we just hurry this up?"

He nodded. He pulled out a file. The label said the Kelman family. I wonder what other information is in there. He was being really sketchy about the file. Trying to keep something in there a secret. 

"Could I just see the whole file?" I asked.

"Uh, the will is right here." Andy pulled out my dad's will.

We were going over his will, I got the studio and we found out he didn't care where the funeral would be held. I also got some money, which is pretty nice. As we were going over the will, Andy's secretary interrupted us. She had asked to see Andy. Once he left, I got up and grabbed my family's file.

"What are you doing?" Haynes asked.

"That lawyer was being weird the moment we walked in. There has to be something weird in this file." I added. 

The door knob started to shake. I quickly picked up the file and put it inside my purse. Haynes looked at me. Andy walked back in. 

"Sorry about that," He sat back down, "Where were we?"

"Actually I have to get back to the studio. Just remembered I got a band to deal with." I said and quickly left with Haynes right behind me. 

We got back into my car and just sat there. 

"You stole a file." Haynes pointed out.

"It's not technically stolen. It has my family name on it."

He shook his head.

"Could you just take me to work."


We drove. We got to the studio. I looked at Haynes before I got out.

"Look whatever family secret I have, it will be here." 

"You could get in a lot of trouble for this."

I shrugged, "Beats not knowing."

I kissed him and went inside. I went into Donnie's office, knowing he was probably out getting coffee or in the studio with the band. I just needed some peace and quiet so I could go through this file. I was finally able to look inside the file and I found out something huge. I have a brother. He's older than me, 30 and his name is Andrew. The file says that he lives with a Stacy Colber. I think that's my mom. It doesn't say if he works or not, just gives me an address. Hopefully this is his. I'm in shock, why wouldn't my dad tell me about this? Wouldn't he want me to know that I have a brother? Then again, he never talks about my mom. So, what am I even thinking? As I was looking through the file Donnie walked in. He was on the phone and didn't notice me right away. 

"Yeah, okay, whatever Em." He sounded a annoyed.

He hung out and he looked at me. 

"Got to see my dad's will today." I said. 

"Get out of my chair," he replied, "What'd you get?"

I got out of his chair. 

"Some money and the studio."

"Of course you did." 

"I know how hard you've worked for this studio, we could split the ownership." I added.

He sighed, "Sure. Anything else?"

"I stole a file and turns out I have an older brother."

Donnie looked at me, he was interested.

"His name is Andrew, after the band leaves, you wanna take me to his place or what I assume is his place?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Definitely better than going back to my apartment."

"Who's Em?"

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, "Band is here."

I nodded and walked into the recording room. American Wasted was there setting up. 

"I want Amber to sing a bit. I'll get everyone else later." I said. 

They nodded. Amber was wearing light pink shorts with a white and red t-shirt, gold heart earrings and white converse. Derrick was wearing blue knee ripped jeans, a black tank top, black shoes and a black and purple watch. Aaron was wearing dark blue jeans with a black Pokemon shirt, grey shows and black glasses. Lydia was wearing black leather skinny jeans, a black cropped t-shirt, bright red heals and a red heart necklace. Bentley was wearing black jeans with a long sleeve white shirt, brown shoes and a bullet necklace. Amber stayed and got ready, the rest of the band sat outside with me. 

"How are you guys?" I asked.

"Pretty good." Aaron said.

I could feel tension between Bentley and Lydia. 

"Keep your problems out of the studio." I looked at the two.

They nodded. I recorded everyone and a few hours later it was closing time. The band left and all I had to do was wait for Donnie. I waited outside of his office, just listening in on his conversation. I really want to know who this Em girl is. It helps me take my mind off my stuff. Is Em like his girlfriend or something? Donnie can actually get a girlfriend? Important questions like these go through my head. 

"Could we please talk about this later?" He questioned. 

He's on speaker phone.

"No!" The girl shouted.

"Emma, my apartment can barely fit me, I'm not taking in your mother." 

"I thought you loved me."

"Yeah? And I thought you weren't crazy."

"When will you be home?"

"I have to take my co-worker somewhere."

"That skanky red head?" 

"Yeah, at least she isn't delusional."

I'm not a skank. Rude. 

"Just don't come home drunk again."

"It's my place, I pay rent, I can drink as much as I want." He hung up. 

I saw him walking towards the door. I quickly ran to the outside of the studio and waited by his car. Jeez, he's going through some serious stuff. That Emma chick sounds like a nightmare. She seems worse than Donnie and that's saying something. Donnie walked out. He looked at me and unlocked his car. I really want to bring up his situation, but I also don't want him to know that I'm ease dropping on him. I got into his car and put the address into his GPS. We left.

"Thanks for driving me."

"You're buying me a drink afterwards." He added.

I nodded, "Of course I am."

"It's weird that you have a brother. Do you know what you're gonna say if he answers?"

I shrugged, "Probably something sappy."

"Well, hope you have something cause we're here." Donnie parked in front of a small white house. 

I took a deep breathe and got out of there car. I walked up to the front door and knocked. I waited a little until the door opened. I stared at the man who answered the door. I just couldn't really believe it. It was the lawyer from today, Andy.

"I knew that file was missing." He said.

I just stared at him in shock. 

He sighed and looked around, "you want to come in?" 

"I have to buy my friend a drink." I replied and stumbled back into the car. 

I told Donnie to just drive. He did. We ended up at a bar nearby Andy's house. We walked in and ordered drinks. 

"My brother is my dad's lawyer." I said. 

"That sucks or doesn't? How should feel here?"

"I don't know."

I think Donnie was starting to feel bad.

"Wanna hear about my problems?" He asked.


"My girlfriend wants her sick mom to move in with me. Emma not even living with me." 

"How long have you been dating her?" 

"About 3 months."

"Do you love her?"

"She feels the void." He shrugged. 

"Break up with her. You seem to hate her."

"How do I dump someone who's crazy?" He asked.

"Give me your phone."

"You gonna call her?" 

"That was literally my only plan."

"She's insane. I'll dump her in person." 

"Way better plan." I added.

We ordered a lot of drinks after that. Then we got drunk and kicked out. We just sat in Donnie's car. I looked at my phone and noticed I had a lot of missed calls from Haynes, Lewis, Chloe and Gracie. I called Haynes real quick. 

"Jesus Christ where are you?" He asked.

"Sorry, I found out I had a brother and visited him and he's the lawyer from today and now I'm drunk." 

"Where are you? I'm coming to get you."

"Don't worry Donnie's driving."

"He's probably worse than you."

I gave him my brother's address not really thinking because I'm drunk. He hung up and left. Donnie and I waited. A few hours later two cars drove into the parking lot of the park. Donnie and I are still pretty drunk. My side of the car door opened and I fell out. I ended up in Haynes' arms. He seemed annoyed. I was dragged into his back seat. Lewis was in the front passenger seat. He turned back. 

"You okay?" He asked.

I shook my head.

Lewis got out and sat in the back. I said Haynes go over to Donnie to make sure he was okay. 

"Met your brother today. He's not too bad." 

"I just don't know what to do." 

"With your brother?"

I shook my head, "With everything. My dad kept my brother a secret for so long. Now my dad is dead and I haven't even had time to process it because I have to do so much." 

Lewis hugged me, "It'll be okay. You and Haynes are meeting your brother tomorrow for lunch."

"You think he'll help out?"

"Of course." 

A few minutes later Donnie was put in the passenger seat up front and Haynes was talking to my brother. They shook hands and Haynes got into the car. He dropped off Donnie, then drive home. Lewis and him dragged me in. I went off to bed and everyone stayed up all night. I was too busy sleeping to know what they were doing. Guess I'll have to find out tomorrow. 

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