(2)Merciless | ansastu kyoush...


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[ Book 2 of 2 ] As she spends her time with the End Class, the more denser Koutaru Araki became of someone's... More

Epilogue: When The Fear Is Real
Chapter 1: Life is a Threat
Chapter 2: Be My Side
Chapter 3: Hating the Truth, Accepting What's Real
Chapter 4: Furious Karasuma
Chapter 5 & 6: Test Subject Araki ; When Life Gives You Lemons
Chapter 7: Everyone Ships It
Chapter 8: New Semester with New Feelings
Chapter 9: A Test To Pass
Chapter 10: Flustered First
Chapter 11: A Day With Karma
Chapter 12: Karma Is Not That Supportive
Chapter 13: Unexpected Turn of Events
Chapter 14: The Mother Tells The Truth
Chapter 15: Araki's Mysterious Message
Chapter 16: Throwback Memories of Araki
Chapter 17: The Picture of Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 18: The Confused Assassin
Chapter 19: Fixing a Wounded Heart
Chapter 20: The Plan Will Avail
Chapter 21: Arisu Confesses Her Love
Chapter 22: Reunited
Chapter 23: Karma's Joking, right?
Chapter 24: The Ambush
Chapter 25: The Awakening
Chapter 26: Who am I? I'm Kiara.
Chapter 27: Deadly Predator
Chapter 28: We Love Her Equally
Chapter 29: Kayano In Trouble
Chapter 30: Back To Her Senses But It Was Too Late
Finale - Part I
Finale - Part II
Finale - Part III
Finale - Part IV
Mikey-san is Here!

Finale - Part V

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Song for the day: Hello Shooting Star
(Piano Version By Animenz)

° ° ° ° ° °

11:02 PM
Location: Old 3-E Class School Building

|| Karma's POV ||

' I'll be waiting for you at eleven sharp tonight. ' That's what Hajime last told me... Ugh, seriously. I had to sacrifice myself sleeping just to do such nonsense. But even if I did, nothing's gonna change.

I have to kill her.

As I walk aimlessly at this mountain, certain movements coming from a suspicious bush caught my attention and stop walking. I look over to where it was..
Two glowing orbs appeared.

It took a moment for me to realize what is was until it came out of the bush and started attacking. I evaded the first attack but it left a bloody scratch on my shoulder.
It's fast, but something's not right.

Before I start to ran away from the situation, a flash of white appeared. "What the--"

"Look out!"

I got pushed down on the ground and started rolling down the hill with something heavy on top of me. Until we reach the place where the 3-E's pool was, the back of my head hit a tree as I-- along with the heavy load --stopped rolling down. I rub the nape of my back that it stings. "The hell..?"

Someone groaned.

The moment my vision was cleared,
white linings started to reflect the moon. Its whiteness was all-too familiar. I groaned back. "Are you stupid or just plain stupid for doing that." I taunted, a bit irritated too.

"Hey! You should be thanking me for saving your crappy ass that was about to be hit by an arrow! Sheesh!"

Araki shrugs off the dirt and tree chunks that was left pasted on her clothes. It was a white summer dress but she was wearing a silk-like jacket, not so bothered by the cold. I stood up, doing the same process as she did to her clothes. Then face her.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.

She rose a brow and an expression saying, 'are you serious'. "I'm waiting for everyone, and I mean the former 3-E Class' students. You're included," she says. "And same goes for you."

I pointed at my chest. "Me? Your darling had told be to come here early."
Araki looked confused. "Hajime actually... told you everything?" Then her eyes widen as I nodded.

She's not going to tell the others about this sooner. So might as well tell them myself. I quickly shifted my gaze by the poolside.

11:35 PM
Location: Hillside of 3-E; Restricted Area

"You know," Araki stayed silent while I spoke. "It doesn't really bother me if I'd do the killing. I'm very much confident about it. Besides,"
I started walking back to the main route. "You wouldn't want to add the burden now, do you? Everyone might seem to be doing fine, but they're not. Especially that Nagisa.. He's the one affected most."

"I don't want you to be the reason if they ever commit suicide, Araki. Because I won't be able to accept that." With one last glance at her, my eyes widen when I saw her smiling with falling tears coming out of her eyes.

She's.. actually fine with this.

"You idiot.." I mumbled, not loud enough for her to hear while I restrain myself from hitting a tree near me. I look up to her and saw her wiping away the tears. "Aka, you still haven't change... I'm glad!" Then smiles at the end but more tears came out.

I chuckled, approaching her as I mess her hair. 'Araki Koutaru... You always left me speechless, you big idiot.'

"My idiot."

But as the moon started to shone brighter,
the time has come for me to do the last
request given to me.

11:49 PM

"Hey," she opened her mouth. "... Don't let me down again, Karma. Please do it fast and painless as you can.. For my
sake and yours, too."

Sighing in process, she took out a dagger from her secret patch from underneath her dress. That's what assassins do, right?
I stared at it, hesitating.




With shaking hands, I took it as Araki
smiles warmly, kneeling.


The wind blew cold and a few sways
of her hair sent flowing with the breeze.
Calm down, Karma.. This is for Araki...
The E Class and for myself as well..

I agreed on this.

I agreed on killing my best friend..

.. But I didn't agree on killing the girl I used to love.


12:00 AM


"Tsk tsk tsk.. What a disappointment, Akabane Karma. You had the chance yet you wasted it, debating whether you should or should not kill the girl you used to love. Aw~ But that was so sweet of you~" the all-too familiar presence of hers changed the atmosphere. I smirked in process as I put on my stance.

"Oh?~ What's this? A change of mind, Akabane?~" she soothingly said, sounding a bit intimidating.

"Nope! I was actually waiting for you to show up once again..."

The eyes of bloodlust--red, returns back from the dead.

I have my smirk on, "Kiara-chan~" and taunted her name. Luckily, my taunting worked.

'The reason why Ara's going berserk at night is because of Kiara's soul that's been inside of her.'

"Don't you make a fool out of yourself, Akabane!" Then she started to attack with full force. She's Kiara alright. No doubt about it.

A few months ago, I did some researched about Kiara's file. The thought of her being an experiment changed her personality and left her dead after it all failed. It didn't took long when an organization took her body and they were able to suck her soul and made it a drug. That was rather sickening than what I have imagined. Kiara was known to be a wanted criminal for murdering countless families but that isn't assassinating. She did it for her own, not taking orders from anyone.

As we both fought, in the end, I was on the ground.

Both hands were strangling my neck as I felt my consciousness fading away. It's harder than I thought it would be. I always knew that Araki's fragile but this is totally the work of Kiara...

"U-Ugh.. H-Heh.. I'm quite... s-surprised that.. the likes of y-you... is still alive.."
I'm choking, damn it.

"Huh!? What the hell are you talking about, Akabane? As long as I'm capable of controlling this woman's body, everything is going smoothly according to plan," She says. "You see, I'm planning to make a riot after this. Since Araki's unconscious and all, I'll be murdering everybody that's coming here. I won't even hesitate."

12:32 AM

Araki's Consciousness

There's that image again. Its been haunting me ever since I had cut my hair.
Someone's taking over... I don't know why.

My Seek isn't working anymore, I guess there's an end in everything.

Huh? Who's that?

She looks... a lot like me.. Only when her eyes are dim white..

But what if...

I am her...

Wouldn't that be called as a plausible answer?

"Yes. I am you. You are me.
I know what you're thinking...
Why are you here right now?
Why now?
Has it been bothering you, Araki? For some reason, you've been having strange dreams. A dream that only YOU can dream,"

I'm not stupid. I know that I'm dreaming. But never have I once thought about it..

"Your reactions, it can be controlled, but it can also bring danger to you and everyone else. Am I right?"

Yes. Wait... Karma... I just saw Karma a while back when I was awake. But now that I'm asleep, I wonder what's he doing now..

Do you really want to see him? At this moment?

We haven't seen each other for seven years, of course I'd like to see him again. Besides, I ...

Third Person

"... missed Karma, "

The silence was killing her. It was too quiet and she waited to no reply. When she shot her eyes open and as it returned back to normal white ones, she saw the redhead leaning underneath the tree where they have last seen each other. Observing her surroundings, there was blood everywhere. She thought it was her own insane side had awoken, but she was wrong.

"oh! Finally back from the other side?" Karma asks, rubbing his eyes as if he had just awoken from his slumber. "Sorry it's a mess, but I manage to take Kiara's soul from you." as he speaks, Araki noticed that there was a visible bruise on his neck. "D-Did I... do that?" she pointed at his neck, quivering and about to tear up.

While Karma was underneath the tree, she was also leaning at it right next to the redhead. That's unexpected...

"Nah, Kiara did. Not you. Ara, remember that you aren't the person who intents to kill. You are the loving type, the funny type, the stubborn type of girl I once knew... and forever I'll always remember that." He stands up, looking farther at the school building. "You were the first one who made me go insane about claiming something I wanted most. Intact,you were the one who I wanted to claim.."

Such sincerity, coursing through his voice, Araki thought it was normal for Karma to be sometimes straightforward, but now he was acting like how 'they' were before..
"Karma.. If you haven't noticed, Hajime and I aren't really married."

(Enter rewind sound effect here please)

"... Eh?" he tilted his to the side with an imitation of Koro Sensei's beaded eyes. Soon then, the stars shone brightly at dawn as the peak of the rising sun shows. Araki face palmed, "Have I even showed you my hand that doesn't have any rings?" she rose her hand to show him that it was clean and no metal jewelry was there.

Karma couldn't believe it. When all of a sudden, realization hits him. "Dumbass!" Araki teased, "It was all planned, silly! Although it was only Hajime and I who planned it all butthat didn't include the makeshift of evil me and all."

"Say what? Ara, you... Clear it out, will you?" Karma releases a sigh as he furrows his forehead and rubs it, irritated. Araki explained it all...

There was never a marriage.

"So.. y-you're still single!?" as the redhead sinks in all of the reality, he finally manage to get it all right.
"Thank you, Aka.. For setting me free from Kiara,"
The whitehead smiled at him.

Then dawn came. It was such a beautiful sight and eventful day. Has it always been like this?

"No problem.. But I do have a question,"

Karma leans with a smirk on his face. Caressing both sides of Araki's cheek, "And that is?" the whitehead ask.

"Would you consider being mine once again?"

"Idiot. I've been yours since the beginning. "


* *

Three years later, there was a ceremony at the chapel. The sun shining bright and the chapel's bells are ringing, telling everyone that the ceremony has begun.

All of the 3-E Class batch were there, fully attended and grinning. Although some were bursting their tears out, especially Okajima. "Why do they grow up so fast!" he cried, sniffing. Teresaka sighs, "Atleast we're all happy for the two of 'em. I can't imagine that three years ago was a fluke!"

Remembering the day when Araki tricked them all really bumped them, however it did turned out the way they've planned. Hajime got himself a wife that was quite his taste, while the redhead?

Well, he got himself the luckiest girl in his own opinion.

Nagisa couldn't help but laugh it up as he ended up with Kayano. His height might have grown two inches high but still, Kayano's too tall. "Congratulations, Karma.. You really did claim your prize after so long."

"He sure did." Kayano agrees, looking at the front isle where the redhead stands.

He looked quite nervous, but he wasn't showing it. Lucky for him, the bride has come.

And there she was...

He smiled, "Araki Koutaru... I always knew that you weren't a boy."


* * *

Oh my goodness..

It's done..! It's finally done!

After a long strike of updates and chapters that I cannot understand the plot, it's finally done!

Date Finished: 10-12-16

I have to be honest with everyone, I really don't know how and why did Araki and Hajime pretended to be couples in the first place. But-- since I've been given the idea of making a small twist, I don't see why not.

I really do hope you enjoyed reading my crappy book!

No jokes added, in my own opinion it really is.

Book 2: Araki Koutaru has been COMPLETED. And I do hope everyone who has helped me finishing it all the way enjoyed.

° 3 ^

Thanks for all the love and support!
We appreciated it with greatness!!!

- 3-E Class

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