Mending a broken heart.

By carltumee

44.3K 3.8K 148

"Can a broken heart ever be mended?" ** c_elijah 2017 More

chapter one & two.
Chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven.
chapter eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
epilogue I
epilogue Ia.
epilogue lb.
epilogue II
author's note.

chapter ten

1.7K 153 4
By carltumee

~~~Meet FARIDA. Abid's ex-wife~~~~


I Could feel Abid's hand slipping away from mine. I quickly turned to an unconscious Abid. I was confused and couldn't think in this horrifying situation, "GET AWAY" from here I shouted to the lady whom stood by the door emphasizing each word. she wouldn't move , so I just drag Abid in and surprisingly the lady has already made her way in also.

I was in a state of confusion with nothing to do , I just kept trying to wake Abid when I saw a shadow over me, It was her.....holding a cup of water to sprinkle over Abid.
I snatch the cup away,that's when I notice a little girl behind her, she must have been there all along. I sprinkle the water Over Abid and the little girl hugged Abid and started crying. "Daddy, daddy, wake up. ..... Please wake up" she weeps. that's when Abid regain consciousness, he slowly open his eyes and there was a flash of hope in it when his eyes landed on the little girl. Abid was taut.
He held the little girl tight and whispered something to her ears, making the girl smile. She had such a beautiful smile, like her dad's.
I stood there gawking at the beautiful sight in front of me.


I must have fainted due to alot of  tension . I woke up to a voice saying "Daddy wake up.... Please wake up". It must be najwa.
najwa my daughter had been there all along. I held her tightly and whispered to her ears. "Don't worry angel, Daddy is here, he will never leave you". I opened my eyes to the sight of farida seated a crossed me looking tense.
I frowned as our eyes met. Red was seated on the couches,  and her hands playing with my hair. she looked worried, I raised my head and whispered to badia. "everything is alright ok". she looked confused but I held her hands and ask her to please take najwa upstairs with her. I need to talk to farida. badia took najwa by the hands and did as told with no complaints.

As I watch them leave I turned to face farida whom was now in tears.

I was so mad, I was about to burst when I remembered that hadith
if you do not have anything nice to say, is better to keep quite. or so I remembered the hadith.

I became speechless.

what to say to her , how to say it not sounding mean. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, looking at her opens a deep wound, it makes me angry and everything, every pain i felt comes back,  all at once.

"What are you doing here? "
I finally spoke. she didn't answer so I turned to face her, she was busy looking at her feets  with her face down, pondering about what to say next perhaps.
She's was wearing a beautiful blue gown with milk veil. Blue always sooths her right.
I never seize to stop complimenting here each time she's on blue, but right now ... if there's any color I dispise, then it's blue thanks to her.

"I asked you a question" I yelled to farida as soon as I was done assessing her.

"Am so sorry Abid, I was not thinking when I did what I did, I swear I have a reason for leaving" she dare say.

"Do you think this is some sort of game "I yelled. Reason! !.?
She shivered in fear.

Now am curios. It must be a good reason i thought.
I sat back on the chair and crossed my legs
"am listening" i finally spoke.

"Abid I love you, I couldn't bear to see you live in pain, all worrying about me. I knew you cared so much and you  will be shattered seeing me die. I know you would be devastated and never move on, Abid you would have morn me for the rest of your life leaving poor najwa without the care of both parent. Abid I was diagnosed with  cancer and their prognosis is that I  have less than a year to live", said a wailing farida.
I could tell that she was trembling because she couldn't stand well as she talker

my heart skipped a beat, the word cancer was hanging on my mind. I suddenly forgot everything, could she be speaking the truth? .
I watch as she fell on her kneels.

"Cancer" I heard ammi's voice just when farida was trying to crawl to me .
I was knocked back to reality by ammi's voice.

They must have been back and heard what farida said.

Ruba slapped farida and asked?,
''what about najwa, why did you leave with her''.

"I ..I" said farida stammering.
Her eyes where now bloodshot.

"you're such a liar, you can't even say much" . snaled Ruba.

"be easy on her , let her speak up", Ammi intersected.


I took najwa to the kitchen.,

Dropping her  on the kitchen counter,  i asked her "Do you like ice-cream ".

"yes I love ice cream says najwa jumping up with excitement ". Be careful.
I held her back from jumping anylonger
"ok ice cream you will have".

I took a cup of ice cream out of the freezer and headed towards my room with her. I made her sit by the bed and gave her the cup of ice cream and a spoon to dive in.

"Thanks aunt", she said hugging me

"you know mum doesn't let me take ice cream by this time " she said.
"She doesn't ?", I asked.
Oooopz, I hope I did the right thing then.

"yes "said najwa who was fiddling  with her hair

"well mum's not here, you can have it".

"promise not to tell her",ask najwa.

"yes habibty"  I said .

such an adorable little girl I thought.

"Do you like stories najwa".

"yes "almost shouted,an excited najwa.

"ok I'll tell you a story".

she ran towards the mirror,

"hey" I called out "where are you going to".

najwa ignored me and brought a comb from the mirror stand.

I was just looking at her with no clue to why she's holding a comb.

"mum always comb my hair when telling me a story aunt ", said little najwa.

"does she" I smiled back at her . I took the comb from her hands and started combing her long hair for no particular reason while telling her a story.

I heard screams from the living room, I could hear Ruba's voice higher than everyone's. Ammi and Ruba must have returned I thought. Ruba sounds angry and was yelling  at someone , I think farida.
The house seems tense, what to do, should I go down stairs so I could hear out what's going on, what about najwa I thought. going out there would be disobeying Abid.
Now that Abid is mad, I wouldn't want to make him more angry than he already is. And perhaps he doesn't want najwa to hear their conversation, it will destroy and taunt little najwa's memory.
I decided to obey Abid and ignoring the distant voices.

aunt, najwa called out ... you know, is Good to be back and see daddy .

"mum took me for a vacation "she said

poor girl, she is been lied to.

"Aunt what are you doing in Dad's room , who are you,? I can't remember you "asked najwa, leaving me speechless.

what should I say to this little girl , should I tell her anything or wait for her Dad to.

"what's that ?" I pointed to her knee changing the conversation.


am glad badia obeyed me and won't have to deal with this drama.

"I wanted to spend my last moment with my daughter, I wasn't going to take her forever" said farida in her defends to Ruba .

"liar !! and the blank cheque?" .

"I needed something to support najwa for the mean time".

All that was dancing in my head was farida's cancer.

"enough", I screamed at Ruba

"you have cancer " I asked farida in disbelief. she nodded her head and wept.

"is ok mum, Ruba she's telling the truth" I said to them , it sounded more like a whisper though.
Am so used to farida that I can tell when she's telling a lie or not.

"farida you shouldn't have left. what ever the situation is , I thought we would be there for each others , through thick and thin" .

"you derived me the right to be there" I slurred.

"am so sorry, I have made a great mistake  please forgive me", she pleaded.
Is easy to forgive,  but forgetting?
She has only painted herself black in my heart.
Saying sorry , sounded to easy coming from her mouth if  she practiced it. Is she even remorseful?
"Please forgive me ammi" she grasps on to ammi's arm. Ammi shakes her head and left from there.

farida turned to Ruba. "I know I have wrong you all, especially you by taking najwa, am so sorry"
"Ruba please forgive me" she adds as she wiped the running tears from her face.

she is still crying.

"I'll only forgive you once my brother does" says Ruba sternly and left.

I could see a tear slip from her eyes. no matter how she tries to hide it,
i know Ruba is very hurt .

"farida what you did was inacceptable" I heaved a sigh.

"I have nothing else to say to you, but one thing is clear you will never take my daughter away again, I won't let you , I won't let her out of my side ever again" I hissed .

"you should be ashamed of your self for separating a daughter from her own father", with that I left. With each step I could hear farida's sob growing louder.

she must have been truly remorseful, what made her change her mind and came back I wondered. on my way up I met one of the maids and instructed her to take farida to one of our guest room.

I opened the door and saw najwa sleeping on the bed and badia arranging the room. she must have been tired, poor thing. just as "I remembered how my little angel loves to sleep" badia's eyes were now on me " alot" I murmured.

"Are you okay "asked badia as she handed me a glass of water answered ushered me to sit.

"yes" I replied.

she sat besides me and I lean on her shoulders.

"I know you must have tons of questions right" I asked badia.


"I know you must have tons of questions right asked Abid".
Abid seems stress out, I didn't want to border him

"yes "i answered.

"but we will talk some other time Abid" I said to him as I run my fingers through his hair.

"ok, but first you should know that's my daughter najwa and the woman you saw earlier was my wife farida".

I gave away an expressionless face. I wouldn't want him knowing what he said made me happy . I was thrilled he used Was . that means she's no longer his wife. " yes I figured that out" I manage to say " Now have a rest we will talk later" ,I kissed him on his forehead and help him with his shoes. In no time Abid slept away.

Abid waked up with a panic.
He managed to sit but was sweating profusely " is everything alright? "I rushed to his side. "I had the worst dream ever, I dreamt that farida has returned and I wasn't really harsh towards her as I thought she wasn't back with naj. .. "Abid was about to say najwa when  he turned and saw her asleep by his side.

He turned to me "it wasn't a dream right" he said still a little  confused "was it?"

I shook my head in agreement.
"Abid it wasn't a dream, farida is here in the house". "I don't want to see her "said Abid and went back to sleep.
I was so worried.

It was now 2pm ,so l decided to check if launch is ready.
to my surprise no one was in the living room,
the house was quiet
Thats unusual.

I went to the kitchen and I met the chef there, I asked if dinner was ready? and she told me that it was ready 30mins back.

I asked why the table wasn't set but she told me that ammi said to take food to everyone since her and ruba won't  join the table. Wow farida has manage to put everyone in a tense situation. there's ammi and ruba whom preferred to eat food in their rooms just not to bump into her and on the other hand my restless husband whom has been sleeping his stress away all afternoon.

I decided to check on ruba.

After speaking to ruba I realise she's just mad and things will be alright, she told me all that had happen and how farida betrayed Abid's trust and love.
She made me promise that I will never let Abid down. I promised ruba that I was nothing like farida, I promised to be the best sister in-law ever.
After hearing what happened last night I finally understood what farida was thinking. I finally understood her side of the story. I took pity in her. Ammi had forgiven farida not even today but a long time ago, she just want to see her son happy, and until he is, she doesn't want the sight of farida. I went back to the kitchen and got our lunch. what a day I thought ,so complicated.

I found Abid and najwa playing in the room . It was magical , A father finally reunited with his daughter, nothing surpass. najwa was busy giggling both of them were so caught up in their little play that non of them had notice me come in. I sat on the bed lost in them, seeing Abid, seeing them happy. made me happy, so Abid could be this jovial and playful. I was busy smiling foolishly when Abid drags me into their play, he dragged  me so hard , that I fell right on top of his laps." Whoa! !" I shouted.

"No playing on an empty stomach, we will only play after we have eaten" I scold . I brought the tray of food and Abid feed both I and najwa. Dad who's this aunt, inquired najwa.

"she's your mum" said Abid .
I was so happy that Abid had regarded me as his daughter's mum . He had given me respect in the eyes of najwa.
I felt like kissing him as a gesture. "But I already have a mum said little najwa".
She's just adorable.

"yes , she's your other mum" Abid smiled at her. "Now eat no more questions while eating angel said Abid"  she pouts . I was looking at them with dreamy eyes when I felt a Mosel of food forced into my mouth ,  I swallowed and then laughed.

the following day at diner time, everyone was out at the dinning hall. we were all sited on the dinning , food was served , prayers were observed when farida suddenly walked in and took a sit.
"i have lost my appetite" said Ruba as she stood up, everyone suddenly left . leaving me all alone there with farida.
I didn't know what to say . But one thing for sure, I did not want her to feel left out. She was about to leave when I stopped her, "sit " I said.

I was surprised to what I did. Now that you have stopped her, way to go. 'Now what next' I scold myself.


I felt guilty leaving, I know I had a reason but I didn't expect anyone to understand . I was just sad , I have never felt the same after leaving Abid.

I saw Abid at the mall in Turkey with a woman whom seem to be his new bride.
It seems he has moved on. that's really what I want.

If Abid has moved on, that means, I can come back home. I am tired of answering every single question najwa has about her Dad and why we are so far away.

she really misses him a lot and her aunt ruba. I spent a week home , it was hard making my parent understand, they understood my situation but did not get why I didn't just stay home with them.

I told them that if I had stayed Abid will never move on , he will be by our door step everyday. and I was right. After many attempt to face Abid and failed, i finally mustard the courage to face him, at first when he saw me he fainted I expect the worst from him but he didn't treat me as I had anticipated and that made me more remorseful, it was hard meeting Ammi and ruba now, all I could see in their eyes is care, care for Abid. what I saw in Abid's eyes shocked me , they wasn't love in him for me, his eyes were empty. there was nothing left in him for me. All I could see is compassion for me. That woman had really done wonders parting him from me.

since I arrived, after everything I decided to stay here with my daughter and her Dad until my last breath. I was assigned to the guest room.
I never thought  a day will come that I will be staying in the guest room and treated as a guest in my own home.
Yes my home. I never divorced him.
But sadly a guest will be more free and welcomed than I am,
my room , I mean Abid's room now seem to be hers. I know  i have no right or what so ever to be possessive of Abid but I felt jealous, jealous of her. I came out for launch but to my surprise the table was empty.

I sat there all alone and had my launch I could here najwa's voice along with her dad's and his wife, giggling. I couldn't bare it so I left .

everyone seemed to have been dodging me.
Am I that bad? . Abid hasn't let me see my daughter since yesterday.
I felt bad, I couldn't complain because I did the same to him only worse.

I went to the dining hall for some diner, as I entered ruba left hissing. and then everyone else also left.

I felt like I was some kind of outcast but I deserve it, I was about to go when she said "sit". She hasn't move, she's still here.

I wondered why she asked me to sit but I sat curiously.

she began to eat, we eat in silent.

"am badia, Abid's wife " said the woman. well I know who she is but know I finally know what she's call.

"Am farida Ab... "I was about to say abid and suddenly felt unworthy of his name, then what should I be a dress as I wonder.

"Najwa's mother "said Badia knocking me out of my thought.

"yes" ,I said in agreement and I felt stupid.
She just confirmed my doubts , she has stolen what use to be mine.

badia seems nice, she's tall,has a round face, large Eye balls,a beautiful smile. perfectly curved thin brow,  fair , has a nice skin not as flawless as mine though,

I know Abid very well, I know his taste, I am his taste. she's nothing like the women Abid would like . I wondered how she's swept him off his feet.
I couldn't see or understand  why he's so smitten by her.

I was busy studying her features and flaws when I heard her say ''nice to meet you''.

I smiled and she stood saying "Goodnight "and left , leaving me there.

'Abid , Abid , Abid' I whispered out his name .


After a weird dinner with farida, noticing how farida was busy lost in her thought, I decided to just go to bed.

I went inside our room but Abid was not inside so I decided to look for him I start walking down the hall, when I noticed najwa's room half closed I looked in and I saw Abid tucking najwa in. Such a great dad. If anything I know Abid is the best Dad ever. looking at the room, I remembered the last time I was here.

"What are you doing here", yelled Abid , I looked at his  face as I tried to explain  why I was there ,but his face was straight and serious . "i don't want you in here , in my daughter's  room "yelled Abid. "Get out" he snarled . I was sad, i entered in the room by mistake but when I realised it's his daughter's room, i decided to take a look at the pictures on the walls, there's a picture of najwa and another with both her parents . Abid's yelling got me scared. I started crying not knowing where i went wrong . I froze , "Do you want me to get you  out myself ?, " he hissed. He was disdained by my sight. I said nothing and before i knew it, he pulled me by the hair and threw me out , not caring if got  hurt or not".
I smiled at my flashbacks and whispered under my breath  "it's being  a long way since then , Now he cares" . With that I pushed the door and entered, I stood by the door and asked " am i welcom".
"sure" replies Abid as he waves his hands.

I walked right towards the direction of Abid and helped him tuck najwa in. We switched off the light and both left the room.

We entered our room .
I got Abid's attention and asked if I could talk to him about farida. at first he was been stubborn but hey am a good lawyer. I got him to listen to me.
"Abid , I know what farida did is wrong and me talking to you about it doesn't mean it's ok"
I stop to look at abid whose eyes were on me as he sits.
"Please just leave the past,  you don't have to forgive her yet" I say as abid dragged me making me sit on his laps.
"Ok" he mouth.
Ok?, he is even listening to me.
I felt his lips on my neck, that's when I was certain he wasn't listening.
I jerk away.
How can he be romantic in this situation.
" I need you to hear me out first" I huffed.
I giggled at the disappointment printed all over his face.
"I heard you the first time" he said.
I began to explain things to him, now more detailed.

It took a long time before I could get Abid to realise how remorseful farida is, I beseech him to give her a second chance, if not for any thing but for her cancer, in situations like this she needs the support more than anything.

Abid finally understood farida's situation and decided to talk to her.

Abid left the room.

I was so happy that I did an act of charity and decide to take a shower before going to bed. 'Allahu An-noor please bring light into our life's. Ya Al-ghaniyyu',

please show us the right path. I prayed for myself and Abid .

. A/N
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