
By foblvr

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Dean Winchester. Shy, sweet kid next door kind of person. He was never the aggressive type. And Cas never kne... More

Prologue: Astro
Year 1: Peanut Butter
Year 2: People Are Mean
Year 3: I Don't Want To
Year 4: Fireworks
Year 5: Friends Who Sick Together, Stay Together
Year 6: Curse Those Wooden Stairs
Year 7: You're My Hero
Year 8: But I Can Ask You, Can't I?
Year 9: The Balloon Rule
Year 10: Pool Party
Year 11: Christmas In a Gloom Setting
Year 12: Colleges, Picnics, and Couples Tattoos
Year 13: Here With You Is Where I Want To Be
Year 14: Take 'Em Out
Year 15: He Seems So Real
Year 16: Ring Around The Rosey
Year 17: I Do
Year 18: Familiar
Year 19: We Have To Stop Meeting Like This
Year 20: Vodka (SMUT)
Year 21: Adventures Of Gabe And Luci
Year 23: The Meadow
Year 24: Gif
10 Years of Bittersweet
Year 35: Keep It Sweet
Year 36: The Lake
Epilogue: Guns N Roses
Hilarious A/N

Year 22: Tea And Meds

94 2 12
By foblvr

Castiel blew out a puff of air. He had just finished his day at work, and he was headed out the door, Scarlett by his side. He didn't realize how much he disliked the smell of his office until he stepped outside and sniffed the warm breeze of autumn. It was beautiful, since his office was in more of an isolated, small place just off the highway. He enjoyed the colors, and he loved the smell. He didn't know how to describe it. It was like a hard punch in the face with a soft pillow. Autumn was Castiel's favorite season. Yes, Castiel was a sucker for any and all things pumpkin spice. It was an acquired taste, he guessed. Dean hated pumpkin spice. He was always more of a mint and lemon type of guy. Still, they couldn't disagree that both of them loved tea. It was their favorite thing. It was warm, and it made them happy. Sometimes Dean would get tea for Cas, sometimes the other way around. Today, Cas felt like it, so he decided to stop at his favorite little... well, the word that fit it the most was café, but Cas didn't like the title. It was almost a second home to him and Dean.

They lived in a really small town, where everyone knew everyone. The nearest grocery store was a tiny corner store on the end of their street, built in 1807, which thought was the coolest thing. He loved history. Still, life could get boring, especially on Mondays. They were the worst. They dragged on, and Castiel loved making the joke that he was 'too old for this.' He was 32, not too old for anything, really. Castiel loved to reminisce the old memories he would have just a few towns over. As he walked into the tea shop, he remembered his old lemonade stand when he was around 10. Dean helped him build it, and Cas once put mint in the lemonade. It was where Dean acquired the taste for mint and lemon in the first place. "Good afternoon, J." Castiel placed his cash on the counter and flashed a white smile.

"The usual, I assume?" She spoke quietly, like always, and when Castiel nodded, she rolled her big blue eyes. They were just like his, dark and deep. She reminded him of Dean, and she reminded Dean of Cas. Her lips seemed chapped that day, which was funny, considering she always had a stick of Carmex with her. Her blonde hair reached down to her shoulder in a golden, untamed braid, as if she just threw it together last minute this morning. He liked the look, he must admit. It suited her more than her normal, slick ponytail with strands framing her face. She had no makeup on, which, again was unusual. "I know what you're thinking, Castiel. I was tired this morning. James kept fussing last night.

"He's still ill?" Castiel questioned with a solemn look, almost as if he, himself had been half anxious. He blinked, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"He's just stuffy, now. The fever is gone." She found the blend, just how Dean liked it, exactly one sugar cube, stirred thoroughly, then add the mint. She had become a master at the procedure, and Cas always loved to watch her do it, the young thing. Fresh out of college with a culinary degree. She opened up this place about two years ago, and Dean and Cas were her first customers. She had a husband and a son by the time she turned 25. Castiel always looked at her as a younger sister. "What about you, Old Man? How's Dean?"

"He's good. He ran out of his meds, yesterday, so I figured I'd get him some of your magic happiness concoction and keep an eye on him. Make sure Bart and Fredrick stay away from him." Castiel sighed. The doctor claimed that Dean shouldn't need his meds. Not anymore. Dean completely objected to the idea. He knew he needed them, and so did Cas.

"Well, keep a good eye on him. I don't like to see either of you hurt." She flicked his forehead, handing him both drinks. She gave him a look, then a smile. "Now go see your Romeo, mister. Isn't he supposed to be home by now?"

Castiel looked at his watch, which was all scratched because he couldn't afford a new one. "Yeah," he whispered. It was 5:47, and Dean is normally home at 5. Cas by 5:15. "Yeah, J. Thanks."

"Any time, Castiel." She waved, her slender hands almost a blur as Castiel walked out.

He was worried about Dean. He was going to admit that then and there. He had a nightmare last night, and he almost didn't go into work because he was so afraid that he'd have a breakdown. Dean knew his mind better than anyone else did, and he knew none of it was real, but when he'd get sucked back into it, he would not be able to come back out without Castiel. It was quite a lonely place, where Dean would go to seek out the things in his mind. It was just him, his thoughts, and his imaginary friends. Bartholomew hadn't been around as much as Fredrick, anymore, and still, neither of the two came around often. Many of the more recent appearances were in dreams of Dean's, and none of them left him uneasy.

Until last night, of course.

Dean was clinging to Castiel for dear life whenever he left. Cas even offered him a ride to work, but Dean denied, though he clearly wanted to. He didn't feel right leaving Dean all alone. Cas let Dean take Scarlett today, and even with her there, he was almost sure that Dean would have had a bad day anyway. But Dean didn't need to be set up for a bad day. Cas was going to make sure this day was as great as it could be for Dean. He even decided that he was going to curl up with Dean and watch old Disney movies with nothing but Cheeseburgers and popcorn for food.

Cas stepped out of his car, grabbing the tea and kicking it closed. He set it down and opened the door to their roomy little home. He grabbed the tea and shut the door. "Babe, I'm home." He set his on the table, stepping into the living room. Dean sat there, blankly staring at the window, and Cas sighed. "Dean," he whispered, sitting next to him. "Dean, I got you some tea." Cas wrapped his arm around Dean, handing him the cup. Dean smiled a little bit, not taking his eyes off of the tree outside the window.

He took a sip of his tea. "I need my meds, Cas." He tapped his foot to an unknown rhythm. "I can't focus without them."

"How was work, babe?" Castiel tried to change the subject, trying to keep from upsetting Dean. He took a swig of his tea, leaning his head on Dean's.

"Could barely focus. I kept on hearing voices. Nothing bad. I just couldn't keep my mind on anything." Dean looked down, almost ashamed of himself. He held his breath.

"Dean, look at me." Castiel tilted his head up and kissed him. "I'll be your meds."


I didn't make dance officers I cri

But my friens did so I'm a proud mom

Okay not much to say just I'm sick and it's late

I should update more often

Only around 15 Chapters left in this book guys I've come so far

Okay nite

Here's a new one

I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka Patrick aka Foblvr

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