The Lavery Twins

By Drummstixx

2.1M 43.8K 11.1K

Growing up with Shane and Matt - the Lavery twins next door, Holly can't seem to get rid of them. With her d... More

The Lavery Twins
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 2
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 3
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 4
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 5
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 6
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 7
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 8
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 9
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 10
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 11
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 12
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 13
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 14
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 15
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 16
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 17
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 18
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 19
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 20
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 21
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 22
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 23
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 24
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 25
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 26
The Lavery Twins - Epilogue

The Lavery Twins - Chapter 1

151K 3.5K 1.6K
By Drummstixx



Chapter 1.

There are alot of reasons why I absolutely despise the Lavery twins. All my life, I've lived next door to them, and always had to deal with whatever nonsense they decided to bring upon me.

For the past year, everything's been so peaceful and nice while the Laverys went to Florida to help their mom's friend out. Everything's been good. It's been Matt- and- Shane-free, and life was just great.

But, they're coming back today. Now my oh-so-amazing-great-life is ruined.

All these 16 years of my life, I've always hated the Lavery twins.


"Matt!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the boy whose guts I hated ran down the hall with my worn out teddybear, Pookie.

When Matt ran into his room and slammed the door, I stomped my foot in frustration. What's that stupid boy going to do to my Pookie now?!

I took in a long breath, and stormed down the hall, my face turning red with anger as I made my way to Matt's door.

There was a piece of paper taped to it that said 'DO NOT ENTER', and I narrowed my eyes at it as I started banging my fists on the door.

"Matt!" I yelled as I banged on the door continuously, "give him back!"

"Come and get him you baby!" Matt challenged from inside, and I groaned in annoyance.

"Fine! Let me in then!"


I started yelling, and continued to bang on the door, threatening this stupid boy who I hated.

I hate having to stay with him when my dad goes away! I hate living next door to him! I hate everything about him!


Suddenly, the door opened a little, and Shane - Matt's twin brother, peeked out and smirked at me.

"What?!" I snapped, getting really mad now. Why can't they just leave me alone? We don't like each other, so why can't we just leave each other be?

"Shane, give Pookie back to me," I muttered, "please?"

"Um, let me think about that....." Shane tapped his chin. ""

"Shane!" I whined. I wasn't about to tell them I was supposed to be having a tea party and if Pookie didn't return back to me, he'd be missing out. If I told Shane that, he would laugh at me.

Like always.

"Pookie's busy," he shrugged, and closed the door in my face.

I think I stood in front of Matt and Shane's door for a long time, and I planned on staying there for as long as I took.

My jaw dropped as the door slowly opened, and Matt stood, covering the entryway. He looked at me, and he pouted and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

"What did you do?" I gritted my teeth, and shoved him out of my way so I could storm into his room. I looked around, and my heart stopped in my chest when I saw.

My teddybear was all shredded up, ripped apart. He was lying on Matt's bed, his head ripped right off.

I felt my eyes watering up, and my lips quivered. "No....."

I could hear the two boys laughing from the doorway, and I slowly turned to them, letting the tears stream down my face.


"What's the big deal?" Matt snapped, narrowing his eyes. "All you do is obsess over that stupid bear anyways! He's just a stuffed animal!"

"Pookie wasn't just a stuffed animal," I hissed, wiping at my eyes as I glared at him. "He was my best friend."

Matt and Shane both looked confused, and I stomped past them, pushing them both as hard as I could.

I hate the Lavery twins.

I ran down the stairs, letting all the anger and sadness wash over me as I continued to cry. I went out to the backyard, and went to sit under the big tree I always went to whenever I was upset.

I buried my head between my knees, and soaked up my lap with my tears.

Pookie's been my best friend ever since my mommy gave him to me. She told me Pookie was also her friend when she was my age, and she said that she was too old - that I should have him. I took him everywhere with me - to the store, to my babysitters', to the park... I also took him to the Lavery's, because he was the only friend I had there.

My mommy died when I was five. She got hit by a car, and now that she's gone, it's just me and my daddy. Pookie was all I had left of her.

And Matt and Shane killed him.




I watched as the familiar Black Caravan pulled up into the driveway, and I sighed and closed the curtains, not wanting to see the two boys that ruined my life move back in next door.

I collapsed on my bed, and from outside I could hear the sound of car doors slamming, and Grace's voice yelling. I loved Grace. It was such a shame she gave birth to such horrible people, but she was amazing and she treated me as her own daughter. She was best friends with my mom before she died, and I knew I should go out there just to welcome her back. Even Ken, I also loved him, he was great too - how can two such amazing people create Matt and Shane? I will never know why.

"Holly!" My dad happily called from the kitchen, "they're back! Don't you want to come say hi?"

I sighed in defeat. I know that it would be rude of me if I didn't, no matter how much I loathe the twins. I got up from my bed, and ran downstairs, putting my hair up in a ponytail as I did.

My dad opened the front door, and walked out, going to greet them back. He and Ken were also really great friends, and I know they'd want to catch up with each other.

I glanced in the mirror, quickly making sure I didn't look like a total mess. All I was wearing was a white tank top and black shorts, and I just shrugged and left the house, feeling a little nervous for some reason. I haven't seen the Laverys in a year - a year is actually a long time when you're dealing with Matt and Shane. So what does that mean? Would they put a whole year's work of annoyance and dump it out on me now? I rolled my eyes at the thought and smiled when I saw Grace, Ken and my dad talking on the driveway - Grace was holding a cardboard box and Ken was carrying a couple of bags.

Before I could say anything first, Grace caught sight of me and immediately beamed, almost dropping her box. "Holly?"

"Hey Grace!" I grinned, happily running over to her. Grace put the box down and met me halfway, wrapping me in a very motherly hug.

"Oh my god," she squealed, spinning me around in the hug. "Holly, look at you!" She pulled away, still holding my hands as she looked at me in shock. "You're so....grown up! My goodness, a year is a while isn't it?"

I blushed at the compliment, and shrugged. "I missed you guys." 'Guys' as in Grace and Ken only. I could probably go my whole life never seeing Thing 1 and Thing 2 ever again.

Grace gave me a heartwarming smile. "How's everything been? Was it nice without the boys?" She knows how much her sons get on my nerves. They get on hers too, and when she'd catch them being assholes, she'd get pissed at them.

Too bad they continue to be assholes.

"It was really....quiet," I admitted, raising my eyebrows. "It was kind of weird, to be honest. But I missed your cooking, Grace."

"Oh right," she smirked, laughing, "my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, right?"

"Oh my god, yes. The best ever made." It was true. There was something about Grace's PB&J sandwiches.....I can never put my finger on it.

Grace and I both laughed, and I picked up the box for her. "Uh, how was Florida?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Honestly, maybe it's just me, but it got kinda boring after a while. I mean, sure there's lots to do down there, like go to the beach and shop and whatnot, but I'm too old to have that kind of fun. I stayed in the house the whole time. That or I went shopping," she grinned, and lifted her sleeve a little, revealing a slight tan to her usually insanely fair skin. "I finally got some colour though!" She commented, proud of herself.

I raised my eyebrows. "Finally, Grace. I thought you'd never tan!" Grace has really pretty skin. It's not pale - but it is really light, and blemishless. Now she has a bit more colour to it, making it look even nicer. It made her look younger.

"I'm going to go inside, put everything away," she said, gently taking the box back from me without any struggle. "Come inside, hun!"

"Okay," I smirked as I saw Ken laugh at something my dad said. "I'm just going to tackle Kenny first."

Ken heard that, and his eyes shot to mine, his mouth forming into a huge grin. "You still think you can tackle me, Holly?"

I ran over to him, and hugged him. Ken was awesome - way cooler than my dad. He was thirty-eight, but he worked out, so his body was lean and slightly muscular. Unlike my dad, who had a slight beer belly starting to form.

"Hey Kiddo," Ken said, and ruffled my hair. "You got taller, it's about time munchkin." Oh no. He still calls me that?

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Well I'm almost as tall as you."

"Not even close!" He smirked. My dad laughed, and patted the both of our heads.

"Ken," Grace called, standing in the doorway, holding it open with her foot. "Bring the bags in? I think there's some chips and that in there if you and Rob wanna go down to the basement." She gave me a smile, and then walked inside.

Ken picked up the bags, and my dad helped - grabbing some things to, and they brought everything inside, chatting about some football game or something. Men.

I stood there for a minute before realising I should probably go inside too. I lamely skipped onto the front porch, and opened the door to let myself in. The sound of chatter and laughter rung in my ears as I stepped into the foyer. The basement door was open, so I assumed the adults were down there. That's where they've always gone while Matt, Shane and I stayed up here.

Whether it was Matt or Shane that was talking - I couldn't really recognize it. It sounded different. Deeper. Cuter.

I didn't really know what to do, what, do I just hop into the living room and say 'Sup?' I sighed, and hesitantly walked towards the living room.

Right when I was about to walk in, the noise stopped. Okay then? I peeked into the room, and saw nobody there.

"Matt?" I called, putting my hands on my hips as I walked in. "Shane?"

"Shane, is someone in our living room?" I heard Matt joking ask Shane from somewhere.

"Lemme go check," Shane said - laughter in his voice, and I awkwardly tried to look as natural as I could as I heard the slight sound of footstep coming around the corner.

Suddenly, Shane Lavery stood in the doorway, looking at me with his jaw dropped.

Oh my god, I thought.

Since when did Shane Lavery become

Shane was never ugly, he was always sort of cute in his own way. The last time I saw him - we just turned fifteen. He had braces, and short hair and freckles. He took after his mom with the fair light skin. He was also really scrawny and awkward, even though he played soccer. Although he never actually really did anything - just kind of stood there waiting for the ball to come to him. I'm guessing he never liked it.

But looking at him now, I would never haver guessed this was the same Shane Lavery who lived next door to me just last year. He's gotten way taller, and during his time in Florida he's probably been doing something - because I could practically see his six-pack through his fitted white shirt. He sure as hell wasn't scrawny anymore. I tried searching his face for any freckles, and I probably only saw two or three, and his hair grew! It swayed in his eyes the way most guys had it, but Shane's seemed to be just a bit longer, and it was black now.

And what was that on his lip?! Was that a piercing? Shane Lavery pierced his lip?

I'm pretty sure I was staring too long without talking, because sooner or later Shane burst into laughter. "Are you okay?" Oh my god his voice. It was no longer cracky and pitchy - it was smooth and silky, and here I was thinking of how Shane Lavery's voice sounded.

"Jesus Christ," I breathed, openly checking him out - mainly as a joke, but I could probably look him up and down for days. "Shane, what the hell happened?"

"Speak for yourself," he said, a little shocked himself. "I was about to ask the same thing."

Me? What was so different about me? Well, sure my hair did grow alot - I don't plan on cutting it anymore. I guess I grew too. I've always been a bit chubby, but while Matt and Shane were gone I found myself having nothing to do everyday so I've been going on long rungs and that, making me lose alot of weight.

I smiled. "You changed."

"Nah," he smirked, leaning against the doorway. "I didn't change that much."

"You been working out?" I asked.

He shrugged. "There hasn't really been much to do but productive things. I had no choice," he threw in another smirk

I blinked several times, and Shane watched me check him out again, amused.

"I could get used to this," Shane muttered, walking over to the couch to flop down onto it.

"Me too," I said quietly, looking around. "Where's your brother?"

"In the basement, he's just bringing some extra shit down," Shane turned the TV on with the remote, and leaned into the couch. Even the way he sat was different.

"You can.....sit if you want," Shane patted the spot next to him.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"

He looked at me confused. "Huh?"

"You actually asked me to....sit next to you," I said, shocked. "Normally you'd want me to stay the hell away from you."

"Well I was just being nice."

I gave him a strange look, and put my hands on my waist. "Freaky shit."

Shane tried to hide his smile as he flipped through the channels. I felt like an idiot just standing there not knowing what to do, but I was just really shocked. This is Shane Lavery we're talking about. All my life this kid's tortured me, bullied me, hurt me, and it all became his favourite thing to do. Now, I'm watching as this whole new....person watches TV.

After a moment, he sighed. "Okay, this is awkward."


"Just come sit, Holly. I mean, isn't it weird having to stand there watching me?"

No. "Eh, you're right," I sighed, and finally flopped down on the couch next to him. I made sure to keep a safe distance away, so we weren't touching. I was still freaked out.

Hey, maybe he has changed while he was gone. Maybe he got some girlfriend in Florida who's taught him right. Bless her.

"How was.....everything?" He asked shyly.

"Um....." Oh my god this was so weird. I've probably never had an actual conversation with Shane before. Nothing that didn't involve insults or yelling, anyways.

"You know, everything was good," I shrugged. "Really, really, really quiet," I grinned. Shane chuckled.

"How boring," he said, smirking. "I know Matt and I made your life great."

I scoffed. "You really wanna talk about that, Shane?"

Shane laughed, and got up from the couch, gently tossing the remote to me as he walked. "Be right back, I'm just getting a drink." He stopped in the doorway. "Want anything?"

"I'm good," I said, giving him a small smile.

Shane left me alone in the living room, and I awkwardly watched MTV Live. How weird was this? Shane and I were actually getting along, and he was hot.

Really hot. There's probably something in the water down in Florida.

I heard the basement door close. "Okay, I'm done," someone said. What that Matt? "No more work for me. Shane it's all you."

"I already did all I had to do," Shane was saying as he poured something. "Holly's in the living room."


"Yeah, go see."

I quickly fixed my hair as I heard Matt run from the kitchen. I quickly looked the opposite way when he came in.

"Holy shit!" Matt started laughing. "Is that you Holly?"

I turned to look at him, and I mentally bitch-slapped myself across the face. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?

Matt stood in the living room, his brown hair - much lighter now probably from all the sun - was much longer, and swayed in his face. His hazel eyes seemed to sparkle now with his now tanned Florida skin.

Matt's always had a slender muscular tone to his body. He's a hockey player, and ever since we were really young he's been obsessed with that sport. I'm talking bed sheets, curtains, posters, trophies, hockey sticks, trading cards - it was all hockey. He's the kind of fan that would literally scream at the TV if the team he was rooting for got a goal.

Now, looking at him, I would have mistaken him for a Hollister Model - not a teenage hockey player. Especially since he was currently wearing a white wife beater that literally screamed 'TOUCH ME'.

I blinked, and I had the same reaction I had with Shane. "Um, holy shit?" I finally said.

Matt looked at me, amused. "It's been a while!" He grinned, as I got up from the couch. I felt his eyes scanning me up and down, and I tried to hide the faint blush that crept onto my face.

"I know," I said. "God Matt, you look so different."

"I could honestly say the same," he smirked at me, his hazel eyes twinkling. Then, he opened his arms and grinned. "I missed you, Holly."

I chuckled, and walked over to him. "Sure," I muttered as I hugged him. I never hugged Matt before, and as his strong warm arms wrapped around me, I blushed like a maniac.

Suddenly Matt started sliding his hands up and down my waist, making me shiver a little.

"Hey!" He exclaimed as I pulled away. "You're not as squishy now."

I grimaced at him. Leave it to Matt to ruin a moment. "Yeah, while you were gone I actually got to do stuff around here."

"Oh, is that so?" He smirked.

"Yeah," I put my hands on my hips. "Well," I sighed, "I'll probably eat all your food now, so I'll gain it all back in no time."

Matt's eyes slowly trailed down my body. "I doubt that."

The way Matt was looking at my body make me heat up. He's always been a perve - just not with me.

"Take a picture, Matt!" I finally said as his eyes lowered to my legs, exposed with my black shorts.

"I'll do just that," suddenly his phone was out and I heard a camera phone click as he took a picture of me.

"Matt!" I snapped as Matt stuffed his phone back in his pocket, laughing.

"Come on, I'll need something to look at in bed," he winked at me, and before I could do anything he ran off, laughing like a mad man.

Okay, so Matt hasn't exactly changed that much.

"What a douche," Shane said from behind me, and when I turned I saw him sitting back down on the couch, a cup of juice on the table.

I shook my head in disapproval. "I'll admit, he's extremely hot now--"

"but still a douche."

I nodded in agreement, and Shane chuckled. "Matt's still the annoying seven year old trapped inside."

I sighed, remembering that dreadful time Matt and Shane killed the teddybear my mom gave me. "Maybe you are, too," I smirked, nudging him with my elbow.

"Possibly," he smiled. "But I think I'll try to cutt you some slack now. I think Matt's got it all covered."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh joy."

Matt has a picture of me in his phone. A picture of me in a tank top and shorts. I am forever doomed now. He's probably going to show it to all his friends or teammates and laugh at me or something.

And here I was, thinking that maybe both Lavery twins have changed.

I could hear Grace yelling at Matt from the basement, and Matt laughing. Shane rolled his eyes, and I chuckled.

"So, Shane," I began, my eyes glued to the TV, "did you and Matt go to school in Florida?"

"Yeah," he told me, "even though it was only for a year, we still had to go. It was cool, the school was right down the beach and everything. Everyone would just hang there all day, and there would be these bonfire parties on the weekend near the water," he grinned at me.

My jaw dropped in jealousy. "Wow, sounds like it was fun."

"It was. The good thing about it all was even though it was the same thing all the time, it was always different, you know?"

I nodded. "so, was your aunt's house near the beach too?"

"It was actually on it," he said, "she lives in a beach house. This beach went on for miles almost, and there were different parts of it. Some parts were all strip malls and stores, some were houses...." he trailed off. "It kind of sucked having to do work."

I smiled. "I could imagine."

"No really," he laughed, "my aunt just moved in the house, right? She has all this money, and always wants to spend it, so she wanted to add more to the house. More rooms, more sections, so we all moved to Florida for the year to help her."

"Did you finish it?"

"Yeah, it didn't take long, though. It probably only took around six months to get everything done, since we were constantly working on it everyday. We could have left, but Matt and I kinda wanted to finish off the school year before we moved back here."

"How did you like school there?" I asked, curious. Then I wagged my eyebrows. "Lots of hot bikini babes?"

He smirked. "Well, looks-wise anyways. They were all as dumb as a sack of hammers....and well, Matt."

I playfully rolled my eyes at his comment, and snuck a glance at him. Okay, I can't help it - I'm so not used to Shane Lavery being hot.

Now there's two of them. Oh god.

"You should stay for dinner," Shane randomly suggested, looking at me. "My mom's cooking." Oh Grace's cooking - the woman's like my personal 5 start chef.

I grinned. "Well, now that you mention your mom cooking..."

Shane chuckled. "I know, I know. I kind of miss it too. My aunt had to make food for us," he had a horrid expression on his face making me laugh.

I smiled. It was nice talking to Shane like this. Everytime I used to talk to him, he'd throw in an insult here and there.

"Gotta put this away," he announced, picking up his empty cup as he got up from the couch.

"I'll come with," I shrugged, and suddenly felt my stomach growl.

"Is it okay if I have some food?" I asked, a bit embarrassed by asking that.

Shane froze, and turned to me with a grin on his face. "What kind of question is that?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Uh, well I'm hungry."

"Of course you can have food," he said, looking at me like I was crazy. "You can destroy our fridge if you want. This is practically your house," with that, he walked into the kitchen, me following close behind.

Shane walked over to the sink and tossed the cup in there before he sat down at the island. "We have alot of chips," he said, drumming on the counter.

Thank the lord. You can never go wrong with chips. I grinned, looking at the plastic bags that were brought in. I could see the chip bags through the plastic. "I'm going to steal a bag, is that okay?" I smirked.

"As long as you let me have some, 'cause I'm hungry too."

"Deal," I said before looking in one of the bags. There were Sour Cream n Onion, Barbeque, Ketchup.....

"Cheeseburger Chips?" I asked, my eyes wide as I dug the bag out. "What, these chips taste like cheeseburgers or something?"

"Matt wanted them," Shane's face scrunched up in disgust. "That guy will eat anything."

I chuckled, and ended up taking the Barbeque chips to the living room, where Matt was sitting. I sat on Ken's comfy green recliner chair, and relaxed as I yanked open the bag and dug it, not caring how amused Matt looked as he watched me stuff my face with chips.

"How attractive," he muttered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Want some?" I mumbled with my mouth full as I offered the bag to him. Matt just looked at me for a second, then smirked as he looked back at the TV.

After eating as many chips I could to Matt's entertainment, I rolled up the bag and put it on the little round table next to the chair. "So, you're gonna delete that picture right?"


I rolled my eyes. "Why not?"

"Why not why not?" He shot back, moving his hair out of his face.

"I look bad in it."

"You look bad all the time." He took out his phone.

I glared at him, and he just grinned at me.

"If I look so bad, then why are you not deleting it?" I challenged.

"Because I need something like that to make me laugh."

"Matt, delete it," I warned.

"Holly, I will never," he said using the same tone as me.


"Holly!" He was so enjoying this, jerk.

"Can I see it at least?" I asked. "So I can approve of it?"

"Whether you approve of it or not I'm still keeping it," he said, holding his phone up as another Click came from it.

"Matt!" I snapped. That ass just took another picture of me with my angry face!

I watched as Matt looked at the picture, smiling. "What a beautiful shot of you Holly. Have I ever told you how sexy you look when you're angry?"

"No! Now delete it!" I got up from the couch.

"You know what?" Matt smirked as I walked up to him, "I think I'll keep them all. Just for you, Holly. How's that sound?"


"You'll be surprised at the pictures I have on my phone."

I looked down at him as he sat on the couch looking up at me, loving all of this. "I will smack you," I threatened.

"That's fine. I like it rough."

"I will hurt you."

"I like sexual pain." He winked at me, causing a small blush to form on my face.

"This pain won't be sexual." I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Everything's sexual to me," suddenly he grabbed my ass and pulled me forward, so that I was standing between his legs. My stomach started to erupt with butterflies as I felt his hands go up the back of my shirt.

I couldn't say anything. I was too stunned at what Matt was doing - his warm hands going up my shirt, cool tingles going down my spine. This is the kid who ruined my childhood, the kid who killed the only memory I had left of my mom. This was Matt Lavery, and he was....flirting with me.

Finally i came to my senses, and backed away from him, a confused expression on my face. "I still want you to delete those pictures," I said, clearing my throat to get rid of the shakiness.

Matt rolled his eyes. "Make me."

"I will," I said, narrowing my eyes in a childish way.

He smiled, and leaned back. "How?"

"I will bring out the inner ninja in me, Matthew. Those ugly-ass pictures will be forever gone."

"Okay, whatever you say."

"I'm not joking!" I said, and put my hands on my hips. "Oh, and if you think you can get all touchy with me, you thought wrong. There is fourteen years of hell waiting on your ass, buddy," with that, I flipped my hair and walked out dramatically.

Shane was laughing when I walked into the kitchen. "Good show," he said.

Oh, right. I forgot that the kitchen had a great view of the living room, and that Shane was probably watching the whole thing. And Matt putting his hands up my shirt.

I blushed as I sat next to him. "Um....."

"You should have seen your face," he choked back a laugh. I glared at him.

"I can't believe he did that," I muttered.

"It's not a big deal, Holly."

"He put his hands up my shirt."

"So? It's not like it was the front side."

"So?" I snapped, crossing my arms. "It's kinda weird, don't you think?"


"Matt hates me."

"Well, maybe he changed his mind," he shrugged, taking a sip of his Coke.

"He can't just change his mind in one year!" I said. "Fourteen years he's been at me, ruining my life, and now he decides to get all flirty with me?"

"People can change, did you know that?"

"Matt Lavery doesn't change."

"Only in the sex department," Shane smirked, drumming on the counter.

"Huh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Shane looked at me. "Ever since we moved to Florida, he's became the horniest little shit I've ever seen. He's started to meet new girls, and just... changed. He's probably dated like sixty girls, taking them all home, getting what he wanted, then dumping their ass. Your typical 'price charming', right? Plus, seeing a bunch of hot girls in barely any clothing everyday doesn't really help us keep our cool anyways, now does it?"

I rolled my eyes. "I thought Matt hated girls. He seems to like to annoy them."

"Only you, Holly."

"What about you, Shane? Do you still hate me?" I grinned.

Shane watched me for a second, and then blinked. "Nah," he smiled, "I think fourteen years is good enough for me."

"Thank god," I sighed with relief. "I don't think I'd be able to handle you both, now that you're so much more....bigger." And hotter.

Shane winked at me. "You'll just have to deal with my brother now."

Oh joy. The Lavery twins are officially back, and they're both as hot as hell. It's going to be a little bit more difficult having to deal with them now, without mentally drooling over them.

Now, what's going to happen? I'm not just stuck with one, but two.

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