
By MJsGirl1987

62.9K 2.6K 3.4K

Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... More

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Don't go
Time's up
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Lisa's trial
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on

Tell me

718 30 17
By MJsGirl1987

Michael's POV

It's the of morning of the event and I've been really nervous about today for two reasons. One because this is a really big deal to my family and this is the first time Joesph has ever put me in charge of something so I need everything to go perfect and the other reason which is the main reason is because it's the last day I'm gonna be around for awhile.

After taking a shower I go downstairs and Leanne is in the kitchen finishing making breakfast. "Breakfasts ready" She smiles as I walk into the kitchen and walks over to the table with two plates.

"Thank you" I smile pecking her lips and join her at the table. "You feeling better?" She asks and I nod. "It's gonna go ok. Just try and relax" she smiles and I sigh heavily. "But, what if it doesn't. What if the whole thing is a disaster and..."

"It won't" she cuts me off. "You've  been working really hard on this for weeks" she smiles reassuringly. "And what of it's all just been for nothing?" I mumble and she doesn't say anything for a moment. "Is that the only reason your nervous?" She says softly and I shake my head. "I can't leave you alone for that length of time. What if something happens while I'm away? I won't be able to help you if I'm in rehab and..."

"I'll be fine and Randy knows what's going on and he told you himself he'll keep a check on me and if there is a problem then we'll let you know" she says and I nod, not saying anything. "You promised me you'd get help" she says softly "and I will it's just.." I pause not wanted to finish that sentance. "Just what?" She looks at me confused and I sigh taking a deep breath, not really sure if I want the answer to this question.

"Did you and Randy ever... when you were at that place. Did you..."

"No" she cuts me off and gets up to clear the dishes and I get up and follow behind her. "I'm sorry I just needed to know if..."

"If what? I was gonna fuck your brother while you was away?" She turns and says to me sarcastically. "Randy never booked me or asked for me" she shakes her head and walks out of the room and heads upstairs.

I sigh heavily to myself and sit back at the table feeling bad about what I just asked her. We've only just had breakfast and I've already manage to piss her off. It's not that I don't trust her or think that Randy would try anything with her while I'm gone because he knows how I feel about her, but there was a time when he didn't and when she was at that brothel she didn't have a choice of who she slept with and the thought of her being with one of my brothers is something that's always bothered me. I wasn't sure if I should have asked her that question and I'm wishing I'd just kept my mouth shut, but it's something that played on my mind for so long and I just needed to know.

As I'm sitting at the kitchen table and even though i'm relived that she said no to my question. I start replaying what she said to me before she walked out and I can't help, but think about what she meant when she said Randy never booked her or asked for her and nothing happened between her and Randy. there was something about the way she said nothing happened between her and Randy, but didn't say anything about my other brothers. I know I'm probably just reading more into it because I did only ask her about one person, but the more I think about it. The more it's playing on my mind.

Leanne's POV

After what Michael said I go into the bathroom and start crying. I really wish Michael would quit asking me things about what happend at the brothel. I am greatful for everything he's done for me and for getting me out of that place and away from my aunt, but every now an then he'll ask me something about it and I don't get why. Every second I was there was a living nightmare and as much as I try to forget, I can't. I still have nightmares and flash backs of what happened there. Especially that day and I wish I could just forget and move on with my life, but I can't no matter how hard I try, something always seems to happen which brings everything flooding back again and Michael asking questions only makes it worst.

After a moment I pull myself together and go over to the sink and splash some cold water in my face and clean myself up.

Michael's POV

After a few minutes have gone by and as much as I try, I still can't stop thinking about what Leanne and as much as I don't want to ask, I need to know.

I sigh heavily to myself and head upstairs to go and speak to her. I'm about to go into the bedroom then hear Leanne walking out of the bathroom. "Something else you wanna say?" She says with an attitude. "Why do you say Randy?" I ask and she looks at me confused. "Downstairs. You said Randy never booked you and you never had sex with Randy. What did you mean by that?" I come straight out with it. "I mean... I never had sex with him. What part of that was difficult for you to understand?"

"But why did you make a point of say I his name and nobody else's?"

"Because you asked me a question and I gave you the answer" she shrugs and walks past me and goes into the bedroom and I follow her. "And the others?"

"Why do you wanna know each person's name?" She frowns at me confused. "I never said I did"

"Good, because I didn't bother to learn half of them" she shrugs "I wanna know know if any happend with any of my other brothers? I won't get mad at you about it. I just wanna know" I finally ask. "Why do you keep asking me all these questions?"

"Why do you keep dodging them?"

"Because I don't wanna talk about it and I wanna forget everything about that place. How hard is that for you to understand!?" She snaps at me. "Yes or no" I shrug refusing to back down. "You really wanna know?"

"Yes, I really wanna know"

"Fine! Your brother Jermaine used to book me too... alot! Happy now!?" She snaps and walks off downstairs and I sit on the edge of the bed and swallow a lump up in my throat, trying not to cry, wishing I hadn't asked. I understand Leanne had no choice in the matter, but Jermaine did and he knew how I felt about Leanne, yet he still went ahead and slept with her.

I hear Leanne moving around downstairs and head into the bathroom locking the door and kneel down beside the sink removing the lose tile.

Leanne thinks she took all the pain killers out of the house so I wouldn't be tempted for next few days, until I check into rehab, but she doesn't know about the ones I hid. I am going to keep my promise to her, but it's only for a few days and once I come out of rehab i'll be fine and won't need them anymore so I don't think it's really that big of a deal if I take them until then, plus after what Leanne just said I really need them.

After moving the panel I put my hand in the gap then frown confused. When there's nothing there "No, no, no" I shake my head panicking and start looking around the bathroom and in the medicine cabinets. "That fucking bitch!!" I snap storming out of the room and head straight downstairs.

Leanne's POV

"WHERE IS IT!!?" Michael yells storming down the stairs "where's what?" I shrug pretending to act inncocent  "Don't fuck with me! You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He snaps. "I thought you said you were gonna quit"

"And I will! I told you'd I'd go to rehab and I Will first thing tomorrow just like I promised you I would" he says in a slightly softer tone, but still pretty pissed. "Where did you put them?" He asks again and I don't answer him and he sighs heavily. "I'm sorry I upset you a moment ago, but I need those pills will you please tell me where you put them?"

"I can't. You don't..."

"I'm not playing this fucking game with you any more! Just tell me where they are right now you ungrateful little bitch! After everything I've done for you and I ask you for ONE thing and..."

He pauses and his expression quickly softens. "I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

"I am greatful for what you did for me, but that doesn't erase what you did TO me. What you did for me was the least you could do!" I snap at him "You have no idea what I had to go through before you came to get me and..."

"BECAUSE YOU WON'T FUCKING TELL ME!!" He yells, cutting me off. "How am I supposed to know or know how to help you if you don't tell me anything!!"

"I already told you what to do. STOP ASKING, but you keep doing it!" I snap back. "I'm sorry about what happend before I truly am, but I asks you that stuff because I need to know and..."

"Here!" I say cutting him off and takes the bottle of pain killers from my pocket and slam them in my hand. "You want them so bad FINE take them!" I snap and storm out of the room.

Michael's POV

After Leanne shakily slams the bottle in my hand she storms off and goes upstairs and I stand staring at them for a moment, feeling awful for the way I just spoke to her. I didn't mean what I said, I just got angry and snapped when I saw they were missing. she hadn't even done anything wrong. It was all me (yet again) and it was all over these stupid pills.

I put the bottle in my pocket and go upstairs to see if Leanne is ok and I hear her crying from the bedroom. I open the door a little and she jumps turning around. "It's just me. Didn't mean to scare you" I say softly and she turns back around, not saying anything and I walk over and go and sit beside her on the edge of the bed. "I'm really sorry I yelled at you like that. I didn't mean what I said" I say sincerely. "Here" I say , reaching into my pocket and hand the pills back to her "I didn't take any I swear" I tell her honestly and she looks at me nervously and doesn't answer, so I put them on the nightstand and go back over to her. "Please talk to me" I say softly and go to put my hand on her back, but she flinches and moves away. "I didn't mean to scare you" I say softly and she starts sobbing. "Why won't you just let it go?" She says shakily. "Because I wanna help you and I can't unless you talk to me"

"But you have helped. You bought me and got me away from that place remember? What more do you need?"

"It wasn't like that. We've been through this. I didn't you. Not like that anyway. It was the only way I could get you out of that place. I tried calling the police, but that just made it worse and then when Mary said if I gave her that money she'd let you go and that's what I did"

"Why did you bother if all your gonna do is keep bringing it up over and over!? And it wasn't as simple as just handing over some money and you got to take me home" she says shakily. "What do you mean?" I frown confused and she doesn't answer and starts looking into thin air and shaking slightly.

"What else happened before I got there?" I ask and she opens her mouth to speak then shakes her head. "If you tell me what happened,I won't ask you another thing"

"Then why does it matter?" She says getting up to leave and I take her hand stopping her. "Because whatever it is your trying to block out, is what's keeping you from moving on with your life and unless you say what it is then there's nothing I can do to help you. I get that it's hard for you to talk about, but I'm not letting this go until you tell me" I say soft yet sternly and she doesn't say anything for a moment. "Please, just tell me what happened that day and I wont ask you anything else"

"You mean that?" She mumbles and I nod "I promise" I say softly and she comes back and sits bedside me.

"Mary never told me about any deal you and her made or that you were coming to get me" she mumbles. "I just knew that she was angry with me, but she wouldn't tell me why and just kept making me go back in the room and it didn't matter how much I cried or told her I was sorry for whatever it was I'd done. She just ignored me and kept pushing me back in the room and..." she pauses and starts shaking slightly. "It's ok, just take your time" I whisper and she doesnt say anything for a few moments then continues. "I begged her to let me take a break, but every time I'd try to leave she'd just take me straight back to the next one that was waiting for me and then..."

She pauses again and starts sobbing and I put my arm around her and she doesn't flinch this time "I kept asking her what I did wrong, but she wouldn't tell me and just kept saying I was going to be punished for breaking the rules and she said the more I cried the worst it would be and I tried not to cry I really did, but they were hurting me an- and...." She pauses and looks away from me. "That was her idea of punishment?" I frown confused and disgusted at what Mary did to her and she shakes her head. "I'm guessing that was just her way of making her money's worth while she had me" she sniffles. "After the last one. I tried to leave the room again and begged her to let me rest, just for a moment, but she said there wasn't time and that they were waiting for me"


"The men... One for each year I was born. It's kinda her version of time out for breaking rules" she says with a blank expression and I sit listening with tears rolling down my face as she tells me every detail of what happend and what they did to her.

"...and Then when they were done, they walked out and Mary came in as I was getting dressed and she said there was special client waiting for me and dragged me down the hall... and you were standing waiting for me and... well you know the rest" she sniffles.

Leanne's POV

"I'm so sorry" Michael whispers shakily and I look at him confused. "This is all my fault" he croaks "if I'd got there earlier or...if I hadn't pointed you out that day or..."

"It wouldn't have made a difference" I cut him off. "Yes it would. Mary told me herself that she had no intention of having you work there and..."

"Yes she did. She told me herself when we were driving there, that once I was 18 she was gonna make me work there"

"But you weren't 18 though was you? You were 15... you were a 15 year old little girl that couldn't defend herself and had just lost your  parents and then I came along and made everything worst" he sobs "and I'm so sorry"

"Michael, if it hadn't been you, then it would have been somebody else. In a way you kinda did me a favour"

"How was what I did, doing you a favour?" He looks at me confused. "Because you were nice to me and you were always gentle and ask if I was ok and you'd hold my hand the whole time and you always asked me if I wanted to before you did anything"

"But you didn't. You were scared of me"

"At first I was" I tell him honestly. "Do you ever get scared of me now?" He looks at me nervously. "No... Can I go now?" I ask and he looks at me confused. "I wanna take a shower now, so I'm not rushing around later when we're getting ready for the event" I smile slightly through purse lips, trying to change the topic and he nods taking the hint. "You should probably getting packing too, you don't wanna be rushing around in the morning" I say getting up off the bed then peck his lips before leaving to go and take a shower

Michael's POV

When Leanne leaves the room, I lay down on the bed trying to take everything in then turn on my side and begin sobbing. Leanne says she doesn't blame me or think any of this is my fault, but it's pretty obvious it was my fault just like everything else that's happened to her. Except for her parents dying, everything bad that's happened to Leanne has happend because of me and even when I thought I was helping getting her away from that place, I still somehow managed to cause her pain and trauma.

I know I promised Leanne I'd go to rehab tomorrow, but I can't. She needs me here. I can't risk anything happening to her while I'm gone.

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