A Trophy Daddy's Trophy Littl...

By DistractedByLife

353K 12.1K 3.8K

Kellin has been searching for the perfect Daddy for a long time. He is introduced to a DD/LB website, where h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapters and Character Asks
* Character Ask *
Character Answers

Chapter 17

10.6K 445 59
By DistractedByLife

Kellin's POV

I had been drifting in and out of sleep, being extremely tired from many sleepless nights. The discomfort of the freezing room and being stuffed into this highchair didn't make for good sleeping conditions, but tonight I had a different problem keeping me up. The thought of Alysha doing any sort of harm to my Daddy made my stomach hurt. I just tried to stay positive, thinking that Vic could take care of himself, and that he was in a crowd full of people. She isn't stupid enough to try and hurt him in front of a ton of his colleagues and business partners, is she? I doubted it if she's gotten away with all of this so far, but you never know. I have a feeling she's getting desperate, and desperate people are sloppy in their actions.

The longer I stay up, the more I overthink about Vic. I began to cry, just wanting to be with him again. I wanted to feel him wrap his arms around me from behind and kiss my neck, all while trying not to smile. I wanted to breath in his odd mixture of spices and candy, which may sound weird but is actually amazing. I just want him. I regret everything I said to him that day, and I wish I would have talked to him like an adult, which is ironic. I sob for everything: for the situation I'm in, for Mike and Vic's poor relationship, for Alysha going crazy, for Vic's potential endangerment. The heavy sobs wrack my body, making the ropes tighten around my wrists as my shoulders heave, which in turn makes me cry harder. A few minutes into my meltdown, I begin to hear noises above me. My tears run faster because I am sure that the noises are Alysha returning from the party. Vic is probably fatally injured, if not dead already. I continue to break down, even when the thought of Alysha hitting me for freaking out crosses my mind. I see a light at the top of the stairs, and I try to calm down a bit because now that I know Alysha is back, I actually don't want to get hit. Crying is not worth getting beat over. I hiccup a little bit as I try desperately to quiet myself. Footsteps hesitantly come downstairs, and I sit as still as possible, waiting for the news of what she had done. The dingy lights flicker on, revealing a figure. The minute the lights come up, I gasp. Could it be? Did I cry so hard I fainted and now I am dreaming? To make sure this is reality, I carefully call out to him.

"D-Daddy?" His head whips towards me, and his face runs through many emotions. I have never seen someone experience relief, happiness, confusion, anger, and distress all at once, but it was not a good look, no matter how pretty Vic is. Once he is over whatever state of taking in the sight of me, he runs over and tackles me. I shriek in surprise and feel the chair tip back.

"The chair, the chair!" I choke out, his arms wrapped around me so tightly I can hardly breathe.

"Oh, sorry," he says, backing away slightly, but not letting go of me. He looks me in the eyes, searching for something.

"Is it- is it really you, Kells?" He asks, gingerly running his knuckles down my cheek. That's when all the tears I thought I had drained come rushing back. I burst into tears and nod my head vigorously.

"Oh, Vic, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said all those things and acted like such a baby. I'm so sorry, I love you so much," I basically screamed out as I wriggle around, trying to free my arms so I could hold him. He doesn't respond at first, instead he releases me. Carefully untying every rope, I am free in seconds. I immediately jump on him, locking my ankles behind his back and throwing my head onto his shoulder. He catches me, gently cupping my bum and kissing my cheek.

"Baby, I missed you so much. Don't apologize, you were right about everything. I have figured out a way to be a better Daddy for you. If you want to come back to me, that is." I pull back from his shoulder slightly, looking him in the eye. I curl my fingers into his hair and smash our lips together. We kiss deeply, and there is nothing sexual about it. This kiss is releasing all the fear and tension and anger we held and replacing it with relief and security and love, pure love. We break the kiss, and I rest my forehead on his. Our eyes are still closed, and our breaths mingle.

"Of course I'll come back to you. I will always come back, Daddy," I say, put every ounce of affection I have towards him into those words. He is my Daddy, my boyfriend, my love, and my hope. If it weren't for holding on to him, I would have given up on everything while I was stuck in this disgusting basement. I give Vic one last tight squeeze before I hop off of him. Once I am back on the ground, he instantly takes my hand in his. I smile brightly, feeling my happiness come rushing back to me. We walk together up the stairs and back into the apartment. Vic shows me how he found me, and I just shake my head at how planned out this scheme was. Alysha is obviously serious about this, and that scares me. It then dawns on me that Vic is okay, but Alysha isn't here.

"Oh my god, Vic, have you seen Alysha? Has she gone near you or spoken to you?" I ask him worriedly. He looks at me in concern and thinks for a moment.

"We had exchanged our greetings, and I asked her about you. Immediately after talking to her, I came here and found you. Why, what's wrong, Darling?" I almost squeal at hearing the pet name again, but I am on a mission.

"We have to find her right now. She is dangerous," I explain her whole plot to him, and he listens intently. When I tell him about Jaime, he tears up a bit. I try my best not to get jealous because it's hard having someone you know and care about die, but a little devil inside of me gets annoyed. I just pat his back lightly and finish the story. He dries his eyes and gets a determined expression.

"Well, let's go find that bitch. I knew she was trouble," he says, trying to lighten the mood a bit. We exit the apartment and head towards the party.

"And by the way, when we get home, not only will we be discussing all of this, but there will also be some fantastic makeup sex," Vic says, smirking at me for a moment before training his eyes back on the road. I blush and briefly imagine various scenarios of what could happen. All too soon, we pull up outside of the building. Nothing seems out of the ordinary; people aren't running and screaming, and nothing is on fire. Vic kisses me sweetly across the console and makes me look at him when he pulls away. I know he can see the fear in my eyes, so he reassures me.

"We'll get to her, Princess. Trust what I say and do, and stay close. I can't lose you again," he tells me firmly. I nod my head, believing every word he says. We get out of his car and enter the party.

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