Four Boys & The Batmobile

By PrinceJai

35.7K 934 462

*Narrator Voice* Confined to the Batcave after failing to stop a robbery, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian Wayne s... More

Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
Episode Seven
Episode Eight
Episode Nine
Episode Eleven
Episode Twelve
Episode Thirteen
Authoress Note
Bonus Chapters
NekoNightwing II
NekoNightwing III

Episode Ten

1.7K 50 22
By PrinceJai

She sat at her desk drumming her well manicured nails on the mousepad as she watched the video. As it reached its climax of damaged food, she frowned deeply at the people in the video. The superheroes.
Her sons.
They would be grounded to death when she reached them. . .
If they were lucky.

Back at the Casey's, Jason was picking himself up out of the giant puddle of red slushie. Across from him Damian was attempting to unstick his cape from a line of chewed gum on the floor. Behind him was Timothy eating his way through candy necklaces wrapped around his wrists. Dick was sitting on one the counters next to the hot case eating a soft pretzel with nacho cheese. He smirked at his brothers, however, his smirk fell when he saw the ladies at the counter holding up their phones.

"Are videoing this?!" Dick exclaimed as he jumped off the counter.
The ladies squealed in excitement before running out of the store. Dick just threw his hands in the air and shook his head.

"Oh, no." Dick groaned as he stopped mid step.

"What?" Jason asked wiping slushie off his jacket.

"They were streaming it live." Dick replied.


"So!" Dick exclaimed. "So that means mom might have seen it!"

Jason blanched at his brother's words.

"Oh, crap. Crap, crap, crappity, crap. Mother Hubbard, we are so dead!" Jason muttered frantically.

"You think!?" Dick shouted, running his hands through his hair.
A blur of red and crackling yellow energy suddenly appeared around the boys. The Flash had arrived.

"Ah!" Jason yelled as he ran behind Dick.

"Gee, you boys made a mess of everything." Barry said, scratching his head.

"Oh, yeah. Your mom sent me." Barry added.

"Oh gods. We're dead!" Tim moaned as he curled up on the floor.

"Run! Just run!" Dick shouted, bolting for the door.

Flash shook his head and sighed. Watching them was like watching turtles run. In fact by the time Dick had finished shouting Flash had already cleaned up the store. He impatiently waited for them to get outside before speed walking after them. With his arms crossed Flash stood between them and the Batmobile.

"Please, don't take us back, please!" Dick begged, clinging to Barry's leg.

"Knock it off!" Barry hollered, trying to keep his balance. "You're worse than Wally!"

"Oh, yeah. Speaking of him, have you seen him lately?" Dick asked. "I think he blocked me on Facebook."

"He meant to txt you. Apparently he hit the wrong button." Flash replied.
With one arm still looped around Flash's leg, Dick pulled out his phone and began typing wildly with his thumbs.

"Wallster!" Dick said loudly into the phone.

"Nooooo. Maybe. Yes." Dick replied defeatedly.

"Yes, I know. Just do it, Wallace!" Dick snapped. He hung up and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"What was that all about?" Tim asked as he tried to get out of Barry's iron grip.

"The Wally Express is coming." Dick said, getting to his feet.
He shaded his eyes with his hand and squinted at the horizon to the West.

"My nephew?" Flash asked, irritated. "Leave him out of this."

Dick stuck his tongue out at the speedster and continued watching the horizon. While he was waiting for his ride, Tim stopped struggling against Flash, slipping out of his grasp. Timothy got out his phone and dialed Bart.

"Heeeeey," Tim sang into the speaker, earning him a weird look from Barry.

Now, being the naughty boys they were, Jason and Damian were attempting to get away in the Batmobile. Of course Flash was Flash and they didn't even make it two feet before they were caught. Defeatedly they flopped on the ground next to Barry, glaring at the world around them.

"Man, it's not fair!" Jason whined. "Dick and Tim have someone to call."

"What about Roy or Kori?" Damian asked.

"Leave my girlfriend out of this!" Dick said, whipping around.

"Roy or Kori?" Jason asked with a smirk.

"Both." Dick replied evenly.

Jason and Damian rolled their eyes at their brother's joke and waited for something to happen. Luckily, Wally West a.k.a. Kid Flash, skidded to a stop in front of them. With a cheer, Dick jumped to his feet.

"Piggy back ride!" Dick yelled happily as he clung to Wally's back.

"Gosh, you weigh so much more then when you were Robin." Wally groaned.

Barry shook his head and buried his face in his hands. These boys were more difficult to deal with than what he had bargained for. And now his nephew was involved in all this 'runaway-and-steal-the-Batmobile' ordeal. What else could possibly happen?
Apparently that was the wrong question to ask at the time. A red arrow sailed through the air and ejected an electrified net above Flash. It wrapped around Flash, zapping him fiercely. Jason and Damian cackled evilly as Barry squirmed on the ground as the high voltage electricity surged through him. Tim, standing beside Barry, was fairly sure the electricity would kill a normal person. Wally and Dick took the time to speed away to who knows where, leaving behind Tim, Jason, and Damian.
As expected Red Arrow, Arsenal, Roy Boy, which ever one preferred to call him, appeared behind Jason.

"Gee, what'd you get into now?" Roy asked, surveying the scene.
Jason scowled up at him before jumping to his feet.

"Shut up. I was on a road trip." Jason said, dusting off his jacket.

"Some road trip." Roy Boy commented dryly.

"Yeah. Our eldest brother ditched us." Timothy said as he walked up to the two older boys.

"Peachy." Jason grumbled, turning on heel. "Welp. Guess I'm driving."

"I'm driving!" Damian shouted as he scrambled to his feet.

"Like heck you are!" Roy shouted running past Jason and Damian.

"What the what?!" Jason exclaimed. "No way!"

"Hey, I'm an accomplice so I get to drive too." Roy argued, running backwards.
With that he jumped into the driver's seat of the Batmobile and buckled up. Jason beat Tim and Damian to the passenger seat, leaving them to fuss over the two back seats. They had finished buckling up when Flash slammed into the windshield with an angry face.


Roy Boy shoved the pedal to the floor, sending them screeching in reverse across the pavement. Barry slid off with a yell and the Batmobile fled the scene.
Flash landed face first on the pavement after rolling several feet. He groaned as he remained faceplanted in the concrete. Some time later Green Lantern was flying overhead when he saw Flash laying eagle spread in the parkinglot of a Casey's General Store. Barry was getting up by the time Hal reached the ground.

"Heeeey, Cherry Barry." Hal sang as he waltzed up to his friend.

"Nnn." Barry grunted in response, brushing off his red suit.
He turned around and picked up one of the lightning bolts that decorated his headpiece. Green Lantern snickered behind him.

"What?" Barry asked, straightening.

"Nice, Green Lantern undies." Hal laughed.
Barry twisted around to see a rip in the posterior of his suit revealing his Green Lantern boxers.

"Oh, geez." Barry mumbled, hiding his face in his hands.

"Hahaha!" Hal laughed. "This is better than when we caught Oliver wearing that Wonder Woman speedo!"

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