Old School Love - z.m

By meykemalik

53.7K 1.4K 366

*COMPLETED* Old school love... is that too much to ask? Just two kids being in love with each other, dreamin... More

Old School Love [1D & 5SOS fanfic]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven

Chapter Six

1.4K 42 16
By meykemalik



“Now I’m in town, break it down, thinking of making a new sound” I hear someone rap, the sound coming from the stage.

“Playing a different show every night in front of a new crowd” I rap along, walking over to the stand places in front of the stage.

“Hi Emily” Harry says, waving at me.

“Helloooo” I say as I wave back at him.

“Name a song for us to sing”

“I liked the one you just sang, go on singing that one”

“That was Zayn’s idea, he’s the only one who can rap the whole song”

“I’m proud of you, Zayn”

“Thank you very much” Zayn says making a little bow.

I watch the boys sing a couple of songs, be silly and yell. They’re really just like five little kids who happen to look good. I have to admit that they can sing very well, and their music is very catchy. Who doesn’t know the words to that What Makes You Beautiful song? Even my dad knows the words, and that says a lot about a song.



Why do I get nervous when Emily is around? My hands start shaking, and get sweaty, I can’t speak normal, I get this weird feeling in my stomach, but I know I don’t like her in that way. I’ve been in love before, I know how it feels. I know this isn’t love, but I have no idea what it is…

“ZAYN, sing. It’s your part” Louis says poking my arm, getting me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I say looking up from my stare into the distance.


“Sorry, Louis. Please don’t hate me”

“Too late” he says crossing his arms.

“Noooo, boobear, let me love you” I say pulling him into a hug.

“Alright, love you too. Now let me go” Louis tells me as I obey.

“Wait, where is Harry? What’s wrong with this bad?” Liam suddenly yells throwing his arms in the air, letting go of the mic that falls down into pieces.

Good job, Liam, good job. That’s the forth mic we break in two weeks, and we still have a couple of months to go…

“HARRY, DON’T FLIRT, COME HERE AND SING. POO FACE” Niall, also, starts yelling.

I look up towards Harry. He’s talking to Emily. She has a beautiful smile on her face and is playing with her hair. Harry stands next to her, his eyes peered on her.

Urgh, Harry stop it! It’s always Harry who gets the cute girls, who gets their attention. I normally don’t care about it, but this is different. I told you that I don’t like-like her, but I just don’t want her to get Harry’s attention. Why? Don’t ask me, it’s just something I don’t want.



“No, I did not” Harry says crossing his arms.

“You kind of did”


We’ve been talking for a couple of minutes, and he’s really sweet, funny, but also dworky. I feel Zayn staring at me, not noticing that his solo is about to come.

“ZAYN, sing. It’s your part” Louis tells him and there the drama starts. Within a couple of seconds everyone is yelling at each other while Harry and I just watch them.

“Emily” I hear a voice come out of the walky-talky, scarring the poo out of Harry and I.

“Holy fuck, what was that?” Harry asks me.

“The walky-talky” I say, and answer it, “Yeah?”

“Can you come to my office please?” I hear my dad say.

“Yupp, on my way” I say excusing me towards the boys. And leave towards my dad’s office.

I wonder what he wants. He sounded pretty serious, which scarred me. But it's probably something stupid... I hope.


"Come in" I hear my dad say after I knocked on his door, and with shaking hands I step into his office.

"Hi, you wanted to see me?" I ask.

"Yeah, sit down"

Oh god, this just can't be good.

"Dad, is there something wrong? Because I'm really scarred"

"Why do you keep going to those boys?"

"Wait, is this seriously about Zayn and Harry?"

"Yes, I don't want you to start liking them, because you know how boys are"

"Dad! I don't like them that way. They're just really nice guys, that's it. I swear"

"Good, because you and Zayn looked pretty close. I don't want that, alright?"

"Why can I be friends with Nick, but not with Zayn?"

"Because I know Nick"

"That's what I thought..."

"What did he do to you?"

"Oh, nothing, he’s just stupid. But is there anything else I can do?"

"Alright then. No there isn't, you can go home if you want"

"Hmm.. I'll see what I do. I first want some food"


Urgh, why do I have to make homework? It's not like people really check if I made it. Oh well, let's just do this, only a couple of weeks... Oh wait, I should tell you. I'm going to study abroad for a couple of months, to Australia to be exact. Gosh, I'm so excited! I'm going to miss home, but it's Australia!

Emily, focus.

Right, next question.

"You know you should make HOMEwork at home" I hear someone say through my music. I pull one of my earphones out and look up.

"Sush, no one needs to know" I tell Zayn, while he sits down at the table.

"What's it about?"

"Boring stuff about teaching"

"At least you study. I'll never do a study, and become an English teacher"

"You really wanted to become an English teacher?"

"Yupp, I love working with kids, teaching and English"

"So you decided to become a singer? Sounds pretty logic"

"My mom forced me to go to the addition, otherwise I'd be at UNI"

"Aaaah, poor boy. Why don't you make my homework to show that you a really want to be English teacher?"

"Alright" Zayn says grabbing my book and reading the questions.

"It was a joke, Zayn"

"No, now I want to make it for you"

Alright, weirdo. I've never met someone who really wanted to make my homework. Not that I mind tho, but it's weird.

"What does this say?" Zayn asks pointing to my answer I wrote really ugly and fast.

"I have no idea"

"Why don't you become a doctor?"

"I don't like sick, dead or poor people who need help, and I hate blood"


"I am not a pussy"

"It's ok, I'm afraid of the dark, that's just stupid"


"No, you're supposed to say; that's not stupid, it's really normal for a twenty-year old to be afraid of the dark"

"But it's not, so why would I say that?"

"I don't know, to make me feel less weird"

"Alright then, it's normal to pee your pants of the dark"

"Thank you, but I don't-..."

"No, now I've said it, so sush"

"Yes miss"

I might be a really good teacher if I can sush a stubborn boy. I'm so good


I had an energy napoleon, gross as poo, seriously DON'T TRY IT DON'T

it tastes like medicine, so if you like the taste of medicine, you should definitely try it.

ok, so i might go back to updating everyday, bc i like updating :)

soooooo that's all i have to say, I'm going to write bc i have loads of inspiration BYE

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