Running Rouge

By ThoseO2LGirls

1.8K 77 5

Ok guys I suck at these so just read the story. More

Running Rouge
Getting To Know Alex
The Dream
Night Out
Meeting Brayden's Mate
Celebration Dinner
Tea Party
Oh Sh!t Part 1
Oh Sh!t Part 2

Going to the Park

162 8 0
By ThoseO2LGirls


"Hey babes wake up." I said trying to get the boys up.

"I made bacon." I added.

"BACON!!!!" They screamed running to the kitchen.

"Those 2 will be the death of me." I chuckled.

When I got to the kitchen the boys were stuffing their faces with everything they could reach.

Since Turner, the boys, & me are all werewolves I had to make a lot of food. Which was 30 pancakes, 25 waffles, 35 pieces of sausage, 50 pieces of bacon, a bunch of eggs, and some fresh orange juice. That all took about 1-2 hours. Which was a lot of work but so worth it.

"This is the best mumma!!!" Kayden said getting more bacon.

"Yea it's awesome!!!" Eli said.

"They're not lying Alex this is great." Turner said honesty clear in his voice.

"Thanks guys." I said getting a plate full of food.

After we all ate I decided to get a shower while the boys play with Turner. When I got out of the shower I got my outfit. Which was my favorite jean short shorts(they arent to short) with my flowy SuperMan crop top with my matching SuperMan SnapBack & my customized SuperMan Chuck Taylor's. I curled my hair in loose flowy curls and let them cascade down my back. I don't usually wear much makeup so I went with some light mascara and my favorite mint BabyLips.

"Ok boys who wants to match mumma?" I asked walking into the living room.

"Meee" Kayden & Eli said at the same time.

"Ok well y'all gotta get a bath." I replied.

"I'll get them cleaned up while you get the clothes and everything ready." Turner offered.

"Ok let's do this." I said.

I went to the boys room and got their outfits which were SuperMan t-shirts with tan cargo shorts with their customized Superman Chuck Taylor's.

"Ok guys let's get dressed." I heard Turner say from the bathroom.

*after Kayden & Eli are dressed*

"Ok guys lets do your hair." I said getting out some hair gel.

I brushed their hair & spiked the front up with gel.

"So I've got a surprise for y'all." I said smiling.

"What is it?" Eli asked.

"Yea what?" Kayden added.

"Oh don't worry y'all will see at the park." I said.

"Hey boys do y'all wanna get some fro-yo before we go to the park?" Turner asked already knowing the answer.

"YESSSSS!!!!!!!" They screamed.

"Ok let's go." I said laughing slightly.

*at the fro-yo place*

"Welcome to TCBY, what would y'all like today?" The cashier asked.

"Boys what do y'all want?" I asked.

After 2 minutes of whispering to each other they decided on Orange Sorbet.

"And what would you guys like?" He asked Turner & I.

"I'll have Chocolate."Turner said.

"And I'll have Cookies & Cream with rainbow sprinkles." I added.

"Ok that will be $9.53." Jayden(cashier) replied while getting our fro-yo.

"I'll buy this time." Turner said pulling out his wallet.

"Thanks bro." I said bumping my shoulder into his.

"No problem." He said bumping into me after grabbing his fro-yo.

I gave the boys their fro-yo & asked Turner if he would find a place to sit while I got some extra napkins for the boys.

"Hey can I get some extra napkins for my boys, please?" I asked Jayden.

"Sure um... Here ya go." He replied seeming sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Um nothing it's just that I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me & I just moved up here so I don't have any friends to hangout with yet so..." He trailed off.

"Well we're going to the park after this you can come if you want I mean you seem like a pretty good guy." I said.

"Ok I get off in like 5 minutes so is that ok?" He asked.

"Yea it will take at least that long for us to eat so yea it's fine." I replied smiling.

"Ok let me close up the back and then I'll be ready." He said.

"AYE YO T-REX!!!!!" I yelled.

"AYE YO ALEX WHAT????" He yelled just as loud.

"Jayden's gonna come with us to the park." I said normally.

"Ok cool." He replied.

After we all ate we got ready to go.

"Eli & Kayden come here." I said grabbing some napkins to wipe their faces with.

"How do both of you manage to get fro-yo all over your faces?" I asked chuckling.

"I don't know." They replied shrugging.

After I cleaned up both boys we left for the park.

"So Jayden where did you move from?" Turner asked.

"From Sacramento." Jayden answered.

"Oh cool, so have you joined a pack yet?" I asked curiously.

"No," He replied sheepishly, "are y'all in a pack."

"Nope. As far as I know there's not a pack in this area." I answered.

"Oh cool." He replied.

When we finally got to the park the boys ran straight to the swings.

"MUMMA PUSH US!!!!!!!" Kayden & Eli screamed.

"Hey Jayden wanna help me with the boys?" I asked hopefully.

"I'd love to." He responded.

"Ok you can take Kayden cause he likes that your name rhymes with his." I said whispering the last part to him.

"Ok." He said chuckling.

+Hey I'm at the park. Where are y'all at- BrayDog+

+We're over by the swings-Alex+

+Ok thanks be there in a sec-BrayDog+

+Ok I just told the boys I had a surprise at the park but I didn't say what or who it was-Alex+

+Ok Ill be sure to be secret like-BrayDog+

+Good see you when you get here-Alex+

+Be there soon bye-BrayDog+

"Hey guys guess who's here." I said looking into the distance to see Brayden.

"Who?" They asked.

"ME!!!" Brayden said walking to the boys to give them hugs.

"UNCLE BRAYDEN!!!!!!" They yelled.

"Hey boys have y'all been good for mumma?" Brayden asked.

"We're always good." They said.

"Mhm when?" I asked.

"We said you did good with breakfast today." Kayden said.

"Plus we're matching." Eli added.

"Well I can't argue with that logic." I said sarcastically.

"Mhm see!!!" They yelled together.

"Anyways I was thinkin that since I live like an hour from here, I could just crash at your place for a bit?!?!?" Brayden said.

"And what gave you that idea BrayDog?" I asked.

"The fact that I drove for an hour to see my favorite big sis." Brayden replied making his adorable 'Please!!! face'.

"You know I can't say no to that face." I groaned.

"So it's a yes?" He said already knowing the answer.

"Duh!!!" I said jumping to mess up his hair.

"Boy why you gotta be so freaking tall?" I asked.

"I'm not that tall, your just really short." He replied smirking.

"Don't make me wipe that smirk off your face." I said jokingly.

"Mhm sure." Brayden said snapping his fingers acting preppy.

"Oh my lord!!! Brayden you kill me sometimes!!!" I said laughing.

"Oh I know this, you've told me before." He said.

"Oh yea Brayden this is Jayden, Jayden this is my lil bro Brayden." I said introducing them.

"Cool meeting you bro." Brayden said.

"Same to you." Jayden replied while they did the lil guy handshake hug thing.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated I've been. Busy with school & family. I'm on Christmas break so I'll be out for 2 weeks & I'll try to update as much as possible but I have family coming in from Tx on Monday(23rd) so. Thanks for reading. COMMENT, VOTE, SHARE, all that's stuff


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