Lost- A Harry Potter Fanficti...

By fictedandaddicted

436 26 6

"You know that feeling where you were going to do something, but just can't remember what it was?" "Yeah." "T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (whoop)

Chapter 3

46 2 2
By fictedandaddicted

Four years.

That's how long it's been since I've gone outside of the house, or I should have been. If you're thinking of trying it, don't. The cabin fever is horrible, and it wrecks your social life.

It's been four months since R. L. sent me another letter. The last one was simply stating that he couldn't come and get me but that Sirius was innocent, like I predicted.

I'm all alone now. Peachy and I reached the end of the Hogwarts curriculum at the end of last year, and it's a good thing we did, too, because she died shortly after that.

That was the only time I went outside.

To burry her body.

My second friend, and I had to burry her.

Recently, however, I got another letter. From whom, I do not know. It was very short and sweet.

The Dark Lord is back.

Don't leave your house.

It wasn't signed or anything. I can only guess that it's from my godfather, Sirius, or R.L. It couldn't have been Harry, Peachy told meme that he didn't know that I existed.

I stared deep into my emerald eyes. They were a little crazy looking, to be honest. Dull, wild green stated back at me. My hair was waist length, I refused to cut it after Peachy died, vivid red. My face was pale, dotted with little orange freckles. My black clothing hung loosely off of my small frame.

I sighed. I was going to be stuck in here for a long time.


Dear Diary,

I turned fifteen today. Alone in the big empty house that I hate more than anything in the world. I'm fed up with being alone. I'm fed up with being hidden.

I'm taking action. I'll let you know how it goes.

Violet Acacia Potter

I slammed my diary shut. I pulled out fifteen sheets of parchment and my mother's wand. Waving the wand in swirling motions, I copied the same message onto fifteen letters.

Rescue me.

Peachy is dead.

R. L. rescue me.

Violet A. P.

I handed them to the owl I got from Peachy for my 12th birthday.

"Send these to Sirius Black and R. L." I whispered to Midnight, almost afraid to distribute the too quiet house.

One hour later I heard a crack downstairs. And then another one, accompanied by voices.

"Moony, you locked her up in here for five years with only a house elf for company!"

"I wax protecting her!"

The voices continued to bicker. I grabbed my wand from my bedside table and slid down the banister like any good natured fifteen year old.

I landed in front of two men, both raising their wands on fright.

"Well, well, if it isn't Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. My knights in shining armor." I said bravely, recalling their faces from the pictures I a cooed that I wasn't supposed to see ever. Oops?

"How do you know who we were?" Remus asked, while Sirius frowned.

"Reemy, accio is very useful," I smirked back. "Sirius Black. Convicted mass murderer. Innocent. Animagus. Pad foot. Marauder."

He bowed and chuckled.

"Pleasure, Violet." Remus frowned and opened his mouth, but I interrupted him.

"Well? Have you come to pop in and say hello or to save me from this hell? I don't have twenty years you know," I said lightly.

"Well then, we beat get going." Sirius grabbed my arm and apparated into a room.

I was finally free.


Sirius had just left, leaving me to talk to Remus.

"Violet, do you know who your godfather is?" He asked cautiously.

"Yes. Professor Severus Snape." I replied excited that I might Be able to meet my godfather at last.

"We're going to bring him in here so you two can meet. You're going to play his child so that we can introduce you to the other children. It's not safe-"

"For me to be a potter, I know."

"Alright them. I'm going to leave. Wait here for Albus to bring him in." Remus gave me a hug as he stood up and left. I magicked my clothing into my new room, and then my best (black skinny jeans, a black Panic! tee, and a black chicken, as well as some black converse.) clothes on instead of my lazy no one will ever see me ever clothes. I heard speaking outside of the door.

"Remember, Severus, she's not Lily," an old man said.

"I know Albus, stop nagging me!" My godfather replied to Albus, presumably the Albus Dumbledore who ran Hogwarts. There was a light knocking on my door. I swept my wand, cleaning the room that I had managed to somehow get messy in the two hours of being here, and shouted for the men to come in.

In entered Albus Dumbledore, with a beard as white as snow and robes that were deep plum. Along side him was my godfather, dressed in all black robes.

"Hello, Professors," I greeted, a little sullenly. My mood came and went very quickly.

"Hello Violet. I think I'll let the two of you talk." Albus gave a smile and left my room. I gestured for Severus to take a seat in the chair I had conjured up.

"Are you aware of who I am?" My godfather asked gently. I nodded. "Well, when Lily asked me to be your godfather, we agreed that if they were to die and you survive, I would take you in. For now, you may stay at Grimmauld Place as to meet others of your age group, but do not introduce yourself as yourself. You will be a Snape."

"Violet Snape. I like it. I'm sure dad's rolling over in his grave and mums slapping him." He gave a weak smile.

"At school you may introduce yourself as my adopted child, though it may make you unpopular."

"Why would I care? I would rather have someone like you as a father than be popular. Popularity is a concept. Love is an emotion." Severus gave me a weak smile.

"Come along, child. We must introduce you to the order of the Phoenix."

I apparated into a chair next to Remus, sufficiently scaring the deal out of him.

He screamed like a little girl.

"Violet! You scared me!"

"Payback!" I sang, and everyone in the meeting looked at me like I was a freakin psycho. Severus sat down, smiling at me faintly. The meeting began.

"Now, many of you may be wondering who we are joined by today. This is Violet Potter, who we recently... Recovered," Remus spoke.

"Excuse me, Remus? Recovered? You locked me in a house by myself for five years until I sent you fifteen consecutive letters!" I glared at him and he faltered under my gaze.

"Anyway," Sirius continued," it is unsafe for Violet to be known as a Potter so from now on, she is Violet Eloise Snape, in order for her true identity to be kept safe."

"Well will she be allowed to be introduced to the children?" A plum redhead asked in a kind sort of voice.

"Yes," Sev said from the end of the wooden table," she will be introduced to the children as soon as dinner, but she's my adopted child to the children."

"One question," I asked. "Can I join the order?" All of the people looked at me. "It's not like I'm an idiot. I've had all seven years if curriculum."

"I do not see why," Professor Dumbledore began," she wouldn't be able to join the order. Unless of course, Severus objects?" The gaze of the table slid from Albus to Sev. He shook his head stiffly.

"Great! I'll be a great help, seeing as I can feel Harry's emotions!" I said happily.

"Meeting dismissed!" Dumbledore called, and I prepared to meet 'the children'.

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