The Cherry And The Strawberry...

By LadyLucky13

237K 7.9K 362

Cherī Zaraki is an average teenager.. At least that's what everybody else thinks of her. Cherī is actually a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thrity Four
Chapter Thrity Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Thirty Nine

2.5K 72 6
By LadyLucky13

"Wedding ceremony?!" Ichigo questioned.

"That's right. The Kasumiohji Clan is finalizing preparations of the upcoming wedding of Shu Kannogi." Yoruichi explained.

"I never heard of him? Who is this Kannogi?" Rukia asked.

"Master Shu is Lady Rurichiyo's fiancé."

"Her fiancé? She never even told me she was engaged."

"Well that's the aristocracy for you." Kisuke said.

"There's talk that they skipped the formalities and that Shu Kannogi has already been installed as the head of the Kasumiohji Clan. So now, they want to push through the wedding ceremony as quickly as possible, that way it'll be official."

"But they can't hold a wedding ceremony without the bride. Rurichiyo is here."

"That's a good point. Still, I suppose they could get around that by using a stand-in, seeing as most people wouldn't notice the differance." Kisuke explained.

"Invitations have already been sent out to all prominent nobles in the Soul Society. On the day of the marriage, they plan to open the gates to the Kasumiohji Clan's palace and invite all the citizens to get a glimpse of the bride and join in on the celebration."

"They're trying to destroy our creditability by as many witnesses as possible!" Kenryu slammed his fist on the wooden table.

"Damn that Kumoi... He'll do anything to get what he wants!"

"When is the ceremony scheduled to take place?" Rukia asked Yoruichi.

"The day after tomorrow."

"So we're not talking about a lot of time. I'm sure Kumoi will do everything in his power to get the princess back so we have to be wery of traps. That'll be just like him." Kisuke said pointing his fan out.

"He's anticipating our actions in driving us into a cornor by removing our options one by one."

"Pretty soon we won't have any options left at all."

"Orihime is doing her best with Chad and Uyrū, but it's going to take time for her to reject the damaged inflected by the assassins."

"The assassin sword... A Bakkouto, that's what they called it right?"

"Yeah. It absorbed its widelder's reiatsu and converted it into power."

"I'm not familiar with it but I assumed you would be Kisuke."

"I know it's hard to believe but there are a few things that I don't—"

"You are treating her like a child." Cherī spoke out taking a sip of her tea.


"What did you say?!"

"You know it's true. You treat her like a child when she is going to take over as the head of the Kasumiohji Clan. She might even know that Kumoi is the one who wants her dead. She's a smart girl after all." Cherī looked at Kenryu.

"You try to hide this from her but it's no use. She probably already knows about the situation whether you like it or not." Her eyes soften at the man.

"I understand, you just want to protect the princess from the bad things that have been happening but you can't do that forever. She will grow up into the woman you and Enryu raised her to be, but right now you are only backing her up into a corner."

"And how would you know that?"

"Its simple, actually. I see it in her eyes. People often say that the eyes are the gateway to a persons soul." A second later Enryu showed up looking for Rurichiyo which Kenryu went with his friend to look for their princess. Later that late Rurichiyo left the World of the Living to return to the Soul Society. It didn't take long for her to get a message from the Head Captain.

'Damn those four! They just had to make a mess out of everything didn't they!' Cherī growled as she made her way to Squad One after being called by her grandfather for a Captains Meeting on the day of the wedding. Standing in front of the door of the meeting room she let out a sigh sencing the other Captains inside.

"I'm here, open up." She spoke, the door opened letting her inside the room noticing how tense it was.

"Grandfather... Why call me here again?"

"Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki of Squad Thirteen has interrupted the Kasumiohji wedding ceremony earlier today."

"I'm very aware about Ichigo and Rukia. In fact, I stand behind them in everything they are doing."

"You knew?"

"I did but shouldn't you be looking into this situation? Kumoi is behind all—"

"That's enough! I will keep this in mind." Cherī sighed crossing her arms knowing he wouldn't get involved with the noble clan.

"You will be staying here in the Seireitei."

"How long?"

"Until all of this is over, you'll be staying with Squad Ten barracks tonight." Cherī smiled nodding her head, resting her hand on the hilt of her Zanpakutō.

"Okay, grandfather! Tōshirō! I brought your favorite again!"

"It's Captain Hitsugaya!" Tōshirō glared at the woman with a pint tint on his cheeks.


Cherī woke up the next morning when she noticed all the Squads where running around looking for Ichigo and the others but she noticed that Shusuke Amagai's reiatsu is very close to Ichigo and Rukia along with a reiatsu she didn't know was with them as well. Tōshirō had gone off to a Captains Meeting a few minutes ago.

"Squads are fighting among themselves because of this.."

"Shouldn't you be out there with them?" Ken questioned appearing on the window sill looking out the window. She hummed nodding.

"Yeah, I guess so but do they really need my help right now?"

"I suppose not but you will have to go soon enough."

"I know, and hopefully there will be someone strong enough for you to slay. You're getting restless, Ken."

"Shut it, brat." Hours pasted as another meeting was held at Squad One. Around noon every Squad member in the Seireitei was ordered to head to the Kasumiohji Clan for treason and to search for evidence. Cherī was told by Head Captain Yamamoto to head over to the clan as soon as possible to help the Captains and their squad members.

"Finally, we got something to do." Cherī said as she ran out the barracks heading towards the Kasumiohji Clan.

"There seems to be a lot of fighting going on at the palace. Many reiatsus are flaring as they fight." Cherī also noticed her mother was there near Soi-Fon somewhere inside the clan walls. She flashed stepped standing on one of the many roofs of the buildings looking down seeing her mother, Byakuya, Tōshirō, Jūshirō and Shunsui standing there talking amoungst each other.


"Ah, Cherī, it's about time you got here."

"Jeez, the old man just told me to come here and I did. Get on him for sending me over here late." She grumbled crossing her arms over her chest.

"Do you know where Shusuke Amagai could be?"

"I expected him to be here with Ichigo and Rukia. The last I heard Shusuke was seen together with them together around the Seireitei."

"Shusuke? He entered the compound when Ikkaku and the others first stormed in but come to think of it, I haven't seen him since."

"Where is he?!" This seemed to shock the Captains.

"Why are you so concerned about him?" Tōshirō asked.

"He is the true mastermind behind this incident to gain more power."


"Allow me to explain: Kisuke contacted me and requested me that i look into the ongoing confusion regarding the logistics of the Soul Society. I began to look into every aspect I could, and while doing that I uncovered information that reveled the Kasumiohji Clan dark side. I found out that Kumoi was the first to create a Bakkouto. He applied the clans secret techniques developed over centuries for the royal family and continued to produce superior weapons. The Bakkouto allows it's wielder to gain streanth and fighting power far beyond the wielder's abilities. But wielding it can be fatal."

"We're not sure when Shusuke learned of the Bakkouto's existence but once he leard if it he approached Kumoi with the express purpose of having it." Jūshirō said.

"He set into motion his own grand plan knowing that his possession of the Bakkouto was the key element to it succeeding."

"But in order for him to do that he had to become a Squad Captain to gain a grasp of the movements of both Soul Reapers and the Soul Society." Cherī spoke. Shunsui hummed nodding. Yoruichi continued to explain to them coming to say that the Third Seat Makoto Kibune was also involved with the whole this along side him. She also said she had an idea as to why Shusuke was doing this. Cherī sighed.

"This is to much... Ken is getting restless. He wants to go out and slay a few Hollows or the assassins. He doesn't really care now."

"He can wait a little while longer until this is over."

"I sure hope so." Her ear twitch hearing feet running in their direction, turning her head see saw a little boy.

"I know you.."

"Yes, you're Shu Kannogi, Rurichiyo Kasumiohji is betrothed to you."

"All of you are Soul Reaper Squad Captains, right?" Shu looked at them after regaining his breath.

"Yes, we are. Why have you come here alone?" Tōshirō asked.

"I'm here to beg you to help Ichigo and the others!" Byakuya narrowed his eyes.


"Ichigo and Rukia are trying to catch up with Rurichiyo and Captain Amagai who's gone after the Head Captain!"

"Grandfather?!" Cherī's widen her eyes at this new found infomation.

"We need to go as well." When they showed up Shusuke was severely injured along with Ichigo.

"Shusuke, stop this!" Yoruichi yelled out but was ignored. Shusuke ran towards Yamamoto with his sword drawn running his blade through his abdomen. Everyone stared in shock at the scene in front of them.

"Grandfather!" Cherī eyes flashed red, her hand placed against the hilt of her Zanpakutō as did Jūshirō and Shunsui.

"Captain Yamamoto!"

"Old man!"

"Stand where you are!" He ordered. Cherī and the two Captains listened standing back.

"Shusuke! The Head Captain isn't the one who caused the death of your father!"


"Certainly your father was a victim, but his life was completely consumed by the Bakkouto. As you know, in the Kasumiohji Clan at that time Gyokaku Kumoi began misusing the clans special techniques for the casting of royal swords in order to develop the Bakkouto. Then, using his prototypes, he began experimenting using test subjects."

"When the Head Captain became aware of Kumoi's activities he attempted to investigate, but he was overruled. The Kasumiohji Clan used their immunity as a shield so he denied permission to investigate. However... Shinetsu Kisaragi... At the time, your father was the Head Captain's subordinate and an outstanding student. Master Genryūsai ordered him in utmost secrecy to conduct an undercover investigation but sadly..." Yoruichi and Jūshirō explained a little more on the death of Shusuke's father, said man stumbled back shocked.

"So then... He killed my father because..."

"Think of all the anguish Old Man Yama felt for having to kill his own student... Can you imagine what that felt like?" Shunsui added.

"I still regret what I did." Shusuke's eyes widen starring at the Head Captain.

"So you are Shinetsu's son? You are a lot like him." He said looking at the man in front of him as he fell to his knees.

"Head Captain, Sir! In all of this I was a shallow fool, wasn't I?"

"You need not be ashamed, son. Forgive me that I lack the ability to save you and your father's life." Getting back to his feet his plunged his blade into the ground as a ring appeared around him flames appearing.

"What? Byakuya?" Ichigo looked over his shoulder to see Byakuya had placed his hand on his shoulder.

"This man still has his dignity to uphold."

"He is a man who became a Captain. He has his own the right to end his life the way he wishes it."

"Izuru, forgive me for dragging you into such a selfish, personal matter." Izuru fell to his knees.

"Captain Amagai... "

"I've spent the best times of my life together with you and the men. Farewell." He smiled closing his eyes as the flames covered his whole body leaving nothing left.

"Captain Amagai!" Cherī sighed looking at the sunset over the horizon.

'Its finally over..'

           End of New Captain Arc

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