Barry Allen Reader Inserts

By KobayashiMarue

41.8K 990 163

HI! Come and enjoy some one shot reader inserts of our lovely Flash ;) it says it's complicated but don't hes... More

Morning cuddles
Unhappy Tummy
It's Really Him
Dance Lessons
Please Don't
Happily Ever After
Napping Games
Stupid Stunts
Don't Do That!
How Shocking
Say It Again
You're Joking
Why Not
Say Cheese
Fort Calm
You're Not Alone
Author's Note

Alright, Alright

1.1K 39 7
By KobayashiMarue


You moan as you hear your boyfriend's alarm go off, unceremoniously waking the both of you up, to your displeasure. You felt the small, pull out bed move a bit as he got up and got back to work. He has been working all day and all night on all the paperwork that has backed up over the past few months. You ask him why he dosen't just do it all speedy like, but he says he just doesn't want to rush through it and get something wrong. You turn over in the bed and look at his hunched over back. His tussled hair and wrinkled shirt almost begged for you to pull him back into the bed.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I just really need to get this done before the station thinks about firing me." He runs his hands through his hair and takes a big swig of his cold coffee.

"But they need you. You are the best forensic guru they have. They can't afford to lose you."

"That's why I was given extra time to work on this. I promise to come back to bed in a few hours. Try to get some sleep. I don't want you staying up all night again." Barry turns around and smiles at you, almost making up for the disturbed sleep. Almost.

You turn over on the bed a bit dramatically, tugging the blanket close to yourself. You stare out the window of Barry's office window, watching the sun rise over the building tops. You let out a huff of air as you try to find something to occupy your thoughts, but the scratching of Barry's pen and his cute little busy noises keep pulling your attention to him.

You turn your head slowly to look at Barry again. Then an idea came to your mind. You sneak as best as you could off the bed and to the desk that held the coffee supplies. Spying what you were looking for, you grab a couple of the small red straws and stick them up under your upper lip. Dropping to the floor, you crawl behind the table Barry is working on until you were right across from him. Slowly, you peer over the top of the table, Barry still elbow deep in his work.

Ducking under the table, you cover your mouth to stifle a laugh before you popped up again and made the most disturbing noise as you waved your arms like a walrus.

"(Y/n), honey, you sound like a T-Rex with a toothache."

Barry looked up from his work just enough to watch as your face changed from happy to frustrated. He smiles at you as he lets out a chuckle. You stick your tongue out at him, taking the straws out of your mouth. You tap them against your leg when another idea comes to mind.

You lean over the table and start poking his cheeks on each side moving to his ears. He flinches ever so slightly but does nothing more. You let your head hang as you blow out a puff of air. He is not going to make this easy. You tap the straws on the table, squinting your eyes at his beautiful face. How can you get him to pay attention to you? Suddenly, you think of something.

A small smile pulls at your lips as you take a piece of paper and start ripping it up. You look up at Barry every now and then to make sure he wasn't watching. Before you knew it, you had a little mound of tiny paper balls. Finding a bigger straw, you position yourself behind Barry and get your spitballs ready.

It is so unfair sometimes having a boyfriend who had super reflexes. He either dodged, caught or tossed back every single spitball. You try moving around the room stealthily and using more than one at a time, but it was to no avail.

"Why can't you be like all the other slow pokes on this dumb planet?" You grumble as you crouch behind a file cabinet, trying one more time to get at least one stuck on him. But what you don't know is that Barry himself was sneaking up behind you.

Once he got close enough, Barry wraps his around you, pulling you close to his chest. You let out a shout of surprise that ends in giggles as Barry buried his face in your shoulder, placing a little kiss on your neck.

"Then I will need a new nickname than The Flash." He whispered.

"Speak for yourself there slick. You're lucky I didn't stab you with this straw." You laugh as you turn your head to look at him. Your eyes trace over his features, making your stomach fill with butterflies and a smile take over your face.

"Ooo, how terrifying." He chuckles as he turns you to fit more comfortably in his arms. "So are you done assaulting me now?"

You squint your eyes at him again. "How long have you been done with your work?"

"About fifteen minutes. I found it quite amusing to watch you crawl everywhere." He laughs as you lightly shoved him away, throwing a handful of dry paper scraps at his face.

"So now will you come back to bed?" You flop onto the squeaky pull out bed, half-heartedly trying to cover yourself with the blanket.

"Possibly. I just have to do one more thing."

You groan as you bury your face in a pillow. Suddenly you let out a yelp when you felt a sting on your leg. Then another on your butt. That made you turn around.

"Hey now!"

"Come on, sniper, you lose your game?"

"Oh, that's it!"

You tumble our of bed and grab one of your fallen straws as well as a handful of your earlier discarded paper scraps. The two of you spit and ran around the room, laughing, tripping and keeping score. At one point Barry had to stop to catch his breath from laughing so hard so you took your shot. Right, smack dab in the middle of his forehead. That did you in. You collapsed on the floor in a fit of laughter.

Barry stands with the paper wad still stick to his forehead and walks over to you, picking you up bridal style and plopped the both of you on the bed. You turn to look at him in his sea green eyes, laughing at his war wound.

"Now aren't you glad I was so annoying." You say as you flick the stuck wad off his face.

"More than glad. Ecstatic." Barry kisses your nose as you snuggle closer to him.

"And?" You whisper as your eyes start to close.

Barry kisses the top of your head and covers the both of you with the warm blanket. "And you are not at all annoying." He whispers, stroking your hair.

"That's right babe, good answer." You mumble as you drift off to sleep, melting in Barry's arms.

Barry smiles as he pulls you a tad closer, trying to think of another reason to keep you in his arms. A shine from somthing on the table gave him an idea and he fell asleep wondering how to get one on your finger.

Here you go doll! Hope you liked it! unicorngodess

Sup guys! So sorry I have been so distant with this one! It is proving to be difficult to find season two. BUT, I have some ideas on the way. Same with my Star Trek book ;) Y'all are fantastic for the attention and love! You know what to do. Kisses!

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