You're My Future

By kellic_39

15.2K 735 222

Kellin is from a future of hell. In year 2050, there are world wars and chaos and complete horror. When Kelli... More

You're My Future
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22- Final Chapter

Chapter 15

535 30 18
By kellic_39

Chapter 15-

May 28th, 2013

Kellin's POV:

"I don't want to go." Vic said leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Come on, It's fine. Danny probably won't even be there." I said.

"Can't we just skip school today? Just you and me. We can do whatever you want." Vic said, trying to convince me. We were in his car in the parking lot of the school building and as much as I didn't want to go to school and face things, I learned that 'it's better sooner than later'. Kevin told me these things sometimes.

"What I want to do is go to school. It will be fine, I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you." I said. He tilted his head up to look at me. I leaned down and pecked him on the lips softly.

"Okay, fine." Vic said, giving into my actions.

We got out of the car and walked into the school building. As soon as we got in every single person immediately planted their eyes on us. I squeezed Vic's hand to let him know that I was sort of nervous but when I looked at him I could tell he was more nervous than I was. As we turned the hallway, we saw Jaime, Mike, Justin and Gabe standing together. I finally remembered all of Vic's friends names.

"Hey." Vic said. They all looked at him and gave him disappointing looks.

"You didn't hear yet." Gabe said.

"Hear what?" Vic asked.

"Danny was put in the hospital. His head injuries were so serious that....." Gabe said not finishing his sentence.

"That what?!" Vic said seriously. He looked at me than back at Vic.

"He might not make it." Justin said, completing Gabe's sentence. At that moment, I felt like I was just stabbed in the back. Vic looked at me nervously. I let go of his hand and backed away a little. He stepped towards me and grabbed both my hands.

"Kellin, it's okay. Don't freak out, it's fine." he said.

"No, Vic. It's not. He could die! I might have killed him!" I said.

"No you didn't. Please don't think about it like that." he said.

"Oh my god." I whispered as I ran from Vic and into the bathroom. I turned on the sink and splashed my face with some water. I leaned my elbows on the rims of the sink.

If I was this upset about killing Danny, a guy that meant nothing to me, I would never be able to do this to Vic. I don't want to do this anymore. I should never have come here. I'm really starting to like Vic and I can't imagine myself doing this to him.

"Kellin." I heard Vic say from behind me.

"Vic, I can't do this." I said.

"It's okay babe." Vic said. He put his arms around my waist. It felt so comforting just to know it was him.

"No, it's not." I said turning around to look at him, "What's gonna happen if he dies? What are his parents gonna do? How would they feel? I can't believe this I just-" I started rambling to Vic shut me up with a kiss. I relaxed against his lips and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. After a little while I pulled back realizing we were in a public place. No one was in there anyways.

"Listen, as long as you're with me you'll be okay." Vic said comfortingly.

"Okay." I said blushing and giving into his adorableness. We walked out of the bathroom and back to Vic's friends.

"Are you okay?" Jaime asked. I grabbed Vic's hand and held it in mine.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said looking at Vic. He looked back at me and pecked me on the cheek. I smiled and blushed.

"Kellin Quinn?" I heard a voice say from behind me. It was Mrs. Hills, our principal.

"Yes?" I said nervously.

"Please come with me." she said seriously.

"Mom, what's going on?" Justin asked. I knew that Mrs. Hills was Justins mom so it didn't surprise me when he said that.

"Justin, it's none of you business. Kellin, please come with me." she said seriously. I looked at Vic nervously and followed her down the hallway. I got glances and looks from people as I walked behind her. I knew exactly what she was gonna say, I just had no idea what I was gonna say.

We got into her ofiice and she motioned for me to take a seat across from her. I sat down as she sat behind the brown, wooden desk. I looked around the office. I had never been in a room that was so modern yet safisticated. It has awards and file cabinets and a picture of Justin and his mom together.

"Kellin." Mrs. Hills said, interrupting my thoughts, "You probably know why I brought you in here, right?" she said. I nodded in approval.

"Well then, you may not know this, but this school has zero tolerance for violence." she explained.

"I know. And I'm really sorry, but they were hurting Vic and I was trying to protect him. They have hurt him many times before." I said.

"I've never seen this happen and Vic has never came to me personally and told me of this. And Danny's injuries are very severe." she said seriously. Hearing that made me feel as if a rock dropped in my stomach.

"But they could have done the same thing to him!" I agrued.

"Kellin, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I have no choice but to expell you." she said. My jaw dropped and my eyes grew wide.

"No, no, no, you can't do this, please! I just got to this school." I yelled. I really just wanted to stay in school for the expirience of it. I had never gone to an actual school before so this was so amazing for me. Even though the 'learning' part was kind of boring.

"Kellin, you used physical violence against another student and he's been severly injured. He's in the hospital. You might have to go through serious charges and law suits if anything worse happens." she said.

"I can take all of that, just please don't expell me." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but I have no choice. You have the rest of this day to pack up your things." she said. I could tell she wasn't the slightest bit sorry at all. I got up and angrily walked out of the office. I walked the hallways in search of Vic. I couldn't find him so I texted him to meet me in the bathroom we were just in.

I waited about 5 minutes before Vic came into the bathroom. I immidiatley grabbed him and hugged him. He returned the hug and comfortingly rubbed my back. I began to feel myself wanting to cry. I rested my forehead on his shoulder and he kissed my head softly. He pulled back from the hug and looked at me.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I got expelled." I said. His eyes widened and he gave me a sorrowful look.

"Aw baby. I'm so sorry." he said hugging me again.

"It's okay it's not your fault." I said.

"No, it is. If it wasn't for me this wouldn't have happened. Im such a fuck up sometime." he said.

"No Vic. You know that's not at all true. You're so amazingly perfect and that's why I did it. I wanted to protect you and I didn't want you to get hurt. I don't care about getting expelled if it means keeping you safe." I said. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, moving my lips against his. He slowly gluided his tongue against mine as I released a soft moan from the back of my throat. He laughed at that sound and looked at me.

"If you want we can leave today. I don't really care." he said. Of course he didn't, he didn't want to come to school in the first place.

"Can we go somewhere?" I asked.

"Sure. Where?" he asked.

"The hospital."

(At the hospital)

We got out of the car and walked into the giant, brick building. As soon as we got in there were people in wheelchairs and people in beds. I looked around for Danny, but I didn't see him. We got to the front desk where a nurse was sitting.

"Hi, what room is Danny Worsnop in?" Vic asked.

(A/N: Yes, this is the Danny from Asking Alexandria. Okay, proceed.)

"Um, let me check." the nurse said, not taking any attention off the computer, "He's on the second floor, room 217. Are you coming to visit?" she asked.

"Yeah." Vic answered. She smiled as we walked away. We went up to the second floor and searched the hallway for room 217. When we got to it we opened the door quietly and walked in.

There he was. Laying on the bed asleep, with his head all bandaged up. He also had a black eye and a couple bruises on his arms. I gasped at the sight as Vic grabbed my hand and tried to calm me down. I looked at the heart monitors and scanners.

"Oh my god." I whispered. Vic didn't say anything, he just stared at Danny's injured body. Just then, Danny began to move a little. I backed up in fear but Vic didn't so I backed into him. Danny opened his eyes and looked at me. He mumbeled something and then he started struggling around in his bed.

 He held out his hand and motioned for me to come closer.

"Come here." he whispered. I looked at Vic and then looked back at him. I walked closer and looked at him. As our eyes met I examined the bloodshot look they had. He still motioned for me to come closer. I bent down to see what he had to say. Instead of saying anything, he grabbed my neck and tried to choke me. I gasped for air and tried to take his arm off but he held his grip, Then Vic came over and pulled me away.

I flew back into Vic's arms as he hugged me to calm me down. I regained my breath and looked at Danny. He was once again spazzing out as his heart monitor beat out of control. I felt my own heart beating fast as doctors rushed in.

"You need to leave, now." one of the doctors said as he forced me and Vic out of the room. He shut the door in our faces as I turned around and looked at him. He looked worried. I sat down in a chair outside the room and put my face in my hands.

"I'm a murderer." I said.

"Kellin, don't think like that. He deserved it." Vic said sitting down next to me.

"No one deserves to die Vic!" I said loudly. He paused for a second then sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It's just that..... he's made my life hell for such a long time and, I don't know, I just like being on the other side. Not being the one in pain. But I'm not saying he should die." he said. I felt a tear stream down my face. Vic noticed it and he put his arm around me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be sorry." Vic said in response.

We waited there for almost an hour before the doctor came outside the room. We both stood up to talk to him. He had an upset look on his face.

"Please tell me he's okay." I said.

He sighed and looked at me, "I'm so sorry to tell you this." he said. He paused and didn't say anything.

"What?" Vic asked.

The doctor looked at us, "Your friend is dead."

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