' Saved by the Gang Leader '

By _angelstories98_

88.7K 2K 379

Sometimes life plays weird games... Meet Angela Carper, a 18yold girl who lives in California with her uncle... More

Chapter 2 : Crazy girl
Chapter 3: David !!!
Chapter 4: ' What the f*ck did just happened ?!?'
Chapter 5: 'You're coming with me'
Chapter 6: ' My life my rules '
Chapter 7: Pancakes !
Chapter 8: ' This is not gonna be good...'
Chapter 9: ' Do I care more than I thought ?'
Chapter 10: ' What did I just said..?!'
Chapter 11: ' Don't call me goodie-goodie !'
Chapter 12: ' Fro-yo '
Chapter 13: Touch her and I'll kill you!

Chapter 1: ' You're weird '

18.4K 292 64
By _angelstories98_

This is the first chapter of my 1st ever story. Thanks for checking in. Quick disclaimer I'm not American so if you see any grammar mistakes I apologize. But just roll with it. Ok enough with that thanks again and I hope you enjoy my story😉😚

P.S On the top there is a photo of Angela

(I am only putting photos of the characters in order for you to have a general idea of how I want the characters to look like. But it's totally up to you. I don't want to stop your imagination so in your mind the characters can look however you want. :))

Ok enough with this I'm done.

Peace out✌

Angelas POV

Finally last day of my summer job !!! From now on I'm going to be a college student how awesome is this ! Wish I could believe it myself. I mean don't get me wrong I waited all my life for this day but I would be a liar if I didn't say that I'm very nervous about tomorrow. Ahh anyways just relax Angela this is just a new begging , and don't forget that you're not alone Nadia and Jena are gonna be with you so chilll.

9:15pm and I'm walking my way home . Well the distance between my job and my house isn't very big but isn't too small either.

-Ahh it's so boring ! I can't believe I forgot my earphones home , I mean who forgets something as important as earphones !!?- I was arguing with my self once again. Well I use to do this a lot especially when I'm alone...don't judge me.

Suddenly I spot a guy getting of from a dark corner and walking in front of me . And let me tell you it was a GOOD looking guy. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not the type of girl who when sees a cutie is all like : 'how you doin ?'
But when I see something that good looking I have no other choice than to admire it.

As he was walking he put his hand in his pocket to take of his phone because it was ringing and his keys fell of but he didn't noticed it. So as a good girl that I am I decided to pick them up and give them to him.

-Hey your keys fell of- I say to him with a friendly smile on my face
When he turned to look at me with his phone still on its hand he only said one thing.
-Watch Out !!!- He yelled, covered me with his body and pushed me behind a big garbage can.
Before I even understand what is happening I heard a lot of gunshots through our destination . And let me tell you...my heart almost fell of my chest.

-Stay here- the cute guy says while he is taking a gun from behind him and going after the guys that are shooting us. How did i not noticed that earlier ?

From the place where I am I'm safe from the bullets but I can also kinda see what is happening .There are 3 guys dressed in black (how cliche) who are shooting my cute guy. Yeah cute guy I mean I don't even know his name and he also tried to help me so he can't be bad...can he?

-Aaaa- his scream got me out of my thoughts . He has been shot. Someone shot him. I do the first thing that comes into my mind and run towards him.
I ben down next to him and look at his shot arm omg he is bleeding .

-What are you doing get out of here - he says to me while he is grabbing his bloody arm with his other hand.
- What the hell are you saying you have been shot and you're bleeding I don't leave you here!- I say to him
-what does this chick doing over here-
I hear those guys say and I have to say that just with a quick glance at them I can say that they are bad knews.
-just get her out of here- one of them says and I can see them coming close to me
This is when my cute/bleeding guy gets up and pushes me back in order to protect me pointing his gun to them.
-Step beside Henderson you know we can just kill both of you right now- one of them (the older one) says .
-I wonna see you try - my cute guy says
And Ok at this point I've had enough.
-ok listen up you all !- I say getting away from cuties back
-you better get away right now or else I'm calling the police - I say showing them my phone
-so you're gonna get the police huh? I should have shot you when I had the chance - the older guy again says .
-final chance are you leaving ? You do know that the police station is just two blocks from here right ?-
They just looked at each other and didn't say anything
Finally one of them speaks
-you are not gonna do this - he says
-oh really ?- I say while I'm dialing the number and put my phone on my ear
-hello police station I need your help. Me and my friend have been attacked by some strangers and we need your...- before I even finish my sentence they had all disappeared. That's right you don't mess with me...Ouu I got really sassy over here. Oh we'll

-so friend ?- I hear the cute guy saying from behind. I almost forgot about him.
- ugh yeah . What did you expected me to say ? ME and a random guy that i don't even know and just met have been attacked ?- I tell him
He didn't say anything he just smirked . Damn he looks good.
-well again you shouldn't have got involved I was doing fine plus you put yourself in danger what's wrong with you- He says with tense
-just fine !? Excuse me but aren't you the one with the bleeding arm ? - I say to him with my famous sarcasm . Yeah I have to say that I'm a very sarcastic person . SorryNotSorry
-I could still get them- He says
-yeah right..- I said rolling my eyes
-and why the hell did you have to call the cops they would be an even worse problem !-
Well lucky for him (I guess) I haven't
- I didn't call the police - I say
-What ?- He says with a confused face
- I mean come on I'm not an idiot if the cops came here it would be a bigger mess and who knows how we would end up. So I played it. And thankfully they bite on it-
-so you're telling me that you made 3 gang members get lost just with a fake police call ?- He says
-yeahh pretty much - I say like it wasn't big of a deal
-you're weird - he says with a smirk on his face and trys to leave
- woah woah woah - I say
-where do you think you're going ?-
-home !?- He says like it's the most obvious thing to say
-are you kidding me ? Your arm is bleeding ! You're going nowhere except from the hospital .- I say firmly to him
- you wish - he says and tries to leave but I block his way
-look thanks for the help today even though I was doing just fine but I'm not going to the hospital and end of story-
- look you're bleeding and you need help I'm not leaving until you accept my help.- I say to him
He hufs
- you don't give up easily do you ?-
-congrats you finally understood it now will you let me help you ?- I say to him
-chill girl - he says to me
-ok fine you can help me,- he tells me
-finally !- I say In relief
- but I'm not going to the hospital - he states
- you're such a dickhead !- I say
- Hey watch what are you saying girl !- he tells while getting closer to me . I guess I pissed him of well someone doesn't know how to joke around. But dear god he is now too close to me . And the light from a lamp that's next to us lights up his face in the dark and boy he looks so damn hot. God focus Angela.
- uhm uhm ok I'm sorry jeez - I say while getting away from his sight beacause I honestly don't know what could possibly happened if I didn't .
-So ..- i say
- since you don't want to go to the hospital the best thing that I can think of is to come to my house and use my emergency kit that has everything you need to kinda fix your arm - I don't know If this is a good idea but he needs help and I mean he helped me, he helped a stranger girl from getting shot by putting his life in danger so he can't do something bad to me at least I wish.
- if it is to get rid of you ...- Well isn't he nice
- you're welcome - I say , again the sarcasm
- where do you leave?- he asks
- it is not to far from here - I say
- ok let's just take my car and I'll drive us there -
- uhm I don't think you have understood but your arm is bleeding and I'm not gonna get in a car with a bleeding armed guy driving -
-you are over reacting I can barely even feel it... aoutch -
-yeah right...-
-where is your car ?-
-over there -
-great give me your keys - I say
- you're kidding !?-
-give me your keys ! - I demand this time
- you think I'm gonna give the keys to my baby to a crazy girl like you ?-
- thanks for the compliment and yes ! If you want me to take care of your arm and get "rid" of me as soon as possible - I say and I think he got the message . 'Surprised'

His car was honestly a dream coming true I can understand why he is calling it his baby. It was a shinny black BMW And Omg was feeling so good driving it.

After a while we got to my house and I set him on the living room while I got upstairs to take the emergency kit. My aunt and uncle where at work so I don't have to worry about them . You see they work in a factory and their hours are from 9pm til 7am so we were ok.

-aoutch be careful there-
-oh don't act like a baby - I tease him while he is honestly dying from the pain from when I put the alcohol on his cut . But what did he expect ? He was the one who didn't wonna go to the hospital . Thankfully the cut wasn't too deep though cause the bullet came accross his arm.
I could hear him curse under his breath and I couldn't help but laugh.
- what's so funny ?- he asks
-you - I answer and it seemed like he didn't expect this answer
- oh so I look funny to you now ?- he says with a " you just dismised my manliness " look
- well I wouldn't say excactly "funny"..' I say while I finish wrapping his arm with tha gaze and get up while continue teasing him. He looks pissed of but I honestly can't help it
- I think the proper word would be ...adorable- I say with a smile
Then he just smirks and suddenly grabs me from my arm and pushes me on the wall looking straight into my eyes or should I say soul..
Damn I don't know what to feel right now but having his beautiful blue eyes starring at me isn't much of a help.
- do not ever call me 'adorable' again- he states
I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say he caught me of guard . And honestly I have to admit that he scared me a little.

This is when he releases me and continues..
-thanks for the help, I hope to never see you again - says and leaves my house
- it was nice to me you to - I say

What a weird guy ! Oh well probably I'll never see him again though . But damn he was hot. Easy there girl.
Ahh tonight was a tough night...I need some ice cream...


Well hello there beautiful ! Welcome to my first chapter of my first ever book feeling special ?😉 you should be😆 Anyways what do you think ? Come on I want to hear your opinions !
Like and comment plz💋❤💋❤

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