The Lightning Empress [Cobra...

By DistantSpark

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Like most of the Fairy Tail wizards, Jasmine joined the guild as a child. She became best friends with a boy... More

First Crush, First Love, First Heartbreak
The Lightning Empress
The Fairies vs The Phantoms
The Battle of Fairy Tail
Meet the Oración Seis
The Guy She Used to Love
Always on the Mind
Titania and the Demon to the Rescue
Spa Day
Gajeel Redfox vs Jasmine Drake
Grimoire Heart Invasion: Jasmine vs Libitina
After Seven Years
The Grand Magic Games
Four Dragons: Rogue & Ashley vs. Gajeel & Jasmine
You're a Fool, but you're My Fool
Grand Magic Games Winner
Princess Jasmine
The Wrath of Maleficent
💗Valentine's Day Special💗
The Grand Ball
The Life Changing Mission: An Alternate Universe
Start All Over
Finding Her Interest: Basketball
Sneak Preview into the Current Drama
After School Hangout
For the Love of Boxing
The Beginning of It All
I Spy
New Hope
A Total Nightmare
The Broken Heart
The Broken Curse
The Capture of Vikki
Author's Note 📝

The Lightning-Poison Dragon

703 18 0
By DistantSpark

The six members of the Oracion Seis had completely defeated the Allied Forces. The dark guild left the unconscious mages there on the ground while they walked back to their hideout.

"Cobra," Brain called without looking at the maroon haired man. "I trust that you dealt with the Lightning Empress."

"Oh yeah," Cobra smirked. "I dealt with her. I doubt she'll be bothering us anytime soon."

"Hmm, what did you do to her exactly?" Angel asked, curious.

"That's for me to know and you not to." Cobra growled.

"A little hostile, are we?"

"I don't care what Cobra did to that chick, as long as he put her down for good." Racer grumbled, holding his broken nose.

Cobra bit his bottom lip in order to prevent himself from speaking. Don't call her a 'chick', you living Pinocchio. I should bury you alive for that comment. He gripped his pants tightly with his hands which were shoved in his pockets.

 Two Hours Later . . .

"My head hurts." Lucy whined, rubbing her head.

The Allied Forces had finally woken up. One by one, they sat up off the ground and groaned in discomfort.

"Same here." Natsu groaned. "Feels like my head is gonna explode."

"Those guys were pretty tough." Gray commented.

"Took me by surprise." Lyon agreed.

"I think I'm gonna go." Raph spoke up, his wings appearing.

Everyone's head whipped in his direction.

"Go!?!" Happy exclaimed. "Go where!?!"

"I have to find Jasmine." The green cat said with a serious expression. He knew she ran off to chase after Cobra. And he knew that Jasmine still had feelings for him. But obviously this is not the same person that they had spent so much time with at Fairy Tail.

Cobra was now the enemy.

"I'm gonna find her and meet up with you guys later." Raph said.

"Are you sure you should go alone?" Lucy asked.

"He'll be fine." Erza groaned, holding her right arm. During the earlier fight, she had been bitten by Cubellious, Cobra's snake. "He is Jasmine's partner after all." She gave the tiny green cat a forced smile.

"Thanks, Erza." Raph forced a smile back. With that being said, he took off, flying in the sky. 

As he flew, he looked down at the ground for his human partner.

He saw a body lying on the ground between some bushes. Flying down towards the ground, Raph noticed that this person was Jasmine.

Jasmine's body lied there unconscious, and covered in bruises.

"Jasmine?" Raph called in a quiet voice. He landed beside his partner, his wings disappearing. What did that guy do to you? He grimaced in his head.

He put a paw on Jasmine's arm, as if comforting her as well as himself.

Raphael stayed by Jasmine's side for hours. As the day went on, the sun began to set, the sky going from sky blue to that common red-orange sunset color.

When Jasmine began to groan and squirm, Raph knew that she was coming back to consciousness.

Jasmine slowly opened her eyes and was immediately met with the sunset.

"Jasmine, how are you?" Raph asked, his voice full of concern.

"I'm . . . I'm fine." Jasmine replied, her voice surprisingly soft. Then it went back to normal. "Ow." She groaned, rubbing her head.

"Jasmine," Raph spoke up, "what happened between you and him?"

Jasmine stiffened at the question. She knew who 'him' referred to and she knew that Raph knew everything about her feelings, being her partner and all. So she confessed. She told Raph about her and Cobra's bloody battle.

Raphael is the only person that Jasmine will open up to.

He's the only person she trusts.

As Jasmine told him what happened, Raph's face held several emotions.





He's definitely changed. Raph thought.

"I . . ." Jasmine began after a brief moment of silence. ". . I want to confront him."

"What?" Raph's eyes widened. "Jasmine, are you sure? I mean, what you need are some bandages!"

"I have to confront him." She replied immediately. "I'm going to show him that I've moved on."

You sure about that? Raph sighed, his wings appearing. "Alright." He said. "Let's go."

Raph climbed on to Jasmine's back and carried her through the sky.

It took the two a while to find any form of life around. They could find neither the Oracion Seis or the Allied Forces.

That is, until they came across what appeared to be "a walking city".

In the distance, directly above the moving city, they saw faint figures flying in the sky.

"That's Natsu!" Raph said, and as you got closer you could see that Natsu was there, being carried by Happy.

The Flame Dragon Slayer's opponent: Cobra who was standing on his flying snake, Cubellious.

From the look of things, Natsu and Cobra had been fighting for a while.

Natsu had poison coming from his body. He was also slumped over as if he had went unconscious.

And one of his eyes was swollen shut.

"Natsu, hang in there!" Happy pleaded.

"I can hear it." Cobra smirked, "The poison moving through your body, the slowing of your heartbeat, the shutting down of your internal organs. I can hear it all." I can also hear you, Jasmine. His eyes glanced at her approaching form for a split second before he looked back at Natsu.

"Oh yeah?" Natsu laughed weakly. "I can hear something too. Me kicking your butt!"

"Not a chance." Cobra growled. "I'll make your death quick, Pyro!" He got into a stance that just gave Jasmine a really bad gut feeling.

He won't be able to take that attack. Jasmine calculated in her head. "Natsu, get out of the way!" She shouted.

Natsu's head whipped in her direction, his good eye widened. "Jasmine? What are you doing here?"

"That's not important! Just move!"

"No! I can handle, Cobra! I've got to make sure he regrets leaving Fairy Tail and hurting you!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't regret anything." Cobra said. "Now, get lost! Poison Dragon's Crushing Fang!"

He's a dragon slayer!?! Raph thought.

"Raph, fly me in. Hurry!" Jasmine pleaded.

Raph wanted to protest. Jasmine was his best friend. There was no way that he wanted to put her in danger.

But the look on Jasmine's face said it all.

He did as he was told and flew Jasmine towards the action. She pushed Natsu out of the way and took on the attack herself.

"Jasmine!" Natsu shouted.

"Oh?" Cobra said, his eyebrows raised. She's fast. I didn't even hear her.

The poisonous fangs sunk it's teeth into each side of Jasmine's abdomen. She screamed in pain as Raph, Natsu, and Happy watched with tear-filling eyes.

C'mon, Jasmine, you've been through worse than this. The Lightning Dragon Slayer told herself, her eyes slammed shut as she tried to endure the pain. You were raised by Jupiter after all. C'mon! You have to confront your past. And your past is right there in front of you. You've got to move on!

"I'll do whatever it takes." She grunted through grited teeth, opening her eyes."I already heard all of your thoughts." Cobra said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You can't hide anything from me." And you won't hurt me.

"There's one thing you don't know." Jasmine laughed weakly. "It's something that I kept myself from thinking about. Because this is pure instinct. I don't know if it'll work or not."

Cobra narrowed his eyes at her. "What are you-" Then his eyes widened as he read her mind. "There's no way that's possible!"

Jasmine opened her mouth and took a deep breath. Then the poison from around her, as well as the poison that was coming off of Natsu's body, started flowing into Jasmine's mouth.

"Wha-" Natsu gasped, astonished.

"Jasmine, you can't!" Raph shouted in a panic.

She ignored the pleas of her comrades and continued to scarf down the reddish black poison.

Once it was all inside of her, she swallowed amd wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Heh," She smirked and chuckled, looking at Cobra who was still in a state of shock. "Let's see if this works!" She said, puffing her cheeks out. "Lightning-Poison Dragon's-"

"J-Jasmine, you wouldn't." Cobra stuttered. "I-It's me, Erik."

Not anymore. Jasmine thought, knowing he could hear her. "-Roar!" She shouted, a perfect mixture of lightning and poison coming from her mouth.

Cobra attempted to shield himself with his arms, but the attack hit him head on. He grunted in pain, staggering back and falling off of Cubellious.

He fell from the sky, landing hard on the moving city with a thud.

The way his clothes were now torn off of his body, shows the effect of Jasmine's duel-dragon mode.

As soon as Cobra landed, he slipped out of consciousness.

His snake partner flew down towards him and curled up next to his unconscious body.

"Jasmine, are you alright!" Raph said, worried.

"Yeah, that was amazing! You've got to show me how to do that sometime!" Natsu exclaimed, a sparkle in his eye.

"Heh, yeah I'm fi-" Jasmine mumbled weakly before she too lost consciousness.

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