His Secret [Completed]

By _soph_9

1.5M 47.1K 3.6K

Despite Sophia defying the odds and securing a job at the most prestigious company in New York City, she stru... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Original: Chapter 1 - Joey's
Original: Chapter 2 - Mr Noah McKenzie
Original: Chapter 3 - Married?
Original: Chapter 4 - Let's talk...
Original: Chapter 5 - Answer me now!
Original: Chapter 7 - Is he on his period?
Original: Chapter 8 - Date?
Original: Chapter 9 - The Gala [1]
Original: Chapter 10 - The Gala [2]
Original: Chapter 11 - The Gala [3]
Original: Chapter 12 - Brooke?
Original: Chapter 13 - Sleep well Princess
Original: Chapter 14 - God I hate that bitch
Original: Chapter 15 - Complicated
Original: Chapter 16 - Strong, Independant Woman
Original: Chapter 17 - The boat house
Original: Chapter 18 - Inside the mind of Noah
Original: Chapter 19 - Hawaii
Original: Christmas Special - A trip to the past
Original: Chapter 20 - Jasmine
Original: Chapter 21 - Revenge
Original: Chapter 22 - Brad
Original: Chapter 23 - Revenge Plan
Original: Chapter 24 - Pizza and Chick-fliks
Original: Chapter 25 - Quad Bikes
Original: Chapter 26 - Party
Original: Chapter 27 - Unwanted Guest
Original: Chapter 28 - Dragon
Original: Chapter 29 - Hangover
Original: Chapter 30 - James
Original: Chapter 31 - Shopping Trip
Original: Chapter 32 - Clothes, Money, Men
Original: Chapter 33- 25th Birthday
Original: Chapter 34 - The envelope
Original: Chapter 35 - How much!
Original: Chapter 36 - Vacation
Original: Chapter 37 - 12 hours
Original: Chapter 38 - Midnight walks
Original: Chapter 39 - Love affairs
Original: Chapter 40 - Investments
Original: Chapter 41 - Transfers
Original: Chapter 42 - Family Is Everything
Original: Chapter 43 - Sorry
Original: Chapter 44 - Reunited
Original: Chapter 45 - Trackers
Original: Chapter 46 - The Plan
Original: Chapter 47 - Fear
Original: Chapter 48 - To Win You Have To Lose
Original: Chapter 49 - Pain
Original: Chapter 50 - Bonus Chapter

Original: Chapter 6 - Half naked...

37.6K 1.2K 250
By _soph_9

This bed is as comfortable as a cloud (if you could lay on a cloud that is) I thought as I rubbed my eyes. I picked up my phone and looked at the time 3:37 am. I must have fallen asleep since I was wearing the same clothes from earlier.

I laid there for a bit thinking about how much better my life has got in the past week. I can't believe it, this stuff only happens in books.

My stomach made a loud, unattractive growl, so I stood up and went to the kitchen to see if there was any food already here otherwise I'm going to starve. I found some bread in a cupboard and placed a slice into the toaster. I searched the fridge for some jam and noticed there was also some milk in the fridge, so I poured myself a glass and sat at the island while I waited for my toast.

I sipped the milk, but dropped the cup slipped from my hands as I went to place it down and the milk spilt all over my green dress; before I had a mini panic attack I took the dress off right there in the kitchen so I was left in my underwear.

Since no one else was here I trudged around the apartment with the dress in hand to find the washing basket to put my dress in so that I can wash it when I wake up tomorrow. I couldn't find the utility room so I went back to the kitchen and left it on the floor in the corner.

I cleaned up the milk spilt on the counter with some paper towels and washed up the glass. I went over to the toaster thinking that my toast was ready but it wasn't, I glanced at the timer and realised I had set it way too high, there was a weird burnt smell cast over the kitchen.

"Oh crap" I said and pulled the toast out of the toaster throwing it on the counter because it was too hot to hold. As they say bad things always come in 3, first I spilt milk all over myself, now I have burnt myself. I wonder what the third thing will b-

"Sophia..." A shadowy figure said walking towards me. "Where are you?" Oh my gosh, it's Mr McKenzie I mentally screamed realising that I was standing there in only my underwear, and tried to hide behind the island counter. "What's that burning smell?"

As Mr McKenzie got closer his facial features came into sight and I could see the shocked look on his face. I felt his eyes scanning my body but I didn't know what to do I was frozen, it's been so long since I have hand any sort of male attention.

"I was making some toast because I was hungry but I burnt it" I attempted to fake laugh, trying not to be so self conscious.

"And you are undressed, why?" Noah questioned looking at me again, this time only at my eyes.

"I spilt milk on my dress" I said and pointed to my green dress in a pile on the floor. What is Mr McKenzie doing here anyway I wondered. "I didn't know you were still here" I tried changing the conversation, but my mind drifted to his appearance. 

Mr McKenzie was dressed in a pair of basketball shorts hanging from his waist. I could see his abs and every inch of his body looked like he worked out 5 times a week. His bed hair looked perfect, even though it was sticking up in all directions.

"I live here" He replied as if I was supposed to know that. Noah walked over to my dress, picked it up and put it into the utility room which was just off to the left of the living room. I didn't say anything because I was too embarrassed and so I just tried to walk away without him noticing.

"I didn't expect to see you practically naked Miss Jenkins" Noah said with a slight smirk, and then concealed it with a cough.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't realise that you also lived here" I replied moving further behind the island

"How many times Sophia, it's Noah outside of work" He said with frustration, what is it with his frustration over me calling him Noah and not Mr McKenzie."And it's fine, it took me a bit by surprise but I could get used to it" I gave him a puzzled look and he rubbed the back of his neck, did he really just say that?

Noah walked closer to me just like back at my apartment, but this time I turned around and sprinted back to my room before he could corner me again. I shut the door, locked it and laid back on the bed. I can't believe my boss saw me in my underwear! I'm so embarrassed I could die right now.

"Sophia..." Noah whispered and knocked on the door softly"...can I come in?"

"Ummm" I replied and covered myself as best as I could with a blanket before the door was flung open.

Noah walked into my room and smiled at me, he sat across from me on the small chair in the corner of the room, lifted his foot to his knee and rested it there, then put his elbows on the arms of the chair "Are you okay?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I wiped a tear from beneath my ear, oh that's why he asked.

"You kind of just ran away from me a minute ago" He replied. Why does he take things to heart all of the time? I just wanted to put some clothes on before I embarrassed myself some more.

"Oh, well I just felt uncomfortable talking to you with not much on, since you are my boss" I replied and saw Noah's face drop

"Is that all you think of me as?" He asked "You don't see me as a friend?"

"Of course I do, but I just don't understand why you are mean to me" I replied regretting the words that just escaped my mouth. He has been nothing but kind to me and I only said that because I am confused about my feelings.

"Mean to you? I am letting you live in my apartment for free, I gave you a job at my company and you are telling me that I am mean to you!" Noah shouted, now standing at the end of the bed glaring at me.

I felt another tear slide down my face, but I wiped it away immediately and sniffed inward. I don't know why this is getting to me. More and more tears fall down my face and I can't stop them.

"Noah, please just leave me alone" I manage to whisper but he doesn't, instead he walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed, placing his hand on my leg and rubbing it gently to calm me down.

"Sophia, I'm so sorry I just can't control myself. I've always had these issues, where my anger shows through most times I speak and I can't help it. You just frustrate me... you are infuriating." Noah says rubbing his temples.

I laid my head back onto my pillow and closed my eyes not knowing what to say to that confession. Was it much of a confession? Noah slid up the bed and laid next to me, although the bed was big there was not much space between because he laid as close as he could to me, I didn't mind though whenever I was around him, I just felt safe like nothing could ever hurt me again. 

"Please Sophia talk to me" Noah pushed and turned on his side and looked at me propping his head on his hand.

"I have nothing to say" I replied, because it was the truth and he kept silent breathing in and out slowly.

My life has been turned upside down, and shaken this past week and I have no one to turn to. No real friends or any family left. Now Noah wants to be my friend as well as my boss. I don't think I can put myself through the trauma of any more doomed friendships.

"Sir- I umm mean Noah, I appreciate every thing you have done for me I really do, you have been nothing but generous to me but-"

Suddenly I was cut off by Noah's lips on mine. He was now hovering over me and kissing me like I was the only air going into his lungs and all he needed.

I can't believe what I am doing, it was so wrong. I was kissing my boss, this is like the one real rule in employment; never hook up with your employer and now I am kissing him. I couldn't think straight this is the first real connection I've felt with anyone in a long time; I know it was wrong but it just felt so right.

I kissed him with as much passion as humanly possible, wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him closer.

We eventually pulled away, both breathless looking into each others eyes. Not in a creepy way but an affectionate way like we were a couple who were deeply in love.

"I'm sorry Sophia, but I couldn't help it, I feel drawn to you" Noah said still hovering over me smiling softly.

"It's okay, it was nice" I answered. It was nice, I can't believe I just said that, that is beyond cringy. It shouldn't have been nice, it should never have happened.

Noah smirked like he always does and laid back down next to me with his hands behind his head. We didn't talk at all, just laid there together. He intertwined our fingers together, our hands fit together perfectly.

Noah then stood up and stormed out of the room. Have I done something wrong? Was my breath bad? I followed him but he was already out of sight, I looked around the hallway, as well as in the living room area but he was not there. He must have gone back to his room; should I go talk to him? I guess it's my turn to chase after him. There was one problem, I don't know which of these fricking rooms is his bedroom.

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