Niall Horan Pregnancy Series

Par kaley676

572K 8.9K 1.5K

This is the fourth book in my Niall Horan Series and it follows the: Wedding Series, Honeymoon Series, and Ma... Plus

Finding Out
Telling Niall
First Appointment
Telling the Boys
Telling the Family: Y/n's Family
Telling the Family: Niall's Family
Second Dr. Appointment
First Ultrasound
Announcing the Pregnancy
Celebrities & Friends Congratulating You
Starting to Show
Mood Swings
Shopping for Maternity Clothes
Feeling the Babies Kick for the First Time
Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy Complications Part 2
Niall Gets Protective
Feeling Insecure
He Does Something Sweet to Make You Feel Better
Getting Pregnancy & Parenting Advice: Y/n's P.O.V.
Getting Pregnancy Advice: Niall's P.O.V
Talking About Finding Out the Gender
Finding Out the Gender
Gender Reveal Party
Shopping for the Babies
Niall Goes On Tour
While Niall Is Away: Y/n's P.O.V.
While Niall Is Away: Niall's P.O.V
Niall Comes Home From Tour
One of the Boys Comfort You
Picking the Names
Getting the Nursery Ready
Preparing for the Babies
Niall Talking & Singing to the Bump
Niall Pampering You
Baby Shower
Baby Shower Part 2
Making a Belly Mold
Making a Birth Plan
Packing the Hospital Bag
Labor: Part 1
Labor: Part 2
Delivery & Meeting the Babies

Your Water Breaking

15.2K 241 61
Par kaley676

Hey guys! So here is the first chapter of the labor/delivery of the babies! I originally thought I wasn't going to be able to have time to write until tomorrow which is why I told you guys that it would be middle or end of the week before I posted, but my plans got rescheduled which freed up my night to write. Just a heads up that this chapter is kind of long but I got a couple requests as I was writing this chapter and wanted to include them because I liked the ideas so that is why the chapter is so long and also why you don't start reading about your water breaking until like halfway through this chapter. Anyway here it is...I hope you guys like it!! xxx  

It was late on September 11 and your due date was two days away. You had been anxiously waiting for the twins to come. You were huge and you were uncomfortable every time you did anything. Your back pain was terrible from your huge belly, your feet were constantly hurting and swollen, and you had started to lose your appetite because everything you ate made you feel sick.

"You okay babe?" Niall asked as he came into the room.

"I just want the babies to come. I feel horrible. I just want this pregnancy to be over." You said.

"Don't worry babe, we're getting closer, and the doctor said if you don't go into labor before Friday that we will schedule a C-Section." He said.

"I'm just so nervous about the idea of a c-section. I really want to have them naturally." You said.

"I know babe, and I'm hoping we can have a nice, easy natural birth like you want. But no matter what happens, I'll be right there beside you and we'll get through it together." He said as leaned over and kissed your cheek.

"What do you want for supper?" You asked as you changed the topic from a c-section delivery to food due to your growling stomach.

"I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere? This might be one of our last chances to go out just the two of us before you go into labor. Besides I know you've been a little down about being stuck at home all the time. It might be good for you to get out of the house for an hour or two." He said.

"Okay, but can it be somewhere a little more casual? I don't feel like getting dressed up." You said.

"Of course...what about The Diner in the Camden neighborhood? It's not too far from home and it's pretty laid back." He said.

"That sounds perfect! And I could use some American style food that reminds me of home. Lord knows I've ate enough Fish and Chips, Yorkshire Pudding, and Shephard's Pie to last a lifetime." You said.

"You know you love the food over here!" Niall said as he smiled at you.

"True but there's nothing that beats a classic American burger and fries." You said.

Twenty minutes later after Niall had helped you put your shoes on due to the fact that you couldn't see your feet let alone reach them because of your bump, the two of you were headed towards Camden to one of your favorite spots to grab a bite to eat. It was a spot you discovered shortly after moving to London and you loved it because the decor and menu were based off the States and it made you feel like you were back home even when you were thousands of miles away.

You and Niall pulled up in front of the diner and he parked the car. There were a few fans walking down the street that said hi to him. He gave them a friendly smile and a wave before walking around the car to open your door and help you out.

"Hi Y/n and Niall!" Two fans said as they stopped to talk to you.

"Hello." You said as you smiled at them and said hi back to be friendly.

"Could we get a picture with you?" One of the girls asked.

Niall looked over at you to see if it was okay and you nodded.

"Sure." Niall said.

"Thank you so much!" The girls said. You expected one of them to ask you to take the picture like most fans did but you were surprised when they asked you to be in the photo too.

"Y/n, come get in! We want a picture with both of you guys!" One of the girls said.

You smiled as you walked over to them and put an arm around one of the girls. Niall took the phone and held it out as the four of you took a group selfie together.

"Thank you guys so much for taking a picture with us!"

"You're welcome!" You said.

"How is your pregnancy going? Is it almost time for them to come?"

"They could come any day now." You said as you smiled at them.

"Can we feel your bump?" One of the girls asked.

You normally didn't like anyone but Niall or your family touching your bump. But these fans weren't screaming or freaking out. They were calm and talking to you guys like you were normal people instead of celebrities. And they had the courtesy to ask before they just reached out.

"Sure," you said smiling.

They smiled and then slowly reached out to touch your bump. You felt one of the babies kick and their faces lit up when they felt it.

"Was that a kick?" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah," you said smiling.

You stood talking to the two girls for another minute or so before four more girls came over.

"Can we get a picture with you guys?" They asked.

"Sure," you said. Again you expected them to just want a picture with Niall but they also wanted you to be in the picture.

"You guys are so cute together! I wish you were my parents! You're going to be like the coolest parents in the world." One of the girls said.

"Aww thank you!" You said.

After taking a picture with the four girls they continued on their way and three more girls came over to you guys.

"Niall will you take a picture of us with Y/n?" One of the girls asked.

Niall was a little caught off guard by the question, since he had never been asked to TAKE the picture before. But he smiled, loving how the fans were treating you.

"Of course." He said.

"Everyone smile." He said as he held the girl's phone and took the picture of them with you.

"You're so big! When are the babies due?" One of the girls asked.

"In two days." You said.

"Aww! I can't wait to see pictures of them! Are you guys going to post pictures?" Another one of them asked.

"We won't post a lot of pictures but we'll for sure post at least one so that the fans can see them." You said.

"Yay! I can't wait! You guys are going to be great parents!" The third girl said.

"Aww thank you guys." You said smiling at them.

"Should we go inside and grab some food?" Niall asked as he put a hand on your back to politely excuse the two of you from the fans.

"Yeah," you said.

The two of you entered the restaurant and the waitress led you over to one of the booths. You ordered your drinks and she went to get them for you.

"See the fans love you!" Niall said as he smiled over at you.

"That was a nice suprise. Usually they are all over you and just want me to take the picture. It was different, but kinda nice to be in the picture for once instead of taking it." You said.

You felt your phone vibrate and realized that the girls you had just met had tagged you in pictures on Twitter and Instagram with super nice comments about how adorable you and Niall are together and how great of parents you guys are going to be.

"Here are your drinks for you, and are you guys ready to order?" Your waitress asked.

"I know what I want, do you know what you're getting?" You said as you looked over at Niall.

"Yeah," he said.

"Great what can I get you guys?" She asked.

"I'll have the cheesburger - no onion but extra pickle, please." You said.

"Okay and would you like just the sandwich or would you like fries with that?" She asked.

"Fries please." You said smiling at her. "And I know this is going to sound weird but can I get a little cup of chocolate sauce?"

"Of course, and for you sir?" She asked as she turned to Niall.

"Can I get the Original Burger with Fries?" Niall asked.

"Of course, I'll get that order in for you guys." Your waitress said before she turned and headed back towards the kitchen.

You and Niall talked about different things until the waitress brought your food out for you. You immediately took the bun off your burger and picked up one of the pickles and dipped it into the chocolate sauce. Then you popped it into your mouth.

"I still can't believe you really eat chocolate and pickles together!" Niall said as he gave you a disgusted look.

"It's delicious! I've been craving them together my entire pregnancy!" You said before picking up your burger to take a bite.

The two of you finished your meals and then headed home. You were about halfway home when you started feeling sharp pains in your stomach. You took a deep breath and put your hands on your bump.

"You okay?" Niall asked as he looked over at you before turning his attention back to the road.

"Just a contraction." You said.

"Is it like real contractions?" He asked.

"No I think it's still just a false labor contraction. It feels the same as the other contractions I've had." You said.

You got home and started to change into pajamas when you felt another contraction. You glanced at the clock and realized that it had only been about half an hour since the pain in the car. You got worried for a moment but then shook it off. It still didn't feel any more intense than the contractions you had been having for a couple weeks.

You finished getting into your pajams and then headed to the kitchen to get a drink before you went to bed. You had just crawled into bed when you felt another contraction. This one was little more severe than the first two.

You took deep breaths as you waited for the contraction to stop. After about thirty seconds the contraction stopped and you relaxed a little. Half an hour later you felt another contraction. That was when you realized that this could be the real thing so you started keeping track of how far apart they are.

32 minutes.

29 minutes.

24 minutes.

23 minutes

21 minutes.

You looked over at Niall who was passed out on his side of the bed as the fifth contraction ended. You had tried to close your eyes and get some sleep but everytime you almsot got to sleep, another contraction started.

19 minutes after the last contraction you felt another contraction coming on, but this one hurt. Bad. You tried to breathe through it but it wasn't working. You sat on the edge of the bed and stood up. Standing and walking around seemed to help ease some of the pain.

You looked over at Niall who rolled over and put his arm on your side of the bed, expecting to meet your body, instead his arm hit the cold sheet. He opened his eyes and sat up in a panic.

"Y/n?" He asked.

"I'm over here." You said.

Niall reached over and turned on the lamp on his bedside table.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Just having a contraction." You said.

"Another one?" He asked.

"I've been having them. They are about twenty minutes apart." You said.

"How long have you been having them?" He asked.

"Since we got home." You said.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked.

"I didn't think it was anything to worry about at first but now that they are getting closer together, I'm getting a little more worried. I think this might be the real deal." You said.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" He asked.

"Not yet. I don't think they are far apart enough to go, and my water hasn't broke yet." You said.

17 minutes later you felt another contraction coming on. This one was the strongest yet and was enough to bring you to your knees - literally. You knelt on the floor as you put your arms on the bed. You began to slowly rock forward and backwards to help get through the pain. You felt Niall get out of bed and walk to your side of the bed.

"Just breathe baby, you can do this." He said as he rubbed your back to help you through the contraction.

"This is definitely the real thing, Ni. They are getting worse." You said.

As the contraction started easing up you felt a slight pressure in your lower area. It wasn't exactly a feeling of needing to use the bathroom but you thought maybe if you tried to go to the bathroom, the feeling would ease up.

"Ni can you help me up. I think I need to use the bathroom." You said.

"Of course." He said. He put his arms under your arms and helped you to your feet. Once you were to your feet you leaned against him as you felt a little dizziness hit you.

"Want me to walk you in there?" He asked.

"If you don't mind." You said.

He wrapped his arm around you and slowly walked you into the bathroom. You reached for your pants to pull them down when you felt a small pop sensation followed by a warm rush of water going down your leg. It was almost like someone had popped a water balloon filled with warm water inside of your yoga pants.

"D-did you just wet yourself?" Niall asked as he fought back a giggle.

"I don't think that was pee, Niall." you said as you pulled your pants down and looked at your light colored underwear. It didn't have a yellow tint to it like urine. It was more of a clear or slightly milky color which is what your doctor said the amniotic fluid would look like when your water broke.

His eyes widen and you saw all the color drain from his face.

"Thi-this is really happening." Niall said more to himself than to you.

"Ni, are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Niall said. "I'll grab you a new pair of pants and then we'll go to the hospital." He said as he rushed into the other room to get you new clothes.

You quickly slipped on a new pair of underwear and a new pair of yoga pants before heading towards the garage to get in the car. You were silently thanking yourself for putting the bags in the car so that all you had to do was get the keys and your purse and go.

Niall helped you into the front seat of the Range Rover before rushing to the other side of the car and climbing in behind the wheel.

He pulled out of the driveway as he pulled his phone out to dial the doctor to let her know you were on your way to the hospital. She answered right away and told you that she would meet the two of you at the hospital. After talking to your doctor Niall dialed your mom's number to let your parents know that you were going to the hospital.

"Hello?" Your mom said in a sleepy voice.

"Hi Y/mom/n, it's Niall." He said.

"Hi Niall. Is everything okay hun?" Your mom asked.

"Just wanted to call and let you know we're on our way to the hospital. The babies are on their way." Niall said.

"Oh my gosh! Really? That's so exciting! Y/father/n and I will get a plane ticket as soon as we can and we'll get over there as fast as we can!" Your mom said.

"Okay! We'll see you then! I'll send you updates as the night goes on." Niall said.

"Thank you Niall. Good luck to both of you!" She said.

"Thanks mom, love you!" You said.

"I love you too sweetie." She said. "Remember to stay strong, you can do this!" She said.

Niall hung up the phone and then called him mom.

"Hello?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Hi mum, it's me. Y/n and I are headed to the hospital. She's in labor." He said.

"Right now? Oh my gosh! I have to wake Chris up and call your brother!" I'll be there as soon as I can!" She said as she started to panic.

"Mum, calm down." Niall said.

You smiled as you realized that Maura was freaking out more than you or Niall were.

"Okay! You guys hang in there! I love you both!" Maura said.

"We love you too mum, we'll see you later!" Niall said.

Niall hung up the phone and then reached over to take your hand.

"You doing okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You said as you felt another contraction starting.

You squeezed Niall's hand and took deep breaths as you tried to breathe through the pain of the contraction.

"We're almost there." Niall said.

You closed your eyes and focused on working through the pain as Niall continued to drive. The contraction ended and you let out a sigh of relief as you neared closer to the hospital. Your contractions were now 15 minutes apart.

You smiled as the hospital came into view and Niall pulled into the Emergency parking lot. He parked the Range Rover and rushed around to help you out. He then got the overnight bag and the diaper bag out of the back as the two of you headed into the hospital.

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