Wild Souls || Twilight Saga:...

By Ashlinized

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"And so she learned that love was something you couldn't force; you had to trust that the universe would brin... More

PT. 2


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By Ashlinized

Alice, I realize that Rosalie is a complete bitch sometimes but I had to put up with her for thirty years and you will put up with her as well." Alessia smirked into the phone, her phone had rang not even ten seconds ago and she'd answered abruptly only to speak before anything came from the other line.

Her eyes watched Kane who was chopping wood outside while she stayed inside the luxury cottage. They didn't technically need the wood but Kane claimed the warmth made him feel more attuned to the human part in him which is also why he tended to drink lots of coffee and tea as well... hence why Alessia had a half full cup of the substance in her hand.

Kane smiled at her words, and she hoped to hear a laugh from the other line or an exasperated draw of breath but instead the line continued to be silent.

"Alice?" She spoke once more, setting her cup down and turning from the window, hoping the signal was getting lost. Vampires were never this slow with answers and if they were it was usually followed by horrible news.

"Somethings happened with your brother and Bella, you need to come home. Now."

The other side hung up before a question could leave her lips, and Alessia felt the pit of her stomach slowly begin to ache. If vampires were able to throw up she would have been doing long ago.

Something happened... something happened... something happened.

She couldn't get the words out of her head and each time they seemed to echo louder, causing more pain.

Kane practically flew into the home, hands grasping the sides of Alessia's face to lift her vision. She was frozen solid, not blinking and lips partly opened.

"Hey, come back to me. Alessia, come on your brother needs you." He attempted to return her to the land of the conscious. Kane didn't know much about what was happening but the panic stricken voice Alice spoke with was enough to know that it wasn't good.

Alessia snapped back after hearing that, yes her brother did need her. She looked into Kane's eyes and noted the alertness.

"I have to go."

He didn't argue, "I'll call for a plane. You go and pack your things."

She was packed within seconds and in less then five minutes Kane managed to arrange a private jet headed straight towards Washington. She was at the door when she remembered Kane, her head having been so wrapped up in her family she only noticed him as she headed out the door.

Her bags were in her hand as Kane wordlessly opened the door for her and she stopped. His eyes were already on her when she looked up. Lips tightened she searched for words but instead dropped her bags and jumped into his arms. "Thank you and I'm sorry."

"Hey, I get it doll. Go take care of your family, when you're ready I'm here." He softly ran a hand down the back of her hair.

She nodded, pulling back as he dangled the keys and placed them into her palms. "Kane you're the best."

He answered with a sincere smile, "go! Your flights waiting for you."


Alessia didn't even wait for a cab, instead she ran from Seattle to her home.

Her heeled boots were stained with dirt and moss as she pulled up to her family driveway. She didn't see anything deceiving but the quiet murmurs inside the home made her wary as she heard her brother frustrated voice.

The black bags filled with clothing were dumped to the ground at her doorsteps as she pulled the unlocked door open. It was the smell that forced such a rushed action, something smelled like death. She was greeted with Carlisle at the end of the hallway however, stopping her.

"Carlisle." She acknowledged him.

"Alessia," he nodded and his neutral expression put her on further edge. "Your brother and Bella are here... and there's something they have to explain to you."

Her slow human pace was an attempt to gain some knowledge but so far nothing was coming to mind although she did notice Jasper's powers influencing her emotions which she didn't bother to block. She had a feeling they would be necessary.

As the light haired female stepped into the room her blonde sister, Rosalie, was blocking her way into the house. Bella's leg were clearly placed on the couch but the rest of her body was blocked from view.

"Rose," Alessia went on the defense when her sisters face seemed protective and her arms were crossed over her body. "What the fuck are you doing. Move."

"No, not until you listen." The blonde didn't waver from the threatening glare she received. From behind Emmett stood straighter as he knew the short fuse both girls contained.

"You mean not until she agrees with you." Alice snapped, once more adding to the ticking impatience Alessia was receiving. The pixie like girl was never this rude, it was uncommon.

It wasn't until then that Alessia noticed the division in her family. Her brother, Alice, and Jasper were on one side of the room and from her brothers expression he was furious. By Bella however Emmett and Esme stood, Rosalie clearly on their side.

Yet another thing uncommon in her family, none of them ever disagreed like this.

She grew fed up, "If someone doesn't tell me what's going on right now I swear—"

"Rose, move." Bella's weak voice ordered although it was barely above a whisper.

Rosalie turned her head, and after a pause huffed as she moved, slumping her shoulders in defeat.

Alessia practically felt her eyes pop out of her skull at what she was witness too. Bella appeared to be on the verge of death. Her skin was sunken in and on the verge of decaying because of its grey tint. It clicked together why she finally smelled death and she found herself in need of air.

The urge to rush over and help overcame her and just as she took a step forward she noticed it.

Her stomach was swollen like a pregnant women's would be.

No, Bella was pregnant.

Her eyes locked onto her brothers, and as if he could hear her thoughts he gave her a grim nod.

"This isn't possible," she mumbled. Everyone knew vampire bodies would stop, no heartbeat, no sleep, and no hunger. The reproductive organs must go away too right? There's not a chance those could live on? It would be physically impossible without proper care, but the evidence was right in front of her. Yes, it had happened and they had no clue what would go on. Alessia, walked forward, noticing how Bella kept still when her hand lifted.

Rosalie tensed, almost protectively ready to crouch over Bella when Emmett stopped her.

The strawberry blondes knees buckled and she fell right in front of the couch. Her hand softly landed over the grey material of her top.

She felt it kick once and she was back across the room, clutching her hand as if it was wounded. "This can't be possible, it can't be. It's insane, Carlisle tell me there's another explanation!"

Everyone's eyes fell on the blonde male, especially the females as she hoped he would be the voice of reason because so far since she's stepped into the house it had been nothing but insanity. His eyes didn't lie to her, "I'm afraid it's true although we don't know exactly what's happening. We haven't been able to get a real glimpse on what's going inside since they came home two days ago. I'm sorry, but it's eating away at Bella as well."

Her stomach dropped even further, even though the doctor didn't explicitly say it the implication was clear, Bella Swan was dying.

"Why!" She turned towards her whole family, realizing yet another controversy. "Why did it take everyone so long to call me? This is my brother!"

Her eyes were menacing and full of enough fury to make them all freeze. She was like a tiger hunting her prey.

"You've been so happy the last few months... we didn't want to bother you." The motherly tone Esme used softened her anger a tad, long enough for her to think clearly and slouch her shoulders as she realized there was more to worry about.

Alessia turned back to Bella, noting the teenagers wary expression as she once more placed her hand on the belly and the kick was prominent. She resisted the urge to snatch her arm away and instead sighed, "explain. Someone."

"She's pregnant." Edward spoke up. "Bella and Rosalie seem to think there's a delusional chance Bella and that thing will make it out alive after all of this..."

"It's a baby!" Rosalie snapped, protective. Alessia chose not to question this although a twinge of anger revolted in her stomach, she knew her sister quite well and her motives weren't for the benefit of Bella but instead the... babies which also meant Rose would carve it out of her stomach if it meant it lived.

"I can't see the fetus." Alice spoke up, stepping closer. "Carlisle can't get a clear visual with technology either. It's killing her."

"Baby, Alice!" Once more the blonde snapped.

Alessia was slowly understanding the situation, she paced the small space. "So what? Are we just gonna let... him, it kill Bella without trying anything?"

"There's nothing we can do." Edward clarified. "And nothing she will allow."

Alessia felt hope slowly diminishing, she couldn't imagine what else could worsen this scenario. In all the time she had spent contemplating on that plane the last thing she'd though it to be was something of this magnitude. Her thoughts had ranged from demented vampires to even the Volturi but nothing had prepared her for this.

"There's something else." Alice spoke, voice strained. "Jacobs coming... I swear I didn't know you two would show up now but he's almost here. I can smell his bike."

The strawberry blonde stood and trained her ears in the direction of the road where the wheels slamming against the highway were clear, she huffed out in frustration. "Guess it's better I'm here to stop him from slaughtering my brother."

She had no comment on wether she agreed with Bella's decision or not because truth be told she was still trying to wrap her mind around the fact she was pregnant, however there was one thing she would do, and that was defend the human girl against her werewolf mate.

Alessia crossed her arms over her chest, honey eyes watching as Carlisle made his way towards the front door as the wolf climbed up the steps.

"Hello, Jacob, how are you?" Carlisle spoke calmly as he opened the door.

Jacob tensed, eyes searching the interior of the home only to notice the small amount of luggage by the door. It was Alessia's the soft smile of lilacs indicated so. He cleared his throat and looked at the blonde man to see he showed no indication of the situation. "Listen, just give it to me straight."

Alessia could feel her throat swelling shut as the anxiety built up, from behind her Bella's whispery voice spoke up. "Jake, is that you?"

Alessia unintentionally exhaled air, and Jake stiffened. "They're here?"

"They both came home two weeks ago, Alessia just today." Carlisle explained, footsteps rushed their ways.

Alessia moved out of the way, stepping near Alice who tenderly tapped her shoulder. He stepped into the room and immediately his eyes were on her, her teeth grounded against one another. He was just so handsome, even more so every time she saw him, leather jacket tight around his muscles. The grey shirt and jeans he wore were slightly stained from the light rain outside making it easy to tell how rapid his breathing was.

"Jake. l'm glad you came." Bella continued to speak up at this point, although her voice was slowly diminishing.

Rosalie had somehow made it in front of Bella before Jake could look her way and now the  blondes arms were crossed over one another. She looked menacing as Jacob came to a stop in front of her. "Close enough."

He cocked his head, analyzing her face for a short second. The wolf was most likely thinking like the rest of the Cullen's, she had never been like this for the Swan girl so what was different now. "What's your problem?"

Rosalie didn't answer, her face twisting into a scowl until the human girl softly spoke and broke the tension. "Rose, it's okay."

A sigh of frustration left Rose's lips and Alessia felt herself fidget uncomfortably, Jake's head snapped towards her. He'd never seen her unnecessarily move like this which meant something bad was happening. Instead of questioning her he looked back towards the sunken in face of Bella Swan. He couldn't speak, at a loss for words. She was diminished, the light inside her eyes saturated by her hollow eyes. There was only one way he could phrase it without seeming completely heartbroken. "You look terrible."

Bella gave him a soft smile although it didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, it's nice to see you, too."

He couldn't understand just what was happening, "So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?"

Bella's eyes flickered over towards the strawberry blonde who wasn't breathing. Her eyes looked concerned and she was rigid at Jacobs response. The human girl decided to just rip off the bandage and explain, "Rose, you wanna help me up?"

"Oh god," Alessia whispered, turning her head slightly from the bruises decorating Bella's stomach as her shirt rose when she stood. Jacob's silent gasp was heard from all of them.

He couldn't speak, mouth moving but words inaudible until finally he turns towards the male twin with lethal eyes. "You did this!"

When he attempts to walk towards him Alessia is there, intervening. She's in front of him, blocking the way to her brother with one stern gaze. Jacob's eyes soften at her, betrayal written across them and she's stunned to see it. Had he thought she would come to him with this?

Carlisle breaks their gaze, speaking up. "We didn't know it was even possible."

Jacob's eyes come back to his light haired imprint, asking her. "What is it?"

"Don't look at me, I got here right before you. I'm still processing," she mutters right back.

Carlisle stepped in once more. "I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac."

Alice intervening with her own knowledge. "I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore."

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing."

Jacob seemed to have enough of the details. "Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!"

Rosalie stepped aggressively towards him, earning a low growl unintentionally from Alessia lips as she threatened her mate. Her black eyes flickered towards the petite strawberry blonde momentarily but kept her menacing stance. "This is none of your business, dog."

"Rose!" Esme sternly yelled towards her daughter. "All this fighting isn't good for Bella."

"The fetus isn't good for Bella." Alice scowled.

Rose turned to yet another foe. "Say the word, Alice. Baby. It's just a little baby."

Alessia kept silent, truthfully she didn't know what to believe. Whatever it was, wether it be like them or not it was harming Bella. She understood Bella's views and yes she had every right to choose over her body but did that mean it was okay to die for something that was potentially dangerous?

"Possibly." Alice muttered.

Jacob took notice of what little resistance was given and looked to the only rational person. "Carlisle, you've gotta do something."

Bella cut in, voice firm despite her health. "No. lt's not his decision. lt's not any of yours."

And that was that, no one had a say. Edward turned towards the wolf, walking out and lightly tapping his sister. "Jacob, l need to talk to you."

They stepped out, leaving the group in silence and Alessia right in the middle. Almost immediately their eyes fell upon her and she swallowed at their intense gaze.

"Well?" Rosalie tensely spoke.

"Well what?" She raised a brow at her intense voice.

"Have you decided? Are you with us? Or them?" Her words were like venom spewed out.

Alessia could only turn her eyes away, anger lacing her senses. "I've only been here ten minutes and you already want me to choose wether I want Bella to live or die? Let's face it there's only one thing you care about and it isn't Bella. You want that thing... baby to yourself well. I can't even think right now, not with all the death in the air."

She stepped out, jumping over the ledge to the second story home and running into the woods.

She was out for less then ten minutes when the snarls and howls caught her ear, in the blink of an eye she was back in her house.

"What's going on?" She questioned her brother once she found him outside alongside both brothers.

"Jacob revolted," Edward explained, the thump of his feet pronouncing.

Jacob stepped out of the woods soon after, and Alessia was right in front of him. She couldn't help it, the instinct to look him over was there.

"I'm fine." He firmly nodded towards her eyes softening as she slipped and dropped the cold exterior.

Once she had realized what happened the vampire stepped back, clearing her throat. "What happened?"

"They're coming for Bella, they want her dead. And they'll kill any of us that try to stop it." He explained, looking directly at the strawberry blonde. Sam's words kept replaying in his head, he couldn't let him harm Alessia, the strawberry blonde was all the good he had in the world.

Alessia snarled, "they won't touch her."

"No they won't." Edward nodded, containing his anger.

"Agreed." Jacob nodded, turning back towards the woods.


Turns out Jacob wasn't alone, the Clearwater siblings followed his lead and now defended the Cullen's alongside him. Despite the initial disgust by the female wolf she chose to go along and help, her brother was more then willing to keep the Cullen's safe.

Alessia ran the perimeter with them a few times, sensing Sam's wolves more often then not but continuing on her way. She was the only one who could take the wolves head on without difficulty.

She sat on the porch, dropping her head onto her palms glumly and looking into the darkening sky.

"How are you... with all of this?" Jacob suddenly appeared, leaning against the rails of the porch.

She turned her head, eyeing him before calmly speaking. "Honestly, I don't know."

He nodded, her head turning back towards the woods. The wolf didn't know what else to say, truthfully he was at a loss for words whenever he was with her.

He tried finding words to speak about until she stood, arms clapping against her thighs and standing. Even though she was practically a foot shorter then him it was like her gaze was overpowering.

She cleared her throat, looking him directly in the eyes and uttering. "I appreciate what you're doing for my family but I want you to know this doesn't change anything between us Jacob. If you ever want to get back into my good graces it's gonna take a lot more then standing up to your buddies."


I seriously hate Breaking Dawn PT. 1

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