No regrets no mercy eren x...

By Lying_rose

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You lived in the underground, living a reckless life you only cared about survival no matter the cost you wou... More

Living underground
Living underground pt.2
Living under ground pt.3
Meeting your new squad
To present times
Mysterious girl
Mysterious girl pt.2
Bring it
Battle of the unexplained
Love hate relationship
Love is contageous and sick messed up
Short temper big attitude
Running away from life
New cadets new problems
Hell is just around the corner
My Petrafied life
Love killer
It cant be
Roses are red violets are blue i was suffering so where were you?
The ones who are free
Savoir or enemy
The dead come alive
The dead come alive part 2
The lies that lie inside of us
Insanity turned to reality
Fight for what you love
Hate and dispare
Alive or dead
The truth
A colorless world
Surprise surprise I'm not dead
Monsters in wars? Or war with monsters?
Some times the past should be forgotten
Finally part one
The end is like a shadow
A present from me to you!


606 17 3
By Lying_rose

"What the hell?"
"Y-Y/N?!??"I stutter yell
" who spilled that!!!" She yells furiously
"Wait- what?" I say
"That as in that glass of water!!" She yells
"THE HELL NO I DID.....wait a minute are you trying to change the subject?" He says smirking
"N-no I just-"
"Shut the hell up Yeager and clean and it up, you're all worse than infants" she mumbles the last part and walks away
"WAIT CAPTAIN EREN WANTED TO TELL YOU SOM-" Jean yells but I punch him in the throat
"What?" She says and I jump bout cause she was behind me, I dident even notice her
"I-I- U-mm, it was me who spilled the water, I'm sorry captain" I say
" so you've just wasted approximately 1 minute to tell me that?" She says irritated
"N-no he wanted to tell you that-" Jean begins to say while getting up but knocks over his food, he even watched his plate fall it was like in slow motion Jean looks at y/n and she leaps up and kicks him in the chest with full force sends no him back into the wall and leaving a dent too.
"Clean it up NOW KRISTEN!!!" AND RUN 10 laps!!" She yells and storms off, I sigh in relif
"Damn woman" Jean mumbles
"COME AGAIN KRISTEN?" She yells from the halls
"I-I I'm sorrypleasedonthurtmeimsososorryimalreadyinpain!!" He says
"Hey Connie is she gone?" Jean whispers
"I don't know" he says
"Go check" he hisses
"N-no I don't want to die yet!!" He yells
"Damnit she can't hurt you trust me just act like your going to the bathroom or something" he says
"F-fine your right il go" Connie says
-after a minuet
I see Connie fall on the floor with a big bump on his head and bruises everywhere he also was with dirt and grass.
"CONNIE!!!!" Sasha yells
"Are you a ok!!!!" She yells franticly
"Shhfllowdme" he mumbles
"What???- never mind lets go to the nurse!!" She yells and play cos him up and rushes to the nurse
"Damn did she do that?" Jean says shocked
"Why did you send a look out Kristen?" She says in a monotone voice
"C-captain l-l/n!!!!" He yells
"Oh by the way baldy said she followed me, and am I to assume that she is me?" She says glaring at us
"U-u-U-mm no I-we-you see" he stumbles out
"Whatever next time do remember that if you send a spy il turn your organs inside out" she threatens the leaves but is stopped by........

"Oi y/n did you beat up Connie?" He says in a monotone voice
"WHAT how dare you accuse me?" She says fake gasping and smirking
" because your the only idiot that would" he says
"You shouldn't be so fast to accuse" she says leaving once again
"Y/n come to my office" he says
"Actually y/n come to my office you too Levi" captain Erwin said, aparently he was already there
"Ughhhhhh!!! I don't want to I want to relax" she says
"It will be fast hanjis already waiting"
"Fine"  she says
-time skip to Erwin's office
Levis p.o.v
Erwin's talking about stupid unnecessary things such as what the colors will be for the balloons and streamers... Till I heard something interesting
"So about you y/n" Erwin says
"Yeah what about it?" She says
"Will you be attending?"
"I HAVE AN OPTION?!?" She says excitedly
"No not really"
"Then why get my hopes up" she says and slumps back into her seat
"Well about that, you will be in a raffle drawing" he says calmly
"What does that mean"
"I mean your the most popularly asked"
"For what?" She says narrowing her eyes
"To attend the ball with someone" he says getting back a little
"Awwwwww!!!! Y/n!!! You have many crushes!!!!"  Hanji squeals
"SHUT UP" we both say at the same time
"Your so loud Hanji" I say , great save levi!!
"O-ok any ways, why can't I just not go and you can assign them to some other pathetic cadet??
"Because that wouldn't be nice" he says
" and your not being nice to me by forcing me to go!!!" She yells
"Come on y/n try to at least fake being happy for once, any ways well tell them tomorrow"
"The day of the ball??" She asks
"Exactly, now your all dismissed" Erwin says
I can't believe that I can't go with y/n now!! I didn't think.....actually I already knew she would be the most asked for......I obviously know Yeager wrote her name down but how to eliminate the competition?.......woah calm down leavi your sounding yandre. I begin to exit the room when I hear y/n
"Hanji why aren't you leaving?" She Asks
"W-well I've got to talk to Erwin" she says blushing
"Mmmmhhhm sure don't get to out of hang Hanji" she says and smirks
"Y-Y/N!!!!!" She yells
"Any ways so about the thing do I have too?" WHATS she talking about
"Yes y/n but what's the other dress for?"
"Leave that to me I've got to go till tomorrow, let the hell begin" she says and leaves, I grab her arm
"Hey what's that thing about?" I ask her
"None of your buissness" she says and leaves
"Hey Hanji what were you two talking about?? I ask
" can't say but I just tell you tomorrow is a going to be a day to remember" she says smirking
Oh y/n what did you get your brattish self into?

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