Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of...

By Wingerz17

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"Everyone has scars, just not all of them can be seen" 12 months is only a short period of time to heal. A sh... More

Chapter 1: Sector One
Chapter 2: Aired Voices
Chapter 3: Judgement
Chapter 4: Flirtatious
Chapter 5: Flew The Nest
Chapter 6: Fools Gold
Chapter 7: Red Paint
Chapter 8: England
Chapter 9: Model Me
Chapter 10: Felling The Forrest
Chapter 11: Mirage Intoxication
Chapter 12: Night Drama
Chapter 13: Beneath The Stars
Chapter 14: Cool
Chapter 15: Crying Skies
Chapter 16: I'm An Animal
Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 19: Down Below
Chapter 20: Back Again
Chapter 21: Cold Turkey
Chapter 22: Fried Chicken
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Lock Down
Chapter 25: New Faces
Chapter 26: Little Digs
Chapter 27: Unrecognisable
Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains
Chapter 29: Pumping Veins
Chapter 30: Lap Of Luxury
Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas
Chapter 32: False Looks
Chapter 33: Flat Tyres
Chapter 34: Night Wonders
Chapter 35: Take A Breath
Chapter 36: Days Like This
Chapter 37: Say Goodbye
Chapter 38: Skyline
Chapter 39: Blown
Chapter 40: Last Breath
Chapter 41: Mended Tears
Chapter 42: Broken Wings
Chapter 43: Complications

Chapter 17: Feeding the Giants

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By Wingerz17

Jon Bellion - Morning In America (Song for Chapter)

It's Friday! TGIF!

Song lyrics of the day:

"I knew I loved you then, but you never know. Cos I played it cool when I was scared of letting go" - James Arthur

Absolutely love his new song, 'Say You Wont Let Go'

This chapter is silly and fun filled! Noah get's a bit carried away.


Chapter 17: Feeding The Giants

Noah's POV

"Wo Oh Captain Jack, meet me by the railway track, with a rifle in your hand, you can be my shooting man. Go left, go left, go kick em up the bum, go left, go left, go right. Go right, go right, go poke em in the eye, go right, go right, go left" I sang, "Wo Oh Captain Jack, meet me by the railway track, with an arrow in your hand, you can be my archery man. Go left, go left, go kick em up the bum, go left, go left, go right. Go right, go right, go poke em in the eye, go right, go right, go left"

"You still remember that from camp" Keane said amused,

"Of course I do and I also remember that the guy was South African so I always sang it like he did" I answered, "I have plenty more songs in the kitty for this journey"

"Oh I can't wait to hear them" Keane retorted.

We were travelling to Bushmills to visit the Giants causeway, it was going to take around an hour and a half to get there. We'd taken Cassie's car as she said she didn't need it today and set off at 8.30am.

"Do you remember the Tarzan one?" Tayte asked,

"Hold up, you all went to what camp? And together?" Angelo asked confused, I laughed,

"We went to an adventure type camp when I was 8, so the other two around 10, 11. You do like quad biking and abseiling, kayaking and all the cool stuff and then sing lots of awesome songs along the way" I replied,

"I feel like I was deprived of this childhood" He answered,

"Stop making out like your ancient"

"I feel it" we all laughed,

"But in response to your question Tayte I do,"

"Tayte, why?" Keane said, Tayte smiled,

"I like the song"

"Repeat after me everyone" I said, "Tarzan"


"Was swinging on a rubber band"

"Was swinging on a rubber band"

"And Tarzan"

"And Tarzan"

"Got hit by a frying pan"

"Got hit by a frying pan"

"Now Tarzan has a tan"

"Now Tarzan has a tan"

"And I hope it don't peel"

"And I hope it don't peel"

"I said I hope it done peel"

"I said I hope it don't peel"

"Like, a banana"

"Like, a banana"

"These lyrics are ridiculous" Angelo said,

"Your ridiculous" I retorted,

"Oh that was not childish" Angelo said,

"You're just jealous Lolo"

"The second verse is Jane isn't it?" Tayte asked,

"Yes, I will sing to you the next two verses on my own as Lolo is a spoil sport"

"Hey I never said I wouldn't sing it"

"Whatever" I cleared my throat, "Jane, was cruising on a bullet and Jane, got hit by an aeroplane, now Jane has a pain and Tarzan has a tan...etc., etc."

"She'd be dead" Angelo said,

"Your right Lolo, you are ancient" I said, Keane laughed, "Monkey, was feeling kind of funky, and monkey, got stamped on by a donkey. Now monkey ain't so funky, and Jane has pain and Tarzan has a tan...and I'm not singing anymore"

"You are so not getting any tonight" Angelo said, Keane and Tayte burst into laughter,

"You're not old, I love you, I love you" I said, Lolo smiled.

"Everywhere we go" I hummed,

"Band" Keane said,

"I wasn't even singing it"

"You were humming it, which is basically the same thing"


"Fine, go ahead and hum it, but I'll be throwing you off the giants causeway" he said,

"You wouldn't dare" I gasp, he chuckled, "Plus Lolo would beat you up before you could do so"

"I'll be helping him throw you off"

"Angelo" I said, faking a gasp "How could you?"

"You called me old"

"Tayte help me out here" I said,


"Oh, I see how this is. Gang up on the baby, gang up on the handsome one" they all laughed, I grinned.

"Shall we stop for breakfast?" Keane asked,

"YES" I shouted, "And you're all buying, as you're so mean"

10 minutes later we'd parked up in the services, I rushed out,

"This place looks flash" I said,

"Think it's quite new"

"Oh really" I cheekily said,

"You really are going to get thrown into the sea" I just stuck my tongue out and we headed in. We went to the loo first and then congregated to decide what we wanted to eat,

"I'm good with a Greg's breakfast" Keane and Tayte said,

"Me too"

"You really are ganging up on me" I said,

"You can have whatever you want"

"I want Greg's" I smiled, they rolled their eyes. "I'll grab a table, because it's so busy" they looked around, two couples and a old man was sat down,

"Yeah, so busy" Tayte said,

"I'll have a sausage bap and a hot chocolate, thank you love you" I said and sat down.

"I've got this, I'll bring it over" Angelo said, so Keane and Tayte came and joined me,

"I have a feeling this is going to be a good day" I say,

"I feel the same" Keane smiled,

"A day that doesn't include me being thrown off the Giants causeway," they smiled,

"Let's just see what happens," I made a face,

"I can't swim" I said,

"We all know that's a lie"

"Damn," Angelo came over after 5 minutes with a tray of our food, then went back to get the drinks. Once Angelo was seated and the food was dished out we began to eat.

"Are you not going to finish that?" I asked Keane, who had half of his bap left,

"He is" Tayte answered,

"Alright Mum, I was just taking a break" Keane said,

"From what? I'm starving, this is the first food we've had," Keane then picked up his bap and shovelled it in his mouth and downed the rest of his coffee,


"Yes" Tayte said,

"Any chance of seconds?" I said,

"Are you seriously going to be that greedy?" Keane asked,

"I'm a growing man"

"What do you want?" Angelo asked, I smiled, "Your still not getting any" Keane and Tayte smirked, I pouted,

"Another sausage bap please, with more ketchup this time. Thanks" Angelo stood up,

"Greedy guts" Keane said, "Tayte and I will go and get some food for when we trek the hills, we'll meet you back at the car"

"Okay, get good stuff" they just gave me a look and headed off. Angelo came back over and I explained where they had gone.

"You amaze me how much you eat and how sexy your body is" Lolo said,

"You can't talk to me like that when you banned sex later" He laughed at my brutal honesty,

"Well sexy, you're going to have to change my mind aren't you" I smiled,

"Oh that is easy" I said kissing him.

We met Keane and Tayte back at the car,

"You better have got sweets" I said,

"Haribo fizzy cherries?" my eyes lit up, "Joking, you're banned from them"

"You are so mean"

"I know that's not true, so keep telling me it" Keane said, as we all got back into the car. We had around half hour to go. The sky was looking a tad overcast today as we pulled into the carpark, I hoped it didn't rain as we didn't really pack practically for bad weather. We were going on a coastal Hike that Cassie booked for us yesterday that was setting off at 12.30pm. It had just gone 10am, we picked up our pre booked tickets and then headed into the visitor centre. Since we had time to kill we thought we'd have a look around the interactive parts and browse the shop. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the stories of the giants, but I wasn't completely buying it and even though money is no object for us, I did find the price of paying for the visitor experience and therefore being allowed into the newly built centre, was a tad extortionate. Especially considering that you didn't actually have to pay to go and see the Causeway, it's just an easier way to get to it, rather than walking around.

"Look at that view" I said dashing off to the edge of the cliff,

"Noah, if you fall. I will literally kill you" Angelo said,

"I won't" I answered, smiling at them.

"Do you think we should go on a little explore ourselves before the tour?" Tayte asked,

"Well we have 2 hours, so I think we should explore what we can now" I replied.

The place was buzzing with tourists, as we walked down paths, dodging dogs and slippery rocks. There was a part where you had to get down a steep slope, I thought I'd be clever and slide down it, turns out my idea wasn't perhaps the best and the sliding didn't actually go to plan. It started off okay and then I tripped, slipped and tumbled on down coming to an abrupt stop at the bottom, followed by the gasps and shouts of horror.

"Are you okay?" An old lady said to me, crouching down,

"Um...ask me that in a minute" I replied,

"You're an idiot" Keane said, "But I hope you're okay bub"

"You bought that on yourself" Tayte said,

" you know him?" The woman asked, she was definitely confused,

"He's my little brother, he'll be fine. Thank you for your concern"

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm sure anyone else would have done the same" She said,

"Not where we're from" He replied,

"Does anything hurt?" Angelo asked me,

"Except from my ego, no" He smiled at that,

"I'm being serious"

"And so am I," he held out his hand and pulled me up. I winced,

"I think that wince told me something else" He said,

"Just a scratch, or a bruise, I'm fine"

"Have you learnt your lesson?" Keane asked me,

"What happens if I like broke my arm or something?" I said,

"That wasn't the question"

"No I haven't learnt my lesson" I said and walked off,

"Such a child" He shouted after me.

The wind was whipping away, the elements were ferocious off of the Atlantic, I understood why it was called, 'Windy Gap'.

"Whatever" I retorted, sticking my tongue out.

"It's stunning" Keane said, Tayte rested his chin on Keane's shoulder,

"It really is" He whispered, I smiled.

"I think the aliens zapped them there" I told Angelo, who laughed, "What? I don't believe the giants made them"

"You do know the giants didn't actually make them don't you? That's just an ancient legend" I looked at him, he laughed again,

"Well if it wasn't the giants and it wasn't the aliens then who was it?"

"A volcano erupted 60 plus million years ago, causing the tectonic plates to stretch and break, causing the magma I think to spew up from the core of the earth and spill out lava across the surface..."

"I love when you talk clever to me" I interrupted winking, he kissed me.

"I don't think we should go any further just yet. We'll probably walk back this way on the tour" Keane said,

"Well, can we take some pictures before we climb back up?"

"I'll take a picture of the three of you"

"You're going to be in it, or a picture isn't being taken" I said, he groaned. I asked this cute Spanish couple if they would take a picture of us, in which they happily obliged. "Oh we are so cute"

"If your dare put that on Facebook" Keane said,

"Oops, my finger slipped on the post button" I grinned,

"My finger might slip when I push you off the cliff" He said, I made an O shape with my mouth,

"Keane" I said shocked, he winked,

"Race you to the top" I then shouted dashing off,

"Did he not learn his lesson when he fell down the slope?" Angelo said shaking his head. We climbed back up to the top of the site where the visitor centre was and went to the toilets. I pulled my top up to see if there was any damage from my previous fall or not, a few grazes and probably a small bruise.

"You really are a numpty" Angelo said, kissing my neck,

"I think I've heard that one before" I said. Keane and Tayte were chomping on a bar of chocolate leant against a rock, "Where's ours? I happen to be starving" Keane pulled two bars of Kit Kat chunkys and threw them at us, "Thank you,"

We then just sat outside the visitor centre, where as the time grew closer, more and more people began to congregate, so I was guessing that everyone was here for the tour.

At 12.30pm on the dot, a man came out of the centre and addressed all of us, telling us his name and what to expect of the tour. There was 18 of us in total and were all getting into a rambler bus that was going to take us to Dunseverick castle and we were going to walk back towards the causeway. A 5 mile trek that was going to take probably around 3 and a half hours.

"I'm Noah everyone, nice to meet you all" I said when we were all on the rambler bus. I saw Keane, Tayte and Angelo smile and sink down into their seats. Then hello shot back in many different accents. "Multicultural for the win, I hope we'll all be friends after we've finished this"

"You're cute" someone shouted,

"Friends for life already" I said, Angelo pulled me down, "I was just being friendly"

"I know" He replied, "I know"

It didn't take that long to get the castle. We were then going to have a quick look around at the castle, okay you needed about 3 seconds because it was a ruin, I think they should rename it Dunseverick Ruin.

"As we walk along the coastal paths, you have to be careful of dips and rocks and slippery surfaces. It is easy to lose your footing"

"You have been warned Noah" Angelo said,

"And running isn't the most ideal thing to do either"

"There you go, I think that was directed at you bud" Keane said, I rolled my eyes.

An hour into the walk and I must say the views have been absolutely extraordinary, I had managed to get around the 14 people; a Spanish couple from Madrid, an English family of 3 from Yorkshire, an old American couple from North Carolina, a lone Scotsman from Glasgow, 2 German sisters from Munich and a Dutch family of 4 from Amsterdam. All are extremely lovely and very amenable, they also all speak English so well.

"I have a feeling that the reason you went around the group is because you want them all to sing with you" Keane said, it was scary how he knew me so well,

"I don't know what you mean"

"You are an appalling liar" he told me,

"You can't have it all" He shrugged.


"Everywhere we go" I sung,

"Everywhere we go" everyone else minus the three grouches called Keane, Tayte and Angelo sang back,

"People wanna know"

"People wanna know"

"Who we are"

"Who we are"

"And where we come from"

"And where we come from"

"So we tell them"

"So we tell them"

"We're from everywhere" My boys smiled at that,

"We're from everywhere"

"Mighty mighty everywhere"

"Mighty mighty everywhere"

"Mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty everywhere"

"Mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty everywhere"

"And if they can't hear us"

"And if they can't hear us"

"We shout a little louder"

"We shout a little louder"



Everyone laughed and cheered when I'd finished, even the tour guide had joined in. We stopped on a cliff side to refuel with extensive views out into the Atlantic and over the causeway.

"You really are one of a kind" Keane said, "I wouldn't swap you for anyone"

"Why thank you" Tayte handed round water and crisps, "We're going to get proper food when we get back right?"

"Yes baby"

"Good," I then disappeared off and started chatting with the rest of the group until it was time to carry on with the tour.

In Port Noffer, we headed down the small path towards the sea and saw the Giant's boot,

"So that's the boot of the giant who built the causeway?" Noah said,

"It was lost by Finn when he fled from the wrath of Benandonner a Scottish giant" The tour guide said.

"Definitely aliens" I said, everyone laughed.

We stopped off at the wishing chair, which we were told is natural throne that was formed from the set of columns that was perfectly arranged. It's been sat on so much that the basalt stones are actually shiny, smooth and extremely comfortable, which I find is amazing.

"I am the King of the Alien Giants, bow down to me" I announced,

"I'll bow down to you in a minute" Keane said, chucking me over his shoulders, I shrieked,

"I surrender" I shouted happily laughing, he put me down and ruffled my hair, "Love you"

"Love you more kiddo"

"Not possible," he winked.

"I think you should go on it and make a wish" Tayte told Keane,

"You are my wish" He replied, I clutched my heart,

"That hit me right in the feels"

Then we saw Finn's camel who was said to be turned to stone, he lives at the bottom of the cliffs all sad and lonely. The tour guide told us that the camel was the only noble steed that could carry Finn miles across the land.

"It's made from basaltic dyke, which formed from cooling lava, that's pushed it's way through layers of rock" we were told,

"I'm not 100% sure I can see a camel" I whispered,

"You're not the only one" they replied.

We also descended down the shepherd's steps, 167 steps that are dangerous to use in poor weather. I decided not try and run down.

It was 4.15pm when we made it back to the visitor centre and 4.30pm by time I'd hugged everyone and said goodbye.

"I think we are all in need of some food" I said,

"I've just asked a local and they say the smuggler's inn hotel has a nice restaurant and it is literally a 5 minute walk away" Angelo said,

"Lead the way" Tayte replied.


We'd been seated at a table by the open window, looking out at the mesmerising views of the Atlantic, ordered our food; A Smugglers beef burger served with bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, house ketchup and a french fried onion. A chicken fillet resting on colcannon mash with bush mills cream sauce and shards of bacon. A chargrilled 8oz minute steak with sauté onions and mushrooms and a seared fillet of salmon resting on a bed of wilted seasonal greens in basil oil.

"Oh I'm so hungry" I moaned,

"It'll be out soon"

"But I want it now, not soon"

"Someone's hangry" Tayte teased,

"Don't test me. I may just bite your head off"

"I'm not scared of you"

"Well you ought to be" I told him.

Thankfully for everyone's sake the food came 5 minutes later and I jumped right in and boy was it delicious.

"I think I'm full" I said,

"Now are you sure about that?"

"Um...yes" I said, ""

"Well I think as none of us are having a dessert, we should stop off somewhere and get some ice cream, chocolate and sweets" Keane suggested,

"I like your way of thinking"

We got to the car at 7pm and I couldn't believe it was that time already,

"The clocks lying right?" I said,

"No it really isn't" Keane answered as we pulled away,

"See ya giants" I said, "You don't mind if I go to sleep do you?"

"Yes I do actually" Keane answered,

"Really?" he laughed,

"No of course not"

"When are we going to get back?" I asked,

"If we stop then anywhere between 8.45pm and 9pm"


Keane's phone began ringing after we'd been going for 45 minutes, he pulled it out his pocket,

"Someone answer it please, it's Dad," I leant forward and took it as he carried on driving,

"Hey Daddio

Hi Noah, where's Keane? Is everything okay?

Keane and everyone is fine, he's driving at the moment, and we're on our way back from Giant's Causeway. How are you and Mum?

We are well thank you. We had a relaxing day today and are going out for dinner in half an hour

Ah, that's good, I hope you enjoy your meal. Was there any other reason you rang for?" I noticed Keane looking at me in the rear view mirror,

"How's Keane? Is he okay?

He is fine, I promise I'm not lying to you. It's good to get away, we're all having a good time

Okay, I believe you. Send my love and we'll see you on Saturday. Let us know if there's any change in timing or what not

I will. Love you

Love you too, take care



"I'll keep your phone until we stop" I said,

"What did Dad want?"

"Just to see how we all were" I answered,

"And me especially I'm guessing"

"Yes, he wanted to make sure you were okay. They're both still worried, there's nothing wrong with that" he didn't reply,

"Don't get all miserable with me" I said, he still didn't reply,

"Noah he's fine, just leave him" I huffed.

We pulled some services and had a pit stop and grabbed a hot drink,


"Yes Noah"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Oh I don't know, because you kept ignoring me in the car before"

"It wasn't you I was ignoring"

"Well it was"

"Why can't they back off?"

"Why can't you just let them love you?"

"Maybe because I'm a hard person to love"

"Well I know that is a load of bullshit and Tayte would definitely clarify that for me," Tayte and Angelo had just walked out and headed towards us, Keane muttered something I couldn't hear, "Tayte, Keane thinks he's a hard person to love and I told him he talking bull"

"You're easy to love Keane, you have the kindest heart and are one of the most caring guys I know" Angelo said,

"Thanks Angelo"

"Babe, you are incredible and you aren't hard to love, you may think you are. But you have a heart of gold and I don't know where this has come from. Actually I do know exactly where this has come from. You being cold towards your parents and not letting them love you. I thought you were taking baby steps with them, baby steps doesn't mean you're going to let your guard down and open your heart to them straight away, but don't let your conflicting feelings with your parents effect the fact that we love you and you love us" Tayte said,

"Amen" I said, Keane hugged Tayte.

"I love you"

"I know and I love you too"


We got back to Eli and Cassie's at 9pm,

"Have you had a good day?" Cassie asked,

"It's been amazing thank you. Giants causeway is awesome" I said, flopping down on the sofa,

"I bet your tired now aren't you?"

"I could definitely do with having a lie in tomorrow" Tayte said,

"What have you got planned for tomorrow anyway?" Eli asked, everyone looked at me,

"The titanic museum" I said,

"Oh yes, that's a wonderful idea, the place is amazing, you'll love it" She told us. "I'll book you a white star premium ticket for you all, it enables you access to everything"

"That's very kind of you thanks" Keane said,

"Oh don't be silly and you can lie in as well, it opens at 9am and closes at 7pm. It's only a 10 minute drive"

"That is just heaven in comparison to today" Tayte said, Eli laughed,

"Are any of you hungry? Do you want us to cook you anything?"

"Oh no, we're fine and if we're hungry before we go to bed I'm sure we can find something"

"Very well"


We all headed upstairs at 9.45pm,

"Slumber party in your room, yes, good. See you at 10pm" I said all in one go and then dragged Angelo into our room,

"See you in 15 minutes then" Keane said laughing.

I ran into the bathroom and had a shower, ran back out and pulled on a t-shirt and some shorts, waited impatiently for Angelo as he showered and then ran into Keane and Tayte's room,

"No we're not ready as there's only one bathroom that the two of you decided to hog" I rolled my eyes,

"Fine, go shower, we'll come back in 10 minutes. Make that 15" I said winking at Angelo,

"Wink all you want, you still aren't getting any" I groaned and skulked off.

10.15pm we were all on the double bed, with the TV on, flicking through sky movies to see what was on,

"Disney for the win" I shouted,

"I love the Aristocats" Keane added, "So I'm definitely feeling it," I smiled,

"Me too" Tayte agreed,

"You are already outnumbered Lolo so your opinion doesn't count"

"Banned for the rest of the holiday" He said,

"WHAT!" I shrieked, "Please tell me you're joking," Keane and Tayte were in a fit of giggles,

"I guess you're going to have to find out" he answered, just as The Aristocats started with its opening title.


"I'm Abraham De Lacy, Giuseppe Casey, Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley the alley cat. I got that wanderlust. Got to walk the scene, got to kick up highway dust. Feel the grass that's green. Got to strut them City Street, showing' off my éclat, yeah. Telling' my friends of the social elite, or some cute cat I happen to meet, that I'm, Abraham De Lacy, Giuseppe Casey, Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley the alley cat" I sang,

"That wasn't actually too bad" Angelo said,

"Don't act so surprised, you know I can sing. I think I might try acting when we head back to the states" I said,

"I can see you on Broadway" Keane said,

"Keane that is such a nice thing to say, I'm touched" he smiled,

"I'm here to please" He said winking at me.

We had a toilet break and paused the film and popped downstairs to grab some crisps. Before setting ourselves up for the rest of the film,

"I really hate Edgar" Tayte said, "Like, I just want the cats to turn on him and eat him" I burst into laughter,

"Oh Tay', I love you" Keane said, he bit his lip smiling,

"Well he gets what he deserves" Angelo said.

"Everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at. Tell me, everybody's picking' up on that feline beat, cause everything else is obsolete.

A square with a horn, makes you wish you weren't born, every time he plays. But with a square in the act, you can set music back, to the caveman days" I sang,

"I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing, still a cat's the only cat, who knows how to swing. Who wants to dig a long-haired gig stuff like that? When everybody wants to be a cat" Keane then sang,

"A square with a horn, makes you wish you weren't born, every time he plays. Oh riki-tiki-tinky. With a square in the act, you can set music back to the Caveman days. Everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at. When playing' jazz he always has a welcome mat, cause everybody digs a swinging' cat" Tayte sang,

"Come on Angelo join in" I said,

"Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat. Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat. Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat" We all sang together, falling back on the bed and laughing afterwards.

"I think we should settle down now, we don't want to be keeping Eli and Cassie awake and it is nearly 20 past 11"

So we quietened down until it finished and then called it a night,

"Love you both, sleep well"

"Love you too"

"I'm thinking a lie in til 9.30pm, quick breakfast and then head off for 10am?"

"Good idea, still gives us plenty of the day left" I said,



It was gone midnight after I'd finished faffing and Angelo and I were both in bed, I snuggled up to him,

"You know you said banned for the rest of the holiday" I said,

"Goodnight Noah"


Next upload: So I will try to make it next Friday, no promises as I am moving into my house for Uni. But like I said, I'm sure once I'm settled I'll be able to upload. If I do, expect it to be late!

Unedited (Isn't it always)

Quick question!

Who is your favourite? Keane, Tayte, Noah or Angelo?

Love you all



Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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