Slum Boy's Princes (Boy X Boy)

By Camjamson

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Lee Yunohara is the slum boy who is associated with everything that's negative towards society. All in all, i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

3.1K 93 3
By Camjamson

Yunohara's P.O.V

I heard the splash of Lance jumping into the water, but didn't pay much attention to it. My mind was trying to process and understand everything that Lance told me about his past.

I stared down at the sand, and watched as the waves of the ocean splashed on my feet and sand. I never would have thought something like that happened to Lance...

Before he told me about his past, he said Ichinose was the only one he told his story to. He didn't tell me anything about Ichinose except for their meeting. I sighed loudly and leaned back into my chair. That means I'll have to find and talk to Ichinose next...

I looked out into the ocean and stared at Lance. Lance floated on the waters with his eyes closed. His body rose and fell gently with his light breathing. His whole posture and behavior makes him peace.

"The pursuit and longing of money to replace happiness, is utterly futile and incomparable," I told myself gently, quoting the woman who told me that years ago. I gave a bitter laugh, despite myself. How ironic for her to have said that.

...That's what happened to Lance's family. How easy their happy family was turned into a world so cruel... All because of money.

Soon, I got off of my beach chair and dived into the waters. I began to swim to Lance, but made sure to keep my head submerged in the cool waters. When I reached Lance, I popped my head from underneath the waters and splashed him.

He hadn't seen it coming. From the look on his face and actions, he hadn't even heard me dive in the water or sneak up on him.

"Lee-kun..." Lance softly called.

You know Lance...I don't think we're that different from each other.

I glided over to Lance, and gave a small smile. Once I was close to him, I gave him a comforting hug.

"Lee-kun! What're you-?"

"You want to be comforted, right?" I gently asked him.

Lance said nothing. So, I continued. " and I aren't as different. I've realized that a bit... Our family...well, your Father couldn't stand by you, your mother, and sister. He gave up his family for riches and power. My family...relates to it in a way."

When I began to mention the words 'my family', Lance wrapped his arms around my waist as we hugged. "How so?"

I bit my lip, contemplating if I should tell Lance or not. I've never told anyone about this. Lance told me so much, but...that doesn't mean I owe him a story of my own. I gave my head a slight shake as memories of the past began to resurface.

"Lets...lets just leave it at that. You've dealt with the pain of having one of your parents turning their back on family. I've dealt with...with everyone," I told him.

"Everyone? Was there not someone who-?"

"No," I cut him off. "There was no one beside me. No one who truly showed me their compassion towards me. It was the slums, me, myself, and I. My sister didn't join me until far later." I silently muttered, "By the time she showed me her care...I didn't fully accept it. No, I didn't want to accept it. Her care was basically an apology for not being there with me in those years."

I gave Lance a sad smile. "At least you weren't alone. You showed how much family meant to you than money. For that, you weren't turned on...merely accepted and cared for. And even when you go back home, you still have family waiting for you...your little sister."

"Yuu-kun...don't look like that," Lance told me.

I gave a fake smile. "Look like what? It's a great day today at the beach so we should really-"

"And now you're brushing it off as if what you said didn't matter," Lance cut me off angrily.

I lifted my head off of Lance's shoulder(from their hug), and looked at Lance's face. His eyes were dark green, looking way different from his bright green eyes.


I didn't get to finish calling out Lance's name out of surprise. Out of nowhere, Lance put his fingers in my hair and kissed me. Caught off guard, I tried to resist Lance. When I tried to resist, Lance tugged my hair a bit, making me gasp. At my gasp, he snaked his tongue in my mouth and tangled with my own.

Oh. My. Fucking. Lord.

Thoughts ran wildly in my head as Lance kissed me. One particular thought was why he was kissing me! Fuck... Lance is actually a good kisser... I opened my eyes slightly, sneaking a glance at Lance.

I instantly regretted it. Lance was looking back at me with captivating green eyes. The dark tone to them made Lance look undeniably sexy. I couldn't pull my eyes away from Lance, nor close my eyes.


Lance broke the kiss, allowing us to catch our breaths. I felt Lance's hands on the hem of my wet shirt.

"What! Lance! What's gotten into-!" I tried to yell out at him, but he cut me off.

"Why are you wearing a shirt over your body?" He asked me.

"W-why?! Why else would I be wearing a shirt! My body isn't nicely done as of course I'd be self-conscious," I told him.

I haven't been to the beach in awhile because I've had no real purpose for being there. Not to mention the way my body looked. I only ate when it was necessary, not the usual three course meal of a regular day people ate. I only ate in small quantities and had only one or two meals. Because of that, my body is lean and only has slight muscles from when I tried to work out.

" have such beautiful skin. Why would you want to hide that?" Lance asked as he began to lift my shirt up.

"Oi, Lance!" I called out.

But it was too late. Lance took my shirt off and threw it far, landing in front of the beach chairs. Lance ignored my slight protests, and kissed my cheek. I blushed slightly and he smiled. Lance submerged himself in the water, holding me in place.

"Lance, this isn't funny! Stop acting so- mhn!" My scolding died in the back of my throat when I felt a warmth envelope one of my nipples.

What the fuck!?

Lance...this no good prince. He's being perverted underneath the water where no one can see him. At the thought of that, I felt a pleasurable tug on one of my other nipples that made me slightly gasp.

" can't be serious..." I softly panted out. He's making my body feel weird...just like Ren, but in,a different way.

"!" I closed my eyes, feeling my lips leak out my moans.

Soon, all feeling stopped from my nipples. However, there was a numbing feeling that felt all-too sweet. I let out a slight moan from that feeling, as that feeling stirred my groin.

Lance popped his head from underneath the water to catch his breath. I looked around us, and could see a few people who guessed what happened underneath the water. Lance gave me a dark smile, and I knew he wasn't done.

"Lance...what the hell has gotten into you?!" I asked him, feeling my pride begin to surface.

"The same question I should be asking you," he retorted back at me. He grabbed my head again, but started to push me back in the water. When I felt that, I held my breath. I heard the slight crash of the water as my head broke the surface. No later than that did I hear another crash of the surface being broken.

I slightly opened my eyes in the blurry water, and caught a small glimpse of Lance. Lance brought me near him, and kissed my closed lips. He kissed them until my lips started to open slightly. Once they opened a bit, Lance fully kissed me. We shared the same breaths.

I had to be careful not to breathe through my nose, but Lance and I were losing air as our tongues tangled. I began to tug on Lance's hair a bit, but he didn't budge. I felt a slight tug on one of my nipples, and a pinch on the other which made me gasp and breathe in a bit of the water.

At that moment, Lance pulled me up and to his chest. I coughed over his shoulder as he held me near him.

"You...cough cough...damn idiot!"

Lance smiled and swam us both back to shore. I stayed in the water as Lance got out.

"Hm? What is it Yuu-kun?" He asked me.

"I'd like my shirt back," I told him embarassingly. I hope he didn't leave any marks on me...

Lance smiled and gave me my shirt back.

~10 Mins Later~

We dried up and walked back to Lance's car. I was still in my wet shirt because I went in the water in the shirt I came in. Stupid! Lance went into the back of the car and gave me a shirt.

"It's probably a bit big on you, but make it work if you can," Lance said apologetically.

" it's fine! It's better than being wet and cold," I told him. "Thank you."

As I took my wet shirt off, I could feel Lance's gaze on my back. He's probably scanning me over...from top to bottom.

Ignore it Yunohara...ignore it!

I finished changing shirts, and knew the shirt was overly long. The neck of the shirt came over my left shoulder, and reached above my knees.

"Tch...I'll have to tie or tuck the bottom of the shirt," I muttered to myself. Before I started to do anything, Lance came behind me. I froze.

Silently, I felt a cold metal on my hip bone heard cutting noises.

Snip. Snip. Snip.

"You have scissors?" I questioned him.

"Of course," he told me.

"But in your car?"

Lance didn't answer, but continued to cut the shirt. After he finished, I looked at myself. The neck was still too big and came over my shoulder, but at least the bottom of my shirt stopped at my waist.

I thanked Lance and got in the car with him. It was 5:00 and it was already starting to darken up a bit.

"We should get going," Lance said.

The car revved to life, and we began to leave the beach.

"Lance," I called out.

"Hm?" He answered.

"Why...did you act like that? I the water when we were together. Your eyes darkened up a bit, and you..." I couldn't finish what I was saying. I was already blushing as much.

"You said such meaningful things," Lance told me.

"I don't get what you mean..."

"You were letting me into your life. Telling me just a bit about yourself...and you brushed it off as if it were nothing. I wanted to understand you Yuu-kun."

He continued, "And to have you let me in just a bit and then chnage it as if it were nothing...well...I couldn't control myself."

We came to a red light. Lance turned to me, and brought his hand to my face. I wanted nothing more than to brush off his hand, but his eyes stopped me from doing so. He cupped my cheek gently.

"'re right. Family means more to me than anything. Mainly family went from happy to disastrous. Father showed me the kindness of family. The love you experience from it, even if I am not his legitimate son. Which is why I didn't want you to say you didn't have a family. Your family must still care and miss you. There had to have been someone..."

Lance...I really do appreciate this. That you want me to believe that there was someone. But no...there truly was no one for me. You can say this because there has been redemption for you. You had someone. Which is why you probably won't be able to understand me...

I smiled and leaned into his hand. "Thank you Lance."

He smiled warmly at me. "If family is truly not what you desire, but the 'love and compassion' that you spoke of," he leaned towards me, making my heartbeat slightly faster, "then I would gladly show and let you experience it from me."

Lance continued to lean towards me. I knew what he was going to do, and was going to gladly accept it. This isn't the love and compassion I mean. What he means is something I've never experienced, but...I can delude myself to make myself believe that this was what I wanted.

Before Lance could kiss me, the sound of a car's honk frightened both of us. Lance pulled away from me, and continued to drive. He glanced at me apologetically, and I smiled.

" it okay if I walk back to the palace?" I asked him.

Lance gave me a curious face. "Why, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing... I just need to relax a bit. Y'know...fresh air and everything." Okay...I'm completely lying. I got fresh air at that damn beach, so there would be no reason to walk. But...I just need a time for myself.

Lance pulled over to the side. "Do you know how to get back?"

"The park's close by. I can cut through the park or I can take the long way home. I've been in and out of the palace long enough to know my way back."

He smiled at me. Before he could say or do anything, I got out of the car. I gave a little wave and said,"Thanks for today. I really enjoyed the beach and...I got to know more about you."

Lance smiled at me. "I enjoyed the day as well. Come back safely!"

Lance drove off as I waved goodbye. I began to walk on the road until the city began to open up. I walked by shops and restaurants, continuing to walk until I reached the park. At the sight of swings, I ran into the Marywood Park.

I sat on the swings, and watched as kids played with their parents. I swung back and forth on the swing, until I reached a great momentum.

I miss the park too... So many childhood memories I miss...

After awhile, I got bored. I got off and began to walk through the park. As I walked, I passed a bench with a sleeping person. As my mind replayed the person on the bench, I stopped in my tracks.

I walked back to the bench, and looked at the sleeping person.

"Prince Ichinose?!" I thought out loudly to myself.




Meh is sowwy... I couldn't escape family after all DX. Well...the strangers some of my family brought was very...interesting(/) o.o)/).

I'll fixxy meh mistakes Q.Q...hopefully XP. So non ju a worry!

Lance took up three chapters...damn X].

Good news...kuroko no basuke gots a new episode today 8D. *dances* lol I can't wait :P.

Until my next booky update(I hope soon or tomorrow), I shall see chu bootiful loves then :D. Burr byes <3 :*

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