Chapter 5

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Ren's P.O.V (OMFG..yesh a prince p.ov :P)

I watched as he went all the way up the stairs until I couldn't see him anymore. I gave an irritated sigh and made my way to leave.

"Ren, just where do you think you're going?" Ichinose asked me.

"Like I need to tell my younger brother where I'm going. If it's not life-threatening, there's no real reason for you to worry, is there?"

"I really can't comprehend this slick attitude of yours."

"Now, now, my sons. Since you won't answer to Ichi, then there's no way you can't answer to me. Where are you going?" Father asked me.

"A place," I replied, giving no intimation of exactly where that place is.

He squinted his eyes at me, "And how does that answer my question?"

"It doesn't," I replied with a smile.

"Is it because of Yuu-kun?" Lance incquired.

"Like I need to work myself over for that commoner. For all I care, he can wallow in hatred of us when we tried to help him. Despicable!"

"But we can't really just blame-"

I didn't bother hearing what Lance had to finish saying. I was heading for the front doors. Two guards stood there. Upon noticing me, they nodded their head.

"Yes your Magesty?" The guards asked me in unison.

Being the eldest, I didn't like them introducing my presence as "Prince Ren". I wanted the same respect as Father, so I told everyone in the household to say, "Your Magesty".

"I want you two to leave. You're jobs are done here for now. I also want you to tell the guards at the front gate to return to their post in 10 minutes. Exactly," I punctuated everything to them.

"But we are not to leave unless-"

"-Unless Father instructs you, am I right?" I finished for them.

They nodded at my response.

"Well," I began to say slowly, "If you cannot listen to what the firstborn child says, is that not in a way, I don't know...going against the successor to the throne?"

"Prince Ren-!"

"Your Magesty," I corrected the guard harshly.

"Your Magesty...I am...very sorry to have went against you. Please forgive me!" He exclaimed to me with his head bowed.

"As it should be. People like you should really not question anything and follow the orders of those superior to you," I told him with cold eyes. "Now get to it."

I turned on my heels and headed to the dining room, only to find Barrett cleaning up.

"Your Magesty! For what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?" Barrett asked me kindly.

"I just had to take care of business," I told him. Soon after, I heard the sound of a door slam and looked to the stairwell. The hoodrat.

I saw him go to the front door with surprise evident on his face. The lack of guards are thanks to me. You're welcome commoner.

I turned my attention back to Barrett who had his back turned as he washed the dishes. I caught some red spots on Barrett's neck, and instantly knew what they were. I walked up to Barrett with his back turned.

I called out to him lowly, "Barrett."

Barrett's hands faltered for a bit after discovering my presence behind him. He continued to do the dishes and asked, "Yes your Magesty?"

Slum Boy's Princes (Boy X Boy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें