Chapter 19

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Lillian's P.O.V

10 Minutes Later

Cameron drove us to his bar, and got out. Talking to the police, Leon was trying to diffuse the situation. Cameron came up beside Leon, and took over from there. Leon noticed me and smiled. He pulled me to the side and said, "Ah! So this must be my little brother's cute waitress."

I blushed at that, and looked angrily at Leon. "How can you make light of this situation!? Your brother's bar is surrounded by police for whatever reason, and you're bringing that up!"

Leon's smile faded at that. "Of course I'm concerned about my brother. I just hope the police don't find any evidence to hold against him."

"Evidence?" I questioned.

"Oops! I think I've said too much. Anyway, how's my cute waitress been? She hasn't popped up for work in ages, and I'm concerned that she may have secretly quit on me."

"Cute waitress? Leon, what are you babbling on about?"

"Are you not Lillian? Or should I call you Lily, being that it is your work name? Either way, are you not Angela's best friend? She talks a lot about you to me occasionally," he said with a smile.

No way... Angela Leon's bar? Cameron's brother?!

"Say...Leon?" I called out.


"Angela...did she say or tell you anything about quitting?" I asked.

"She didn't tell me anything at all about that, which is oddly strange. She just showed up for work regularly one day, and then the next, she never returned back. She seemed perfectly normal the day before she left," he told me. "Because I found it weird, I went through her contact info and contacted her secretarial workplace."

"And?" I asked with worry.

"They said that she called them and said that she was quitting her job. No reason at all, just quitting. Yet, she never came into work the next morning to turn in her resignation forms. Oddly weird, wouldn't you agree? And she said that she was quitting the night before she stopped coming to my bar..."

Thoughts raced through my mind as everything was piecing itself together. But before I could come to a conclusion, I saw Cameron getting handcuffs placed on him.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" I heard Cameron yell out at the police.

Leon and I looked at each other, and ran over to to Cameron's side. "What's going on?" Leon asked.

"Well, it seems your brother is the one we've been searching for for awhile. Now, let's hope you're not an accomplice to his crimes as well," the policeman gruffly said. "The King of the Underworld huh? You've got quite the charges on you, lad. To only add more fire to the burn, we've found crystal meth in your bar. Really now, you should've done a better job at hiding it you seller.

The man landed his eyes on me, and I saw recognition spark in his eyes. "'re Lily, right?"

I felt my blood run cold at the mention of that name. Seeing the fear in my eyes, the policeman smirked at me. "I'm sure you haven't forgotten me, have you?"

In the next moment I blinked, I didn't see reality. I saw the blur of the past. Particularly, the day I cruelly lost my virginity to this man. "Stay away," I lowly muttered, but Cameron heard me.

"Lillian, snap out of it! What's going on? Do you know this man?" Cameron asked.

Frozen in fear, I said nothing. The man heartily laughed out. "Personally, no. Physically, yes. They say that you never forget your first," he sneered.

"First?! You bastard! Don't tell me you stole her virginity!"

"I didn't steal it. I bought what was rightfully mine." He took my chin and tilted it up towards him. "Oh,'re trembling. Don't tell me he doesn't know?"

Leon intervened. "That's enough! Some police officer you are to blatantly tell us about what you've done. You're just a pervert."

"Actually, she was quite legal at the time. Not only that, but her consent was given. So, whether she wanted it or not...the money is what meant the most to her."

" I get it," Cameron softly said.

I looked towards him, and saw how defeated and heartbroken he was. "Cameron-!"


"Don't touch me!" Cameron yelled out.

The hand I was planning on touching Cameron with, was instantly slapped away with his other hand that wasn't in the handcuffs. I looked into Cameron's eyes as he yelled at me, and all I saw was hurt and betrayal. "Cameron..."

"Is this what you didn't want to tell me about Lillian?" Cameron harshly questioned me.

I slowly nodded, transfixed on Cameron's eyes. I couldn't bring myself to pull away from them.

"Bro, you don't understand! There's a reason why she's dif-!" Leon began to tell Cameron.

"Shut up! She's not different! Not in the slightest!" He cut off. "I can't believe it...I was hooked onto you so deeply. Was it fun to have me wrapped around your finger Lillian?" He painfully asked me.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I shook my head. "It's not like that Cameron! There's a reason why I had no choice to go into that business!" I tried to reason.

"Business?! That's not a fucking business! That's just another way for slùts to make themselves seem as if what they're doing is a job. Taking off your clothes in a moments notice for any man or woman, is truly disgusting."

At that heart broke in two. If what Cameron is saying is true, then he must find me disgusting...

"Cameron! Can you just fucking shut up right now!? You don't understand anything at all! She was afraid this would happen, so she didn't tell you. You don't even know the damn reason!" Leon yelled at him. "Her feelings...her feelings are real you idiot! She-"

But I didn't want to hear anymore... I ran away from the bar with tears rushing down my face. My heart ached in pain, at what I heard, and what was continually ringing in my ears. "Taking off your clothes in a moments notice for any man or woman, is truly disgusting," Cameron's voice kept ringing in my head.

I slowed my running down and began to walk. I wiped my face repeatedly, trying to diminish the tears. Soon, I came to a place I knew very well. I looked at the girls on the sidewalk, and knew they were Rick's girls. I continued to walk past them, until a certain girl caught my eye. She was red headed and had captivating green eyes. Based on how she was standing, I could tell that she was new and afraid. My eyes scanned her slowly, but stopped at a silver bracelet she wore. I walked up to her, and smiled.

"Hi...are you going to buy me for the night?" She asked me curiously.

"Not really. I'm just curious about your bracelet. Is it okay if I may take a look at it?" I asked cautiously.

She smiled up at me, and thrust her hand out proudly. "Rick gave it to me a few days ago! He said that he couldn't help but think about me when he got this, and changed my name. It's a beautiful name actually and-"

"Where did you get this?" I cut in, studying the bracelet hard.

"Uhm...Rick got it for boss," she told me.

"What's your name?" I asked slowly, my mind finally piecing together what I dreaded.


"No!" I yelled out, scaring her. "No...I mean..what's your real name?" I asked gently.

"It's Candace."

I knew it... "So...what was your other name before? You did mention that Rick changed it.."

"Oh, that? My other name before was Candy."

I forced a smile on my face. "Would you mind taking me to Rick?" I asked her slowly.

"Take you to Rick? Do you want to go in the business?" She asked me.

"No...nothing like that. Just tell Rick that someone would like to speak to him. If he refuses that," I began to say, "Tell him that Lily would like a serious word with him."

"Ah, okay!" She exclaimed.

I leaned on the wall that the girl left from. I covered my eyes with my hand, as I began to slowly breathe. I clenched my teeth. "How dare he..."

Rick did it...Rick was the motherfucking one who killed Angela in cold blood. Rick has never named any of his girl's different from their original name. So why the fuck would that girl be wearing Angela's bracelet!? The bracelet is engraved with her name on it!

I'm back!" The girl stated happily.

"What did Rick say?" I quietly asked.

"Rick smiled! He said no at first, but when he heard your name, he perked up and smiled at me. He patted my head, and said he's referring me to one of his best customers. I'm so happy! He said that you know the way?"

"Well...the bastard sure knows how to welcome me back."

I walked inside the building, and found his office. I took a deep breath, and opened the door. Rick faced away from me, as he stared out the window.

"Lily! I just knew you'd come back," Rick said happily. "It may have taken awhile, but you've changed your mind, haven't you?"

"Changed my mind? Who said I was coming back?! I'm only here to chat," I angrily said through clenched teeth.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...and here I thought we would have come to an understanding," Rick said, as he finally turned to look at me. He whistled. "You look dreadful."

"Answer me...did you or did you not kill Angela?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

Rick sat down on his chair, and pulled his feet up. He devilishly smiled at me. "I may or may not have done it. Where's your proof?"

"One of your fucking girls is wearing Angela's bracelet," I spat out.

"And?" He asked, unfazed.

"Her name...why the hell would her name be different from her original name!? Angela and Candace do NOT correspond with each other. Her other name, Candy, suited her," I said with squinted eyes.

Rick laughed out heartily. I really want to hit this guy... "Fine, I won't lie to you." He got up from his chair, and came over to me. When he was close to me, he caressed my face lightly.

"Angela Gordan was most definitely killed. However, I didn't kill her myself. I hired someone for that. How did you like seeing her? Quite pretty in fact."

"You bastard!" I slapped his hand away from my face, and pulled my fist back to punch him. Just as I punched, he grabbed my fists with a smile. "Did you think I was stupid? Those girls that 'quit' was all a stunt I asked them to pull so that the real person who was helping you came out and showed themselves. Oh! I forgot to add that I personally went into Angela's apartment. The apartment I was paying for. So, of course stealing the money wasn't a problem. "

He leaned closer to me. "Not only that, I purposely let you two run free for awhile. I knew exactly where you two lived, and where you both worked. I do have my connections. What you two did was underestimate me. Do not underestimate me," he coldly said.

No way... He..he tricked us into believing we won? Let us live in our fantasy to only have it destroyed by him again?

He went into his pocket, and took out a recorder. He played it.

"I quit!" I heard Angela's voice say. "I don't believe this business suits me very well and...I strongly believe this with all of my heart. There's nothing you can do about it boss, goodbye."

He looked at me with a mischievous smile. "Recording her was the perfect way to end her day job. Otherwise, I'm sure things would've gotten messy."

Angela... I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he pulled me closer to him. "Not only that, I bet you're curious about that bartender, aren't you?" He asked.

I stiffened when he said that, and he knew he had me. "Such a pity he was arrested today. It took me awhile before I could track down where he got his hands on crystal meth, but it paid off. Now, he'll wrought his life in jail."

"No!" I yelled out.

Rick let go of me and began to walk to his chair. "Are you prepared to strike a deal with me Lillian

I bit my cheek at the mention of my name, hating how he spoke to me. "I...I'll do anything," I slowly spoke.

He sat down and mischievously looked at me. "Anything? Why don't you elaborate so that I can get an idea?"

I slowly walked over to Rick, knowing that he wouldn't be satisfied with words. I'm sorry Angela... I stood in front of him and clenched my skirt, trembling. I'm sorry Cameron... I sat on Rick's lap, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "I...I'll come back to the business, and be your girl," I forced myself to say, feeling a tear leak from my eye and drop on Rick's face. "Please.." After that, the tears flowed down my face.

"Hm~?" Rick smiled and began to lick my cheeks, licking the tears away. "Now why would you be crying? Of course I'll comply with my cute lapdog's wish. You want him out of jail, right? Then I'll do it, just for you." He wrapped his hand around my waist, and the other in my hair. "Such a beauty... I told you before, didn't I? I wouldn't forgive you if you came back to the business. However..." He pushed my head towards him, and gently began to nip at my lips. "You're just so cute today, that I feel like forgiving you and rewarding you." Rick tilted my chin, and kissed me.

I have no choice... I don't want him to change his mind. I kissed Rick back, and wrapped my hands around his neck. This will be over soon...bear with it..

Rick pulled back, and smiled wickedly at me. "That was me forgiving you. For your reward, I just knew you were coming back today. So, I scheduled an appointment for you to one of the clients. You should hurry, he'll be here soon for you. I chose a man that will whip you back into shape in this business, as if you never left. Please enjoy him to your heart's content."

I nodded my head, and got off of Rick. I walked out of his office and into the room that had my name on it. I walked in and saw the bed that would be used tonight prepared with the client's tastes. I wet my dry lips slowly as I saw gags, a flogger, sex toys, rope, and handcuffs on the bed. I went into the closet and changed into a black crop top, and black shorts. I wore red heeled boots that matched the red belt on my shorts, and red lining and my top. I wore red lipstick, and applied makeup to my face. I fixed my hair in the mirror, knowing that the blue stood out more than the black and red. Yet, it still looked good. Looking at the note on the table, I was to wait outside with the collar around my neck per request of the customer. Humiliating...

I willed myself not to cry so early. I will finish this up, scrub myself till my skin turned red, and go to bed. I'll repeat this if I have to... There's no escape out of being Rick's prostitute. I know...that my sanity will crack, and I just won't be able to go on..

I stood outside next by the other girls, and waited silently. For Cameron...even if he doesn't like me anymore..I could still lead him to a better life.

"Oi, lil lady in black and red!" I heard a gruff voice call out.

I turned to the voice and saw a burly man looking up and down at me lecherously. Upon further inspection, the man was familiar. "Who would've thought that you'd be my enjoyment for the night! I still owe you for what happened at the bar."

Unexpectedly, he tugged the leash and was leading me inside. "Don't think I'll stop if you cry out lil lady. I'm going to use you fully to my heart's desire all till morning. Payback's a bitch, isn't it?"

No...I'm not mentally or physically ready for this!

I ceased moving and stood in place. The man pulled the collar, but I held on to the doorknob desperately.

"Having qualms about this? Too bad, I already paid a hefty amount for you, and I am going to have sex with you whether you want it or not!" He yelled out, grabbing for me.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed out.


I closed my eyes without thinking, and felt my body move on its own accord. When I heard the sound, I opened my eyes slowly. I looked up, and realized I slapped him.

I...I slapped a customer... Rick's gonna make my life even more of a hell now..

You no good bitch! I didn't get to teach you some manners at the bar, but I'll surely engrave them into your skull now!" He said, retracting his hand.

I closed my eyes, hoping that it wouldn't touch me... But it did. I felt the stinging slap on my left cheek, and fell to the floor. I cradled my cheek, but was then kicked in the stomach, leaving me face down. I wobbled to get up, and was pulled up by my hair.

I won't make a sound...I won't!

He looked at me wickedly, and said, "I just thought of a better idea. Why don't I publicly disgrace you here, and let everyone see me discipline you?"

In fear, I shook my head no repeatedly. He laughed out, and pushed me against the wall. I cried as I began to feel his hand touch my chest. Everyone watched as this unfolded, and did nothing. I cried, and trembled. I don't want this...stop it!

"Oh, what's this? Is this supposed to be entertainment for the people?" I heard a voice ask kindly.

"What's it to you man? I'm disciplining a misbehaving dog," my customer said.

I saw a hand clamp on his shoulder, and pull him away from me. After that, I felt a warm coat being wrapped around me. I kept my head low, avoiding my rescuer's eyes. This is bad...this is really bad... Rick won't be as forgiving to me anymore. He just won't! I cried silently in my rescuer's coat, knowing that they were still looking at me.

"Oi! What's the big idea buddy!?" My customer yelled out, turning the man to face him. He stopped talking, and stuttered. "Y-your Magesty..w-wh-what a sur-prise!"

At the mention of the King, I looked at the coat that was given to me. It was a long red coat that the King always wore around his shoulders. I sniffed it slowly, and smelled the expensive cologne on it. I looked up, and saw the King looking at me. He knelt in front of me again.

"Are you all right?" He asked me slowly.

I remained silent. The King...will jeopardize me. I have no choice but to ignore him,cans let this continue. I...I don't want Rick to go back on his word!

"Difficult I see? Who knew that just taking a walk in Assyria would lead me to this. Well then, can I safely assume that that man who slapped you was your customer?"

I cringed when he said that. He...he saw me. I nodded slowly.

"Customer or not," he began as he went in his pocket for a tissue, "No woman should be mistreated and hit like that." He found a tissue and wet it with his tongue a bit. He brought it to my cheek, and began to wipe off the dirt.

I blushed at the King's gesture. When he finished I said, "Thank you."

He smiled warmly at me. "Your it natural?"

"My hair?'s natural," I slowly said.


King Solomon got up, and picked me up as well. He smiled down at my blushing face.

"Y-your M-magesty! Please...p-put me down.." I pleaded.

"Please, call me Harold," he told me.


"What? I intend to buy you for a few days at my palace. Is that all right?"

B-b-buy me?! Isn't he in the process of being in an arranged marriage? I don't understand...why?

"Well, because you don't seem to be bothered by this, I'm buying you," he said with a smile.

"Why?!" I blurted out, a bit too angrily.

King Solomon seemed taken aback by my action, but smiled again at me. "Your hair is interesting. The fact that it's natural has to do with your background. I won't get to know unless I buy you, right?"

What he is very true. We weren't allowed to converse with other people unless they were paying customers. To think that the King is interested in me...

" what you like," I mumbled out.

However, I am glad for the King. If he weren't there, I really would have been shamed in public. If he weren't there, my life wouldn't have changed so drastically. If he weren't there, I probably would have ceased to be myself.

.....I have done the impossible... I have two chapters on the same day.

YIPPEEEEEE XDDDD. I made it into one big chapter, and now I'm breaking it up. Finally! I think it might be the last chapter in next one of Lillian's past. Not quite sure, but hopefully ^_^. I hope chu enjoyed this :D. People might be asleep though, so no worries <3. Hope there aren't that many mistakes o.o)/.

Till my next booky update, I love chu!! And shall see you then :3 :D <3 :P.

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