Chapter 20

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Hello people!!!! Just to let you know...I made a grave error on the King's name. It's Solomon, not Harold XD. Harold is the King of Germany :D! I'm sure you haven't lost interest in this book yet, right :D? Lool my updates are always so late. Plus....I went back to school today oAo. updates will then be limited to the weekends Q__Q. Woe is me :[. Without further ado, I bring a new booky update for chu!

See that there? Hahaha...I rhymed ):D!

Lillian's P.O.V

I stood in Rick's office with my eyes downcast, keeping my eyes away from Rick and the King. Even though Rick gave the King a little bow and smile, it wasn't to be kind. Behind his gesture, I can feel that Rick feels otherwise. This atmosphere in the room... I can't be the only one bothered by this right?!

"Your what do I owe the favor to be graced with your presence?" Rick asked with respect.

The King smiled at Rick. "Well, I'd like to buy this woman for a few days. Will that be all right?"

Rick walked over to me and tugged me towards him. "I am most sorry King Solomon, but this particular woman isn't really the right one for your tastes. I have much more experienced and talented girls who will satisfy you better, and will equal the same price at a bonus of more than one. It'd be more enjoyable than having this one girl serve you, compared to my others." Rick held onto my shoulders tightly, as if he were daring me to speak up against this.

You should know by now Rick...I won't go against you. Not to mention, the King sent away the customer that was supposed to have me tonight. Now, he has to refund his money back to him because of his complaints. I...

"K-King Solomon," I meekly called out.

"Hm?" He turned his attention towards me, looking at me. However, I refused to look up and look back at him.

"I...I think Rick is r-right. Y-y-you wouldn't want an inex-ex-perienced girl like me. Besides...that customer you-"

"The man who was planning to tarnish you on the streets before my eyes?" He asked, but sounded more like a definite statement.

Rick squeezed my shoulders even tighter, and I gulped. "I-it's all part of my agreement.. I was fine b-before you showed up."

After that, there was a long silence. In those minutes, my heart was thudding wildly in my chest. Please go away...please just..just leave!

A large, warm hand patted my head. Then, the King used his thumb and forefinger to lift my chin up to his eyes. Looking at the King so close like this...oh no! He...he'll..

"Now, why is it that through this entire conversation you would keep your eyes down?" The King asked me. "Don't tell me you don't have any self-confidence? From what I saw, you were far by the most beautiful woman I saw."

My bottom lip began to quiver. The King began to rub my head as he continued talking. "Now that you can see me, tell me exactly what you said before."

I bit my quivering lip fiercely, hoping that with this action, I wasn't going to speak. Rick caught on, and began to intervene.

"Your Magesty, with all due respect, my girl doesn't want to-"

"May I ask if you would please be quiet for a moment?" The King cut in, not taking his eyes off of me. Rick instantly got quiet, but that didn't improve the anger I felt radiating off of him.

The King gently pulled my lip out of my mouth with his thumb, and spoke again. "You're trembling," he whispered gently.

Without even realizing it, the King pointed out this fault perfectly clear. Not to mention, I could feel every fiber of my being at its limit to push the King away. Hurry up and go! Because in reality, I wanted the King to buy me. Please...I don't want to drag you into this too.. I wanted the King to take me away from Rick, even if it's just for a few days. I...I..

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