Chapter 3

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"I' the holder of the bracelet," I mumbled lowly, but just enough for the King to hear.

A wide grin spread across his face as he got up from his throne. "Excellent." He walked towards me, and grabbed my arm. The King was much taller than me, with a slightly muscular build. He slipped the bracelet past my hand and let it rest on my wrist.

"How lovely this bracelet looks on your skin," he muttered gently, as he slightly stroked the underside of my arm.

"Your Magesty.." I called out to break him of his trance.

"How old are you Lee-kun?"

I raised my eyebrows up at him, and before I answered, he called one of the butlers to bring his sons down.

I answered, "Nineteen, your Magesty."

He smiled with a twinkle in his eye. "Will your parents worry for you while you're gone?"

"My sister will worry. She'd have to take an even more considerable time out of work to care for her son if I'm gone."

"That doesn't answer my question. I asked-"

"I understood what you were asking. I fully answered it, your Magesty."

The room grew silent slightly, until he asked an outrageous question. "How would you like to be in a harem with me?"

Excuse me?

"W-what's that suppose to mean?!" I asked flustered.

"Oh come on, it's not really a bad idea at all." The King gripped my chin and tilted it up to his face. His thumb brushing the bottom of my lip. "I'm a wonderful lover, and you do have a bit of feminine features. If you won't be able to decide on an heir, then join me. My sons' mother's are quite the beautiful vixens. They're all very friendly with one another as well." He leaned towards me. "I'm sure with just a little bit of coaxing, I can show you a whole new world of ecstasy, Yuu-chan."

I shuddered, and instantly backed away. Not only that, but he used -chan with my first name to put emphasis of my being his harem girl already. Okay, didn't think that the King rolled both ways. As I backed away, I began to stumble and nearly fell backwards-

Until a warm, muscled chest and steady hands on my shoulers, stopped me.

"Heh, did Father's little speech in trying to convince you to be his lover scare you that much?" A velvety voice sounded behind me.

I tilted my head slightly back, and stared up to meet the sexiest guy I've ever seen. He has dark blonde hair with blue eyes. I could see that in his left ear, he has a small black gauge. The outfit he wore were home attire, but still had bits and pieces of gold here and there.

After getting my balance, I got off of the prince. "Thank you," I told him slowly.

He winked at me and said, "Now what made you think I did it to be rewarded from a thief such as yourself? Shouldn't you already be in jail or death by now commoner?"

And now I regret ever thinking he was kind. To put it simply, I didn't want to decide for the next ruler if I'd have to go through this abuse. If they considered us different and low-class, then how would I be able to get along with the sons of the kingdom? They're the very people I detest.

"Oi Ren! You didn't have to word it so harshly!" A guy with blue hair pushed past Prince Ren, and came to me. He asked me, "Are you okay?"

I don't know if this was a game or not. If this were true genuine concern, or just a game to mess with me. I took my chances and said, "Gee I don't know. After being hassled to be a sex toy for the King, and being degraded by your brother, how okay do you think I am?"

Slum Boy's Princes (Boy X Boy)Where stories live. Discover now