I Will Find You || BTS Taehyu...

By 1000Lee

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No matter what happens... even if time tore us apart... I will always survive... ... and find you. More

Chapter 1 - Stranger
Chapter 2 - Yi Sun-Sin's decision
Author's thoughts
Chapter 3 - Assassination
Chapter 4 - Fallen From The Sky
Chapter 5 - Year 91 of Goryeo
Chapter 6 - Goryeo Hyeonjong
Chapter 7 [Ver. 1] - Servant
Chapter 7 [Ver. 2] - Servant
Chapter 8 - Special Guest
Chapter 9 - Travel
Chapter 10 - Palace
Chapter 11 - Yelling
Chapter 12 - Sympathy
Chapter 13 - Tea Garden
Chapter 14 - Danger
Chapter 15 - Smartphone
Chapter 16 - Kidnap
Chapter 17 - Save Me
Chapter 18 - Rescue
Chapter 19 - Promise
Chapter 20 - Lost
Chapter 21 - Wish
Chapter 22 - Mooyeon's decision
Chapter 23 - Love=Poison?
Chapter 24 - Human
Chapter 25 - Mansae
Chapter 26 - Exile
Chapter 27 - The 3rd Event
Chapter 28 - Scarlet Heart
Chapter 29 - Fear
Chapter 30 - Nightmare And Reality
Chapter 31 - Hold Me Tight
Chapter 32 - Gift
Chapter 33 - Earl Vincent Magot
Chapter 34 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 35 - Birthday
Chapter 36 - Work
Chapter 37 - It's All A Game
Chapter 38 - Year Guard
Chapter 39 - Company
Chapter 40 - Heechul Is Back
Chapter 41 - Letter
Chapter 42 - Surprise for Jin
Chapter 43 - Lily flower
Chapter 44 - Waiting
Chapter 45 - Heart Of Palm
Chapter 46 - Power
Chapter 47 - Tyrann
Chapter 48 - Blame
Chapter 49 - 2nd Decision
Chapter 50 - The Last Night
Chapter 51 - Hyangin
Chapter 52 - Jackson Wang
Chapter 53 - Wanted
Chapter 54 - Dinner
Chapter 55 - Jealousy
Chapter 56 - Wedding
Chapter 57 - Our First Night
Chapter 58 - Chase
Chapter 59 - Worry
Chapter 60 - Lie
Chapter 61 - Sacrifice
Chapter 62 - JangHwa
Chapter 63 - Poison
Chapter 64 - Antidote
Chapter 65 - Risk
Chapter 66 - Awake
Chapter 67 - Another One
Chapter 68 - Fake
Chapter 70 - Disappearance
Chapter 71 - On the Bench
Chapter 72 - Will to live
Chapter 73 - 2 Poems
Chapter 74 - Silent Protection
Chapter 75 - Gaee's Holiday
Chapter 76 - Maid Costume
Chapter 77 - SamBoMiHwanSan
Chapter 78 - Answers
Chapter 79 - Mask
Chapter 80 - Troubles
Chapter 81 - Fall
Chapter 82 - Birth
Chapter 83 - Dead Fetus
Chapter 84 - Killing
Chapter 85 - Evil
Chapter 86 - Jewel
Chapter 87 - Sister
Chapter 88 - Crazy
Chapter 89 - Leaving
Chapter 90 - Chaos
Chapter 91 - ChoiHon
Chapter 92 - Half of my Love
Chapter 93 - Force
Chapter 94 - Secret
Chapter 95 - Last Intrigue
Chapter 96 - Sleepy
Chapter 97 - Goodbye
Chapter 98 - Fate and Destiny
Chapter 99 - I Need U
Chapter 100 - Final
Author's Final Thoughts

Chapter 69 - Useless

198 15 0
By 1000Lee

Mooyeon's POV

I already have lost the feeling of time. I was just trying to survive everyday, filling the day with useless and senseless things, only waiting for each day to end.

Even though I wasn't really sure but I must have been in Vincent's mansion for about a month now.

"Lady Mooyeon, can I give you something? A new book? Some snacks? A tea?" Hyangin asked and I just shook my head.

"I'd rather take a nap. I don't know why but I'm really tired." I answered, my eyelids already heavy.

I didn't know why but I had these tired feelings quite often these days. I could sleep for 12 hours if there's no one waking me up.

Was I losing the joy of life?

'Mooyeon, you have to take good care of yourself now. Not only for your and Taehyung's sake, did you hear me?'

Well, I wasn't doing it well, I have to admit.

Hyangin's POV

I took the chance where Mooyeon was still asleep to search for the box, but seriously, I had no plan where to begin.

I decided to start with the medicine room, since I really wanted to search something there.

I knew searching a secret room or something like that was maybe more effective but it wouldn't be called secret if it would be that easy to find for me.

Besides, I've only been he for 5 weeks, it would be to risky to behave suspicious.

I entered the medicine room to be greeted by the personal doctor of this house.

"Oh, aren't you Lee Hyangin, Lady Mooyeon's personal maid? I'm really happy to see that someone is taking good care for her now. What can I do for you?" he kindly greeted me.

"To be honest, I'm not feeling that well and wanted to ask for some medicines." I lied.

"Do you want me to have a look?" he asked and I rejected immediately.

"No, no, no. There's no need. Well, I..." I was desperately searching for a good reason to satisfy his curiousness.

"I have a malignant sore, it looks a little bit like an abscess. It's on a part of my body I don't really want to show you, so I wanted to ask for a medicine I can put on myself." I faked an embarassed expression.

"Oh, I see. I see." he accepted this excuse really quickly. "Let me search for you, just wait here for me."

While he was away I looked around the medicine room. There wasn't anything interesting to me until I found something behind the counter.

I peered at this item and realized that it was the same box as the one JeonHa showed me.

Is this thing really that easy to find?

That meant that my task will be completed soon. I just have to open this box and check the amount of red jewels in it.

Then, I only have to report it to JeonHa and I don't need to stay here anymore.

Without making any sound I slowly reached my hand to grab it and finally took it in my hand.

When I was about to open it a loud voice startled me.

"Put that box back at its spot straightaway!" the doctor yelled and glared at me with horrified eyes.

I put the box down at the counter instantly and was literally in panic.

"Did you see anything in this box? What did you see? Why did you take this box? Answer me or I'll tell Earl Magot everything." he threatened blatantly.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I was just amazed by how beautiful this little box looked and couldn't fight against my curiousness. I really didn't mean it." I bowed multiple times.

He seemed to have calmed down a little bit and softened his expression slowly.

"Well, as long as you didn't open the box everything is fine. But remember, never talk to anyone about this box, I want you to forget everything that happened related to this soon as possible. Did you understand?" he instructed and I nodded.

"Alright, here are the medicines for you." he handed me a little basket with dried plants and herbs.

"Take one Nyang(Tael) of each HwangRyeon and Lead Pulver, and mix them with a little bit of this SuEun (Mercury). Apply the mixture on the spot where the abscess is and it should fall off after a day." he explained and I nodded, being happy to get what I wanted.

"But you have to be more than careful. SuEun is extremely toxic so only use it on outer usages. Never consume it. The smallest amount is enough to make you infertile. Before, SuEun has been used by prostitutes in order to get an abortion. But many of them died because they took too much of it." he said.

"I already know." I smiled. "Thank you anyways."

I bowed and left the medicine room, thinking when I should use the SuEun.

Jungkook's POV

I've been really busy the past few weeks since JeonHa gave all of us so many tasks recently.

It was finally my free day and I decided to pay Taehyung a visit.

I've heard that his condition wasn't getting any better, he was drinking all day.

How would Mooyeon react if she knew this?

I entered Taehyung's room, ready to scold him for making a spectacle of himself but didn't find him there.

I was about to call the servants in Hoseok's house but then I found him laying against the wall, not far away from the entrance.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" I asked him, looking down at his broken expression.

"Can't you see it? I'm thinking." he chuckled with half opened eyes. "I'm thinking for what I've lived these years."

"Hyung, stop this now. Stand up." I went towards him and tried to lift him up.

Of course it was useless.

"Answer me, Jungkook. What was the reason why I've lived so far? JeonHa? I showed all my faith to him but was rewarded with disappointment. So what is it? The citizens of Goryeo? I did nothing for them. They saw me as a hero but I rewarded them with disappointment." he looked at me with big eyes as if I had the answer for him.

"Hyung, that's not true." I pitied him.

"Argh, I'm tired of saying these useless things. Jungkook, hand me the other bottle please." he sighed and I finally sat down besides of him and opened a new bottle to drink it myself.

"Finally a man who wants to drink with me." he smiled and clapped on my back.

"Sorry Hyung, but I'm going to drink all the rest on my own." I snatched the bottle in his hand away.

He watched me gulping down every bottle of SoJu one by one.

After the 3rd bottle I already had enough but I kept on drinking until there wasn't a drop left.

I looked as drunk as Hyung did and he looked at me, shaking his head.

"Jungkook, Jungkook. Why did you do that? I'm the broken one, not you! Mooyeon is my wife. Now look at yourself. You didn't even leave a little bit over for me." he complained, looking through the empty bottles and I finally had enough.

Maybe it was due to the alcohol but his behaviour really pissed me off.

"Hyung! Why are you here alone? Where is Mooyeon? She is your wife. She's your only family, without her you have neither friends nor relatives. I and the other Hyungs are obviously not good enough for you. Now, where is she?" I looked around as if Mooyeon could be somewhere around here.

"She is... with Vincent." he answered as if that was a question from a test.

"She has been alright before, why should she be with that asshole?" I kept on asking.

"She sacrificed herself, to save me." he whispered.

I stood up to look down at him while scolding and pointing a finger at him.


"You're that strong and she even has to save you? Say it clearly. Say it! Say that she drugged you to leave you while you were in your slumber. Say that she decided to go back because she was tired of hiding from us. Say that she decided to go because she was afraid that you will be killed someday. Say that she will now spend the rest of her life with this English Earl. Say that she took the same poison as you just to get the antidote! Say that she's even..."

I almost blurt out the part I wasn't supposed to tell him until Hyung cut me off.

"She did what? Where does the part with the antidote suddenly come from? Didn't you tell me that you stole it?" he widened his eyes.

"No, we were caught and Mooyeon took the JangHwaSan herself to save us and to smuggle the antidote for it to us." I explained.

"I didn't know." he shook his head as if he just lost his soul. "I was unconscious, I didn't have any sensation."

"One simple 'I didn't know' and you can bluff it out now?" I kicked him, causing him to lose his balance.

He was laying there on his fours like a lost beggar searching for his little amount of money.

"Is it so that you can bluff it out because you didn't know? There are plenty things you don't know, Hyung!" I kicked him again and he angrily stood up.

"I was unconscious, I really didn't know!" he yelled at me.

"Now you are conscious, aren't you? So, since you know now, go get her out of there!" I demanded.

"Get her out of there? I have to fight against our Hyungs before! How should I do that? I'm no match for all of them!" he complained.

"Even if you're not you have to fight! Even if it means to go for your damn life, you still have to fight!" I shouted and smashed the bottle in my hand to the ground, breaking it into pieces.

"So? You also like her, Jungkook. Why don't you save her, huh? I don't get you. By now, I can't even separate what you tell me is real and what you tell me is fake anymore!"

"Don't care about real real or fake fake." I raised a finger.

"One thing is for sure: You are an useless piece of shit." I scoffed and flipped my finger on his forehead, making him step back a little.

He tilted his head like he didn't understand me right or he didn't believe what I called him.

"Say that again." he demanded and took a step closer to me.

"Useless!" I responded quickly and slapped him on the face.

"Say that again!" he repeated and slapped me back.

"Useless!" I slapped him again.

"Say that again!" he slapped me again.

"Useless!" I slapped him again.

"Again!" he slapped me again.

"Useless!" I slapped him again.

"... I want you to say that again." he slapped me again.

I rolled my eyes.

"Useless." I slapped him again.

"Say that again!" he slapped me again.

"Useless!" I slapped him again.

"Say that again!" he slapped me again.

"Useless!" I slapped him again and we finally stopped.

I glared at him and pointed my finger at him, showing how I lost my respect for him.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, don't have you as my Hyung any longer. I won't care about your business and I also don't need you to interfere into mine. I'm going to take revenge now." I said and left, leaving him standing there, staring at nothing.

While I was walking away I repeated that word over and over.

♡"Useless... Useless... Useless..."♡

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