By Pixie__16

412 48 19

Poetry That's what feelings bring So dive on into The mind of a girl Maybe what you seek is within More

The Mind of a Bully
I Want To Cry
It's Running Away!
Life's Challenge
Little Girl
Mr. February
Let It Go
Darkness' Beauty
I Hate Love Poems

What is beauty?

19 3 2
By Pixie__16


Imagine yourself looking in a mirror.

What do you see?

Do you see beauty?

I suppose that's a tricky question

When most of us are this young

But before we go on

I ask another

What is beauty?

Well a lot of us don't know

For we are blinded by what society terms as beauty

And so it's hard

It's hard to love yourself

Or see the beauty in yourself

It's hard because you don't know

You don't know what it means to be beautiful

So let's see

Is beauty having no curves

Or is beauty having an hourglass figure

Is beauty being thin

Or maybe it's being fat

Is beauty being white

Or is beauty being black

Well in fact

Beauty is none of that

According to the Collins Student's Dictionary

Definition #2

Beauty is a 'very attractive woman'

So this is telling me that only women can be deemed as beautiful

And brings about another question

What exactly makes a woman "very attractive"

Well society says it's her physical attributes

But lucky for me

I don't allow society to define me

And you shouldn't allow it to define you

Or what you term as beauty.

Society says beauty is skinny

But some of us are fat

Society says beauty is white

But some of us are black

Society says beauty is straight hair

But some of us have curly hair

This may make you question:

"Is something wrong with me?"

Or some of you may think:

"How can I be beautiful?"

How can I be beautiful...

I have stretch marks

How can I be beautiful

I am fat

How can I be beautiful

My chest is flat

How can I be beautiful

I am black

And this is my answer to you:

Beauty is not physical

But rather internal

Beauty is not a pretty face

Beauty is not a certain size

                         a certain age

                         a certain race

                         a certain height

Or even a certain status in society


Beauty is so much more

Beauty is loving you

And this applies to boys too

Beauty is the way you treat others

Beauty is being able to love your body

No matter how big or small

Beauty is a "Good Morning" when you enter a room

Beauty is a "Thank You" after receiving help

Beauty is accepting when you're wrong

Beauty is helping a blind man cross the street

Beauty building up your friends

Not tearing them down

Beauty is loving yourself

Beauty is seeing the beauty in someone else

Being beautiful comes from self acceptance

For only when you see the beauty in yourself

Will you be able to acknowledge it in someone else

Beauty is you

Beauty is me

Beauty is us living together in harmony

Beauty is flawed

Beauty is imperfectly perfect

Beauty is you

Beauty is me

Beauty is in all of us

We just have to let it out you see

So I say again


Imagine yourself looking in the mirror

What do you see?

Do you see beauty?

Please tell me.

Hey everyone!!
This poem is dedicated to the graduating form 5 class of Bishop Anstey High School 2016.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy.
Also HUGE shoutout to TLN for the awesome cover. You rock girl!
Nia out ✌🏾️✌🏾


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