
By Jdjmarie

6.3K 432 63

When things go wrong for ciara she moves back to her home state Atlanta and starts to go to Georgia state col... More

Meet the main characters
To Be Loved
|Moving on
|What happened in New York
|Just Friends
|New Flame
|Got Til It's Gone
|Playing Games
|Break Part Two
The Truth

First day

522 27 1
By Jdjmarie


I finally made it. I pulled up into the empty parking space in my all black Chevy. I got out and grabbed my bags out the trunk. "You need help with that sweetheart", some guy said coming up on me. "Naw I'm good I got this",I replied. He walked away and I got my bags and walked inside the college. I went to the booth where they were giving everyone their school information like classes and room number and key.

Lady behind the desk: Your name?

Me: Ciara Harris

Lady: Ok give me one moment.

My eyes roamed around the room while I waited. My eyes landed on this girl. She was beyond beautiful she had golden curly hair that flowed down her back and her body and smile was out of this world. My thoughts was interrupted by the woman behind the desk.

Lady: Okay sweetheart here you are. Your room is on the other side of the campus.

Me: Thank you.

I grabbed the envelope but when I turned around the girl was gone so I just walked and headed to my dorm room. When I finally made it there I used the key and came into the room. It was huge it had a kitchen and bedrooms and everything. It was better than my last school. Just then a girl came out of a room and she had the prettiest smile with some deep dimples she was really pretty.

Girl: Hey you must be my new roommate, I'm Lauren.

Me: Hey, my name is Ciara.

Lauren: You are beautiful girl. I like your style.

Me: Thank you. You too.

Lauren: Your room is that one.

Me: Thanks.

I walked into the empty room and say my things on the bed and sat down. I looked around and then laid back on the bed until I heard a knock I lifted up on my elbows and looked at Lauren.

Lauren: Hey I'm going to get some food with some friends. You wanna come?

Me: Sure. Let me freshen up real quick.

Lauren: Okay I'll wait.

I got up and went into the bathroom we shared and freshened up a little bit. I came out and I followed Lauren out the door.

Lauren: Do you drive?

Me: Yes. Why?

Lauren: Good. Then your driving.

Me: Do you got a car.

Lauren: Yes but I wanna see how you ride.

I smiled as we walked out of the college and headed to the parking lot. I pulled out my keys and turned off my alarm on my car.

Lauren: Okay playa this is sexy.

Me: Thank you. This my little baby.

We got in and I started the car up.

Me: So where to?

Lauren: Harold's chicken shack.

Me: Oh okay I know exactly where that is.

Lauren: You from here?

Me: Yeah girl born and raise.

Lauren: So why you just now coming to this college.

Me: Wanted to be closer to home I guess.

That was a lie. There is a bunch of reasons why I came back to Atlanta but I wasn't about to tell her why. After awhile we pulled up at Harold's and got out the car. I opened the door and let her walk in first. She led me to a table where I'm guessing where her friends were. As we got closer I noticed one of her friends was the girl I saw earlier today and I suddenly got happy.

Lauren: Hey y'all this my new roommate Ciara

Me: Just call me Ci.

Lauren: Okay well ci. That's elgin but we call him ginuwine and that's devante and my best friend Janet his girlfriend.

They all say wassup as me and Lauren sat down at the table.

Ginuwine: Your cute. What's your major?

Me: Thank you and uh dance.

Janet: Really...me too!

Me: Mmh that's nice to know.

I slightly smiled at her and she gave me this beautiful ass smile. Damn this girl sexy.

Devante: So uh me and G gotta go we got something to do.

Janet: Like what.

Devante: Don't worry your pretty little face about it. I'll call you later on. I might stop by your dorm tonight.

Janet: Yeah whatever.

Devante: Aiight G let's go.

Ginuwine: alright. Nice meeting you ci.

Me: You too.

I looked at Janet and she seemed like she had attitude. Devante kissed her on her forehead and they got up and left.

Lauren: That nigga always on some bullshit. I don't know why you don't leave his ass. You know he no good.

Janet: Not right now Lauren.

Lauren threw her hands up and proceed to go order her food. I wasn't that hungry so I told her to grab me a sprite. I sat there and it was a awkwardness between me and Janet. I stared at her taking in all her beauty.

Janet: Is there something on my face

Me: No. Sorry for staring.

Janet: its cool I'm use to it.

Cocky much. It got quiet again and I decided to spark up a conversation.

Me: So um. What kind of dance do you do.

Janet: All kinds. But mostly hip hop.

Me: aw. Me too.

Janet; So that means you got Charlotte as your teacher.

Me: Uh yeah I think I didn't get a chance to look at the schedule.

She nodded as Lauren came back to the table with her food and my sprite. We sat there and had conversation about little things basically me getting to know them and them getting to know me. Once we was done we got up and left out.

Lauren: I'm guessing you need a ride Jay since your nothing ass nigga left to do god knows what.

Janet: Yes but chil out with all that shit.

Lauren: I'm just stating facts baby.

We head to my car and we all got in.

Janet: Your car is nice Ci.

Me: Thanks.

I started the car as we proceeded on back to the campus.

Me: Do I have to drop you off somewhere.

Janet: No my dorm is right across the hall from y'all.

I smiled at her through the rear view mirror and proceeded on to drive. We finally made it back to the dorms and headed in.

Lauren: Aiight bestie text me.

Janet: Alright. Nice meeting you Ciara.

Me: You too.

She flashed that million dollar smile again and we walked or separate ways into our dorms.

Lauren: So what you think about my friends.

Me: They cool I guess.

Lauren: I seen you checking out Janet. Just to let you know she will never go. Trust me. I know.

Me: Nah it ain't even like that she pretty and all but I ain't on that. How you even know I was into to girls?

Lauren: mmh hmm and I've had my share of females so I can tell.

She walked away and went into her room and so I went into mines. I started to unpack and put my things away. I finally changed into my basketball shorts and laid in bed. I pulled out my phone and scroll through my social media accounts until I got tired. I had my first dance class tomorrow so I had to get some sleep.

Okay guys this the first chapter. I know its boring but it'll get better I promise. Just giving y'all the insight of everything. 😊

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