Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]

By PanicCliffordx

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The boys were living in the woods, going through their days without much worrying. Of course there was the la... More

Out in the Woods
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

347 12 0
By PanicCliffordx

Everyone in the house had spent the night sleeping. Some maybe a little restless in comparison to the others, but everyone slept. And funnily enough, they all slept in pairs.

Calum had obviously fallen asleep while pressing himself against Michael, leaving his night to go by quickly, but quite restless.

Ashton and Bryana always slept together anyway, so that wasn't anything new.

And lastly, Luke had stayed to comfort Valeria, funnily enough being the first to fall asleep. Even if Valeria had been the one to cry and get exhausted, Luke had been the first to drop his head on the other. Valeria had laughed tiredly at the blonde, who had snored softly, before cuddling closer to him and falling asleep herself.

This morning however, Calum awoke to something he hadn't in a few days. But something that made his heart skip a few beats as his eyes widened sleepily. "M-Mikey?"

Beautiful green eyes were watching his every move, moving fast as they went back to the Beta's brown eyes, slight crinkles appearing next to them as Michael smiled widely. "Hi."

Calum choked out a relieved sound, managing to manoeuvre his arms around the other's neck and pull him close. Tears of happiness left the Beta, his face burying in the other's neck as he took in his familiar scent. He had missed the other so much, even in just the few days that had passed. And to know all his hope hadn't been for nothing, that was such a good feeling.

"Hey, what- what's wrong?" Michael asked worriedly, his voice slightly cracking and making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. What had he done that had made this situation happen?

Calum only cried harder, holding onto the other tightly as he let everything out. Michael just let it happen, knowing the Beta needed it. Sure, it had happened before, but both he himself and the Beta knew it would happen more often now they had gotten so close.

Now he thought about it, Michael remembered their cuddling and cuteness. Then that they had talked about his progress and he remembered how he had thought he had to catch a bunny to prove he was progressing. But now he thought of that, he found it to be stupid. What would a bunny prove? There were so many bunnies out there and catching one surely wouldn't prove how good you were at being a wolf. It almost made the boy snort at those thoughts. He could barely believe those were his.

But, back to the remembering part. He remembered waking up before Calum the next morning and going out, trying to do what he had thought about the night before. He had changed and ran, letting himself be pulled towards that familiar scent. He could vaguely remember smelling something else as well, but after that, everything was black. Up until now, when he woke up in Calum's arms.

Could he have had a panic attack again? And he had passed out, one of the guys probably finding him and bringing him home. Which then brought him here again, several hours later, as he saw on the alarm clock besides his bed. Could all of that have happened in about three hours, he wondered, before deciding it was the only logical explanation. Even if he had been stupid to think a bunny would prove things.

"I'm so glad you're alive." Calum mumbled, sniffling as he kept on hugging the younger boy. Michael's eyebrows furrowed a little as he thought about Calum's reaction. Sure, he and Calum were close now and weren't weirded out by sharing their emotions, but Calum's reaction to him waking up was a bit... too much if this was about a panic attack. Right...?

"I- Cal?" Michael mumbled, tapping the male's shoulder in the hope he would pull back. Calum sighed quietly, but pulled back, wiping at his eyes to remove the tears that stuck to his eyelashes. "Hm?"

"What happened?"

Calum stared at the boy for a bit, slightly surprised by how calm he seemed. Surely he had to remember something of what happened? Maybe being captured? Or at least something with the humans?

"You- you were taken, by werewolf-hunters. They tried to kill you and you've been unconscious for some days, if not a week." Calum mumbled, staring at the other sadly. The green eyed boy widened his eyes, the dots connecting and the story starting to make sense. "W-what?"

The Beta furrowed his eyebrows, one of his hands caressing the other's cheek. "You don't remember anything?"

Michael looked troubled, blinking a few times before answering the other. "I remembered our conversation about my progress. I then somehow convinced myself of the stupid idea catching a bunny would mean something, so I went to do that first thing in the morning. But after that... I- Did I have a panic attack?"

Calum shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed together sadly. "Not that we know off. Ashton and I went out to look for you, but we smelled humans. They left a scent that erased theirs and threw us off track. They had taken you."

"But... How did you guys find me? Where was I? Why can't I remember that?" Michael rambled, looking at the other with worry.

"Valeria suspected she knew who was behind it and took us. We split up and Valeria and I found you. They- they- they had you chained to a wall and were inserting fluid silver into your body, killing you from the inside." Calum said lowly, tears burning at his eyes again as his throat felt dry. "I took you home but you've been unconscious for some days, looking pale and lifeless, as if you were on the brink of death." Calum was barely able to utter the last words, facing the other sadly. "I was so afraid of losing you."

Michael felt the Beta's sadness in his own body, mixing with his own sadness. How could this all have happened?

"But, it's- it's in the past. You're awake now and I'm not letting you do anything stupid again." Calum mumbled, moving his face back to the other's neck, enjoying the moment. He was so happy and he didn't really care about anything else. Michael however, was still slightly confused. Because silver killed werewolves. He had been out for some days. Yet here he was, alive and well and almost (dare he say it) feeling better than ever.

"I guess." Michael mumbled, rubbing the other's back. Just then, the youngest one's stomach grumbled, making Calum laugh and Michael blush lightly, until he saw Calum's face. The way his lips were stretched in a smile, the familiar crinkles at his eyes as he laughed cutely. Michael could watch that all day.

"I'm sorry." Calum mumbled, wiping away his non-existent laughing tears, before taking one of Michael's hands in his own. "Shall we go get some breakfast then?"

"More like brunch with how late it's getting." Michael mumbled, eyeing his alarm clock again. Calum simply smiled, before shrugging. "Food. But first, we forgot something."

Michael looked at the Beta in confusion, his eyebrows raised lightly. "What?"

"This." Calum mumbled, before leaning forward and pressing a short and sweet kiss to the boy's lips, smiling widely. "My good morning-kiss."

The younger one grinned, pressing a quick kiss to the other's lips as well, biting his lower lip as he took in the other's surprised face. "That was mine. Now let's go get some food."

Calum hummed, getting up slowly and stretching all his sore limbs. Michael sat up, groaning at his heavy body and head, having to struggle to actually keep his eyes open as he did. Calum noticed, frowning worriedly. "You okay?"

Now it was Michael's turn to hum, taking deep breaths as he had his hands on the sides of his head. "Just gimme a second."

The Beta waited patiently, taking in everything he saw. From the way the boy's pale skin seemed flawless, to how the roots of his hair were obviously blonde. Almost a bleached blonde or white colour. He was confused by it, but he knew he had to wait to ask about it, not wanting to throw too much information at the poor boy all at once.

Michael slowly got up as well, staggering for a moment and sighing in relief as Calum supported him. He clung to the slightly taller Beta, letting him guide him through the hallway and down the stairs, blinking a few times at the bright light the windows let in. "Now I remember why I hate being outside."

Calum chuckled lightly, helping the boy to the kitchen and making him sit down on one of the stools around the cooking isle. "Anything you're hungry for?"

"Eh, bacon? Maybe eggs? I don't know, I'll eat anything with how hungry I am." Michael mumbled the last, clutching his stomach as it rumbled again. Calum chuckled at the loud sound, moving around the kitchen quickly to start an easy breakfast. Which did include bacon and eggs. Because really, how much easier can you make it?

It was silent for a bit, as Calum was focused on cooking and Michael was focused on Calum, watching him move around the kitchen so effortlessly. He was leaning on the cooking isle, smiling as Calum started moving his hips lightly, as if there was a beat playing in his head. Right before his eyes snapped to the archway, which was the entrance of the kitchen. Luke walked in tiredly, rubbing at his eyes and yawning. "'Morn- Cal?"

Calum hummed, giving Luke a short wave, before continuing to cook, almost finished already anyway. Luke walked closer, peeking over the other's shoulder and grinning lazily. "Cooking for two? So I can join?"

"No." A low voice mumbled, making Luke furrow his eyebrows, before he turned around to look at who the voice belonged to. And as he spotted the tired looking black haired boy, his eyes widened. "Holy- Mi-Michael? Oh my God, you're okay!"

The blonde launched himself at the smaller boy, making Michael squeak as he got crushed in a hug. He groaned then, trying to push Luke off. But Luke didn't care because it was a fact Michael was the weakest out of them and wouldn't be able to get Luke off himself. But, to both his own and Luke's surprise, he pushed Luke off easily, making the blonde look at him with wide and curious eyes. "Jeez, did you work out while you were out or what?"

Calum furrowed his eyebrows, plating the breakfast and taking the two plates to Michael. "What are you talking about?"

"Goodmorning guys." Ashton mumbled sleepily as he walked in, effectively taking everyone's attention. They all watched in silence as the Alpha went to the fridge and took out a carton of juice. "Anyone want some?"

Three 'yes's echoed trough the kitchen, making the oldest nod and take down four glasses, shaking the carton before pouring the juice in the glasses. He then put the carton back in the fridge and took two glasses, putting them on the cooking isle. He then turned back and got the left over two, sipping at his own as he put the other one down in front of Luke.

The three stared at the Alpha, basically waiting for him to notice the person who hadn't been there for a little while. And it took Ashton a moment, but he soon blinked, taking Michael in and furrowing his eyebrows together. "Michael?"

The black haired boy grinned tiredly, before sipping his juice. The Alpha blinked a few times, before his eyes widened. "Shit, I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Michael and Luke chuckled at that, Michael shaking his head. Calum simply grinned, moving a little closer to the black haired boy and putting his free hand on his thigh.

Ashton left his glass on the cooking isle, moving over to the youngest and hugging him tightly. Michael was surprised, but accepted the hug gladly, not used to the Alpha showing him these emotions. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Michael hummed lightly, about to nuzzle his nose into the Alpha's neck, when he felt Calum's hand leave his thigh. He slowly let go of the other, making Ashton pull back and smile at the other widely. "How are you feeling?"

Michael shrugged, shooting Calum a quick look, before facing his Alpha fully. "I'm fine. A bit tired now, but I've never felt better."

Ashton nodded slowly, taking in the words and smiling to hide his curiousity. After all, he had been the one to discover the boy had been filled with silver, quite literally being consumed by it. Yet here he was, seeming much more alive than the last time Ashton had visited the unconscious boy. "I'm glad. Take care of yourself, yeah? Don't do anything crazy for the next few days."

The youngest chuckled, but nodded, finally turning to his breakfast. He happily took some bacon and chewed on it, shooting the Beta next to him a smile, his one hand finding Calum's beneath the cooking isle and out of anyone's sight. Calum simply took it, squeezing it shortly and sighing quietly in relief as he ate his own breakfast. This was real. Michael was really next to him, alive and almost... happy.

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