Another Rooney Sister《Liv and...

By Falls_Flower_Crown

197K 2.9K 633

Rosalie Rooney is the younger sister of Liv and Maddie and Joey, but older sister to Parker. She is loved by... More

《Rosalie Rooney》
0:01《Liv's home!》
0.03《Tears and Joy》
0:04 《Drawings and Photos》
0:05《Family, Always and Forever》
New Book!!
0:06《Happy Rosie-ween》
0:07《Happy Merry Unbirthday!》

0:02 《First Day of School》

23.4K 344 121
By Falls_Flower_Crown

Rose wakes up the next day, nervous as hell. Her palms sweat as she got out of her bed, she sluggishly walks to her bathroom and takes a warm shower which washed all her nerves away. She gets dress and does her make-up.


She walks downstairs and is greeted by a very happy bubbly Liv. "Oh Rosie look at you" she gushes making Rose blush. They leave for school, Rose picks up her classes, locker number and combo. She finds it, and opens it putting her things away. She was pulling out her notebook when her mom came up to her. "Rose, sweetheart remember if you ever need anything come to me or your father, okay" she says still wary of this being Rose's first year at high school. "Mom, I know. I'm a big girl now, and I'm sure I can handle it" she smiles. "I know, it's just High school isn't like Middle school. Oh I remember when you graduated, when you sang the National at it, you reminded me so much of Liv when you did, she was so proud when we sent the video." She gushes. The bell rings. "Well mom, I should probably get to class" she says, closing her locker and walking away slowly. "Yea okay" Her mother says as Rose swiftly turns down the hall to her class.

"My mother is very wary of me starting High school, me being one of her youngest." says Rose. "All summer she reminded me that it's different, more kids. Boys" she says, phrasing the word 'Boys'. "She went all Mama bear on a boy last year for even just looking at me, it was embrassing to say the least. And now, that I am in highschool like my older sisters and brother, I might have to step up my A game" she smirks.

After class, Rose was walking back to her locker when a kid, older than her bumps into her making her drop her things. She looks to the boy. "Say excuse me next time" she snaps. Hescoffs making her sigh frustrated. "Hey!" a voice is heard yelling at the boy. Rose looks and sees a boy with black hair, tan skin and in a leather jacket. "I think the lady derseves an ap" he says walking to the boy. the boy looks at Rose and squeks a sorry before scrambling away. "Thanks" says Rose says clinging her books to her chest as the boy in leather turns to her. "No problem, You must be new. Freshman?" he asks. She nods not trusting her voice. "The name's Dump Truck" he clicks his tougne. "I-I'm Rosalie Rooney" She stutters. "Rooney as in the Rooney Twins and Joey?" he asks with a raised brow. "Yea, I'm their sister" she blushes. "Mmm, your alright Rose" he smirks before leaving Rose to her questionable beating heart. She lets out a breathe, she didn't realize she was holding.

She hurries to her locker and on her way she sees Maddie and hurries to her older sister. "Maddie" Rose greets her, startling her. "Maddie, yep that's me." says 'Maddie' jumpy. Rose gives her a weird look before shaking it off. "Maddie how do you know when you, um like someone" Rose asks.

"My baby sister, on her first day is already crushing on someone" smiles Liv. Then she frowns,"And yet she's telling Maddie first, huh?" She looks sadden then smiles," Good thing, I'm 'Maddie' right now." She smiles and puts on Maddie's glasses. "Bam! What!" She does Maddie thing.

"Now I know I should have gone to Liv first about Boys, but she's no where to be found. So why not go to Maddie" shrugs Rose. "I mean she must have some advice about crushes, right?"

"Well, um", 'Maddie' clears her throat," When I have a crush I tried to um you know toughen up show them some muscles, but I would go to Liv" she says fixing her glasses. "Oh okay thanks, Mads" She says leaving her be. Once Rose left, 'Maddie' let a breathe. Lying and tricking Rose was a guilt trip for anyone. But Liv knew what do for her sister.

Once home, Rose goes straight to Liv. And Liv acts like she never heard it before. "Sis, can I come in" Rose asks knocking on the Twins' door. "Come on in, Rose" she hears Liv say. She walks in and sees Liv on her tablet. "What can I do for you, great sister of mine" asks Liv, happily. "Um, What do you do when or how do you know you have a crush on someone" Rose aks shyly. "Does Rosalie Rooney have a crush" Liv teases. "No! Maybe, I don't know. I've never really felt like this before" She says looking down at her feet. "Oh Rose, well if you want advice about boys, come sit and I'll tell you exactly" Liv was over the moon to help her baby sister with boys. Rose smiles and sits, they speak for hours on the topic and Rose feels a bit better on the subject. "May I know who this charming boy may be" Liv ask, shrieking after Rose told her how they met. "I don't know, every time I tell someone who I like. It ends horribly" she says.

"Right, of course. Well I was happy to help" says Liv, but on the inside she really wanted to know who the boy was. He obviously went to their school. Maddie walks in as Rose leaves smiling dreamily. "Whoa okay what has Rose in a dream state?" Questions Maddie. "Mads she's crushing big time" gushes Liv. "Wait, our baby sister Rosie? The same Rosie that is so shy to say a word to any boy besides Dad, Joey, Parker and Diggie?" She asks. Liv nods. "Huh" says Maddie.

"Rose crushing on anyone is a big time, she doesn't talk much. She's the type to be there and not talk" says Maddie. "She's just shy like that. I remember when I was walking to Diggie when Rose came up to us, and when Diggie said Hi. She squeaked and hide behind me like a child" she says remembering the memory. "But after some time she grew out to Diggie" she says. "But who has her eyes?" She thinks out loud.

The next thing, Rosie knew was that. There was a Family meeting. "Liv has something she wants to talk about" says their mom as everyone gathered in the living room. "So go ahead, honey. We're listening" she says. Everyone looks at Liv. "Um....." She chuckles nervous," you know I was really just gonna have a private chat with mom, but seeing as we're all here, let me just say.... It is snaptastic to be home with the Fam. Missed you guys so much" she says. "So very, very, very, very, very-" Air Horn!

It startles everyone. "Much" says Liv. "Wait, honey, that's  what you wanted to talk about? Well, it's sweet and all but it is a gross misuse of the family meeting" says their mom. Liv pretend to be shameful about what she did. "Yeah. NO, I thought you were gonna tell Maddie," Liv grabs the air horn and blows it erupting Joey. "That you talked to Diggie *air horn* about the dance *air horn*" says Joey, Liv blowing the air horn ever once and awhile to shut Joey up. Maddie was staring at Liv with a hurt expression. Rose was hurt as well. Why?

Liv tricked her into thinking she was Maddie at school....

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