0:04 《Drawings and Photos》

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"Parker, what do you want in your lunch?" Asks their dad

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"Parker, what do you want in your lunch?" Asks their dad. Rose sat at the table, next to Maddie. "Apple or Banana?" He asks. "Keeping hoing until you get to cupcake" he says, making Rose giggle. Liv walks in. "Good morning, fellow Rooneys. Today is the first day of the rest of your lives with me" she smiles. Rose smiles rolling her eyes playfully. "Hey Hollywood. Tomorrow less time one the shower. You used up all the hot water, it makes it really hard to shave" says Joey. Rose and Maddie give him looks. "Yeah, that's right, guys, I shave. Spread the word" he says trying to sound impressive. "Wow okay then" mumbles Rose to herself, poking down at her food.

"Didnt bother me. I took a shower with the hose out front" says Parker. The whole family stops and gives Parker looks. "Oh come on, like the neighbors haven't seen that already" says Parker as him and their dad join the table. All were there expect Liv, who stood. "Um, what happen to my chair?" Asks Liv. "Ohhhh..." trails Maddie glancing to the others. "Oh yea, Parker broke it when they were wrestling" says Rose, shyly.

"Yea that was a bad day" nods Rose. "It took hours to those splinters out" she shivers. "And don't get me started on the soup" she says in disguest at the memory.

"Correction. He was wrestling. I was eating soup" says Joey. Rose shivers, and pushes her food away. "And now, I no longer have the desire to eat." She says, causing Maddie to snort looking at her amused and Parker to snicker. "You know, this is ridiculous. You shouldn't have to stand to eat your breakfast. Joey, get her a seat" orders their mom. Instead of being a good brother and getting a nice wooden chair from the dinning room. Joey picks the trash can, sets in down at the table in between him and Parker.

"Welcome home, Hollywood" he grins before sitting.

Once at school, Rose sits by her locker drawing. She smiles every now and then as she does. When she feels someone next to her, she still doesn't look up. Too focus on her master piece. "What ya drawing, Flower Rooney" she hears Dump Truck say, next to her. She shows him, fully. (Pretend it's drawn with pencil)

"It's beautiful but what does it mean?" He asks, curious

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"It's beautiful but what does it mean?" He asks, curious. "I see wonders that others do not" she says smiling. "And that's what I like about you, Flower Rooney" he grins making her blush. Then walks in the basketball team as the principal takes down the party stuff from the statue. Rose thought it was funny. "Um, principal Fickman, what are you doing" asks Maddie," is it Polly the Porcupine's birthday?" "It most certainly is not. Someone out there thinks it's a big hee-haw to keep dressing up the mascot. Well, I'm neither hee-ing or haw-ing" calls out Principal Fickman. Rose glances at Dump Truck and sees him smirk, obviously proud of himself. "It's you, isn't it?" She whispers, as the principal and the basketball team talked. "Why you gonna tell?" He teases.

"Nope, I think it's funny" she smiles, wickedly. "I like this side of you, pranky and a bit mischievous. But caring and kind" he says. She smiles weirdly, then giggles. "Thanks" she says.

"Hear that?!" She says, excited. "He likes me, okay I dont known in the way I'm thinking. But! But, he likes me a bit mischievous. Which I really should thank Maddie and Parker for. Growing up those two, and I guess Joey a little, was helpful. I know how to set up amazing-no-one-ever-catches-me pranks" she says smiling big. "Ah, the year of 6 garde was my starting point, but I made it big, by 8th. I was the Queen of Master Schemes" she smirks. "And I ruled it!"

Later after school, Rose looked for the Photograph and  Journalism club. She found it and well got in. Her first mission was a big topic, she had to do three things. Three topics. One, something doing with school. Two, family. And three, herself. She heads home, she got a camera for her birthday in 7th garde but never used it. She wanted to save it for something and this, was that something.

Once home, she get her camera. For school, she didn't know what. For her family, she was thinking hard. And for herself, she had no idea. Who was she? The question ran through her head. It hit her. Would she always just be the baby sister of the Hollywood star - Liv Rooney, basketball player - Maddie Rooney, the gamer weirdo - Joey Rooney, and older sister to the prankster - Parker Rooney? Or would anyone notice her for who she was? Who she truely was.

She didn't know....

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